NO. ART. 230. I. Dixon's, W. Hepworth, Personal History of Lord Bacon, 227. VIII. Dolgoroukow, Prince, on Russia and Serf-Emancipation, cxii. 175. 235. IX. Döllinger on the Temporal Power, cxvi. 261. 234. 241. V. Domestic Service, Modern, cxv. 409. II. Druids and Bards, cxviii. 40. 258. VII. Drummond, Thomas, The late, cxxvi. 524. 280. IV. Drunkenness, Abstinence, and Restraint, cxxxvii. 398. 268. IV. Eastlake and Gibson, cxxxi. 392. 247. VI. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Crown, cxxi. 152. 258. 259. - III. Education, Public, Expense of, in England, cxi. 348. - I. 226. ར. 260. IV. Note to the above article, cxiv. 588. Liberal, in England, exxvii. 131. 283. VIII. Education Act, Results of, cxxxix. 213. 264. IX. Edward III., Life and Times of, cxxix. 534. 225. IV. Elgin, Lord, his Mission to China and Japan, cxi. 96. 280. Letters and Journals of, cxxxvii. 39. 226. IV. English Local Nomenclature, cxi. 356. 232. VII. Jurisprudence, cxiv. 456. The, in the Eastern Seas, cxvi. 398. Texts, Early, cxxv. 220. Dictionaries, cxxviii. 48. Fugitive Songs and Lyrics, cxl. 355. 251. IX. Erckmann-Chatrain Novels, The, cxxiii. 225. 230. VI. Essays and Reviews, cxiii. 461. 230. IV. Eton College, cxiii. 387. 236. X. Eugene of Savoy, Prince, cxvi. 504. 269. VII. Faraday, cxxxii. 176. 254. V. Felix Holt, the Radical, cxxiv. 435. 259. VII. Ferenzac's, De, Recollections of the Grand Army, cxxvii. 213. 255. II. Ferguson, Adam, cxxv. 48. 241. III. Fergusson's History of the Modern Styles of Architecture, cxviii. 71. 266. VII. Fergusson on Tree and Serpent Worship, cxxx. 484. 281. VIII. NO. 278. ART. V. Fiji Islands, The, cxxxvi. 429. 243. II. Flavian Cæsars, The, and the Antonines, cxix. 20 230. VIII. Forbes's Iceland, cxiii. 533. 245. I. Forster's Life of Sir John Eliot, cxx. 1. 265. IX. 226. Life of Landor, cxxx. 217. IX. France, Savoy, and Switzerland, cxi. 533. 271. I. 273. IX. 286. IV. The Military Institutions of, cxxvi. 269. Communal, cxxxiv. 250. Census of, in 1872, cxl. 383. 251. XI. Franchise, The, Extension of, cxxiii. 263. 276. VII. Frere, John Hookham, The works of, cxxxv. 472. 266. II. Freshfield's Travels in the Caucasus, cxxx. 337. 254. VII. 267. I. 燒味 Vols. V.-VI., cxxxi. 279. V. English in Ireland, cxxxvii. 122. 284. VII. 264. Irish Parliament and Irish Rebellion, cxx II. Fungi, Edible, cxxix. 333. 259. I. Gachard's Don Carlos and Philip II., cxxvii. 1. STADI 251. III. Galleries, Public, and Irresponsible Boards, cxxiii. 254. VIII. Gems, Antique, cxxiv. 511. 279. X. Geneva Arbitration, The, cxxxvii. 264. 267. 257. I. George III., The Early Administrations of, cxxvi. 261. VIII. Germany, New, cxxviii. 237. V. Glass Painting, Modern, cxxv. 154. 282. X. Gold Coast, The, Affairs on, cxxxviii. 569. 239. III. Goldfields and Goldminers, cxvii. 82. 249. IX. Gordon, Lady Duff, her Letters from Egypt, cxxii. 263. IX. Grant, General Ulysses Simpson, cxxix. 230. 240. X. Greek Revolution, The, cxvii. 570. 242. II. Gregorovius' Medieval Rome, cxviii. 342. 286. VII. Grenadier Guards, The, cxl. 462. 286. IX. Greville, Mr. Charles, The Journal of, cxl. 515. 252. 278. VIII. 281. X. 227. VII. his Aristotle, cxxxvi. 515. Personal Memoir of, cxxxviii. 218. Mrs., her Memoir of Ary Scheffer, cxii. 101. 228. IV. Grotius and the Sources of International Law, cxii. 386. 245. IX. Guérin, Eugenie de, cxx. 249. 234. III. Guessard's Edition of the Carlovingian Romances, cxv. 359. 265. I. Guicciardini, The Unpublished Works of, cxxx. 1. 274. 248. IX. Guizot's Meditations on Christianity, cxxi. 553. 276. III. 285. VII. Memoir of the late Duke de Broglie, cxxxv. 347. 236. VIII. Halicarnassus, The Mausoleum at, cxvi. 461. 285. 253. 283. IV. Hamilton, Sir William, his Philosophy, cxxiv. 120. 277. 248. 236. II. Herculanean Papyri, The, cxvi. 318. 232. X. Hessey, Dr., his Bampton Lectures: Sunday, cxiv. 535. 244. 262. 256. III. Hindoo Fairy Legends, cxxviii. 350. V. Holbein, Hans, Life and Works of, cxxv. 410. 282. V. The Breeding of, cxxxviii. 426. 270. 281. III. Trip round the World, cxxxviii. 65. 239. VII. Hugo, Victor, his 'Les Misérables,' cxvii. 208. 253. 227. IX. Humboldt and Varnhagen von Ense, Correspondence of, cxii. 213. 263. VIII. Hunter's Annals of Rural Bengal, cxxix. 200. 249. II. Idiot Asylums, cxxii. 37. 239. I. India under Lord Dalhousie, cxvii. 1. Lord Canning, cxvii. 444. The Progress of, cxix. 95. Human Sacrifices and Infanticide in, cxix. 389. The Rock-Cut Temples of, cxxii. 371. European Adventurers in, cxxxiv. 361. NO. ART. 257. V. Indian Costumes and Textile Fabrics, cxxvi. 125. 264. III. Industry, Competitive, of Nations, cxxix. 366. 268. V. Insane, The, Non-Restraint in the Treatment of, cxxxi. 418. 243. IX. Ireland, cxix. 279. 250. VIII. 255. VI. 260. VI. Irish, 252. V. 267. IX. 275. VII. The Cromwellian Settlement of, cxxii. 518. The, abroad, cxxvii. 502. Church, The, cxxiii. 454. Land Question, The, cxxxi. 256. 235. VII. Iron, its Uses and Manufacture, cxvi. 204. 282. I. Mask, The, cxxxviii. 301. 249. III. Italian Art, Early, cxxii. 74. 229. IX. Italy, The Kingdom of, cxiii. 253. Church Reformation in, cxiv. 233. 265. III. Jacquemont's, Victor, Letters, cxxx. 57. 229. 277. VIII. 279. 234. 243. Reform in, cxxxvi. 244. I. Jerusalem, The Recovery of, cxxxvii. 1. V. Jewish History, Dean Milman and Dean Stanley on, cxix. 274. I. Jowett's, Professor, Translation of Plato, cxxxiv. 303. 268. 239. 254. VI. Judaism, Modern, cxvii. 180. I. Kaye's History of the Sepoy War, Vol. I., cxxiv. 299. 282. VIII. Kew Gardens, cxxxviii. 510. II. Kingsdown's, Lord, Recollections of the Bar, cxxix. 40. 244. VIII. Kirk's Charles the Bold, cxix. 530. 275. II. Lace-making as a Fine Art, cxxxv. 37. 264. IV. Lafayette, Madame de, Memoir of, cxxix. 399. 274. VI. Land, Tenure of, Essays on, cxxxiv. 449. 271. VI. Laugel's Problems of Nature and Life, cxxxiii. 145. 265. II. Lecky's History of European Morals, cxxx. 36. 235. III. Lewis, Sir G. C., his Astronomy of the Ancients, cxvi. 80. 283. I. Libraries, Ancient and Modern, cxxxix. 1. 277. VII. Life and Disease, Researches on, cxxxvi. 216. 230. IX. Lincoln, President, Election of, and its Consequences, cxiii. 555. 245. VII. Livingston, Edward, Life of, cxx. 189. 267. VI. London Topography and Street Nomenclature, cxxxi. 155. 256. VII. Louis XV., The Reign of, cxxv. 470. 270. VI. Lubbock's, Sir John, Prehistoric Times, cxxxii. 439. 225. IV. Lytton's Chronicles and Characters, cxxviii. 109. X. Macaulay, Lord, cxi. 273. 232. I. his History of England, Vol. V., cxiv. 279. 242. IV. Macknight's Life of Lord Bolingbroke, cxviii. 404. 258. III. Madagascar, The Christians of, cxxvi. 376. 278. IV. Magnetism, Terrestrial, cxxxvi. 407. 253. I. Mahomet, cxxiv. 1. 227. XI. Mai, Cardinal, his Edition of the Vatican Codex, cxii. 256. 246. VI. Man and Nature, cxx. 464. 252. IV. Marie Antoinette, Correspondence of, cxxiii. 423. 265. X. Marriage Law of the Empire. The, cxxx. 254. 272. IX. Martin, Theodore, his Horace, cxxxiii. 530. 251. X. Mary Tudor and Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, cxxiii. 248. 233. VIII. May's Constitutional History of England, cxv. 211. 278. VII. Medicine and Surgery, The Progress of, cxxxvi. 488. 255. VIII. Meteoric Showers, cxxv. 252. 276. IV. Miall, Mr., on Disestablishment, cxxxv. 366. 271. VIII. Military Forces of the Crown, The, cxxxiii. 207. 266. XI. Mill, John Stuart, on the Subjection of Women, cxxx. 572. 263. VII. Milman, Dean, his Annals of St. Paul's, cxxix. 170. 226. II. Milton, the Youth of, cxi. 312. 283. VII. Minto, First Earl of, Life and Correspondence of, cxxxix. 181. 234. VI. Mommsen's Roman History, cxv. 440. 260. III. Monks of the West, The, cxxvii. 397. 232. II. Montalembert's Monks of the West, cxiv. 318. 234. IX. Monuments, Public, cxv. 541. 271. IX. Morris's Earthly Paradise, cxxxiii. 243. 225. I. Mortality in Trades and Professions, cxi. 1. 229. VII. Motley's History of the United Netherlands, exiii. 182. |