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Nour August number of THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN we notified our intention of giving to our readers each month, an article upon specialties for the household, the toilet, or the work-table, that we can procure for them, and that are likely to be of use. So many people take this month for their trip to the country or sea-side, that we shall devote our attention to matters of dress, and particularly to those articles of attire that are serviceable for sea-side wear.

We do not remember that we have ever had anything prettier than the hats this season. The large, broadbrimmed, coarse straw ones, are particularly becoming to youthful faces. Some of black straw, lined and trimmed entirely with white muslin, suits very fair or very dark girls, but, as a rule, it is much more effective to have the brim lined with black silk or velvet. These hats we can now procure for our subscribers in white or black straw, lined and trimmed with muslin, Valenciennes and flowers, or with coloured silk scarves at 5s., lined with silk or satin for 6s. 6d., or with silk velvet at 8s., and we are sure that it would be impossible to get a hat in really good materials for less.

Another thing we cannot do without (particularly on the beach) is a sunshade, or, better still, a small umbrella. The tussore sunshades are very cheap and pretty, but the silk lining must match in colour the dress with which they are used, and they are of no service at all for a sudden shower of rain; whereas, a small umbrella can be used with any dress, and answers equally well for either storm or sunshine. Very elegant ones are now made with ebony handles, with initial letters of silver, the top of the handle being cut into the shape of the letter. These are 13s. 6d. each, and there are others which answer every purpose, of good twilled silk, with very pretty handles, at 8s.

The costumes of light woollen materials, plaid and plain, or what is more fashionable, in quiet, plain colours, such as grey and havane, trimmed with the new fringes of two contrasting colours, such as red and black, brown and blue, etc., are not expensive. They vary in price from 1 10s. to £3 10s., and they are very useful as walking dresses; but undoubtedly the cheapest and most serviceable of all dresses for steamboat or railway travelling, or for sea-side wear, is a serge. After all, nothing really is much more becoming than a well-made dark blue one, trimmed with black. Here we can most highly recommend a specialité in one of these dresses, made with plain skirt and trimmed with a good many bows of black braid, with tablier and cuirasse trimmed to correspond, at a guinea and a half. These are exceptionally cheap dresses, and they can be had in black serge for mourning.

It is cheaper to buy a dress of this kind ready-made than to buy the material and have it made by a dressmaker, but the light woollen materials that can be so often used to make up with an old silk dress, for instance, are better and cheaper bought by the yard. We have seen some of very good texture in the best colours at is. So much help is now given one by paper models in cutting out dresses, and the labour so wonderfully lessened by sewing machines, that many of our young lady readers probably make some of their dresses at home. With cheap materials, when sent to a dressmaker, the making very often costs more than the dress. A very good plan is to have one's pattern cut and fitted (this can now be done at 30, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden), and this done, half the difficulty of making a dress is over.

I was shown the other day an exceedingly pretty dress of pale blue silk, mixed with silk in blue and white stripes. The skirt was covered in front with folds of the two silks, and the train was formed by a broad Bulgare pleat of the striped silk, with lined bows of the plain the whole way down the centre. The price of this, in any colour, was six guineas.

Most elegant Juive tunics and Russian blouses are made of the damassée silk, which can be had in all the new colours at 5s. a yard. These can be worn over black silk or white muslin dresses, but they look prettiest over a plainly made dress of silk of another shade of the same colour. Fichus made of the same, trimmed with fringe to match, are very pretty, price from 3s. 6d. to 5s. 6d. The Tyrol glove is a great success. Very soft and flexible, without buttons, it can be so easily drawn on and off. Another recommendation is that they are not costly, at 2s. 6d. a pair. The large black fans so much used are greatly reduced in price; we were shown some very good ones the other day at 2s. 6d. The gold and silver dog collars are still very fashionable, and they make a very pretty finish to high dresses, worn over the linen collar. They vary in price from 3s. to 10s., and the belts are made to match for a guinea each. Charming little novelties we have seen in the way of fan-holders, Jeanne d'Arc ceintures, etc., but of these I shall speak in a future number.

Orders for any of the articles I have mentioned should be accompanied by a remittance.

It is specially with a view of being useful to those who live in the country that arrangements have been made, which enable us to supply the articles without delay and all letters addressed to Madame De Tour, 30, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, will meet prompt attention.



RULES AND REGULATIONS. All letters requiring answers in the following month's issue must be forwarded to SYLVIA, CARE of EDITOR, Messrs. Ward, Lock, & Tyler, Warwick House, Paternoster Row, E.C., before the 5th of each month.

2. All letters asking questions should be written on one side only of the paper, and a space should be left for each answer.

3. In writing for advice as to the making up and altering of dresses, it is advisable to mention height, complexion, and colour of hair, in order that the best combinations of colour may be given.

4. Photographs sent for this purpose cannot be returned, unless accompanied by a stamped directed envelope.

5. Letters for the Work-room must be written on separate paper from those intended for the Drawing-room or the Exchange Column.

No charge is made for replies to any question in the Work-room: it is open to all comers, and all are welcome.

As we give elsewhere all the latest information as to modes and styles, we cannot answer questions as to the way of making up new materials, except when the quantity is so limited as to require contriving, in which case we are glad to give our best help.

A MOURNER would be glad to know if a black velvet bonnet, jacket, or dress could be worn in mourning for a parent after nine months. [Yes.] Could they be worn trimmed with crape or black ribbon? [Yes.]

KATE writes-Will the Editor kindly tell me if a "Ladies' Working Society" is formed? A friend told me she had seen an account of something of the kind in "The Times," but not having read it carefully, could not furnish me with particulars. I believe the object of the society is to enable ladies to sell their work advantageously. I shall feel much obliged for any information on the subject. I hope I am not too late for next month's magazine. [There is an Association of the kind at 27, North Audley Street, and I believe another is about to be started.]

MERRY likes the pattern of the lady's travelling cloak so much, that she wishes to know if she could have a waterproof made just like it. [A waterproof in grey or dark blue cloth would look very well made in this pattern.] Merry suggests some patterns of underlinen which would

be of

great use, as it is so easy to trace them from the Diagram Sheet. [Merry will find that we have responded to her suggestion.]

his numerous

A CONSTANT SUBSCRIBER having a piece of bright scarlet cloth, is desirous of making a pair of watch-pockets; and would be greatly obliged if the Editor will shortly give a pattern to be worked in black and gold cord, or filoselle. [We will give this, if possible.] And would also be very much obliged if the Editor or any of correspondents can tell her the best way to spatter cardboard with leaves pinned on it. Will Sylvia kindly tell ANNIE whether children's dresses are made plain or gored? as she cannot tell from illustrations. [Slightly gored.] Annie is very fond of THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, and has taken it in from its commencement, and has been helped many times in making up dresses, etc., by its clear instructions. Would it be troubling Sylvia too much to give a pattern of a little girl's walking dress, suitable for

a child five years old? [I do not know whether we can do this or not, but Madame Goubaud, 30, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, will supply you with a paper pattern for 3s. 6d.] And knowing Sylvia's kind instructions she gives to others, Annie ventures to ask how to modernize a dress she has had five years, but not much worn, as she has been in mourning. The dress is blue silk (long), no panier, but jacket, with basque all the way round, and bell sleeves. [You do not give the number of breadths, nor the exact length, so it is difficult to give advice. I should think you had better either cut it walking length, trim the sleeves coat-shape with what you cut off, and wear under blue cashmere polonaise, or keep the skirt long for evening wear. Get a black lace tablier and jacket to wear over it, and make the sleeves Marquise shape; that is, straight to the elbow, and trimmed with frills.]

ALICE will be obliged to Sylvia if she will answer the following questions in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN for September. What material would look nice and be also serviceable for autumn and winter wear, over a black quilted skirt, which is quilted 24 inches all round, and what shape for tunic, and what sort of trimming? [Black cashmere looks best over quilted silk or satin. The tablier-tunic will be the safest shape to have, the tablier not too long. The trimming may be silk fringe or Yak lace. Kindly leave space for replies in your next. Quilted skirts will, I fear, be very common next autumn and winter, but really good ones always look well.] Alice hopes quilted skirts will not be out of fashion this year, because hers has been worn very little. Alice has been a subscriber from the first, and has not asked a question before now. She would be very pleased if Sylvia could give a pattern of a half-fitting walking jacket, with coat-sleeve, in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN for September. Please try.

NELLY writes-Will you kindly give me your advice once more? I have a maroon merino dress (pattern enclosed) which I have been wearing for the last three winters. I am sadly afraid nothing can be done with it, for the front breadths are so very much stained. The skirt is gored, and very full, with a 4-inch flounce, and a smaller one above it; the tunic is rather short in front, but long and full behind. The bodice is tightfitting, the sleeves come only to the elbow, with a deep frill. If you can only suggest something to make it look respectable for afternoon wear, I shall feel so much obliged. As it is so much stained do you think I had better have it dyed, and what colour? Please answer in next month's magazine if possible; and allow me to add, before closing, that I must compliment you for the kind way in which you answer your numerous correspondents' questions, and the very good ideas you give them for altering their dresses. [Maroon will only dye brown, black, and perhaps dark green. You can conceal the stains by turning the back of the tunic to the front, and if this is not sufficient, take a half breadth from the skirt, make into closely-pleated frills with which to trim the part uncovered by the tablier. The front of the tunic will make ruches for the back.]

NELLIE writes-I shall be so grateful if you will kindly explain in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN how the Bulgarian fold is made; is it arranged in the dress, or made separate, and then

laid on? [Two plain breadths are left at the back. These are folded in four large pleats, which may or may not be basted down the whole length of the skirt, according to taste.] 2. When people are in mourning for a parent ought they to use mourning paper when writing to relatives and for how long? [As long as they are in mourning.] I like THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN very much, and as this is the first time I have had the courage to write, I shall be so much obliged if you will answer my question in the September number. The paper patterns I have found very useful, as they fit so well. I hope I have kept to the rules.

LENA writes-I have taken the liberty of intruding upon the Editor so far, as to ask if he could not soon give a cut-out pattern of a sleeveless jacket with THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, as they are so fashionable, I am sure it would prove acceptable to many of your readers. Are white muslin ties fashionable this summer? I hope you will find space to give replies to my queries. [Silk ties trimmed with lace are the most fashionable this summer. We have given many patterns of sleeveless jackets, but will soon give another.]

SHALDEN wishes to know if Madame Goubaud can send her a worked specimen of the pattern of the carpet, etc., in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN of this month, that she could judge of its effect in ordering the wools. Shalden has hitherto found flat patterns ineffective; of course she would pay postage, and perhaps, if she liked it, purchase the commenced piece instead of plain canvas. An answer in the Work-room department will be looked for in the number. [Madame Goubaud, on being referred to, replies that it would take some days to work one of the sections of the pattern mentioned, to say nothing of the cost of wools and canvas. Shalden will therefore perceive that unless she orders the specimen and is prepared to pay for it, she cannot expect to have it done expressly for her, with the risk of having it returned on Madame Goubaud's hands. If Shalden wishes to order it, she must mention what size she wants the specimen to be, whether suitable for a portion of a carpet, or cushion, as this would of course make a great difference in the charge.]

MILLIE would be glad if Sylvia could tell her what to do with a violet silk dress, long, rather soiled, no tunic, or polonaise, but jacket body, spoilt in the making, too short in the waist. Millie has a sleeveless jacket beaded. Can Sylvia suggest anything, with a little expense, to make it into a fashionable dress, or at least wearable? Knowing how kind Sylvia always is, Millie has ventured to ask. This, if possible, will Sylvia please answer this next month. [Get a beaded tablier, or bead one yourself, and wear it with your beaded sleeveless jacket over the violet silk.]

Mrs. P. would be obliged by any of the readers of THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, letting her know what is the best stuff for a riding-habit for going abroad in, so as to combine strength with lightness. Also, how many servants, besides my nurse, should I take along with me? What is the best book on household management for abroad in a new settlement, and also on the management of children; and where could I get them?


RULES.-I. All letters for insertion in the following month's issue must be forwarded before the 8th of each month to SYLVIA, CARE OF EDITOR, Messrs. Ward, Lock, & Tyler, Warwick House, Paternoster Row, E.C.

2. Letters must be written on one side only of the paper.

3. Name and address must be sent in full, though neither will be published where a nomde-plume is used.

4. Letters for the Drawing-room must be written on separate paper from those intended for the Work-room or the Exchange Column.

5. No charge is made for replies to questions. It is open to all.

W. S. has a set of old china, it has but one mark, that is Neale and Co. upon the bottom rim of the teapot. Twelve cups are without handles, and six coffee cups have handles. The twelve saucers and two plates are the same shape; there is also a small flat plate, perhaps a stand for the teapot. Will Sylvia kindly say if it is English, and about what date? Can any one also name a way to get rid of ants. They are at the roots of rose trees on the lawn; the drive is alive with them, and they are working through the kitchen floor. Please excuse one more question. How can I have a correct copy of the family arms? We are of the second branch, is there not a slight difference for us? I want to give my daughter a correct seal. [This pottery is English, and is of the same date as Wedgwood. Neale and Co. pirated all Wedgwood's improvements. The date is about 1770. You had better apply at the Heralds' College for a correct coat-ofarms.]

NELLY would feel obliged to Sylvia if she would answer her a few questions in "Our Drawing-room." 1. Is there a portion in any cemetery set apart for Dissenters alone, which is unconsecrated ground, or alike for Churchmen and Dissenters? [In all public cemeteries there is a portion unconsecrated, set apart for Dissenters, who do not believe in the consecration of the ground.] 2. In the word neither should the e or i be accented? There is an anecdote of two Yorkshire boys who were disputing this point, and referred the matter to an old man who was coming along the road, Measter, should we say eether or ither? The man's answer was, "Ayther will do," and he was right in the main, if faulty in pronunciation.] 3. Could the Editor give a page of music, or a song occasionally in the place of "Dramatic and Musical Notes?" [We have already announced that music will be given every month with THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN."]

MUSICIAN Writes-Would you advise me to get a piano on the three years' system? And where would be a good place to get one? [Where you get it matters less than that it should be by a good maker. Hopkinson, Broadwood, Brinsmead, etc. C. Jeffreys, 67, Berners Street, keeps pianos for hire on this system, by several different makers.]

E. G. writes,-Dear Sylvia, seeing how kindly you answer all questions in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, I want to know if you will give me some advice respecting a sister who wishes to be a governess. She is fifteen years old, and we cannot decide where to place her to become a certificated teacher. Some say put her in an elementary school, and others in a college. I believe you gave addresses in a recent YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, of different colleges for ladies, but have it not. If you will send them and advise me about placing her

somewhere, I shall be much obliged. I have enclosed stamped address if you will reply by return of post. [I cannot reply by post, especially after having given all the information you require in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN for July. The list of colleges and elementary schools is too long to be repeated here. You will find all information as to expenses, etc., also, in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, p. 390.

M. H. sympathizes very much with Nellie, and she has great pleasure in sending the words of "Onward, Christian Soldiers," and trusts Nellie will grow up one of the most faithful of that "mighty army."

[blocks in formation]

LILLA would be greatly obliged if the kind Editor will kindly answer the following questions in the September number of his magazine. Should cream be served with rhubarb, plum, currant, and cherry tarts? Yes, also powdered sugar.] Is it necessary to baste every kind of meat with lard? [Some meat is sufficiently fat to roast without dripping or lard.] Ought a young couple with 300 a year have proper egg spoons, or do people in that position usually use tea spoons? [I should think they might afford themselves "proper!" egg spoons] When one has pickles on the table should a plate be put under the jar to hold the fork on? [Yes, or a glass dish. Pickles are served in a glass pickle-bottle, not a jar.] When one is introduced to people should one bend low, or would it be enough to bend a little of the head? [If you will try, you will find it impossible to bend a little of the head. You should bow when introduced, if you do not shake hands.] And when one is staying at an hotel, and happens to meet persons that are strangers to her, would it be enough for her to bend her head slightly when passing them? [Quite enough.]

EDA will be so very much obliged to Sylvia if she will answer the following questions in the next month's issue of THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN. When a gentleman is introduced to a lady should she offer to shake hands with him, or what should she do or say? [Usually, one only bows on being introduced, but "circumstances alter cases." If you expect to be on intimate terms with the gentleman, you will shake hands. If he is an old friend of an old friend, you will shake hands. If you expect him to be but a passing acquaintance, you will merely bow.] When a lady meets a gentleman friend, should she offer to shake hands with him, or should she only bow? [It is impossible to give advice without knowing the circumstances and the degree of intimacy. The only general rule I can give is "shake hands with friends, bow to acquaintances."] Is it proper for a lady to walk out alone with a gentleman to whom she is not engaged? [Mrs. Grundy thinks not.] Is point-lace worn on bonnets? [Yes.] Is there a dictionary published with the full pronunciation of all the words in the Latin language? Eda has tried to get one, but could only get them with the words accented. believe the Eton Latin Grammar gives the pronunciation of the words.] Eda hopes Sylvia will kindly give the answers in the September number, as she wrote two months ago, and has been waiting until now for an answer. She addressed to the Editor, did he not receive her letter? [I have never before received a letter from Eda.]


MABEL W. will thank Sylvia if she will kindly tell her how to clean a gold German filagree brooch, without lessening the deep yellow colour so fashionable. She would also be glad if some one would tell her how to turn Christmas cards to some pretty and useful account as mementos of the remembrance of kind friends. Will the Editor kindly let her know in the September number, whether blackberry wine can be made without yeast? She has a very easy receipt which she is afraid to try, as neither yeast nor barm are used, nor is it boiled, but a quart of boiling water is added to each gallon of bruised fruit. She wishes much to try some this year, if the Editor will let her know his opinion. M. W. is one of his oldest subscribers, and seldom troubles him. [Rub gently with soap and soft water, with a soft old tooth-brush. Dry by shaking the brooch in a bag of sawdust. For blackberry wine it is not necessary to boil the fruit or to use yeast.

Press the juice from the fruit, and cover with a cloth while it ferments. At the end of two days, skim and add a pint of water to each quart of juice, and about half a pound of raw sugar. Leave for twenty-four hours in an open vessel, skim and strain, cask, and bung up. A bottle of brandy added at this stage is advantageous. Bottle after six months.] Please do not forget to send some useful hints on church decorations in the December number, as we are much in need of such here, and they generally come too late.

Can Sylvia tell BESSIE the name of the companion poem to "Beautiful Snow?" is it "Beautiful Child?" [Yes; I give it here.] Does she know if it is set to music? and if so, by whom? [I do not know if it has ever been set to music.]


Beautiful child by thy mother's knee,
In the mystic future what wilt thou be?
A demon of sin, or an angel sublime-
A poison Upas, or innocent thyme-
A spirit of evil flashing down

With the lurid light of a fiery crown-
Or gliding up with a shining track,

Like the morning star, that ne'er looks back.
Daintiest dreamer that ever smiled,
Which wilt thou be, my beautiful child?

Beautiful child in my garden bowers,
Friend of the butterflies, birds, and flowers,
Pure as the sparkling crystalline stream,
Jewels of truth in thy fairy eyes beam;
Was there ever a whiter soul than thine
Worshipped by love in a mortal shrine?
My heart thou hast gladdened for two sweet

With rainbows of hope through mists of tears;
Mists beyond which thy sunny smile,
With its halo of glory beams all the while.

Beautiful child, to thy look is given

A gleam serene-not of earth, but of heaven;
With thy tell-tale eyes and prattling tongue,
Would thou could'st ever thus be young;
Like the liquid strain of the mocking-bird,
From stair to hall thy voice is heard;
How oft in the garden nooks thou'rt found,
With flowers thy curly head around,
And kneeling beside me with figure so quaint,
Oh! who would not dote on my infant saint?

Beautiful child, what thy fate shall be,
Perchance is wisely hidden from me;
A fallen star thou may'st leave my side,
And of sorrow and shame become the bride;
Shivering, quivering, through the cold street,
With a curse behind and before thy feet,
Ashamed to live, and afraid to die;
No home, no friend, and a pitiless sky.
Merciful Father-my brain grows wild-
Oh keep from evil my beautiful child.
Beautiful child, may'st thou soar above,
A warbling cherub of joy and love;
A drop on eternity's mighty sea,
A blossom of life's immortal tree;
Floating, flowing, evermore,

In the blessed light of the golden shore.
And as I gaze on thy siniess bloom
And thy radiant face, they dispel my gloom;
I feel He will keep thee undefiled,
And His love protect my beautiful child.

INO would be much obliged to the Editor if he would tell her if the eldest in the family should have her visiting cards printed Miss or Ino? [Miss Sarah Jones, or Miss Ann Smith, as it may be.] When you call at a stranger's house should you send your card in by the servant who answers the door? [Certainly not.] Or should it merely be left when the person is not at home? [Yes.] Also could you or any of your correspondents kindly favour me with the words of a song called " Happy

be Thy Dreams?" I cannot conclude without saying how much I like your magazine. I consider it useful for almost every variety of work, etc.

BLUE BELL would be much obliged if Sylvia would tell her how to do her hair up. She is sixteen years old, and about 5 feet 3 inches in height. Dark, and rather short hair. This is the first time she has asked a question; if not written according to rules, will you tell her with the answer to her question in your next number? Do you think she is too young to have her hair done up, and is it directed right? [We give several styles in this number. You are not too young. Please write on only one side of the paper.]

ADAIERETU begs to give Silla the title of the song she asks for. It is "Nora O'Neal," one of the Christy's Minstrels. Words and music by Will. S. Hays.

SILLA would be grateful if the kind Editor would answer the following questions in the September number of his magazine. Is there 18 always inside rings when they are 18 carats? [Yes.] Should glasses with stems or tumblers be used for spirits? [Punch glasses have stems.] Should a bed without curtains have a foot vallance? [Yes.] Should bread, rice, and batter puddings be served in the dish they were baked in, or turned out? Silla finds it impossible to turn them out nicely. [Bread and rice puddings should be served in the dish they were baked in. Batter pudding is turned out sometimes.] Should jars with lard be covered with something? [Yes.] Should anything be put in grates in the summer? [Yes. There are many different kinds of ornament. Plain white, with fern leaves is the prettiest.] What kind of pictures would look best for a drawing-room? Silla's is not be very expensively furnished, but she wants to have everything in good taste. [If you write again, please leave enough space for replies.] Should cheese be put on the table on a plate with a d'Oyley under it, or how? [In a cheese-dish, with cover.]


Mrs. K. will feel obliged if Sylvia will answer the following questions by return of post. Enclosed is a stamped envelope. Will Paramatta without crape be sufficient mourning for best for children thirteen and eight, on the death of an uncle, and alpaca for every day? [We cannot answers letters by post. mourning you mention will be quite sufficient.] Should a child of eight wear black stockings? [Yes, with a black dress.] Can linen collars and cuffs be worn, if not, what in the place of them? A little muslin or tarlatan narrow frilling, with a black hem. It is sold by the yard.] Will a black chip hat trimmed with crape be sufficient for a grown-up person on the death of a brother? [It will be deep enough mourning. Is crape a necessity? [For the death of a brother, yes.]

MEGGIE would feel very much obliged to the Editor of THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN if she would tell her why she has not received the ferns from Jessie Clyde, to whom she wrote about two months since, and enclosed six stamps. [Miss Clyde will probably reply in the next number.] Please can you tell me what style of hair would suit me, as I have a high forehead; age sixteen; height, 4 feet 11 inches. [The hair is worn down on the forehead now. Wear the Catogan coiffure.] Will you please explain what the Catogan style of hair is? [I gave full instructions in the March number.]

MATERFAMILIAS will be glad if the Editor of THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN will be kind enough to inform her in the September number whether the collection of letters on the subject of the "Chastisement of Children," which appeared some few years ago in the form of a separate pamphlet, is still in print, and if so, what amount she must remit in postage stamps to secure its delivery by letter post. [These letters are out of print.]

Can any of your correspondnets tell SCOTA

where to find the line quoted in last month's magazine, "They also serve who only stand and wait?" [It is the last line of "Milton's Sonnet on his Blindness," which is so beautiful that I give it entire, as you do not seem to have met with it before.


When I consider how my life is spent,
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide;
And that one talent which is death to hide,
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more

To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest he returning chide;
"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"'
I fondly ask; but patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies: "God doth not

Either man's work or his own gifts; who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve Him best; his state
Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed
And post o'er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait."

JET wishes to know to whom she should apply if seeking a situation as clerk in the Post Office Savings Bank. How can she get to know the standard of required knowledge, is there a "syllabus" published that she could obtain, and where? As this employment was mentioned in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN for May, she hopes you could give the required information.


ANONYMA writes-Would any young lady tell me of some nice difficult music for the pianoforte. I have learned Mendelssohn, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, and find them quite easy after playing over once or twice. 5 feet 4 middle height, or above it? [Middle height. Are white muslin scarfs fashionable on hats? I mean sailor hats. [White or cream-coloured gauze is fashionable.]

NELLIE writes-I again take the liberty to address you, which I hope you will excuse, as I want to ask a few more questions. With your kind permission I sent a letter last month, but I do not see either the letter or answers in the magazine. I mention it in case you did not receive it. I sent it some days before the roth. [You will find the answers in the July number.] I did not mind so much about the letters as the answers, as I expect it would not be suitable for your columns. Allow me to reply to a query by Cactus respecting matrimony cake. I do not know whether she wants the receipt or not; I send it in case she does. Make a nice short crust, say three-quarters of a pound of lard to a pound of flour; then take a large plate, and roll out a nice thin crust and lay it on the plate, cut it even round, and then spread currants, peel, and sugar, roll out another crust, and lay on that currants, etc., and then another crust, finish off with icing on the top crust. If made properly, it is very rich and suitable either for tea or supper; cut in slices an inch and a half across. It was generally used at those ceremonies in former times, hence the name. I have several good recipes, which I shall be pleased to send if you require any. Many thanks to an Old Lady; to J. H., A. L. S., an Old Subscriber, J. Daisy, for giving me the words of the hymn. Can they kindly send the words of


"Deep in the gleaming glass, She sees all past things pass."

"Let the sweet heavens endure, not close or darken above me,

Till I am quite, quite sure that there is one to love me."

Where could I procure the coal-tar soap? [From any chemist.] Could you tell me the price of the Proteus Corset ? [We will find

out. It may be had of Mr. Williamson, Leighton Buzzard.] And the price of Cash's mere frilling? [Various prices. What width do you require?] And what is it suitable for? [Trimming underclothing.] And what is the price of the Very Button, at what a dozen? If you will kindly insert this in September I shall be very much obliged. Wishing you every success, I must close, begging pardon for this long letter.

RUBY.-The song of this name is by Virginia Gabriel. Ask for it through our Exchange Column, or send for it to Robinson, Musical Circulating Library, Strand. The following would suit your voice, "I've a Home in Cloudland," Sir Julius Benedict. It is difficult to choose songs for anyone else. Send to Robinson for a list of pretty mezzosoprano songs.

THEO.-The following is, I think, a complete list of Mrs. Henry Wood's novels. She began her career as a novelist, I believe, by writing a prize story on Total Abstinence. "East Lynne," "The Channings," "Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles," "The Master of Greylands," Verner's Pride,' "Within the Maze," "" 'Lady Adelaide," 'Bessy Rane," Roland Yorke," 'Lord Oakburn's Daughters," "Shadow of Ashlydyat," "Oswald Cray," 'Dene Hollow," "George Canter

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bury's Will," Trevlyn Hold," Mildred Arkell," "St. Martin's Eve,"

Anne Hereford," Court Farm."



Elster's Folly," 'A Life's Secret," "Red

Will some of the correspondents of THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN kindly give S. R. G. the receipt of Genoa cake. She has never seen it in any cookery book, and so much wants to know how to make it. Would you or some of your subscribers also give a receipt of Crystal Palace pudding?

ENRICHETTA writes,-I should be so glad of Sylvia's advice as to my style of dress. I have a hundred pounds a year to dress on and pay my travelling expenses. I have to be careful as we travel every year, and go into society. I have no maid, but my mother's sometimes helps me with my hair, etc. I have not time to make many things for myself, though I sometimes manufacture fichus, ruffs, and other, trifles. I am now twenty-eight years old. Do you think I ought to make any difference in the style of my dress on that account? you may gather from the above explanation, I dress according to my own ideas, not according to those of a dressmaker. So I come to you for advice, Ought I to dress older now than I did when I came out? [You must make a


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every additional four words, except in cases where the address is published. The insertion, in these cases, is free.

6. The only articles that can be advertised for sale are Books and Music.

7. All articles of wearing apparel advertised for exchange must be new; Furs, Laces, Shawls, and Rugs alone excepted.

8. Notices must be sent before the 10th of preceding month.

9. We cannot continue to publish long lists of music. These form uninteresting matter for general readers. Therefore, advertisers will oblige by substituting for the lists these words, "Lists sent on application."

A. G. S. has a quantity of songs for sale or exchange, all in good condition. List sent on application to A. G. S., Bridger's Hall, Bridgnorth, Shropshire.

M. F. H. has several songs and pieces to sell, or exchange. Send for list to M. F. H., Miss Rose, Falkingham, Lincolnshire.

BELTRAN has a quantity of modern music in good condition for disposal; also books to exchange. Send for list. Address with Editor.

E. T. B. has clear MS. songs from 6d. "Douglas," "Oh, Fair Dove." Long list for stamped envelope. Wanted dog collar, plated Madame necklet, for opera, words and music, Angot," value 75. No cards. 15, Powderham Terrace, Teignmouth, Devon.

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Advertisements of Lady's Work, Pet Animals, etc., for this part of the Paper, are charged for at the rate of One Shilling for Twelve Words.

Correct delineation of character from handwriting. Young Englishwomen, please send 13 stamps to N. N. Address with Editor.

A. G. S. has a very handsome pattern of a beaded tablier and cuirasse body for sale, price 2s., quite new. No post-cards. Address, Bridger's Hall, Bridgnorth, Shropshire.

MISS CLYDE, Northdown Lodge, Bideford, Devonshire, sends 20 roots of Devonshire ferns, 6 varieties for 12 stamps. She sends a box containing 100 roots, 9 varieties, for 5s.

ILLUMINATING CLUB, with professional critic. Good members wanted. Send stamped envelope to M. K., Post Office, Malvern,

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