Bulletin (Östasiatiska Samlingarna (Stockholm, Sweden))The Museum, 1960 - China "Bibliography of publications based upon collections made with the support of the Swedish China research committee, by Fr. E. Åhlander": Bulletin no. 1, p. 185-191. |
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3rd century century B.C. Ch'i Ch'ich-yün rimes Ch'u Chao Chapter Cheng Hüan Chi-chieh Chin Chou Tsu-mo Chouli chüan Chuan Hü Chung contains words belonging deity dialect distinctions division III dynasty Fang free texts Heaven Hou T'u Hsiao Hsieh Hsiu-chih Ju Shou Kanizen king Kuei Kung Kyü Liang and Ch'en Liu Chen Lo-yang Lü Ching Lu Fa-yen's Lu Kuang mirrors Monarch nature-god North Northern Ch'i petals phonetic phonological pre-Han prince pronunciation quatrefoil rime books rime categories rime sequence contains San Huang scholars sequence contains words Shan Ch'uan Shang Ti Shao Hao Shê altar Shen Yüeh shih Shou-hien Sï Ming Siang South Spirit sub-group T'ai-ch'ing T'ang T'ien Tsin tsung Wang Mang Wei Shou Yen Chih-t'ui Yen-shih chia-hsün Yenk'u Yü-p'ien Yün Yün-chi Yün-lüeh yung zigzag lozenge