free from old trammels, and new questions derived from more recent emotions will take the place of the decaying 'platforms' of the past. Even before the war Home Rule was dead. It has been difficult for some time for the one party to flog the dead horse, and, to tell the truth, not very easy for the other party to fight him. Leading statesmen recognise the new position of affairs, and Lord Rosebery proposes to construct out of the ruins of Gladstonianism a 'Liberal Imperialism,' of which the distinctive marks have not yet been divulged to the public. Mr. Gladstone, it will be observed, not less than Home Rule, is dead and buried.
The merit of Imperialism' clearly depends upon what is meant by it and what is done with it. Our national safety lies in our strength and in the knowledge of the whole world that we can defend ourselves. So far we are all 'Imperialists.' But we want the whole world to recognise also that we are not actuated by unjust or aggressive aims; that we love peace, that the interest of the British Empire lies in peace, and that we have no intention of abandoning the counsels of three generations of statesmen in order to enter upon a rivalry of military ambition with the great powers of the world. We do not wish to rest our peaceful relations with the rest of Europe merely upon the fear of our power. Our statesmen have to see that our national character and good name are also held in respect.
No. CCCXCIII. will be published in July.
Alaska Boundary, review of books concerning, 279-territory in dispute, 279-purchase of Alaska by United States, 280, 284- former Russian boundaries, 281, 286-charter of Russian Ameri- can Company,' 281-Russian encroachments, 282-Anglo-Russian treaty of demarcation, 282--interpretation of treaty of 1825, 282 -map of Alaska, 284-Vancouver's charts, 284-discovery of gold, 285-joint survey declined by America, 285--appointment of Survey Commission, 285-Yukon and Klondike, 286-Mount St. Elias, 286-Portland Channel, 287-counter-claims of America and Canada, 288-Anglo-Russian negotiations before 1825, 291-Lynn Canal, 295, 299-Hudson's Bay Company, 296 -Dyea and Skagway, 299-Lord Herschell and International Commission of 1898-99, 301-anti-British prejudice in America, 302-American carrying-trade and supplies for Yukon, 304— present position of the question, 304.
Anglo-Venezuelan Arbitration, review of documents concerning, 123.
Baldry, A. L., his book on Sir J. E. Millais reviewed, 182. Balfour, Lady Betty, her book on Lord Lytton's administration reviewed, 226.
Bate, P. H., his 'English Pre-Raphaelite Painters' reviewed, 356. Boni, G., book on a Roman inscription reviewed, 106.
British Army, The, and the South African War, review of, 247- defects of new army administration, 247-difficulties in attaining high standard of efficiency in army, 248-long service and short service with reserves, 249-mobility, 251-varying conditions of British expeditions, 251-dangers of transport mismanagement shown by Spanish-American war, 253-expeditious despatch of troops to South Africa, 254-home defence, 255-Guards to the front, 256-difficulties underrated by critics, 257-Ladysmith and Kimberley, 257-lessons of Egyptian campaign, 258- reserves, 258-Lord Cardwell's army reform, 259-Lord Wolse- ley's re-organisation, 260-time taken up in sending reinforce- ments to South Africa, 261-lessons from German defence preparations in 1870, 262-strength of British forces at outbreak of the war, 263-battles at Dundee, Elandslaagte, and Ladysmith, VOL. CXCI. NO. CCCXCII.
264-Mafeking, Kimberley, and Ladysmith besieged, 265– double line of relief operations and its dangers, 266-mistakes in Boer strategy, 270-cavalry and mounted riflemen, 272-artillery, 274 counterstroke, 275-gallantry of British soldiers, 275- defects of defensive dispositions, 275-strategy, 277. Butler, Sir W., his life of Sir G. Colley reviewed, 226.
Campbell, L., his 'Religion in Greek Literature' reviewed, 334. Cappadocian Discoveries, review of books upon, 409-M. Chantre's excavations, 409-Cappadocian civilisation from 2000 B.C. to Justinian, 410-Boghaz Keui and its Hittite inscriptions, 411– Kati customs and language, 412-rock temple of Iasili Kaia, 412-temple at Eyuk, 413-Babylonian commercial tablets, 414 -Cushites, 414-Semitic traders, 414-measures of weight, pottery, bronze and gold figures, 415-Egyptian scarabaei, 416- Kati race of Mongol origin, 417-Phrygian' inscriptions, 418- Persian cuneiform tablets, 418-Greek and Roman remains, 419, 421-early Christian and Jewish inscriptions, 421-Phoenician texts, 421-origin of Hittites, 422-symbolism of monuments, 423-decipherment of Hittite inscriptions, 425.
Carol, J., his account of New Caledonia reviewed, 478. Casaubon, M., his book on John Dee reviewed, 22. Chantre, E., his book on Cappadocia reviewed, 409.
Christian, F. W., his book on the Caroline Islands reviewed, 478. Copyright, review of laws concerning, 141-unknown in ancient Rome, 142-Lord Mansfield's theory of perpetual copyright, 143 --Stationers' Company's Register only accessible to members, 143 --rights of authors ignored, 144-first Copyright Statute, 145- Act of 1842, 146-period of protection, 147-varying periods in other countries, 148-Convention of Berne, 149-American Copyright Act, 149-Canadian law, 150-newspaper copyright, 151, 155-case of Walter . Lane,' 152-Lord Herschell's Bill, 154-abridgements and dramatised versions, 151-extracts in reviews, 154-Lord Monkswell's Bill, 155.
Durand, Col. 4., his Making of a Frontier' reviewed, 226.
Fiction and Philanthropy, review of Mr. Whiteing's novels, 305- The Island,' 307-division of labour, 308-Number 5 John Street,' 309-London poverty, 309-city bustle and wealth, 311 -love on an island, 312-high life and luxury, 315-fashionable athlete, 316-Society talk, 317-Mayfair, 318-riches and rob- bery, 318-factories, 319-Socialist fallacies, 319-how fortunes are made, 319-labour and brains, 320-socialist statements compared with facts, 322-remedies for suffering, 325. Foster, J. W., his book on Alaskan Boundary' reviewed, 279.
Frontier Policy, and Lord Lytton's Indian Administration, review of books concerning, 226-Lord Lawrence on exclusion of Russian influence from Afghanistan, 229-causes of Amir Sher Ali's hos- tility to England, 230-Russian conquest of Khiva and overtures to Afghanistan, 231-Mehtab Sing and General Nicholson, 233- value of sea power in defence of India, 235-Lord Lawrence's frontier policy compared with Lord Lytton's, 236-robber raids, 237-Sir R. Sandeman's work in Beluchistan, 238-cost of ac- quisition of Quetta, 239--deficiency of officers for Indian army, 240-scientific frontier,' 241-Kashmir, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 241-oppression in Kashmir, 242-morals of border region, 244– Khelat, 245-proclaiming the Queen as Empress of India, 245.
Hale, E. E., his book on Lowell reviewed, 157.
Halliwell, J., his books on Simon Forman and John Dee reviewed, 22.
Hilprecht, H. V., his book on Babylonia reviewed, 409.
Hanna, Col. II. B., his books on Indian frontier problems reviewed, 226.
Huelsen, C., his map of ancient Rome reviewed, 106.
Huggins, Sir W., and Lady, their atlas of star spectra reviewed, 455.
Humann, K., and Puchstein, O., their book on Syria and Asia Minor reviewed, 409,
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Italian Independence, Struggle for, review of books concerning, 380 -three ideals: liberty, independence, unity, 380-Carbonaro revolutions, 385-King Ferdinand's oath, 385-Piedmontese revolution of 1821, 386-abdication of Victor Emmanuel I., 386 -Charles Albert and Charles Felix, 387-Mazzini, 388-' Al- bertine' codes, 388-Pius IX. as a reformer, 389, 399-constitu- tion of 1848, 389, 392-battle of Novara and abdication of Charles Albert, 389-Mazzini's estimate of Charles Albert, 390-- Ferdinand II., 391-political persecutions, 392-Catholic and Conservative opposition to national aspirations, 393-Mazzini's hopes and principles, 394-political assassination, 395-Greco's plot against Napoleon III., 396-Mazzini as Triumvir of Roman Republic, 396-Austrian occupation, 397-Pius IX.'s liberal tendencies, 398-amnesty for political offences, 399-Mazzini's appeal to the Pope, 400-vacillation of the Pope, 402-assassina- tion of Rossi, 403-Roman Republic of 1849, 405-defence of Rome against foreign intervention, 405-Venice and Daniele Manin, 406-union of Italy advocated by Manin, 408.
Kent, C. B. R., his book on English Radicals reviewed, 207. King, B., his book on Italian Unity reviewed, 380.
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