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ART. I.-1. Memoir of Sir James Dalrymple, First Viscount
Stair. A Study in the History of Scotland and Scotch
Law during the Seventeenth Century. By J. G.
Mackay, Advocate. Edinburgh: 1873.
1. The Stair Annals. By John Murray Graham. Edin-
burgh: 1875.
II.-1. Army Facts from Official Data. Lord Elcho's
Speeches, April 20, May 19, June 5, 1875.
2. No. LXXX. Vol. XIX. Journal of the Royal United
Service Institution,'
III.-1. Journal et Correspondance de André-Marie Ampère.
Publiés par Mme. H. C. Paris: 1872.
2. André-Marie Ampère et Jean-Jacques Ampère. Cor-
respondance et Souvenirs (de 1805 à 1864). Re-
cueillis par Madame H. C. Paris: 1875.
3. Madame Récamie; with a Sketch of the History of
Society in France. By Madame M ***. London:
IV.-1. History of England from the Accession of James I.
to the Disgrace of Chief Justice Coke, 1603-1616.
By Samuel Rawson Gardiner.
London: 1863.
In two
2. Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617-1623.
A Chapter of English History. By Samuel Rawson
Gardiner. In two volumes. London: 1869.
3. A History of England under the Duke of Buckingham
and Charles I., 1624-1628. By Samuel Rawson Gar-
diner. In two volumes. London: 1875,
V.-1. Richard Wagner and the Music of the Future:
History and Esthetics. By Franz Hüffer. London:
2. The Music of the Future: A Letter to M. Frederick
Villot. By Richard Wagner. Translated from the
original German by E. Dannreuther. London: 1873.
3. History of Music from the Christian Era to the present
Time; in the form of Lectures. By Frederick Louis
Ritter, Professor of Music at Vassar College. London:
4. Rienzi, der Letzte der Tribunen: grosse Tragedie
Oper in 5 Acten. Von Richard Wagner. Dresden, 141
[And other Works.]
VI.-1. First and Second Reports from the Committee of
Public Accounts, together with the Proceedings of the
Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix.
Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 9th
July, 1873.
2. Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, and
Twenty-first Reports of the Postmaster-General on
the Post Office (1871-5). Presented to both Houses
of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty.
3. An Account of Receipts and Payments by the Post-
master-General in respect of Telegraph Undertakings,
Extensions, &c., for Six Months ended the 30th of
September, 1873; also for Six Months ended 31st
March, 1874, together with the Report of the Comp-
troller and Auditor-General thereon. Presented pur-
suant to Act c. 83. Ordered by the House of Commons
to be printed 31st May, 1875.
4. Report of a Committee appointed by the Treasury to
Investigate the Causes of the Increased Cost of the
Telegraph Service since the Acquisition of the Tele-
graphs by the State; with Correspondence thereon.
Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command
of Her Majesty, 17th July, 1875,
VII.-1. Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614. By Mark Pattison,
Rector of Lincoln College. 8vo. London: 1875.
2. Ephemerides Isaaci Casauboni, cum Præfatione et
Notis. Edente Johanne Russell, S.T.P. Canonico
Cantuarensi, Scholæ Carthusianæ olim Archididascalo.
Tomi II. 8vo. Oxonii: 1851,
VIII.-1. Ultima Thule, or a Summer in Iceland. By Richard
F. Burton, with Historical Introduction, Maps, and
Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London: 1875.
2. Unpublished Journals of two Journeys in Iceland in
the Summers of 1861 and 1862,
IX.-1. Acte de Concession et Cahier des Charges pour la
Construction et l'Exploitation du Grand Canal Mari-
time de Suez et Dépendances. Signed 5th January,
2. Statuts de la Compagnie Universelle du Canal Mari-
time de Suez. Paris et Alexandrie: 1856.
3. Rapport de M. Ferdinand de Lesseps à l'Assemblée
Générale des Actionnaires. Paris: 29th July, 1875.
4. Documents Diplomatiques. Affaire du Canal de
Suez. Novembre 1875. (Livre jaune déposé à
l'Assemblée Nationale),
ART. I.-Charges delivered by Connop Thirlwall, D.D., Bishop of
St. David's. London: 1842 to 1872,
II.-1. Passages in the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland of
Sunnyside. Written by herself. 1850.
2. Merkland: a Story of Scottish Life. By the Author
of Passages in the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland.'
3. Harry Muir: a Story of Scottish Life. 1853.
4. Katie Stewart. By Mrs. Oliphant. 1852.
5. The Minister's Wife. By Mrs. Oliphant. 1869.
6. The Story of Valentine: and his Brother. By Mrs.
Oliphant. 1875.
7. David Elginbrod. By George Macdonald. 1863.
8. Alec Forbes of Howglen. By George Macdonald.
9. Robert Falconer. By George Macdonald.
10. Malcolm. By George Macdonald. 1875.
11. A Daughter of Heth. By William Black. 1871.
12. A Princess of Thule. By William Black. 1873, . 317
III.-1. General Report by Captain Tyler in regard to the
Share and Loan Capital, the Traffic in Passengers and
Goods, and the Working Expenditure, and Net Profits
from Railway Working of the Railway Companies of
the United Kingdom, for the year 1873: Idem for the
year 1874. Presented to both Houses of Parliament
by command of Her Majesty.
2. Du Régime des Travaux Publics en Angleterre. Par
Ch. de Franqueville, maître des requêtes au Conseil
d'Etat, secrétaire de la Commission Centrale des che-
mins de fer au Ministère des Travaux Publics. Paris:
3. Annuaire Officiel des Chemins de Fer. Paris: 1873, 352
IV.-A Life of the Earl of Mayo, Fourth Viceroy of India.
By W. H. Hunter, B.A., LL.D., of Her Majesty's Ben-
gal Civil Service. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875,
V.-1. History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce.
By W. S. Lindsay. Four Volumes. London: 1874-75.
. 387