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effects, it is necessary they should be contracted within narrower limits.

"Such is the nature of the human mind, that if we would hope for any valuable improvement, there must be line upon line, and precept upon precept. The apostles of Christ were indeed itinerant preachers; but then they were immediately succeeded by others, whose office and duty it was to supply their lack of service, and perfect what they had begun. Paul' planted, and Apollos watered. A stated ministry being then the method ordained by Infinite Wisdom for the edifying of the body of Christ, and for bringing immortal souls under the sanctifying power of the gospel, ought not this to be the ultimate object of every Missionary Society, to the attainment of which all their efforts should be directed?

"But what can be done? it may be asked. If it will not be deemed improper, I would beg leave to suggest the following reply. Let the Society say to the inhabitants of some town, make choice of and settle among you a gospel minister; and if he be one whose character, abilities, and sentiments we approve, the Society will engage for a specified number of years to bear a certain proportion of his support; he, in the mean time, to be at the call of the Society to perform in the adjacent towns, so much missionary service, as shall equal the pay he receives from them.

"Were such a proposal to be made, there does not a doubt exist in my mind of its being readily accepted. And in that case, the Society will have gained a twofold object: They will have placed a minister in a sphere of extensive usefulness, from whose services much good may be expected; and they will also have a missionary at command, who from the circumstance of his being well known, will be more acceptable, and of course more successful, than a mere stranger. To me it appears, that the monies of the Society laid out in this manner, will be made to produce much greater effect, than when applied in the usual way.

"Here let me anticipate an inquiry; are not some of those towns, which now receive missionary assistance, able to support the gospel without foreign aid? They are. But when a deduction is made of those who are infected with sectarian principles; who are halting between two opinions; and who are indifferent about religion; a minority remains, whose regard for the interests of Christ's kingdom deserves encouragement, and whose destitute condition has a strong claim on missionary charity. But could the plan proposed, or something like it, be carried into effect, it is believed that many who now stand aloof would come in, and declare themselves on the Lord's side; that the timid would be encouraged, the irresolute confirmed, wanderers reclaimed, and vast accessions of strength and numbers be speedily made to the kingdom of the Redeemer. In short, there need only a few churches be gathered, and a few pious ministers settled, to give a new and prosperous turn to the affairs of religion in those parts.

"This I know to be the earnest desire of many. Aged people have expressed to me the wishes of their hearts, who with longing eyes are waiting to see the salvation of God, that so they may depart in peace; and younger ones have with tears lamented the sad prospect of being obliged to bring up their families without the stated worship and ordinances of Christ. If any thing can be done for them, every consideration of affection, of duty, of love to Christ, and of concern for perishing souls, prompts to do it.

"Christians in this quarter may be classed under three heads, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Baptists. The latter are subdivided into Predestinarian and Freewill Baptists, who do not hold communion with each other, as I was informed.

"The sentiments prevalent among those of the Congregational denomination are mostly Calvinistic; but without any of that enthusiasm, with which religion has been too often dishonoured. Solemnity in the worship of God I have frequently witnessed; but no censurable irregularities have taken place within my knowledge.

"On the whole, I have reason to speak well of the people of all denominations among whom I have sojourned, having been every where treated by them in a respectful manner, and received many tokens of their kindness and thankfulness. Their religious cause is humbly and fervently submitted to God's grace, and to the benevolence of fellow christians."

The Society have contributed the last year, $100, toward the support of the two Indian youth, descendants of the Williams' family, under the care of the late pious and benevolent deacon Nathaniel Ely, of Long-Meadow.

The Rev. Mr. Sergeant, resident missionary among the Stockbridge Indians, the schools under his care, and the mission among the western Indians conducted under his direction, by Capt. Hendrick, have received a part of their support from the funds of this Society. Mr. Sergeant concludes his journal of July last, with the following extracts from letters, of Capt. Hendrick, who is at the head of the mission among the western Indians.

"In one of his letters," says Mr. Sergeant, "Capt. Hendrick mentions the Shawanoo Prophet, who professes to have been to the eighteenth heavens, as he calls it, and to have conversed face to face with the Great Spirit. He declares, that the tribes who will not believe his doctrine, shall be destroyed. Capt. Hendrick calls him "the emissary of Satan ;" and says that his design is "to excite the Indians to war against the United States, &c."

In another letter, dated, Fort Wayne, March 27, 1808, he writes as follows.

"We arrived here yesterday, and Capt. Wells, the agent, was glad to see us. I understand that he has sent for the Pattawattamie chief, and Saukie, who have been hearing the Prophet, who has been in the neighbourhood all the winter. They came, and he held council with them, and sent messages by them to their respective nations; the substance of which is to

have the nations to sit still and mind their own business at home, and let the Prophet manage his own affairs alone, &c.

"The Prophet's followers have done much mischief already, on the frontiers. They have killed a number of horses belonging to the white people, and some cattle for their sacrifices. He has told his young men, they shall have more liberty to take horses, after they shall be seated on the Wabash ;..that if the whites shall say any thing, he will cause them to become mad or crazy; that while they shall stagger about, a little stroke of the tomahawk on their heads will finish them. To many other vices he encourages his people.

"One of my confidential friends in this country has orders or instructions from proper authority to take this impostor, and secure him in jail; and there are a thousand men already appointed in the State of Ohio, to march and seize the Prophet at an hour's warning.

"My friend, by this letter, you may judge how the chiefs here feel, who have a true humane feeling toward their fellow creatures, white, red, and black. Surely I do participate with such on these occasions. I feel that I stand in need of all the wisdom, knowledge, faithfulness, and patience, which I can possibly possess, to assist our allies of the different tribes of Indians, in this critical season. All the agents or officers here wish to have me exert myself to the utmost to assist the Indians in this country, which you may rest assured I shall do as long as I remain here with my health. I shall write you again next month. I cannot write two separate letters; therefore this letter will be for your information, and that of our chiefs and nation. I hope the Good Spirit will preserve you all. Farewell.


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Since January 1st, 1803, including the books then on hand,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Sermons, books, and tracts, many of them bound











A few of these remain on hand. The rest have been distributed, with few exceptions in the District of Maine.

The state of the funds and expenditures is exhibited in the following document from the Treasurer.

Statement of FUNDS, Income, &c. of the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, May, 1808.

Six per cent. stock, real value, (old stock) 5,827 351


547 95

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Amount of J. Alford's donation for the use of Indians exclusively, included in these funds, is $8744 50; income of

which is $537 49. Balance of cash on hand in May, $1561

97; part of which was due missionaries; and $1234 38 in

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