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pursuits for occupation and amusement assisted him not a little to preserve that dignified composure, with which he met all the changes and chances of his public career; and that spirit of cheerful and patient endurance, which sustained him through years of broken health and enforced seclusion.'

There are people who conceive themselves to be fond of reading and conversant with literature, because they devour the nerveless publications of the day, and exhaust the circulating libraries. They forget, or they do not know, that the broadest and richest fields of literature lie in more remote regions. Macaulay, with his boundless appetite for books, had but scant indulgence for the writers of his own time. Measured by his standard they appeared to him paradoxical, fantastical, and even contemptible. He rushed past these ephemeral productions, to dwell more constantly and more frequently with the imperishable remains of former ages. That which really charmed him in letters was not their novelty but their antiquity, their vitality, their duration. His biographer admits, apparently with regret, that writers of the stamp of Mr. Buckle, Mr. Carlyle, and Mr. Ruskin had not the power to command his attention. Perhaps if they could have come down to him with the authority of a thousand years, and a dead language, he would have appreciated them more highly.

The gloom of the winter of 1859 was heightened to him by the dread of an approaching separation from his beloved sister and one of his nieces, who were to join Sir Charles Trevelyan at Madras in February: but from the terrible pang of that departure he was mercifully spared. On Christmas-day his family once more gathered round his hearth-but he talked little and continually fell asleep. On the morning of December 28, he dictated a letter to a poor curate, enclosing a cheque for twenty-five pounds. That was the last time he signed his name. That same evening, sitting in his library, with a book before him, still open at the lastread page, he ceased to breathe. He died as he had always 'wished to die;-without pain; without any formal farewell; preceding to the grave all whom he loved; and leaving behind him a great and honourable name, and the memory of a life every action of which was as clear and transparent as one of his own sentences.' On January 9, 1860, they laid him in Westminster Abbey, at the foot of the statue of Addison, and he was joined to that illustrious company of scholars and statesmen whom it had been the study and the glory of his life to emulate.


What Lord Macaulay was his own writings and these volumes sufficiently attest. We shall not attempt to retrace the outlines of his genius and his character, for we have already recorded in these pages our own sense of his greatness." His extraordinary powers of intellect and memory were already known to the world. But the world had yet to learn with how fine a poetic temperament and with what warmth of heart these gifts were combined.

In conclusion, it only remains to us to acknowledge the skill and candour with which Mr. Trevelyan has executed a very delicate and difficult task. So much of the life of his illustrious uncle was spent within the sanctuary of domestic life, that it was impossible to make it entirely known to posterity without lifting those veils of privacy which are commonly drawn closer by the ties of kindred and personal affection. But it was his good fortune to have nothing to conceal, and nothing to relate that was not amiable, honourable, and true. Details, sometimes trivial in themselves, add to the reality of the picture, and we do not doubt that these volumes will be read throughout the world with a curiosity and an interest, only to be surpassed by the success of Lord Macaulay's own writings.

* See Ed. Review,' vol. cxi. P. 273.

Nos. CCXCIII. and CCXCIV., containing the General
Index from Vols. CXI. to CXL. inclusive, Jan. 1860
to Oct. 1874, will be published on the 27th inst.
No. CCXCV. will be published in July.



Albemarle, Lord, his 'Fifty Years of my Life,' review of, 455-its
amusing and interesting contents, 455—the author's ancestors, 456
-the Battle of Fontenoy, 457-Capture of Havannah, in 1762, by
Lord Albemarle, 458-the present Lord Albemarle's reminiscences
of Mr. Charles James Fox, 460-Lady De Clifford, 462-the Prin-
cess Charlotte, 462-her Letter to William Lord Albemarle, 464
-the author's share in the Battle of Waterloo, 467-great loss of
life from transports being unseaworthy, 469-the author's subse-
quent travels, 469-political dinner to celebrate the birthday of Mr.
Fox, 470-violence of party feeling, 470-Mrs. Fitzherbert and King
George IV., 472-account of a miniature of Mrs. Fitzherbert found
on the King after his decease, 473.

Ampères, the Two, review of books treating of, 74-André-Marie
Ampère, the father; his birth, education, and early manhood, 75—
his marriage, 78-death of his wife, 80-visits Paris, 80-unfortu-
nate in his second marriage, 81-Birth of his son, Jean-Jacques, 82
-his school-days, 83-turns author, 85—is introduced to Madame
Récamier, 86-her salon, 88-Châteaubriand and Ballanche, 92-
visits Bonn, 94-his friendship for Alexis de Tocqueville, 94-M.
Mohl, 96-failing health of the elder Ampère, 96-his death, 97
-his character, 97-literary labours of his son, 98-visits Egypt,
98-touching friendship of Madame Récamier, Châteaubriand, Bal-
lanche, and Jean-Jacques Ampère, 99-Madame Cheuvreux, 101.›
Army Recruitment, review of works treating of, 36-many elements
comprehended in the Army, 36-the officers habitually conservative,
38-Lord Elcho, 41-Mr. Hardy, 43-state of the army in the year
1835, 43-in 1847, 45-in 1852, 46-increase to the Army and
Militia by the Volunteer Association, 47-War estimates for the
years 1875-76, 48-three points essential to the safety and welfare
of the country:-(1) the means of making ourselves respected on
the Continent, 50-(2) the necessity of maintaining a system of re-
serves, 51-(3) the recruitment of the Army, 51-what has been
done by the Legislature to ensure the realisation of these objects, 52
-boy-recruits, 53-bad characters, 55-deserters, 57 note-expense
of taking recruits too young, 59-discharges, 59-progress of the
young recruit, 63-unsatisfactory results of the voluntary system, 63
-the remedies available to the War Office, 64-distinctions between
the Army proper and the Militia, 65-right principles of recruit-
ment, 67-the soldier's emoluments, 71-the Reserves, 71.

[blocks in formation]

Casaubon, Isaac, review of Mr. Mark Pattison's Life, of 189-the bio-


graphy more literary than personal, 189-interesting contents of
Casaubon's Diary, 190-his birth, parentage, and early studies, 192
-his marriage, 193-death of his father, 193-his second wife, 194
-his library, 196-becomes security for Sir Henry Wotton, 197-
removes to Montpellier, 199-his daily life there, 200- -commences
his Commentary on Athenæus, 201-is summoned to Paris by
Henry IV., 203—takes part in the Conference of Fontainebleau, 204
-is appointed under-librarian to the Royal Library at Paris, 208-
friendship between him and Scaliger, 210-rumours of his waver-
ing' in the matter of religion, 211--he is invited to England by
Archbishop Bancroft, 212-his favourable opinion of James I., 213
-undertakes the 'Exercitationes in Baronium,' 214-which he
rapidly completes and presents to the King, 215-his failing health
and death, 216-general character of his literary labours, 218-his
mastery of the Greek language, 219-summary review of his dogmatic
position, 220.

Dalrymples. See Stair.



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Florence, the Republic of, review of the Marquis Gino Capponi's His-
tory of, 474-the author's popularity, 474-his family both ancient
and noble, 475-origin of his History, 477-his account of Dante
and Petrarch, 479-the government of Florence ultra-democratic,
480-the Florentine burgher, 481-the four stages of Florentine
History: (1) the heroic era, 484-(2) the levelling era, 490-(3)
the reactionary or aristocratic era, 497-(4) the Medicean or servile
era, 503-the title of Father of his Country' applied to Cosmo
' de' Medici, 504-Savonarola, 505-the Grand Council, 506-the
siege of Florence, 507-Machiavelli, 508-conclusion, 509.


Gardiner, Mr. S. R., 101. See James I.


Iceland, and its explorers, review of works treating of, 222-Sir Henry
Holland and Ebenezer Henderson, 222-Iceland interesting to the
natural philosopher, the philologer, and the student of literature, 223
-the vernacular literature of Iceland earlier, fresher, and more inte-
resting than that of any Western race, 224-the Njala, the real epic
of the Icelandic race, 224-large Scandinavian infusion in the Eng-
lish language, 224-the Vatna Jokull, 225-Captain Burton and
his adventures:-
:-his voyage, 226-coast scenery, 227-Reykjavik,
228-expenses of living reasonable, 229-increase of drunkenness,
230-bad sport compared with that found by visitors fifteen years
before, 232-takes ship to Hamnefjord, 233-the Great Geysir, 235
-Krisuvik and its sulphur deposits, 236-ascent of Hekla, 236
-the Thingvellir and the Thingvalla Lake, 237-unsuccessful
attempt to ascend the Vatna Jokull, 238-Big Peter, 240-Mr. Lock,
the concessionist of the Myvatn sulphur mines, 241-the Vatna
Jokull vainly assailed again, 242-Captain Burton's second visit to
Iceland, 246.

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