Where China's gayeft art had dy'd The azure flowers, that blow; Demureft of the tabby kind, The penfive Selima reclin'd, Gaz'd on the lake below. Her conscious tail her joy declar'd; The fair round face, the snowy beard, The velvet of her paws; Her coat, that with the tortoife vies, Her ears of jet, and emerald eyes, Still had she gaz'd; but 'midst the tide Their fcaly armour's Tyrian hue, Betray'd a golden gleam. The hapless, nymph with wonder saw : A whisker first, and then a claw, With many an ardent wish, She stretch'd, in vain, to reach the prize. What cat's averfe to fish? Prefump OF A FAVOURITE CAT. Prefumptuous maid! with looks intent Nor knew the gulph between: She tumbled headlong in. Eight times emerging from the flood Some speedy aid to fend. No Dolphin came, no Nereid ftirr'd. Nor cruel Tom, nor Sufan heard, A fav'rite has no friend! From hence, ye beauties, undeceiv'd, And be with caution bold. 5% Not |