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India Board Whitehall, May 9. A DISPATCH, dated Calcutta, Dec. 10, of which the following is an extract, has been rece ved at the East India House, from the Earl of Moira:

"The possibility that a ship, now about to sail, may reach England before our regular dispatches, would render it an improper omission did I not offer you by her my congratulations on the close of the Gorkha war. The Treaty, without modification of any of the articles which I thought myself bound to prescribe, has been signed by the Gorkha negociators, and was yesterday ratified in Council."


Aug. 10.

India Board, Whitehall, Aug. 10. — A dispatch, dated Fort William, March 11, 1816, has been received at the East India House, from the Governor General in Council, with inclosures, of which the following are extracts and copies :

We desire to offer to your Honourable Committee the expression of our cordial congratulations on the signal success which has attended the first operations of our arms, and to draw your particular attention to the distinguished merits and services of the officers and troops engaged in them, whose zeal, gallantry, and perseverance, demand our warmest applause. Your Honourable Committee will not fail to perceive in the plan of operations adopted by Major - general Ochterlony, the same judgment, ability, and military skill, which have always characterized that officer's proceedings, and which, on the present occasion, supported by the bravery and discipline of the troops under bis command, have enabled him to surmount difficulties of no ordinary magnitude in passing the first range of hills, and to defeat the bold and desperate efforts of the Enemy to oppose his subsequent progress. The conduct of Colonel Kelly, in the command of the detached column directed against Hurryhurpore, is justly entitled to our high approbation; and we have great satisfaction in pointing out to the notice of your Hon. Committee the testimony borne by Major-gen. Ochterlony and Col. Kelly to the merits and services of Lieut. col. Miller, of his Majesty's 87th reg.; Lieut.-col. Burnet, of the 8th reg. of Native Infantry; and Lieut.-col. O'Halloran, of the 18th reg. of Native Infantry; and the other officers particularly mentioned in the inclosed reports.

GENT. MAG. September, 1816.

Letters and inclosures from Major-gen. Sir David Ochterlony, K. C. B. to Major Nichol, Acting Adjutant-General.

Camp, near Muckwampore, Feb. 28.

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Sir, I beg you will do me the favour to report to his Excellency the Right Hon. the Commander in Chief, that I marched at seven o'clock yesterday morning from Etowndah, after placing the defences of the fortified depôt there in a favourable state of preparation, and leaving for its defence four six-pounders, and seven companies of the 2d batt. of the 4th Native Infantry, under Major Campbell, the remaining three companies of that corps being posted on the crest of the Chireeah Ghatee pass. At three in the afternoon, the advance brigade, with the light train, arrived at our present ground in the Chowghera Mandee, which is an open level ground immediately to the Southward of the hills which cover the fortified heights and detached defences of Muckwanpore, and somewhat above two miles from the forts. The train and 4th brigade arrived this morning at nine o'clock, various obstacles and difficulties having retarded their progress yesterday, though the distance of Etowndah is only six miles. On our arrival the Enemy had a strong party posted on a steep hill opposite our left flank, also one considerably to the right on the same ridge; the former of these positions they evacuated early this morning, and a party of three companies, and a small detachment of his Majesty's 87th foot, are now posted there; and I am in hopes of turning it to good account in my further operations, or at any rate it will open our view of their positions. Col. Nicols reports from Ekoor, under date of the 25th, that he was induced to leave the 5th grenadier battalion and the 1st battalion 8th Native Infantry, with their proportion of field-guns, at that place, under Major Lumley, with a view of checking any attempt on the part of the Enemy on the valleys of the Raptee, from their posts of Kadrang and Ospudurung, to which they had retired on his advance. The Colonel also stated his intention of proceeding next morning along the Raptee with the remainder of his force, to join me at Etowndah, and I trust he will be able to effect a junction with this camp in two or three days. I have, &c. DAVID OCHTERLONY, Major-gen.


Camp, near Muckwampore, Feb. 29. Sir,When I had the honour of addressing you yesterday, I could hardly suppose that a post se recently and voluntarily

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tarily abandoned would have been a subject of contest; but I hardly closed the fetter, and after ascending a short way up the hill, on the left, to reconnoitre the Enemy's position, had proceeded towards the front of the right to examine a stockade, supposed to be situated at the Eastern extremity of the same ridge, when a smart firing advancing on our post from the Eastward, at half-past twelve, announced an attack in great force. On my return to the front of the line, I had a very distinct view of the Enemy's approach in large bodies; and successively detached to the aid of the party on the hill the light company of his Majesty's 87th, and the 2d battalion 25th Native Infantry, two more companies of the 87th, with the 2d battalion 12th Native Infantry, and two six-pounders on elephants, accompanied by Col. Miller; and lastly, the 2d battalion 8th Native Infantry. The number of the Enemy could not be less than two thousand men, with several guns, and repeated reinforcements; and during a momentary superiority in numbers, he approached close to the village, which was obstinately and gallantly disputed by our small party, until the arrival of more troops changed the fortune of the day; and from that time, until half-past five, their repeated assaults on our positions were invariably repulsed, and he was at length driven off in confusion, chiefly by a charge of the 20 battalion of the 8th Native Infantry in the direction of the Enemy's guns, one of which, a fourpounder on a carriage similar to a mountain-train, was abandoned, and brought in this morning; also a considerable quantity of gun and musquetry ammunition, which was found strewed about in the utmost confusion. The loss sustained by the Enemy is very considerable, and is supposed by many to be no less than five hundred men, including several of their officers, as appears by their dresses. The casualties on our part are, I am grieved to say, many, as will be seen by reference to the inclosed return. My sense of the gallant conduct of the corps engaged, and of individuals, is feebly expressed in the accompanying copy of Division Orders of this date, which I trust will meet the sanction and approval of his Excellency the Right Hon. the Commander in Chief.


Division Orders by Major-gen. Sir David Ochterlony, K. C. B.

Camp, near Muckwampore, Feb. 29. The Major-general returns his thanks to Lieut.-col. Burnet, Major Shapland, Capts. Smith and Fenton, and generally to the officers and men of the corps engaged with the Enemy yesterday.-His position enabled him to see the gallant style in

which they ascended, and the ardent spirit with which they attacked and drove the Enemy from their vantage-ground. Whilst he returns his thanks to Lieut. Kerr and Ensign Impey, for maintaining the village till reinforced, he cannot but regret the loss of so promising an officer as Lieut. Tirrell.-Lieut. Pickersgill, Assistant - Quarter- Master-General, in reascending the heights with the 12th Nat. Infantry, evinced a continuance of that zeal, spirit, and ability, which has already been frequently noticed, and entitles him to the thanks of the Major-General. The Major-general feels himself inadequate to express his sense of the conduct of Lieut.col. Miller, or the obligations he has conferred on this, as well as on other occasions; and he can offer his acknowledgments, with an assurance that his being on the heights gave him the most perfect confidence, that every thing possible would be done, and nothing practicable omitted; and this confidence was repaid by the charge of the 2d battalion Native Infantry, which was executed under his orders, and closed the day; and whilst it did honour to his judgment, it reflected the highest credit on the corps which had the glory to carry them into effect.

Killed, Wounded, and Missing, in an Attack on the Heights, near Muckwampore, Feb. 28, 1816.

Killed.-87th foot (light company), 11 rank and file.-12th Bengal nat. infantry, 2d batt. 1 serjeant or havildar, 7 rank and file.-22d Bengal native infantry, 2d batt. (one company), 1 rank and file. - 25th Bengal nat. infantry, 2d batt. 1 lieutenant, 1 subadar, 3 serjeants or havildars, 20 rank and file.

Wounded.-87th foot (light company), 19 rank and file.-8th Bengal nat. inf. 2d batt. 2 havildars, 19 rank and file.-12th Bengal native infantry, 2d batt. 1 lieut. 1 subadar, 1 jemadar, 7 havildars, 71 rapk and file.-22d Bengal native iufantry, 2d batt. (one company), 1 rank and file.25th Bengal nat. inf. 2d batt. 1 navıldar, 51 rank and file.-Pioneers or sappers, 1 rank and file.

Missing.-12th Bengal nat. infantry, 2d batt. 2 rank and file.

Total Killed, Wounded, and Missing.1 lieut. 1 subadar, 4 serjeants or haviidars, 39 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant, 1 subadar, 1 jemadar, 10 serjeants or havildars, 162 rank and file, wounded; 2 rank and file missing.-Grand Total. 45 killed, 175 wounded, 2 missing.

Names of Officers Killed and Wounded.

Killed. 20th Bengal native infantry, 1st batt. Lieut. and Adjutant Tirrell, doing duty with the 2d batt. 25th nat. inf.

Wounded.-2d batt. native inf. Lieut.


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and Adjutant P. Young, severely, but not dangerously.

N. B. 1 bhestee, 2d batt. 25th nat. inf. and 1 bildar of pioneers, killed; and 2 bildars wounded, not included above.

Letter and Inclosure from Col. W. Kelly, commanding the 1st brigade, to Majorgen. Sir David Ochterlony.

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Sir, I had the honour, in my letter of the 28th ult. to acquaint you with my intention of proceeding to this point of the Hurryhurpoor Hill, which movement I executed accordingly. On the best reconnoissance that could be made, without particularly calling the attention of the Enemy to our movements, it appeared that a strong point within about 800 yards of the stockade I mentioned had been neglected. This stockade runs upon the range and to the Westward of the Hurryhurpoor Fort, supposed to be about 1000 yards from it, in form a semicircle, and the mountain nearly perpendicular to the extremities, two guns in it, and in all respects formidable. - As the occupation of this neglected point appeared to be of great moment, it was advisable to take it by surprize. I consequently ordered the light infantry companies of the brigade, with two companies of each of the following regiments, viz. his Majesty's 24th, 18th native infantry, Chumparun light infantry, and one company of the 2d batt. 21st native regiment, with two 3-pounders, carried by bearers, to march at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, under the command of Lieut.-col. O'Halloran, who took possession of the position a few minutes before six, dislodging a picquet left for its protection. The Enemy, in very consi. derable force, made a most desperate and obstinate attack to recover this point; I was therefore obliged to send a few companies to support the rear of the position which was threatened. It was impossible, from the nature of the ground, to close or use the bayonet, and the musquetry continued without interruption until half-past eleven o'clock, when the arrival of two 6pounders and two five-and-a-half-inch howitzers on elephants, in a few minutes decided the affair, and left us in possession of au almost natural redoubt, very advantageously situated for further operations. I do myself the honour to inclose a list of killed and wounded, which, considering the length of time the affair lasted, is not great. Amongst the wounded you will find Capt. Lindsay, of the artillery: although his wounds are not severe, I fear I shall lose his active services for a time, which I lament exceedingly, having found Captain Lindsay a most zealous able officer, both as an artillerist and engineer. I am highly indebted to Lieut..col. O'Halloran, for the able and officer-like manner

in which he executed this duty; and nothing can possibly be more flattering or creditable than his report of the gallant conduct of the troops throughout. From every report, it appears that the Enemy have suffered severely; numbers of their killed are lying in all directions round the point of attack. Two or three hundred Goorkahs have been brought in, but they are, from the severity of their wounds, unable to speak or give intelligence. The advanced position only admits nine companies, which, with a Field-officer, I relieve every twenty-four hours. It will take some time to make the road for the heavy guns. We are, however, this day employed in getting up the 12-pounders, which will probably breach the stockade. I am still deficient of intelligence, and uncertain of the real numbers of the Enemy, but believe them to be as I before stated. The heavy rain of last night and this morning interrupts our operations; but I hope it is about to clear.—I have, &c.

W. KELLY, Colonel.

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Killed and Wounded in the 1st or Col. Kelly's Brigade, in action on the Heights of Hurryhurpoor, on the 1st of March, 1816.

Camp, near Hurryhurpoor, March 2. Artillery, Capt. Lindsay, wounded se verely, but not dangerously; 2 lascars wounded.-24th foot, Brevet-maj. Hughes, wounded slightly; Capt. Smith, Lieut. O'Leary, wounded severely, but not dan gerously; 4 privates killed; 1 serjeant, 22 privates, wounded.—18th nat. infantry, 1st batt. 2 sepoys killed, 1 naick, 4 sepoys, wounded. 21st uative infantry, 2d batt. 1 sepoy killed; 1 naick, 1 sepoy, wounded.

Champarun light infantry, Lieut. De Voeux, wounded severely, but not dangerously; 1 sepoy killed; 1 jemadar, 11 sepoys, wounded. Pioneers, 2 privates killed.

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4 privates of 24th foot,

Total Wounded.-1 brevet major, 2 captains, 2 lieutenants, 1 jemadar, I serjeant, 22 privates of 24th foot 2 naicks, 16 sepoys, 2 pioneers, 2 gun lascars.

GEO. CASEMENT, Major of Brigade. N. B. Authentic intelligence has been received of the ratification, by the Rajah of Nepaul, of the Treaty mentioned in the Gazette of 11th May; but no official copy of the ratified Treaty has been received.. LONDON


Sept. 15.

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Admiralty-office, Sept. 15. Capt. Brisbane, of his Majesty's ship Queen Charlotte, arrived at this Office last night with the following dispatches from Lord' Exmouth :

Queen Charlotte, Algiers Bay, Aug. 28. Sir, In all the vicissitudes of a long life of public service, no circumstance has ever produced on my mind such impressions of gratitude and joy as the event of yesterday. To have been one of the humble instruments, in the hands of Divine Providence, for bringing to reason a ferocious Government, and destroying for ever the insufferable and horrid system of Christian slavery, can never cease to be a source of delight and heart-felt comfort to every individual happy enough to be employed in it. I may, I hope, be permitted, under such impressions, to offer my sincere congratulations to their Lordships on the complete success which attended the gallant efforts of his Majesty's fleet in their attack upon Algiers of yesterday; and the happy result produced from it on this day by the signature of peace-Thus has a provoked war of two days' existence been attended by a complete victory, and closed by a renewed peace for England and her ally, the King of the Netherlands, on conditions dictated by the firmness and wisdom of his Majesty's Government, and commanded by the vigour of their measures. My thanks are justly due for the honour and confidence his Majesty's Ministers have been pleased to repose on my zeal on this highly important occasion. The means were by them made adequate to my own wishes, and the rapidity of their measures speak for themselves. Not more than an hundred days since, I left Algiers with the British fleet, unsuspicious and ignorant of the atrocities which had been committed at Bona; that fleet on its arrival in England was necessarily disbanded, and another, with proportionate resources, created and equipped; and although impeded in its progress by calms and adverse winds, has poured the vengeance of an insulted nation, in chastising the cruelties of a ferocious Government, with a promptitude beyond example, and highly honourable to the national character, eager to resent oppression or cruelty, whenever practised upon those under their protection. Would to God that in the attainment of this object I had not deeply to lament the severe loss of so many gallant officers and men; they have profusely bled in a contest which has been peculiarly marked by proofs of such devoted beroism as would rouse every noble feeling, did I dare indulge in relating them. Their Lordships will already have been informed, by his Majesty's sloop Jasper,

of my proceedings up to the 14th instant, on which day I broke ground from Gibraltar, after a vexatious detention, by a foul wind, of four days. The fleet, complete in all its points, with the addition of five gun boats fitted at Gibraltar, departed in the highest spirits, and with the most favourable ospect of reaching the port of their destination in three days; but an adverse wind destroyed the expectation of an early arrival, which was the more anxiously looked for by myself, in consequence of hearing, the day I sailed from Gibraltar, that a large army had been assembled, and that very considerable additional works were throwing up, not only on both flanks of the city. but also immediately about the entrance of the Mole: from this I was apprehensive that my intention of making that point my principal object of attack, had been discovered to the Dey by the same means he had heard of the expedition. This intelligence was, on the following night, greatly confirmed by the Prometheus, which I had dispatched to Algiers some time before, to endeavour to get away the Consul. Capt. Dashwood had with difficulty succeeded in bringing away, disguised in Midshipman's uniform, his wife and daughter, leaving a boat to bring off their infant child, coming down in a basket with the Surgeon, who thought he had composed it; but it unhappily cried in the gate-way, and in consequence the Surgeon, three Midshipmen, in all eighteen persons, were seized and confined as slaves in the usual dungeons. The child was sent off next morning by the Dey, and as a solitary instance of his humanity, it ought to be recorded by me. - Capt. Dashwood further confirmed, that about 40,000 men had been brought down from the interior, and all the Janissaries called in from distant garrisons, and that they were indefatigably employed in their batteries, gun-boats, &c. and every where strengthening the sea-defences. The Dey informed Capt. Dashwood he knew perfectly well the armament was destined for Algiers, and asked him if it was true; he replied, if he had such information, he knew as much as he did, and probably from the same. source-the public prints. The ships were all in port, and between 40 and 50 gun and mortar-boats ready, with several more in forward repair. The Dey had closely confined the Consul, and refused either to give him ap, or promise his personal safety; nor would he hear a word respecting the officers and men seized in the boats of the Prometheus. From the continuance of adverse winds and calms, the land to the Westward of Algiers was not made before the 26th, and the next morning at day-break the fleet was advanced in sight of the city, though not so


near as I had intended. As the ships were becalmed, I embraced this opportunity of dispatching a boat, under cover of the Severn, with a flag of truce, and the demands I had to make, in the name of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, on the Dey of Algiers (of which the accompanying are copies), directing the officer to wait two or three hours for the Dey's answer, at which time, if no reply was sent, he was to return to the flagship; he was met near the Mole by the Captain of the port, who, on being told the answer was expected in one hour, replied, that it was impossible. The officer then said he would wait two or three hours; he then observed, two hours was quite sufficient. The fleet at this time, by the springing-up of the sea-breeze, had reached the bay, and were preparing the boats and flotilla for service, until near two o'clock, when, observing my officer was returning with the signal flying that no answer had been received, after a delay of upwards of three hours, I instantly made a signal to know if the ships were all ready, which being auswered in the affirmative, the Queen Charlotte bore up, followed up by the fleet, for their appointed stations; the flag, leading in the prescribed order, was anchored in the entrance of the Mole, at about 50 yards distance. At this moment not a gun had been fired, and I began to suspect a full compliance with the terms which had been so many hours in their hands; at this period of profound silence, a shot was fired at us from the Mole, and two at the ships to the Northward then following; this was promptly returned by the Queen Charlotte, who was then lashing to the mainmast of a brig, fast to the shore in the mouth of the Mole, and which we had steered for, as the guide to our position. Thus commenced a fire as animated and well supported as, I believe, was ever witnessed, from a quarter before three until nine, without intermission, and which did not cease altogether until half-past eleven. The ships immediately following me were admirably and coolly taking their stations, with a precision even beyond my most sanguine hope; and never did the British flag receive, on any occasion, more zealous and honourable support. To look further on the line than immediately round me was perfectly impossible, but so well grounded was my confidence in the gallant officers I had the honour to command, that my mind was left perfectly free to attend to other objects; and I knew them in their stations only by the destructive effect of their fire upon the walls and batteries to which they were opposed.—I had about this time the satisfaction of seeing Vice-admiral Vao Capellan's flag in the station I had assigned to him, and

soon after, at intervals, the remainder of his frigates, keeping up a well-supported fire on the flanking batteries he had offered to cover us from, as it bad not been in my power, for want of room, to bring him in the front of the Mole. About sun-set I received a message from Rear-adm. Milne, conveying to me the severe loss the Im pregnable was sustaining, having then 150 killed and wounded, and requesting I would, if possible, send him a frigate to divert some of the fire he was under. The Glasgow, near me, immediately weigh ed, but the wind had been driven away by the cannonade, and she was obliged to anchor again, having obtained rather a better position than before.-I had at this time sent orders to the explosion-vessel, under the charge of Lieut. Fleming and Mr. Parker, by Capt. Reade, of the Engineers, to bring her into the Mole; but the Rear - admiral having thought she would do him essential service if exploded under the battery in his front, I sent orders to this vessel to that effect, which were executed. I desired also the Rear-admiral might be informed, that many of the ships being now in flames, and certain of the destruction of the whole, considered I had executed the most important part of my instructions, and should make every preparation for withdrawing the ships, and desired he would do so as soon as possible with his division. There were awful moments during the conflict, which I cannot now attempt to describe, occasioned by firing the ships so near us; and I had long resisted the eager entreaties of several around me to make the attempt upon the outer frigate, distant about 100 yards, which at length I gave into, and Major Gossett, by my side, who had been eager to land his corps of miners, pressed me most anxiously for permission to ac company Lieut. Richards in this ship's barge. The frigate was instantly boarded, and in ten minutes in a perfect blaze. A gallant young Midshipman, in Rocketboat No. 8, although forbidden, was led by his ardent spirit to follow in support of the barge, in which he was desperately wounded, his brother officer killed, and nine of his crew. The barge, by rowing more rapidly, had suffered less, and lost but two. - The Enemy's batteries around my division were about ten o'clock silenced, and in a state of perfect ruin and dilapidation; and the fire of the ships was reserved as much as possible, to save powder and reply to a few guns now and then bearing upon us, although a fort on the upper angle of the city, on which our guns could not be brought to bear, continued to annoy the ships by shot and shells during the whole time. - Providence at this interval gave to my anxious wishes the usual land-wind, common in this bay and'

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