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WINTER is nearly upon us, and it is high time we

began to think of warm clothing. In the shops piles of eiderdown quilts and petticoats, costumes of dark colours and heavy materials, rich dark sealskins, and fur lined and trimmed cloaks and jackets, have taken the place of the delicate summer fabrics and bright-coloured dresses.

I notice a great many black dresses, and they will be very much worn for dressy toilets made in faille and cashmere. They cost from 5 guineas. The costumes I mentioned in our September number, of black and white plaid mixed with black silk or other black material, are the height of fashion, but for the winter wear they will be made with cashmere instead of alpaca. In serge dresses which we continue to supply from 1 guineas, brown ones are pretty, and make a change from the everlasting blue.

I have seen some pretty ones made in two shades, the tunic and cuirasse of a light shade, and the skirt and trimmings of a darker one, and another of dark shade of brown with only the trimmings of a lighter shade.

Silk jackets and cloaks lined and edged with fur are very fashionable, and thick-ribbed cloth jackets, either black or dark blue, are generally trimmed with fur. The price of them is from 2 guineas. We can procure them in all shapes; but for young ladies a simply made tight-fitting jacket, double-breasted, bound with fur and with deep cuffs and turn-down collar of the same, is prettier than anything else. Hats are always made to match the dress, and felt ones trimmed with feathers are most generally adopted. Two pretty ones, I may here describe. One of dark green, trimmed with a netted scarf, fastened at the side with an aigrette and plume to match.

Another of white felt is edged with silver braid, and has a band of violet velvet fastened with a silver buckle, and a long white ostrich feather falling over the crown. The prices are the same as those quoted before, from 1 guinea to 2 guineas. Bonnets are now made of beaver as well as felt, and are trimmed with velvet and feathers instead of flowers.

Felt petticoats are greatly improved by being trimmed with bands of another shade, of the same colour, put on with a great many rows of stitching. These cost from 12s. 6d. each.

I have been shown a very good and useful travelling bag, at a very moderate price, I guinea. It folds up, and holds almost as much as a portmanteau, but is much easier to carry. It is made in black solid leather, with divisions, and fitted with straps and pockets. Speaking of bags, I may mention that the aumonières of black velvet with silver mounts and chains, are more fashionable than any others. These cost from 10s. 6d.

The Jeanne d'Arc ceintures look very well over black or dark silk dresses; they can be had from 3s. 6d. to IOS. 6d. each.

To those of our readers who do not already possess a sewing-machine, we can now recommend one at a very moderate price, £4 4s. This will hem, fell, gather, braid, quilt-in fact, do every kind of work that a sewingmachine can do, upon the finest linen or the stoutest cloth. The 4 guineas includes silver plated hammers, ditto self sewer, guide, braider, needles, reels, set of tools, and box with handle.

For hand sewing, there is a new needle which much lessens the labour, from its peculiar shape. I can send sample packets of 100 free by post for Is. Flowers are now brought to great perfection, and are not nearly so costly as of old. I can always send these to our readers if they will let me know exactly what kind they want, or send a description of the dress with which they are to be worn. I have often found more difficulty in getting a good flower or good gloves at a country shop, than in almost anything else. So often a new flower will quite alter a bonnet, and I shall always be pleased to give any suggestions as to what is prettiest and most suitable.

Gloves are still worn long, particularly for evening dress, and these we can procure in good kid from 3s. 6d. Neckties are still large, and are made of matelassé or damassé silk, or of what is still more fashionable crepe lisse. Those made of this pretty material in black, trimmed with Valenciennes, are very elegant and look charming with coloured silk dresses. Their price is 4s. 6d. each. Perhaps the most elegant things in lingerie just now are fichus. They are made in endless variety of muslin, lace, insertion, ribbon, flowers, etc., and make a simple black silk dress look quite dressy and stylish for evening wear. They vary in price according to the lace used, size, etc., but very pretty ones can be had from Ios. 6d. LOUISE DE TOUR.

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Paper Pattern, Costume, 5s. 6d.; Jacket, 25. 9d.; to be had of MADAME A. LETELLIER, 30, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.


Dress of grey Irish poplin, trimmed with flounces and crossway bands of a lighter shade. Confection of black cloth, the basques of which are stole-shaped in front, and round and short behind, trimmed with broad braid and fringe.

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Paper Pattern, Costume, 5s. 6d. ; Jacket, 25. 91.; to be had of MADAME A. LETELLIER, 30, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.


Dress of black faille. The slightly-trained skirt has at the bottom a gathered flounce with drawn heading, and above that a band drawn en biais. Square-cut tablier, simply trimmed with a gathered flounce. Tight-fitting jacket of black velvet, the basques rounded behind, and long and pointed in front. It is trimmed with a narrow pleating of black faille, and above that with a crossway band of the same put on with tiny silk buttons. A pleating of the faille carried from the front over the shoulders, simulates a hood behind, and is finished with a bow of black ribbon with long ends.

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