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International Politics, continued.

Hobhouse, L. T. peace. Unwin, 1916.

Questions of war and

Contents: The soul of civilisation. The hope of the world. The future of internationalism.

Holdich, Sir T. H. Political frontiers and boundary making. Macmillan, 1916.

A brief history of the question of international boundaries and an attempt to crystallize the prin ciples which should govern the making of them. Particular attention is given to the parts of the world where the boundary difficulties are most acute, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Keith, A. B. Imperial unity and the dominions. Clarendon Press, 1916.

The European war has made the demand for the federation of the British empire more insistent than ever, and it seems likely that the present system will not long survive the war. This book shows: 1, the present limitations upon the autonomy of the dominions as shown by the powers of the governor, the legislature and the judiciary, and 2, the possibilities of federation and the obstacles which at present beset it.

Stowell, E. C., and H. F. MUNRO. International cases; arbitrations and incidents illustrative of international law as practised by independent states. Houghton, 1916.

v. 1. Peace.

Mackie, R. L. Scotland; an account of her triumphs and defeats, her manners, institutions and achievements in art and literature from earliest times to the death of Scott. Harrap, 1916.

Nicolay, Helen. Our nation in the building. Century, 1916.

Thiers, L. A. Memoirs of M. Thiers, 1870-1873; translated by F. M. Atkinson. Pott, 1916.

Whitney, Caspar. What's the matter with Mexico? Macmillan, 1916.

Williams, W. L. Armenia, past and present; a study and a forecast, with an introduction by T. P. O'Connor. King, 1916.


Howard, L. G. Redmond-. Six days of the Irish republic; a narrative and critical account of the latest phase of Irish politics. Luce, 1916.

McGuire, J. K. The king, the kaiser and Irish freedom. Devin-Adair, 1915.

Stephens, James. The insurrection in Dublin. Macmillan, 1916.


Bruce, P. A. Brave deeds of confederate soldiers. Jacobs, 1916.

Contents: Military influences in the old southern life. Belle Boyd, the spy. Up in a balloon. Lieutenant Robins and the vanguard. The Marion of the West. Morgan crosses the Ohio. The boy artillerist. Mosby and the partisan rangers. Capture of General Stoughton. The wagon train and Greenback raids. Private Munson's escape from prison. Adventures of a scout. The cadets' baptism of fire. The dash on Baltimore. Lieutenant Wise carries the message to Lee. How the colonel saved the


Bulnes, Francisco. The whole truth about Mexico; President Wilson's responsibility; authorized translation by Dora Scott. Bulnes Book Co., 1916.

Campbell, J. H. McClellan; a vindication of the military career of General George B. McClellan; a lawyer's brief. Neale Publishing Co., 1916.

Kennedy, W. P. M. Studies in Tudor history. Constable, 1916.

Contents: The policy of Henry VII., Henry VIII and Clement VII. The literature of the Edwardine reformation. Some aspects of Edwardine life. The difficulties of Queen Mary. The early history of the Elizabethan compromise in ceremonial. Some aspects of Elizabethan life. Two Catholic champions: Blessed Edmund Campion and Cardinal Allen. Elizabethan Puritanism. Reservation under the Anglican prayer-book.

Lancaster, S. C. The Columbia; America's great highway through the Cascade mountains to the sea. Samuel Christopher Lancaster, 1915-16.


Adler, H. H. The new interior; modern decorations for the home, with illustrations from photographs and drawings. Century, 1916.

"It is hoped that this book will be of practical aid to...people who are seeking to create for themselves expressive and individual environments of life. It does not aim to enforce any particular style of decoration, but to suggest new possibilities... [In] 'the new taste' in interior decoration."-Preface.

Burgess, F. W. Old pottery and porcelain. Putnam, 1916.

"The aim has been to provide home connoisseurs with a handy book of reference embracing...all the groups and periods into which ceramics are usually classified."

Kunz, G. F. Ivory and the elephant in art, in archaeology and in science. Doubleday, 1916.

"The author reviews the art of carving ivories from its beginning and describes the obtaining of ivory from elephants alive or prehistoric."-N. Y. Times, Oct. 10, 1915.

Lewis, J. S. Old glass and how to collect it. Lippincott, 1916.

Deals principally with British glass.

Robie, Virginia. The quest of the quaint. Little, 1916.

The scope of the book is best illustrated by the table of contents, which includes: bandboxes, the silhouette, valentines, the Bennington dog, Lowestoft ware, jugs, clocks, bayberry candles, chimney ornaments, and glass.

Fine Arts, continued.

Sargent, Walter, and E. E. MILLER. How children learn to draw. Ginn, 1916.

Thurstone, L. L. Freehand lettering; a course of exercises in singlestroke freehand lettering adapted for classes in mechanical drawing. Berry, 1915.

Varnum, W. H. Industrial arts design; a textbook of practical methods for students, teachers, and craftsmen. Scott, 1916.


Including Ethics

Husik, Isaac. A history of mediaeval Jewish philosophy. Macmillan, 1916.

Key, Ellen. War, peace, and the future; a consideration of nationalism and internationalism, and of the relation of women to war; translated by Hildegard Norberg. Putnam, 1916.

Langfeld, H. S., and F. H. ALLPORT. An elementary laboratory course in psychology. Houghton, 1916.

Larson, C. D. Steps in human progress. Clode, 1916.

What right thinking will do. Clode,

1916. La Rue, D. W. Making the most of the children. Educational Book Co., 1916. Mathews, A. P. Physiological chemistry; a text-book and manual for students. Wood, 1916.

Maudsley, Henry. Organic to human; psychological and sociological. Macmillan, 1916.

Meredith, C. M. The educational bearings of modern psychology. Houghton.

Merrington, E. N. The problem of personality; a critical and constructive study in the light of recent thought. Macmillan, 1916.


Peters, M. C. Seven secrets of success and other talks on making good. Bride, 1916.

Stone, A. P., and S. L. GARRISON. Essentials of argument. Holt, 1916.

Thompson, Vance. Take it from me; a look in on the other fellow. Revell, 1916.

Wheeler, O. A. Anthropomorphism and science; a study of the development of ejective cognition in the individual and the race. Allen, 1916.

White, W. A. Mechanisms of character formation; an introduction to psychoanalysis. Macmillan, 1916.


Anstey, Martin. How to understand the Bible; an exposition of the method, a demonstration of the power, and a revelation of the joy of Bible study. Revell, 1916.

Eiselen, F. C. The books of the Pentateuch; their origin, contents and significance. Methodist Book Concern, 1916.

G., H. L. Meanwhile; a packet of war letters, by H. L. G. with a foreword by K. W. Dutton, 1916.

Henry, F. A. Jesus and the Christian religion. Putnam, 1916.

Johnson, W. H.

The Christian faith under modern searchlights; with an introduction by Francis Landey Patton. Revell, 1916.

Contents: What is the Christian faith? The Christian faith and modern science. The Christian faith and psychology. The Christian faith and recent philosophy. The Christian faith and other religions. The Christian faith and biblical criticism.

Johnston, C. N. The seven churches of Asia. Black, 1916.

Jones, R. M. The inner life. Macmillan, 1916.

Kirk, H. E. The religion of power; a study of Christianity in relation to the quest for salvation in the Graeco-Roman world, and its significance for the present age. Hodder, 1916.

Contents: The westward movement of Christianity. The quest for safe conduct: The ritual quest for safe conduct; The ethical quest among the Greeks; The ethical quest among the Romans; The legal quest among the Jews. The religion of power: Christianity as the religion of power; Christianity as a justifying power; Christianity as a constructive power. Conclusion: The finality of Christianity.

McNabb, Vincent. The wayside; a priest's gleanings. Burns, 1916.

Martin, A. W. Faith in a future life (foundations). Appleton, 1916.

Mathews, Basil. Paul the dauntless; the course of a great adventure; illustrated from drawings by Ernest Prater and with reproductions from photographs by the author. Revell, 1916.

Maurer, O. E. The brotherhood of the burning heart; twelve communion sermons. Pilgrim Press, 1915.

Contents: The brotherhood of the burning heart. Winning past the cherubim. The culture of the communion. The traveller over the sea. The bread of life. The East gate of the temple. Jesus Christ, guest or host? The use of the symbol. Open doors and shut; New Year's communion. The brotherhood of the resurrection; Easter communion. The whole family in heaven and on earth; All Saints' day communion; As real as blood; Christmas communion. Prayers for personal use at the Lord's supper. An order for the celebration of the Lord's supper.

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Bowsfield, C. C. can earn money.

How boys and girls Forbes, 1916.

Dudeney, F. M. The exporter's handbook and glossary; with a foreword by William Eglington. Pitman, 1916.

A concise guide to all branches of export business, giving directions for organization, advertising, registration of trade marks, travelling salesmen, shipping, packing and marking, consular invoices, bills of lading, and foreign weights and measures. There are also facsimiles of necessary forms, such as invoices and bills of lading.

Gilbert, Eleanor. The ambitious woman in business. Funk, 1916.

Advice to women who are in business, first in regard to choosing an occupation and to personal conduct and habits, once a choice has been made; second as to the advantages of particular fields of work.

Hirschl, S. D. Business law. 1915.


An explanation of elementary legal principles governing ordinary business transactions. It is intended for the use of persons with no legal training, and is written in non technical language. There are numerous examples of legal forms.

Lyon, W. H. Corporation finance; distributing securities reorganization. Houghton, 1916.

Part 1, Capitalization, explains the nature of stocks and bonds, the way corporations are financed and how debts are paid off. Part 2 describes the methods of distributing stocks through banking houses and stock exchanges.

Morris, Keith. The story of the Canadian Pacific railway. Stevens, 1916.

Noyes, A. D. Financial chapters of the war. Scribner, 1916.

Sales promotion by mail; how to sell and how to advertise; a hand-book of business building. Putnam, 1916.

Contents: How to compile a mailing list, edited by H. C. Burdick. Form letters, edited by James Wallen. Follow-up letters, edited by Louis Victor Eytinge. Letter-enclosures, edited by Gridley Adams. Making collections by mail, edited by T. J. Wright. From inquiries to sales, edited by Chas. W. Mears. Organizing and systematizing an advertising department, edited by Wm. H. Ingersoll. The organization and work of a promoting department, edited by W. P. Werheim. How to plan and edit a house organ, edited by Arthur T. Garrett. Building export business by mail, edited by A. E. Ashburner.

Shaw, A. W. An approach to business problems. Harvard University Press, 1916.

Smart, W. K. How to write business letters; edited by Walter K. Smart in collaboration with the editorial staff of System. Shaw, 1916.

New edition of How to write letters that win.

Wheeler, John. The appraiser, auctioneer, broker, house and estate agent, and valuer's pocket assistant; for the valuation for purchase, sale, or renewal, of leases, annuities and reversions, and of property generally; with prices for inventories and a guide to determine the value of interior fittings, furniture, and other effects; revised, rewritten, and greatly extended, by C. Norris. Lockwood, 1905.

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Luckiesh, M. Light and shade; and their applications. Van Nostrand, 1916.

Riach, M. A. S. Air-screws; an introduction to the aerofoil theory of screw propulsion. Lockwood, 1916.

Smith, Alexander. A laboratory outline of elementary chemistry. Century, 1915. Trafton, G. H. Bird friends; a complete bird book for Americans. Houghton, 1916.

Turner, C. C. Aircraft of to-day; a popular account of the conquest of the air. Lippincott, 1916.

The marvels of aviation; describing in non-technical language the beginnings, growth and achievements of all kinds of aircraft. Lippincott, 1916.

Watson, John. British and foreign marbles and other ornamental stones; a descriptive catalogue of the specimens in the Sedgwick museum, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 1916.

Williams, C. L. Creative involution; with an introduction by Edwin Markham. Knopf, 1916.

Wilson, James. A manual of Mendelism. Black, 1916.

Winchester, C. A. C. Flying men and their machines; a literary and photographic record of facts concerning flying, with special reference to those pilots who have so bravely sacrificed their lives and to those who happily still practise the newest of arts, aviation. Dent, 1916.

Young, J. W., and A. J. SCHWARTZ. Plane geometry. Holt, 1915.

Ziwet, Alexander, and L. A. HOPKINS. Elements of analytic geometry. Macmillan, 1916.

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Gordon, Winifred. A woman in the Balkans, by Mrs. Will Gordon. Hutchinson, 1916.

Contents: Serbia. Bulgaria. Roumania. The Adriatic and the Bocche de Cattaro. Montenegro. Albania.

Griffis, W. E. Bonnie Scotland and what we owe her. Houghton, 1916.

Hale, L. C. We discover the Old Dominion; drawings by Walter Hale. Dodd, 1916.

Hammond, J. M. Winter journeys in the South; pen and camera impressions of men, manners, women, and things all the

way from the blue gulf and New Orleans through fashionable Florida palms to the pines of Virginia. Lippincott, 1916.

Haynes, Williams. Sandhills sketches; illustrated with photographs by the author and others. Haynes, 1916.

Contents: Dodging winter. "Them Huggins boys." A Sandhills Christmas carol. "Tar burnin'.'" Some quail dogs and others. The clay birds. Through a jungle to the Old South.

Jackson, F. J. Foakes-. Social life in England, 1750-1850. Macmillan, 1916.

Contents: Life in the eighteenth century illustrated by the career of John Wesley. George Crabbe. Margaret Catchpole. Gunning's Reminiscences of Cambridge. Creevey papers; the regency. Social abuses as exposed by Charles Dickens. Mid-Victorianism: W. M. Thackeray. Sport, and rural England.

Jerrold, Laurence. France; her people and her spirit. Bobbs-Merrill, 1916.

Lethbridge, Marjorie, and ALAN LETHBRIDGE. The soul of the Russian. Lane, 1916.

Contents: The pilgrim spirit. The monstrous affront. An apostle of dreams. My friend Sobolof. Russian travelling companions. General Ivanoff. The Cossack. The steppe. My Russian household. Russia in travail. Skóboloff. The ikon. The "credo" of the moujik. Vereschagin. A Russian picnic. Omsk. A Siberian exile of 1800. Siberia and the war. Russia. "Tania." Kieff. River travel in Russia. Russia's northern gateway -Archangel. Warsaw; a retrospect. A Polish aide-de-camp of Napoleon. Tania's orthodoxy. The song of the moujik. Russian railway advance.

Maurice, A. B. The New York of the novelists. Dodd, 1916.

Peixotto, E. C. Our Hispanic southwest. Scribner, 1916.

Contents: The charm of New Orleans. The old Texan capital. The historic background. Along the Mexican border. Through Arizona. The Pueblos near Albuquerque. The City of the Holy Faith. Northward to Taos. The return to Santa Fé.

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Contents: Curious company. Standards of a bourgeois family. Mimi up to date. The other side of the door. Utopia. A pleasant hero of Provence. M. le Curé's lunch-party. Achille. New voices in French poetry. A modern Coenobium. Signs of the times. Epilogue: The Merciers in Topsbridge.

Topham, Anne. Memories of the fatherland. Dodd, 1916.

United States. Interior Department. National parks portfolio. Scribner.

Wilstach, Paul. Mount Vernon; Washington's home and the nation's shrine. Doubleday, 1916.

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