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Industrial Schools, 325
Industry-American Prosperity and
British Industry, 32-46; instincts of,
Innocent III, Pope-on heresy, 75, 80
Inquisition Once More, II., The, 75-90
Instincts of citizenship, 244 et seq.
Insurance, national health, 196
Insurance, unemployment, 196
International Chamber of Commerce at
Stockholm (fourth), 242
Intestacy, new law of, 132
Ireland-history of Home Rule move-
ment and the passing of the Parlia-
ment Act, 388

Irish Nationalist party-relations with
Liberal party on Home Rule and
1909 budget, 390
Ito, Prince, 157

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Lea, H. C., A History of the Inquisition
in the Middle Ages, 75

League of Nations, 252

Liberal party-history of Home Rule
policy and the ultimate passing of the
Parliament Act, 388; House of
Lords and, 394

Lindsay, Mr., Social Progress and
Economic Waste, 13

Gothic romance, 92 et seq.
Northanger Novels, The, 91-105
Recently Published Books, 203, 403
"Terror, Tales of," 105

Livingstone, Mr. R. W., The Educa-

tional Problem and Its Solution, 1-16

Livius Drusus, 50

Loudon, Mrs., The Lady's Country
Companion, 331

Louis XIV, and the Comédie Française,

141; and Princesse des Ursins, 362
Louis XVI, and the circus, 342 et seq.
Louis Philippe-and the circus, 351
Ludgate Bridge, proposed, 118
Ludwig, Emil, Bismarck; William der
Zweite, 179; Napoleon, 203
Lull, Raymond, 80

Lund, Mr. H., on Danish high schools,

Macartney, Lord, 149

McCardie, Mr. Justice on "Amritzar
massacre," 169

Macdonald, Mr. J. Ramsay-and
"Amritzar massacre," 169

McDougall, Dr. William, An Intro-
duction to Social Psychology; The
Group Mind, 243, 245

Mackenzie, Mr. Mackay, The Medieval
Castle in Scotland, 405

Maclaren, Mr. W. E., Commercial
Products of the Empire, 19

Llorente, J. A., A History of the Inqui- Mælius, Spurius, 47

sition in Spain, 75

Lloyd George, Mr. David-on Treasury

as a "store," 198; budget of 1909,

Maintenon, Mme de, 364

Maistre, Joseph de, Lettres à un gentil-
homme russe sur l'inquisition espagnole,


Lloyd, W. Francis, The Secret of High Malaya-restriction of rubber exports,

Wages in America, 32

Local franchise public companies and
their representation, 202

Local taxation-system condemned, 201
London Bridges, 107-124; Bridge
House Estate, 115

London Bridge, 107; destruction by
King Ethelred and King Olaf (1014),
110; the Norman bridge, 111; Plan-
taganet bridge, 112; Rennie's bridge,
114; revenues, 114; Royal Com-
mission's report, 117; suggested
central authority, 120
London from 1688 to 1750, Humani-
tarian, 287-302
Longworth, Mr. Nicholas-on Steven-
son rubber restriction scheme, 27


Malcolm, Sir John, quoted, 215

Mallory, Walter H., China, Land of
Famine, 148

Malone, Colonel, 161
Mandeville, Bernard, 292

March, Earl of, Records of the Old
Charlton Hunt, 303

Marie Antoinette-and the circus, 342
Marie Louise, Queen of Spain, 360
Markham, Gervase, The English Hus-
wife, 331

Marriott, Sir John-on temporary
abolition during the Commonwealth,
Marshall, Dorothy, The English Poor in
the Eighteenth Century, 287

[blocks in formation]

Napier, Lord, 151, 153

Napoleon Buonaparte-and the
Comédie Française, 145; Emil Lud-
wig's new biography, 203; Napoleon's
Wars at Franconi's, 342-357
National Council of Labour Colleges, 3
National debt-increase since 1906, 200
National expenditure increase since
1906, 200

Necromancer of the Black Forest, The,102
Nelson, Memoirs of the Life and Times of
Pious Robert, 287

Newman, Bertram, Edmund Burke, 208
Nickerson, Hoffman, The Inquisition, 75

Paris-circuses, 342-357

Park, The Travels of Mungo, 61
Parliament-virtue of bi-cameral system
387; history of Parliament Act, 388;
its repeal and reform of House of
Lords urged, 392

Parsons, Mrs. —., The Castle of Wolfen-

bach; The Mysterious Warning, 100
Penn, William-on George Fox, 375
Pensions, State-injustices caused by,
194 et seq.

Persian Gulf, The Romance of the,

Petit de Bachaumont, Louis, Mémoires
Secrets, 342

Philanthropy in 17th and 18th centuries,

Philip V, King of Spain, 360
Phœbus, Gaston, 304

Plantin, M., engravings of the Thames, Richardson, C., The Complete Fox-

Poets, The Cambridge Book of Lesser, 204
Poor law-increased expenditure despite
pensions, insurance, &c., 197; ad-
ministration in 18th century, 287
Price, Mr. William Andrew, 218
Priestley, J. B., Open House, 205
Prisons-treatment of young offenders,

Probation of Offenders' Act-results
discussed, 325

Prokesch-Osten-on Bismarck, 186
Property Commission, Real (1829)—
report, 130

Property Legislation, The Spirit of
the New, 125-133

Protection-trade barriers on funda-

mental cause of European poverty, 235
Prussia-Prince Bismarck's devotion to,

Psychology of Citizenship, The, 243-

Pugnacity, instinct of, 244, 248 et seq.
Punjab-" atrocities," 169; irrigation
and improvement of land values
under British rule, 173

hunter, 303, 319

Roche, Regina, Clermont, 97
Roe, Sir Thomas, 212
Rolt, Thomas, 214

Roman Catholic Church-inquisition
against heresy and heretics, 75 et seq.
Rome, Doles in Ancient, 47-60; corn
doles, 47 et seq.; system of client-
age, 55; money gifts, 56; effect
on state finances and policy, 59
Roper, Mr. (Master of Old Charlton
Hunt), 308

Rostovtzeff, Prof., 47

Rubber Exports, The Restriction of,
17-31; origin and early success of
rubber industry, 18; Rubber Growers'
Association plan (1917), 20; Steven-
son plan, 21; effect of expansion of
demand, 26; attitude of United
States manufacturers, 27; the need
for new markets, 28; new uses, 28;
direct utilization of latex, 29

Rutherford, V. H., Modern India, 165

Quakerism, 371-386

Rachel, 146

Rahim, Sir Abdul-on India and

British protection, 178
Rahmat bin Jaubir, 227

Randall, H. J., The Spirit of the New
Property Legislation, 125-133
Real Property Commission (1829), re-
port of, 130

Redlich, Dr., quoted, 238

Reformation, The Protestant, 373
Reformatories, 325

Remand homes, suggested central, 329
Rennie, Sir John, 114, 116

Reynardson, Thomas, 216

Sadleir, Mr. Michael, The Northanger
Novels, 91-106

Sadler, Sir Michael-on cost of edu-
cation, 2

Safeguarding of Industries Act, 234;
House of Lords and, 393
St. Bernard-on heretics, 78

St. Paul's bridge scheme, 118
Saint-Simon and Princesse des Ursins,
358 et seq.

Saklavata, Mr., 166

Salter, Sir Arthur-on tariffs, 242
Saturninus, 50

Schomburgck's Travels in British Guiana,
Richard, 273

Secretan, F., Memoirs of the Life and
Times of Pious Robert Nelson, 287
Septinius Severus, 52, 53, 58
Settled Land Act (1925), 125; difficul-

ties of small property owners, 126, 132
Shallet, Mr. Arthur, 291

Shaw, Mr. G. Bernard, St. Joan, 82
Shotwell, Walter Gaston, Driftwood, 207
Siegfried, André, America Comes of Age,

Sikhs, 171

Simpson, Charles, The Harboro' Coun-
try, 303, 310, 318

Sim's Cookery, Margaret, 331
Slavery-Quakers' anti-slavery policy,

Sleath, Eleanor, The Orphan of the
Rhine, 101

Smith, E., The Compleat Housewife, &c.

Smith, Captain John, 404

Smith, Nicholas, 220, 225
Social instincts, 244

Social reform, 194 et seq.
Society of Friends, 371-386
Somerville, William, 310

Soulié, Frédéric, Le Monde Dramatique,

Southwark Bridge, 116

Spanish Succession, War of the, 360
Spurius Mælius, 47

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Trade barriers-a fundamental cause of
European poverty, 232

Trajan, 53; and money doles, 58
Trémoille, Marie-Anne de la: see
Ursins, Princesse des

Squire, J. C., The Cambridge Book of Turberville, Book of Hunting, 305

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