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Navigation Act, 134, 140
Tariff policy, 134
Taxation, 136

Trade-decline of export trade, 136

Baker, J. F. Bethune, The Way of
Modernism, 228

Barnes, Rt. Rev. E. W., Bp. of Birming-
ham-Dr. Barnes and the Anglo-
Catholics, 1-13; quoted, 9
Barron, James (A Highland Editor), 390
Bates, Jacob, 309

Bax, Clifford, Bianca Capello, 206
Beaconsfield, Lord · relations with

Queen Victoria, 178-201 passim
Beck and Loserth, Der Anabaptismus in
Tirol, 274

Beecher, Henry Ward, 68

Belloc, Hilaire, Many Cities, 388
Bennett, M. M., Christison of Lammer-
moor, 202

Bensusan, S. L., Latter Day Rural
England, 386

Bethune-Baker, Prof., The Way of
Modernism, quoted, 12
"Bhagats," 248

Bismarck, Prince-foreign policy and
relation to world-war discussed, 121
et seq.

Bockelson, John: see John of Leyden
Bolivar, 313

Bolivia-Arica-Tacna question, 324
Bolshevism-effects in China, 145-162
Books, English, 203

Books Recently Published, 202-208;

Borodin (Russian emissary in China),

Brandenburg, Eric, From Bismarck to
the World War, 121

British Empire-Imperium et Libertas,

Bryce, J., The American Commonwealth,



Bubonic plague, 83

Buckle, Mr. G. E., The Letters of Queen

Victoria, 178

Budd, Mr. Arthur, 107

Bülow, Prince von, 122, 131

Burgundy, 207

Holy Communion: see Holy Com


Prayer-Book revision, 7 et seq.


Circus, the - The Decline of the
Equestrian Empire, 301-312

Clyde, The Book of the, 205

Butler, President, Nicholas Murray, 380 Caster, Mr. Alfred, The Literary His-

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South American

Carswell, Donald, Brother Scots, 204
Castlereagh, Lord-South American
policy, 313

Catholic movement in Church of Eng-
land: see Church of England-
Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph-negotiations
for alliance with Germany (1898), 129;
Queen Victoria and, 180 et seq.
Chandori-superstitious crime at, 249
Chéradame, M. André-on German
policy in the Near East, 122
Chichavitsa Planina-alleged discovery
of old Serbian coins at, 291
Chile-British influence, 315; Arica-
Tacna dispute, 324

China, The Situation in, 145-162;
effects of Nationalist movement and
Bolshevism, 145; Russian imperialist
aggression, 154;
civil wars, 152;
British trade and prospects for de-
velopment, 153; concessions and
extra-territorial rights, 156; policy
of the Powers, 162

Chirgwin, Rev. A. M., The Vogue of
the Negro Spiritual, 57-75
Christianity-The Decline of Faith,

Christison of Lammermoor, 202
Churchill, Mr. Winston S., The World
Crisis, 1911-1914, 121
Church of England :-
Anglo-Catholics, Dr. Barnes and
the, 1-13

Compromise, genius for, 234
Declaration of Faith (1924), Anglican
clergy's, 2

tory of Spanish-America, 327
Coins-old Serbian: forgeries at Chich-
avitsa Planina, 291

Colles, Mr. H. C., Grove's Dictionary of
Music and Musicians, 362
Collison-Morley, L., The Novels of
Grazia Deledda, 353-360

Columbia University-Faculty of Po-
litical Science-memorandum on war
debts settlement, 380
Communism-China and, Some
Communist Experiments of the Six-
teenth Century, 274-286
Coningham, Mr., 310
Conrad, Joseph, 204

Conservative party, 45-56; protec-
tionist policy, 47

Coolidge, President-on the U.S.A.
tariff, 382; on the Shipping Board,
Cornwallis, Life and Letters of Admiral,
Creighton, Bp.-

doctrines, I

-on Church of England

Crime and Superstition in India, 245-

Cripps, Arthur S., An Africa for the

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Dawson, Brig.-Gen. Sir Douglas, A

Soldier Diplomat, 208

Deledda, Grazia, The Novels of Grazia
Deledda, 353-360

Denmark, Primary Schools in Rural,

De Quincey, A Diary of Thomas, 206
Detmer, H., John of Leyden; Bernhard
Rothman, 274

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Fiscal policy-Liberal and Conservative
policies, 47

Fisk Jubilee Singers, 68

Folk-lore-influence upon evolution of
scientific medicine, 75; Indian super-
stitions, 245-261

Folk song-The Vogue of the Negro
Spiritual, 57-74

Football, Rugby, 102-112
Fox-Strangways, Mr. A. H., 368
France-influence in South America,


Franchise-effect of proposed addition
of young women voters, 50
Franchise Bill (1885), 182
Franck, Sebastian, 276

Free trade-Liberal party and, 51

Gaddavna-superstitious murder at,255
General Election, next—party prospects

Geneva naval conference, 209, 340;
relation to American naval pro-
gramme, 209 et seq.
Gerard's Herball, 202
Germany-question of responsibility
for origin of the world war, 121-133
Communist experiments, sixteenth
century, 280

Great Britain, relations with-nego-
tiations for alliance (1898), 130
Trade-decline of exports, 380
Giesmayer, Michael, 278

Gisborne, Mr. F. A. W., Australia's
Economic Troubles, 134

Gladstone, Mr. W. E., relations with

Queen Victoria, 178-201; and im-
perial policy, 185

Glehn, Mr. Robert William von, 361
Goff, Senator Guy D.-on the Chinese
situation, 161

Gooch, G. P., British Documents on the
Origins of the War, 121
Gordon, General-Queen Victoria and,

Granville, Lord, 179, 188

Graham, E. Maxtone, The Beautiful
Mrs. Grahame and the Cathcart Circle,

Graves, C. L., Schubert's Debt to
the Amateurs, 361-370
Grebel, 277

Green, O. M., The Situation in China,

Greville Diaries, The (Mr. P. W.Wilson's
edition), 178 et seq.

Grey of Fallodon, Lord-and Liberal
party leadership, 48, 55; Twenty-
Five Years, 1892-1916, 121

Grove, Sir George, Schubert's Debt to
Amateurs, 368

Guedalla, Philip, Conquistador, 203
Gull, Mr. E. M., report on British trade
with China, 154

Haldane, Lord-army reforms, 14 et

seq.; Before the War, 121

Halifax, Lord, quoted, 7

Hambling, Sir Herbert-on British

shipbuilding output, 385

Holy Communion-controversy over

doctrine, 2

Hooker, Richard, quoted, 4
Hopkinson, Mr. Austin, The Future of
the Liberal Party, 45-56
Horsemanship-The Decline of the
Equestrian Empire, 301-312
Housing-The Slum Problem, 31-44
Hsu Chien, Dr. George, quoted, 145
Hunt, R. N. Carew, Some Communist
Experiments of the Sixteenth Cen-
tury, 274-286

Huc, Evariste-Regis, Travels in Tartary,


Hudson, Henry, 205
Hunan-Bolshevik excesses, 148
Huter, 278

Huxley, Julian, Religion without Reve-
lation, 228

Hymns and Ballads, English, 206

Hammerton, J. A., Memories of Books Imperial Education Conference (1927),

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John of Leyden, 282 et seq.
Johnson, Guy B., The Negro and His
Songs; Negro Workaday Songs, 57
Johnson, James Weldon, The Book of
American Negro Spirituals; The
Second Book of Negro Spirituals, 57
Johnson, Thomas, 310
Jones, Rev. Kilsby, 266
Jorg, 278

Jousts, 301-312 et seq.

Jutland School system, West, 350

Kautsky, K., Communism in Central
Europe in the Time of the Reformation,

Keane, Lt.-Col. Sir John, Changes in

Army Organisation, 14-30

Kiao Chau-German occupation of, 128
> Kirk, R. T. F., Crime and Superstition
in India, 245-261
Knipperdolling, 280

Knox, Capt. Dudley-quoted, 214, 215,

Knox, R. A., The Belief of Catholics, 228
Kosovo, battle of (1389), 287; forged
Treasure at, 287-300

Kovatchevich, Prof.-on forged coins of
Kosovo, 295

Labour party-electoral prospects, 50
Larkhall estate, Wandsworth, 43
Latin-American States-relations with
U.S.A., 219, 319
Lazar, King, 288
Lazarevich, Stjepan, 289

Leaf, late Mr. Walter, on pound sterling

and dollar as standards of credit, 377
Lee, Sir Sidney, King Edward VII, 178
Lennard, Mr. Reginald, Propaganda

and the Teaching of History, 113-


Leyden, John of: see John of Leyden
Liberal Party, The Future of the, 45-56
Libertas, Imperium et, 178-201
Ljubich, Prof. Simo, 296

Lloyd George, Mr. D., and Liberal
party, 48, 55

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Manz, 277

Marriott, Sir J. A. R., The Origins of
the War, 121-133

Marshall, H. P., Rugger, 102

Martin, Mr. Kingsley, Imperium et
Libertas, 178-201

Marvin, F. S., India and the West, 389
Mass, Sacrifice of, 4 et seq.

Matthys, Jan, 281 et seq.
Maurois, André, Disraeli, 178
Mavlis, 252

Maxwell, Donald, The Book of the
Clyde, 205

Medicine and Magic, 75-87
Mendelssohn, 364

Mexico, The Discovery and Conquest of,

Monro, Mr.-on Danish rural schools,

Mijatovich, Mr. Chedomil, 288
Milosh Obilich, Prince, 288

Mitchell, Mr. Frank, Rugby Football,

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