MAURY J. COLEMAN. One of those who were admitted to membership in the Virginia State Bar Association at the meeting held in July, 1898, at the Chamberlin Hotel, was MAURY J. COLEMAN. His membership was brief, for on August 1st, following, he died of typhoid-fever at the home of his brother, A. B. Coleman, in Roanoke. Mr. Coleman was twenty-eight years of age and was the son of Dr. H. N. Coleman of Nelson County, where he grew up. His early life was spent in farming and teaching. In 1892 he entered the law class of the University of Virginia and graduated with distinction that same year. In 1893 he located in Roanoke City, Va., and there began the practice of law as a member of the firm of Johnson, Coleman & Johnson. His steadiness and ability soon attracted attention and he became the recipient of a good practice. Subsequently he withdrew from the firm of Johnson, Coleman & Johnson and formed a law partnership with his brother, A. B. Coleman, under the firm name of Coleman & Coleman, which partnership continued until the time of his death. Though he was young, he showed in the management of his cases, foresight and shrewdness. He made no pretense at flowery oratory, but all that he said to court or jury was plain, unvarnished and to the point. Mr. Coleman took an active part in local politics and was several times elected a member of the City Council of Roanoke. He was a man of high character, studious habits and great ambition, and, had he been spared, would have won high honors at the bar and in the political life of his State. Norfolk, Va. R. RANDOLPH HICKS. *WILLIAM J. ROBERTSON, 1888-'89. *R. G. H. KEAN, *EDWARD C. BURKS, *J. RANDOLPH TUCKER, 1891-'92. RO. T. BARTON, *WALLER R. STAPLES, CHARLES M. BLACKFORD, 1894-'95. ROBERT M. HUGHES, WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, 1896-'97. WILLIAM B. PETTIT, JOHN GOODE. 1898-'99. *Deceased. |