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sary.] Is fringe always put on knitted quilts? [Not always.] With what should pincushions be stuffed? [Bran.] When one has a room with only pieces of carpet here and there over it, should the carpet be bound with something? [Yes, with some bright coloured, strong braid.] If one orders underclothing from Mrs. Jay, is there any need to send the measure? [Yes.]

ld the foldings be seen in table-cloths, or they be ironed out? [They need not be t, unless they have been very badly nd the creases look rough and un

ER. S. has great pleasure in sending he words of The Scout," and begs to to the Editor, that the cut-out paper (also the one on the large sheet) n on one of the figures, either in the book the sheet; she likes the magazine very and finds it very useful. She is encouraged ake the above suggestion by the attention en to the most trivial questions. [Sylvia had eady made arrangements to effect this plan, ae same idea having occurred to her.]


Come! boor, your "little blue" I war not, friend, with you! 'Twas for this can a bold Uhlan, His bridle drew.

Merely a petrel I,

Telling the storm is nigh. Clink we a glass, so may it pass, Your homestead by.

Lurking in brake by day, Reading by stars my way, Clattering fast through hamlet old, O'er lonely wold.

Maidens pale at my glance,

Peasants cow'r 'neath my lance, Miserly souls hold fast their gold, From Uhlan bold!

Yet his the risk, not theirs,
Thousands and more to one;
Little for odds he cares,
Better too many than none !
Ha! Ha! Ha!

Come! boor, etc.

Such a home I've left far away,
Loved ones there for me are sighing.

I can see the moon's placid ray,

On roof and tree, and pale face lying. Ah! give thy hand good peasant to me, Hearts are hearts the weary world all over. Peace still dwells with thee and thine! So now prayeth the war-worn rover ! Come! boor, etc.

TO NELLIE. [You are quite right. All are welcome. The reason your questions were not answered last month, was not that your writing is bad, but that we get so many letters as to make it almost impossible to answer all immediately. Sylvia does her best to reply to all in turn. I hope your answers being late will not much inconvenience you. To those contained in your former letter, you will find answers elsewhere. 1. To improve your writing, get those copybooks of which every second line is done faintly in copperplate, for the learner to write over. For your grammar, get the grammar used in the National Schools and write exercises. Could you get a friend to correct them for you? Perhaps some of our correspondents will be so kind as to give you the words of "See, the Conquering Hero Comes." Directions for making the jacket bodice given in the April number, are given on page 215 of same number. The only difficulty is in arranging the fulness of the basques, and that will be easy if you remember that the basque of the side-piece falls over the basque at the back. Your suggestion about the illustration has been anticipated. See Rules 3 and 5 of Exchange Column. Judson's dyes are really good, but nothing with cotton and wool mixed will dye

well, as the cotton shrinks much more than the wool, and that makes the material cockle up. As your hair is both short and thin, you had better wear it in curls. Curl it close up to your head every night. I am very glad you like the magazine.] Nellie informs Ida Wales that

the price of the "Bristol Tune Book" is, she thinks, 3s. 6d.

CERES will be glad if Sylvia will favour her with an explanation of Tennyson's "Holy Grail." What is considered the proper age to commence singing lessons for a girl? Also, will the Editor, or a correspondent, kindly suggest a good, small French literature. [I give you the explanation in the words of King Arthur himself. Addressing his knights, he says: "The holy vessel wherefrom, at the supper of our Lord, before His death He drank the wine with his disciples, hath been held ever since the holiest treasure of the world, and wheresoever it hath rested, peace and prosperity have rested with it on the land. But since the dolorous stroke which Balin gave King Pelles, none have seen it, for Heaven, wroth with that presumptuous blow, hath hid it none know where. Yet somewhere in the world it still may be, and perchance, it is left to us and to this noble order of the Table Round, to find and bring it home, and make of this, our realm, the happiest in the earth. Many great quests and perilous adventures have ye all taken and achieved, but this high quest he only shall attain who hath clean hands and a pure heart, and valour and hardihood beyond all other men." 'Legends of King Arthur, by J. T. K. Eventually, Sir Galahad found the Sangreal, or Holy Grail, and when he died, about two years afterwards, "There came a hand from Heaven, and took the vessel and bare it out of sight, and since then, was never man so hardy as to say that he had seen the Sangreal."]

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MAY-LILY encloses the words of the "Gipsy's Warning "in answer to "Blue Bell's" inquiry.


Do not trust him, gentle lady,

Tho' his voice be low and sweet; Heed not him who kneels before you, Gently pleading at thy feet. Now thy life is in its morning,

Cloud not this thy happy lot; Listen to the gipsy's warning, Gentle lady, trust him not. Listen to, etc.

Do not turn so coldly from me,
I would only guard thy youth
From his stern and withering power;
I would only tell thee truth.

I would shield thee from all danger;
Save thee from the tempter's snare.
Lady, shun that dark-eyed stranger,
I have warn'd thee, now, beware.
Lady, shun, etc.

Lady, once there lived a maiden,

Pure and bright, and, like thee, fair, But he wooed and wooed and won her, Filled her gentle heart with care. Then he heeded not her weeping,

Nor cared he her life to save, Soon she perished, now she's sleeping In the cold and silent grave. Soon she perished, etc.

Keep thy gold. I do not wish it!

Lady, I have prayed for this.
For the hour when I might foil him,
Rob him of expected bliss.
Gentle lady, do not wonder

At my words, so cold and wild;
Lady, in that green grave yonder,
Lies the gipsy's only child.
Lady, in that, etc.

BROWNIE is so much obliged to Aiguille

for telling her how to make cork frames, she will certainly try and make some. She also wants to know if she could get the pattern of the fichu on pages 212 and 213 of the April number, from Madame Goubaud, and if that particular shape has a special name; she would also be much obliged if Sylvia could tell her how much stuff it would take. Could any friend suggest some thick sort of glove (not leather) for archery, as I can't shoot well in tips. [We give the pattern of the fichu with this number.]

[blocks in formation]

MRS. R. would feel obliged if you could let her know in "Our Drawing-room" next month how the tablier tunics, with sash ends, are finished at the waist; are they sewn into a waistband, or attached to the bodice, or best worn with them, as she is going to make one from the cut-out paper pattern given some time ago. [They are sewn on a band which buttons or hooks at the back.]

ELVINA presents her best compliments to Sylvia, and she will be so grateful for a little advice about her dear boy, only six months old, his little right leg is slightly curved, commonly known as bow-legged, What can be done for it? In other respects he is such a beauty, and so interesting, so good-tempered. Would Sylvia mind giving her counsel in that most useful YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN. [Sylvia sympathises deeply with Elvina, but could not venture to advise her on such an important matter, which is one that demands immediately a clever surgeon's opinion. Do not delay.]

NETTIE will be obliged if the Editor will reply to the following questions, or if he cannot, will some of his correspondents. What is a suitable dress for confirmation, for an unmarried lady of 29, who is rather younger-looking than her age? [White cashmere or white alpaca. White piqué might do. [Should a veil or cap be worn? [Either.] How should the hair be dressed for that occasion, may frizzettes be worn? [The hair may be done as usual.] Nettie's hair is very thin and short, so how could she do it at all with some additional hair and pads? [The catogan is still the most popular style of doing the hair. It is very easily arranged with false hair.]

MARY has been a subscriber to your valuable magazine for many years, and looks forward to its arrival every month. This is the first time Mary has ventured to write, and hopes the Editor will not think her imposing on his kindness. Mary asks if a young gentleman desired a kiss from a young lady, should she comply with his wishes at once, or not? [[ should say not, unless the young lady and young gentleman were engaged to be married to each other.] What excuse could she make if in want of one? [No excuse would be necessary, since it is not usual for young ladies to kiss young gentlemen whenever they ask. If it were, they would always be asking.] And if she gave the kiss would she be thought fast? [Her lady friends would think so, and say so. Her gentlemen friends would think so, but perhaps not say so.] And if she refused, would she be thought rude? [No, for it is the gentleman who is rude to ask it.] Mary will be very thankful for the Editor's answers in your next number.

A YOUNG WELSH WOMAN Would feel grateful if Sylvia would kindly answer the following questions. Will black silk polonaises be worn over coloured skirts this summer? [No.] Will plain or frilled skirts be most fashionable? [Both will be worn.] Could toilet mats and nightdress cases be braided with white, or would coloured braid be required? [They can

be braided in white.] Of what material should bread and cheese cloths be made? [A folded napkin is used.] A crochet thing or what would be more suitable for putting on toilet glasses when they are placed in windows? [They can be trimmed with white muslin over pink, or a pretty light chintz edged with lace and ribbon bows.] With what would it be best to trim a dress of the enclosed pattern, for a young lady of twenty? Could it be trimmed with the same material? [Yes.] And what kind of button would be best? [Black.] With what would it be best to trim a black straw hat for summer? I would like it to be all black, as it is to be worn with different coloured dresses. [Trim your hat with black silk or velvet.] When one gives a pair of slippers to a gentleman, should they be made up before being given? [The slippers need not be made up before being given.] "Carrie " will find that her excellent suggestion has been complied with.

BESSIE YATES presents her compliments to Sylvia, and would be greatly obliged if she could give a braided pattern of a gentleman's smoking cap in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN. Bessie is so well pleased with the magazine, she shows it to all her friends, and has succeeded in getting three of them to take it in. [If we can manage this, we will, but we are asked for so many different patterns, that it is impossible to give all.]

OLIVE. [Several of our subscribers had asked for the pattern you object to. We are ,constantly asked for patterns for children's clothing, but no doubt you are right to a great extent. Charles Halle's Practical Pianoforte School is in five sections. Each section is divided into several parts, and the price of these parts is from 2s. to 2s. 6d. each.]

Advertisements of Lady's Work, Pet Animals, etc., for this part of the Paper, are charged for at the rate of One Shilling for Twelve Words.

E. T. B. thanks her correspondents for orders; she still sends clean M.S. songs. Ildegonda, She Wandered Down, etc., from 6d. ; long list of others; point-lace, butterflies, 6d. ; tuckers, 1s. 6d. ; lace begun or finished, and any article made at moderate charges; tatting, from 3d. Wanted, "Cassell's Magazine" for Englishwoman's Domestic," posted 21st. Post Office, Teignmouth.

Y. Z. knits mats, 3s. a pair; makes handkerchief cases, painted, 3s. 6d. ; has Berlin stripe for ottoman, 4s.; would be glad of orders. Address, Y. Z., Post Office, Charlton, Blandford, Dorset.

TWO YOUNG LADIES reduced by misfortune, who are clever in darning and mending, will be grateful for employment. Address with Editor.


DOROTHY FOx has babies' knitted gloves and boots in Berlin wool, at Is. a pair, also boots in eider wool at 1s. 6d. I have also a large, handsome knitted quilt, price 165. will send a pattern and particulars to any one wishing it. If you will put this in, it will be greatly helping. Address, Dorothy Fox, Post Office, Swindon, Wilts.

The writer of the articles on Bee-keeping in "E. D. M." will have a few swarms of bees to part with during May and June in the order of application, price 1os. 6d., straw hive included. Address, Rev. H. P. D., Wood Bastwick Vicarage, Norwich.

C. S. S., an invalid lady, in reduced circumstances, will be most grateful to receive orders for work, both useful and fancy articles. A list of prices and kind of work done, will be sent on receipt of two postage stamps. Address, C. S. S., care of Mr. Walker, 22, Market Place, Leicester. No post cards.

MISS CLYDE, Northdown Lodge, Bideford,

sends 20 roots of Devonshire ferns, or 100 leaves. for 12 stamps.

M. A. U. has a new Howe B sewing machine to dispose of; cost £8, will take £5; will do any kind of work. Apply to 22, Stockwell Road, London, S. W. [See Rules.]


1. All letters on this subject must be addressedTo the Editor of

Warwick House, Paternoster Row,
London, E. C.

(Young Englishwoman's Exchange.)


2. All letters must contain a large, fullydirected, stamped envelope, the stamp to be enclosed, not affixed.

3. Notices must be written legibly on one side of a sheet of paper, separate and distinct from communications for the Drawing-room or Work-room.

4. Announcements of the nature of an Advertisement cannot appear in this column.

5. The charge for insertion in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN'S Exchange is threepence for every twelve words, and one penny extra for every additional four words, except in cases where the address is published. The insertion, in these cases, is free.

6. The only articles that can be advertised for sale are Books and Music.

7. All articles of wearing apparel advertised for exchange must be new; Furs, Laces, Shawls, and Rugs alone excepted.

8. Notices must be sent before the 10th of preceding month.

P. L. P. writes: Will you kindly permit the insertion of this in THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN'S "Exchange" for May. I wrote last year, inclosing some words of songs, etc., that had been asked for, but no notice was taken of my letter, may I hope that this will not meet the same fate. I have several pieces of music to dispose of, all in good condition, being nearly new: Les Deux Anges, (Blumenthal), Is. 6d. ; Fantasia on Mosé in Egitto (Thalberg), 2s. 6d. (marked 75.); Sonata (Beethoven), 2s.; L' Eglantine (T. W. Nauman), Is. ; Sonata (Beethoven) Op. 30, 1s. 6d. [See Rules for


Exchange."] My mother and myself like the magazine very much indeed, the cut-out patterns are so very good and useful; ditto Sylvia's letters. We wish the magazine much success. Address, P. L. P., Post Office, Framlingham, Suffolk.

C. H. B. has THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN for 1870, 71, 72, 73 complete, and in good order (except the numbers for Jan. and Feb. 71). Also the diagram sheets, with two exceptions. I should be glad to dispose of them at 4d. a number. I have also a pretty lace plastron (real Maltese) quite new, cost 7s. 6d., which I wish to exchange for something pretty and useful. Address, C. H. B., The Willows, Thorpe S. Andrew, Norwich.

A. M. G. has the following songs to part with The Gipsy's Warning, IS. 3d.; Shy Robin, Is. 3d.; I Love to Hear thy Gentle Voice, Is. Also some very handsome watch pockets, in silk velvet and beads, large size, 5s. per pair; or A. M. G. will exchange them for something useful.

B. W. has THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN for 1874, which she will dispose of at half-price. Address, B. W., 13, Dunsford Villas, Merton Road, Wandsworth.

MARIE has the following music, and songs to dispose of, in good condition, viz.: Musical Box (Leybach), new, 1s. 6d. ; La Prière d'une Vierge (Badarzewska), 9d.; The Lurline

Waltzes (D'Albert), Is.; Souvenir de Bal (Tralexy), Is. Songs, Milly's Faith (Claribel), IS. 3d.; O Fair Dove, O Fond Dove (Sullivan), Is.; Little Nell (Linley), 9d.; How shall I say Farewell (Mattachs), 6d. ; Ring on, Sweet Angelus, in F (Gounod), new, Is. 6d. Marie would either sell them, or take in exchange the following songs: Ring on, Sweet Angelus, in (Gounod); Officer's Funeral (Hon. Mrs. ton); Captive Greek Girl (Miss Pardoe know Bridge, Pulaski's Banner, Excelsiondeen Lindsay); Strangers Yet, Half Mciation in (Claribel); The Nightingale's the soft Skipper and His Boy (Gabriel). long it Miss D., Post Office, Brendon, nan and Devon. iber for

VIOLET would be pleased to exchar with it, of the following songs: Music of ith the Words; music of On the Wind, or the thinks Call; Sleep, Gentle Sister, for the old n the song; We'd Better Bide a Wee. She lanhas Les Cloches du Monastère, Noctuar. Warblings at Eve, Morceau de Salon, Pr. Gouttes d'Eau, Caprice Etude, one of whic she would like to exchange for Les Jets d'Eau. Please address J., Post Office, Enderby, Leicestershire. [See Rule 5.]

JENNIE has for exchange the following songs, with music accompaniment for the piano: The Grecian Bend; Dressed in a Dolly Varden; Her Love Won Mine; O Do not Ask Me, all quite new, which she would like to exchange for, I Won't be a Nun, and Janet's Choice; Good Bye, Sweetheart; It's Hard to Give the Hand. Jennie has also a large, handsome, black carved, scented necklace, with massive cross attached, it consists of three strings, which she would be glad to exchange for a smelling-bottle for the chatelaine. Address, Miss Simms, Paris House, Fakenham, Norfolk. [See Rule 5.]

MISS S. LORAINE has a quantity of music remarkably cheap; send for list to Miss S. Loraine, 82, Victoria Park Road, South Hackney. [See Rule 5.]


JESSAMINE has the following pieces and songs to dispose of at a low rate, as they are slightly soiled: Pieces, Brooklet Whispers, 9d.; God Save the Queen, with variations, 6d.; Gaetana (Mazurka), 9d.; Ten Little Negro Boys, with variations, gd.; If Wishes Were Horses, 9d.; Then and Now, gd. will send each of these post-free on receipt of stamps for the amount, or the whole for 4s. Would not object to any article of jewellery, but would prefer a fancy ring to anything else. Address, Miss Luff, Mrs. Mann's, Gisleham, Wangford. [See Rule 5.]

ALPHA has some harp music she wishes to dispose of, consisting of "The First Six Week's Instruction," also preludes, exercises, airs, and variations, either for sale or exchange. Also the whole of THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN for 1874, so full of interest and fancy needlework patterns, and many numbers as far back as 1867, all in good condition; also a great number of soprano songs. Address, "Alpha," 25, Grosvenor, Bath. [See Rule 5.1

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MARGUERITE wishes to obtain, in good condition, The Gayworthys," by Mrs. Whitney, and Prince of the House of David," by Rev. J. H. Ingraham, both in the Lily Series. Marguerite would give in exchange a very pretty aluminium locket, or chain with gold clasp. Address, Mrs. Wilmot, Fylton, near Bristol, Gloucestershire. [See Rule 5.]

M. M. has for exchange a child's newfashioned iron crib and mattress, both nearly new; large enough for a child of four or five years, would exchange for black or brown quilted satin petticoat, or material for dress, or other offers. The crib and mattress are worth 255., the crib being 18s. and mattress 12s. 6d. when bought. Address, Mrs. Mennick, 10, Lansdowne Street, Hove, Brighton, Sussex. [See Rule 5.}

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JUNE, 1875.




E recognize the young lady as a very important member of the body social and politic, deserving of the utmost and most respectful attention; and we propose to devote a few papers to the consideration of her in her various aspects. There are, perhaps, some folks— old, sour, and cynical-who consider her as an insignificant person, who may some day develope into a wife, a superintendent of cookery and stocking-mending, and who, perhaps, a dozen or fifteen years previously, might have been an interesting child, but who is now in a transition state, with all her hopes fixed on the future, and engaged in the pursuit of husband hunting, with which. object in view she gives a great deal of time to dressing, flirting, pianoforte playing, promenading, croquet, and Badminton playing, and making herself attractive and fascinating generally. That is the sour cynic's view of the case. He is most likely an old bachelor who missed his chance of getting an attractive and good wife, or, from some defects of his own, never had a chance. Or, perhaps he is the father of a large family who finds his girls hang on hand, and grudges all the money he has spent-wasted, he now thinks-in preparing them for the matrimonial market. As disappointed people generally do, he now turns round altogether, discourages and complains of what he formerly recommended, and indeed enforced; tells his daughters they are silly and frivolous, and that they had better improve their minds and learn to make puddings.

It is, we hope, needless to say that we have no sympathy with such dismal portraitures of young ladyism. We are not of the kind who prefer gloom to sunlight, who would plant a garden with cypresses and funereal yews, and exclude pretty flowers and bright foliage. It is not necessary to be a young man-to whom, of course, from the sympathy of youth and a cheerful spirit, still more from that universal tendency to admiration which has existed ever since the world began, and, no doubt, will exist until planetary attraction or some other potent cause makes an end of us altogether-it is not necessary, we say, to be young to admire, and admire very much indeed, the young ladies whom we meet every day in society. Life is not so divided into independent sections that we can pass from one stage to another in an entirely disconnected and independent manner. Our individuality remains, and memory is the connecting link which binds. childhood, youth, maturity, and old age in the one being. Very often a grave, plodding business man, who buys and sells, who schemes and speculates, whose chief library is the ledgers in his safe, hears a childish laugh and sees the merry face of a little petticoated fairy, and, for a moment. there is a flash of light into his mind that tells him the child of the past still lives in the man whose exterior is so hard and precise. Fathers look at their young daughters, graceful, gay, loving, young voyagers on the ocean of life, not quite certain (not thinking much, indeed, about it) whither the currents will carry them, but with the frank

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