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Le costume des amazones ne peut guères varier, et la seule distinction est dans la perfection de la coupe. Les jupons de drap, avec des canezouts de batiste, sont nombreux depuis ces derniers jours de chaleur. Le petit plissé autour du cou, soutenu par une eraxate de gros de Naples à carreaux ou de la couleur du jupon; les pantalons en coutil à sous-pieds, des petites bottes, des gants de peau de renne, une cravache en rhinocéros ou une badine de chez Vernier, voilà ce que nous avons vr l'année dernière, ce que nous revoyons aujourd'hui, et ce que nous sommes obligés de répéter pour rendre un compte exact de la mode.

Cependant il était une variation possible dans la sévérité de ce costume; il était une élégance piquante qui pouvait s'introduire dans l'uniformité héréditaire de ces coiffures empruntées aux hommes, et quelquefois si disgracieuses aux physionomies de certaines femmes. Ces chapeaux de feutre pouvaient aller à ravir à quelques jeunes figures d'une expression mutine et tant soit peu garçonnière; mais, pour quelques-unes de ces heureuses exceptions, combien de femmes, pour se soumettre à l'usage, devaient échanger la douceur de leurs traits contre l'aspect dur et hommasse attaché infailliblement à cette coiffure masculine, sans compter la difficulté dans la manière de la porter! car était-il rien de plus fâcheux, de plus ingrat que cette instabilité du chapeau qui, tantôt incliné de côté par l'effet d'un temps de galop, vous faisait ressembler à une figure de Colin. Tout cela ne pouvait résister à la coquetterie des Françaises, et, du jour où elles se prirent à aimer l'équitation, à en faire une mode, il fallait trouver un plus attrayant système de coiffure.

On remarquait beaucoup, ces jours derniers, un chapeau en pou de soie blanc, orné de rubans de taffetas et d'une rose mousseuse; un chapeau en pou de soie bleue avec un ruban muguet et un bouquet de macrina, fleur bleu au feuillage découpé. Puis enfin un chapeau pour monter à cheval, en paille blanche et verte, forme ronde, bords à peu près égaux, un peu relevé d'un côté; sur la calotte droite êtait posé un bouquet de plumes vertes et des rubans de taffetas vert; tout autour, un voile de gaze vert. Une joli femme, serait charmante avec cette mode coquette, et toute emprunté aux coiffures de nos mères.

MODES D'ENFANS nos petits garçons sont fort gentils avec de petites vestes anglaises en drap bleu pâle, à point devant et derrière, manches à gigots, collet à châle, et un pantalon de coutil blanc tout plissé autour de leur taille. Un peu plus âgés, une polonaise en drap noir ou bleu garnie d'olives, serrés sur un pantalon blanc, leur sied peut-être mieux encore. Quant aux enfans du premier âge, c'est toujours la petite blouse à corsage à pièce sur les épaules, et plissée partout; les manches froncées au poignet. Le pantalon pareil à la blouse. On en voit beaucoup en coutil à mille raies. Le pantalon forme la guétre carrée sur le pied. petite chemisette plissée autour du cou; une casquette en crin blanc ou gris avec une visière étroite attachée sous le menton par une bride de peau vernissée en noir. Pour chaussure, des bottines ou des guêtres.


Quant aux petites filles, ce sont toujours robes, pantalons, et pélerines pareilles. Chapeau de paille cousue, à passes longues se prolongeant, au lieu de calotte sur la tête. Un seul ruban croisé pour les nouer. Beaucoup de petits tabliers courts en batiste écrue, brodée dans la même nuance, ayant des poches et des bretelles formant ceinture. On fait aussi ce même genre de

tabliers en batiste brodée, garnie de valencienne. Ils se portent avec des robes de couleur.

Une très-jolie toilette du soir est une robe demi-habillée en organdi peint.

Des mousselines claires imprimées, petits dessins, de deux couleurs, toilettes de promenade.

De charmans foulards, l'un entre autres, fond noir semé de roses panachées.

Des jaconas d'une finesse remarquable et d'une perfection de dessin étonnante. Nous avions été frappés d'une piéce nommée jaconas plume comme une merveille d'impression, et nous l'avons retouvée aux expositions de l'industrie. Ce dessin est formé par une espèce de plume bleu outre-mer, se contrariant avec une autre plume imprimée en violet comme le pointillé de la tailledouce. C'est doux, frais: léger, le bleu est si pur, l'étoffe est si fine! on ne peut voir rien de plus joli, de plus printemps.


De toutes les perfections de notre industrie la fabrication des schalls est certainement la plus étonnante aujourd'hui. On n'eût jamais pensé, il y a dix ans, atteindre un tel degré de supériorité. Les schalls que nous voyons à l'exposition sont une de nos gloires industrielles pour les faire mieux apprécier, nous allons donner un apperçu de leurs différens genres de travail. Il existe deux grandes branches qui sont comme la souche de tout les schalls: les schalls façon de l'Inde, dits espoulinés, et les schalls ordinaires faits au lancé et découpés à l'envers. Les premiers sont les plus chers, les plus recherchés les seconds ne sont pas moins agréables à la vue, mais il n'offrent pas une égale solidité, et déplaisent par le découpage de leur travail. Ce qui distingua jusqu'a ce jours la supériorité des schalls de l'Inde, c'est la richesse de leurs dessins, le fini de leur exécution, ce que l'on comprend par la facilité qu'on a de prodiguer la main-d'œuvre, dans un pays où les ouvriers sont tellement nombreux, que le salaire n'excede pas trois sous par jour; aussi les Indiens n'épargnent-ils pas les espoulines, c'est-à-dire ces milliers de petits fuseaux chargés de fil coloré qu'on fixe sur l'échelle en manière de trame.


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BLUE eyes and jet

Fell out one morn; Azure cried, in a pet,


"Away, dark scorn; We are brilliant and blue As the waves of the sea: "And as cold, and untrue, And as changeable, ye. "We are born of the sky, Of a summer night, When first stars lie

In a bed of blue light.
"From the cloudy zone
Round the setting sun,
Like an angel's throne
Are our glories won. "

"Pretty ladies, hold, "
Cupid said to the eyes;
"For beauties that scold
Are seldom wise:
"Tis not colour I seek,


Love's fires to impart― Give me eyes that can speak From the depths of the heart."

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The heart of man is like a creeping plant, which withers unless it has something round which it can entwine.

The Irish peasant.-During the march of a regiment, the Honourable Captain P, who had the command of the artillery baggage, observing that one of the peasants, whose car and horse had been pressed for the regiment, did not drive as fast as he ought, went up to him and struck him. The poor fellow shrugged up his shoulders, observed there was no occasion for a blow, and immediately quickened the pace of his animal.

Some time afterwards, the artillery officer having been out shooting all the morning; entered a cabin for the purpose of resting himself, where he found the very peasant whom he had struck, at dinner with his wife and family. The man, who was very large and powerfully made, and whose abode was solitary, might have taken fatal revenge upon the officer; instead of which, immediately recognizing him, he choose the best potatoe out of his bowl, and presenting it to his guest, said, "There, your honour, oblige me by tasting a potatoe, and I hope it is a good one; but you should not have struck me, a blow is hard to bear.

Some remarkable anecdotes, illustrative of the intolerable pride of a late Duke of Somerset are related on various authorities. His second duchess once familiarly tapped him on the shoulder with her fan; when he turned round, and with a look of marked displeasure, observed," My first duchess was a Percy, and she never took such a liberty.

His children were taught to obey his injunctions with the most profound respect. The two youngest of his daughters were accustomed to stand and watch him alternately whilst he slept in an afternoon. On one occasion Lady Charlotte feeling herself fatigued, sat down, The duke waked unexpectedly, and, expressing surprise at her disobedience, declared he would remember her want of decorum in his will. He left this daughter 20,0001. less than her sister.

Noble, in his continuation of Granger, relates that the Duke once sent for the celebrated painter, James Seymour, to Petworth, to take the portraits of his race-horses, and one day at dinner drank to him with, "Cousin Seymour, your health. The painter replied, " My lord, I really do believe I have the honour of being of your grace's family,"-The Duke, offended, - rose from table, and desired his steward to pay Seymour and dismiss him. Another artist was sent for; but finding himself incapable of finishing the pictures in the style in wich they were begun, he had the honesty to acknowledge it to the Duke, and humbly recommend him to recall Seymour. The haughty peer did condescend to summon his cousin once more, who answered the mandate in these words;-My lord, I will now prove myself of your grace's family, for I won't come.

The witty Sir James Delaval, upon a particular occasion, laid a wager of 10001. that he would make the Duke give him precedence; for his grace was all eye and ear in every thing in which his dignity was concerned. Delaval, however, having on a certain day obtained information of the precise time at which the Duke was to enter a certain part of the road in his way to town, stationed himself there in a coach emblazoned with the arms, and surrounded by many servants in the livery of the house of Howard, who called out when Somerset appeared, "the Duke of Norfolk!" Fearful of committing a breach of etiquette, his grace hurried his postilion under a hedge, where he had no sooner drawn up, than Delaval drove by, and, leaning out of the carriage-window, bowed with a tamiliar air, and wished his grace a good morning; who indignantly exclaimed, "Is it you, Sir James? I thought it had been the Duke of Nor folk. " This stratagem was much talked of, and created a good deal of amusement at the time.

A French actress, Mademoiselle Felix, possessing a fine figure, and very handsome, was engaged at Petersburgh, where she performed in tragedy. One day, when she became the subject of conversation at the table of the Empress Catharine, the young Lans Koy, the reigning favourite spoke of her with so much warmth and launched out into such high praise of her graces, that from that moment, it was noticed, the Empress no longer saw her with pleasure, and forbore to command the pieces in which this actress might have been seen with advantage.

On her side, Mademoiselle Félix felt piqued, spoke with much freedom, and,what will hardly be credited, between the sovereign and the stage-heroine an open warfare was at length carried on. New expedients, to disgust and humble the latter, were daily resorted to; and every day the actress became more firm against this persecution, at the same time that her language and her sarcasms often drove her enemies to despair. It is known that at Petersburgh the distinction of ranks requires that a certain number of horses only should be harnessed to the carriage.—Mademoiselle Félix, who displayed her figure, in the principal streets of the capital, like a princess, with. four or six horses, received an order to appear with two only. Enraged at this prohibition, she resolved to violate it, and even to brave the Empress within the purlieus of her palace. For that purpose, she demanded the equipage and carriage of Count Soltikof, her lover, whose rank permitted him to drive with six horses She was now to be seen taking turns in the Park of Cazorel, until she fell in with the Empress, which was what she had most at heart. Enraged at the boldness and audacity of the girl, the latter instantly sent an order to the superintendant of the police of Petersburgh, for her to quit the city within twenty-four hours, and the imperial dominions within eight days. In another state, less despotic, she might have been punished with more severity. The count, her lover, was exiled on one of his estates.

On her coming to Paris, after this sensible humiliation, she displayed all her loftiness of character, or, it may be said with more justice, her impertinence; for, having been badly receiv ed in the character of Alzire, which was allotted to her, and the hisses having become general at the moment when she threw herself at the feet of Alvares, she turned towards the audience, with a shrug of the shoulders, and an air of contempt, such as might have been punished by a residence of a few weeks in the Hôtel de la Force, if it had not been certain that she would never again make her appearance on the boards of the Capital.

An Earthly Paradise. According to the Venetian traveller and Arabian author of the Sirem Hakembiemr-illah," there was at Alamoot, and also at Masiat, in Syria, a delicious garden, encompassed with lofty wails, adorned with trees and flowers of every kind-with murmuring brooks and translucent lakes— with bowers of roses and trellices of the vine-airy halls and splendid kiosks, furnished with the carpets of Persia and the silks of Byzantium. Beautiful maidens and blooming boys were the inhabitants of this delicious spot, which ever resounded with the melody of birds, the murmur of streams, and the ravishing tones of voices and instruments;-all respired contentment and pleasure. When the chief had noticed any youth to be distinguished for strength and resolution, he invited him to a banquet, where he placed him beside himself, conversed with him on the happiness reserved for the faithful, and contrived to administer to him an intoxicating draught, prepared from the hyoscyamus. While insensible, he was conveyed into the garden of delight, and there awakened by the application of vinegar. On opening his eyes all Paradise met his view; the black-eyed and green-robed houries surrounded him, obedient to his wishes; sweet music filled his ears; the richest viands were served up in the most costly vessels; and the choicest wines sparkled in golden cups. The fortunate youth believed himself really in the Paradise of the prophet, and the language of his attendants confirmed the delusion. When he had had is fill of enjoyment, and nature was yeilding to exhaustion, the opiate was again administered, and the sleeper transported back to the side of the chief, to whom he communicated what passed, and who assured him of the truth and reality of all he had experienced; telling him such was the bliss reserved for the obedient servants of the Imaum, and enjoying at the same time the strictest secresy. Ever after, the rapturous vision possesed the imagination of the deluded enthusiast, and he panted for the hour when death, received in obeying the commands of his superior, should dismiss him to the bowers of Paradise.

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