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Lift and difpofition of the Dutch fleet on Admiral Devries, Captain Zegers, the 11th of October, 1797.


Vice-Admiral Reyntjes,


Cerberus, Captain Jacobfon, 68 guns, 450 men.

Delet, Captain Verdoorn, 56 guns,

375 men.-Taken. Jupiter, Vice-Admiral Reyntjes and Rear-Admiral Meufes, 74 guns,

550 men.-Taken. Alkmaar, Captain Kraft, 56 guns, 350 men. Taken. Haerlem, Captain Wiggarts, 68 guns, 450 men.-Taken. Munnikendam, Captain Lancaster, 44 guns, 270 men.-Taken. Heldin, Captain Dumifhilde L'Eeftrille, 32 guns, 230 men. Daphne brig, Lieutenant Fredericks, 18 guns, 98 men. CENTER.

Admiral de Winter, Commander in Chief. Waffenaer, Captain Holland, 64 guns, 450 men.-Taken. Batavier, Captain Souters, 56 guns,

350 men.

Vryheid, (the Liberty) Admiral de Winter and Van Roffem, 74 guns, 50 men.-Taken. States General, Rear-Admiral Story, 74 guns, 550 men. Leyden, Captain Mufquetier, 68 guns, 450 men.

Mars, Captain Kolff, 44 guns, 400


Waakfaamheid, Captain Lieutenant Nicrop, 24 guns, 150 men. Minerva, Captain Eilbracht, 24 guns, 150 men. Galatea brig, Lieutenant Rivery, 18 guns, 98 men. Atalanta brig, Lieutenant Plets, 18 guns, 98 men.


-Rear-Admiral Bloys, Commander.

68 guns, 450 men.-Taken. Hercules, Captain Van Ryfoort, 64

guns, 450 men.-Taken. Brutus, Rear-Admiral Bloys, 74 guns, 550 men.

Befchermer, Captain Hinxt, 56 guns, 350 men.

Gelvkleid, (the Equality) Captain

Ruyfen, 68 guns, 450 men.-Taken.

Ambufcade, Captain Lieutenant Huys,32 guns, 270men.-Taken. Ajax brig, Lieutenant Arkenbout, 18 guns, 98 men. Haasje, (Avifo) Lieutenant Hartenfeld, 6 guns, 31 men.


Difpofition of the British Squadron in the erder of battle, 11th of October, 1797. LAR BOARD, or LEE DIVISIONS. Richard Onflow, Efq. Vice-Admiral of the Red, Commander. 1. Ruffel, Henry Trollope Captain, 2. Director, William Bligh, Cap74 guns, 590 men. 3. Montague, John Knight Captain, 64 guns, 491 men.

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4. Veteran, George Gregory Captain, 74 guns, 590 men. tain, 64 guns, 401 men. 5. Monarch, Vice-Admiral Onflow,

Edward O'Bryen Captain, 74 6. Powerful, William O'Bryen Druguns, 590 men. 7. Monmouth, James Walker Capry Captain, 74 guns, 590 men. 8. Agincourt, John Williamfon tain, 64 guns, 400 men. Captain, 64 guns, 400 men. REPEATERS. Beaulieu frigate.-Cutters: Rofe, King George, Active, Dili gent. Speculator lugger. STARBOARD, OR WEATHER Dr.


Adam Duncan, Efq. Admiral of the Blue, Commander in Chief, &c. 9. Triumph,

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Venerable, off Orfordnefs, Oct. 15, 1757.

Sir, In addition to my letter of the 13th inftant, containing the particulars of the action of the 11th, and which I have not been able to fend away until this day, I have to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commiflioners of the Admiralty, that, from the wind continuing to blow on the Dutch coaft, the fhips have had great difficulty in keeping off the fhore, and that we have unavoidably been feparated. On Friday laft the wind blew ftrong from the weft-fouthweft to west-north-weft, and continued fo to do until Saturday morning; it then shifted to the north, when I made the fignal to wear, ftood to the westward, and fortunately anchored here last evening; the Venerable being fo leaky, that, with all her pumps going, we could but juft keep her free. This morn

ing I obferved the ships named in the margin at anchor near us, three near the Kentish Knock, and three in Hofley Bay. The wind is at north-weft, and much against the difabled fhips: I have therefore fent the Lancaster and Beaulieu out to render them aflistance. Sir Thomas Williams, in the Endymion, who joined me the day after the action, I alfo fent in fhore, to keep by and affift the difabled fhips; and I am informed that, in the courfe of the night, he fell in with a Dutch fhip of the line off the Texel, and had engaged her; but I have not heard the particulars. I am, Sir, your moft obedient humble Servant, ADAM DUNCAN

Evan Nepean, Efq.

Articles of Capitulation for the furrender of the island of Trinidad, between his Excellency Sir Ralph Abercromby, Knight of the Bath, Commander in Chief of his Britannic Majefty's landforces; his Excellency Henry Harvey, Efq. Rear-Admiral of the Red, and. Commander in Chief of his Britannic Majefty's Ships and veffels of war; and his Excellency Don Jofef Maria Chacon, Knight of the Order of Calatrava, Brigadier of the Royal Navy, Governor and Commander in Chief of the island of Trinidad and its depend encies, Infpector-general of the troops of its garrifon, &c.

Article I. The officers and troops of his Catholic Majefty and his allies in the ifland of Trinidad, are to Turrender themfelves prifoners of war, and are to deliver up the territory, forts, buildings, arms, am

*Monarch, Powerful, Lancafter, Beaulieu.


munition, money, effects, plans, and ftores, with exact inventories thereof, belonging to his Catholic Majefty; and they are hereby transferred to his Britannic Majefty, in the fame manner and poffeffion as has been held heretofore by his faid Catholic Majesty.

II. The troops of his Catholic Majefty are to march out with the honours of war, and to lay down their arms, at the diftance of three hundred paces from the forts they occupy, at five o'clock this evening, the 18th of February.

III. All the officers and troops aforefaid of his Catholic Majefty, are allowed to keep their private effects, and the officers are allowed to wear their fwords.

IV. Admiral Don Sebaftian Ruiz de Apodaca, being on fhore in the ifland, after having burnt and abandoned his fhips, he, with the officers and men belonging to the fquadron under his command, are included in this capitulation, under the fame terms as are granted to his Catholic Majefty's troops.

V. As foon as fhips can be conveniently provided for the purpofe, the prifoners are to be conveyed to Old Spain; they remaining prifoners of war until exchanged by a cartel between the two nations, or until the peace; it being clearly understood that they fhall not ferve against Great Britain or her allies until exchanged.

VI. There being fome officers among his Catholic Majefty's troops whofe private affairs require their prefence at different places on the continent of America, fuch officers are permitted to go upon their parole to the faid places for fix months, more or lefs; after which period they are to return to Europe; but

as the number receiving this indulgence must be limited, his Excellency Don Chacon will previously deliver to the British commanders a lift of their names, rank, and places which they are going to.

VII. The officers of the royal adminiftration, upon the delivery of the ftores with which they are charged, to fuch officers as may be appointed by the British commanders, will receive receipts, according to the cuftom in like cafes, from the officers fo appointed to receive the stores.

VIII. All the private property of the inhabitants, as well Spaniards as fuch as may have been naturalized, is preferved to them.

IX. All public records are to be preferved in fuch courts or offices as they are now in; and all contracts or purchases between individuals, which have been done according to the laws of Spain, are to be held binding and valid by the British government.

X. The Spanish officers of adminiftration, who are poffeffed of landed property in Trinidad, are allowed to remain in the island, they taking the oaths of allegiance to his Britannic Majefty; and they are farther allowed, fhould they pleafe, to fell or difpofe of their property, and to retire elsewhere.

XI. The free exercife of their religion is allowed to the inhabit

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XIII. The failors and foldiers of his Catholic Majefty are, from the time of their laying down their armis, to be fed by the British government, leaving the expence to be regulated by the cartel between

the two nations.

XIV. The fick of the Spanish troops will be taken care of, but to be attended, and to be under the inspection of their own furgeons.

XV. All the inhabitants of Trinidad fhall, within thirty days from the date hereof, take the oath of allegiance to his Britannic Majefty, to demean themfelves quietly and faithfully to his government, upon pain, in cafe of non-compliance, of being fent away from the island.

Done at Port d'Espagne, in the
ifland of Trinidad, the 18th
day of February, 1797.

Royal Proceffion to St. Paul's

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12 Seamen

Artillery Waggon, with
the Spanish Flags,

12 Marines

12 Seamen

In carriages:-. Vice-Admiral Sir C. Thompson, 14th of February, 1797-Captain J. Harvey, Trinidad, 17th of February, 1797 Reprefentatives of Admiral Earl St. Vincent, and Rear - Admiral Har

The 19th of December being the day appointed for a General Thanksgiving, for the three great naval victories obtained by his Majefty's fleets, under the command of Lords Howe, St. Vincent, and Duncan, a grand proceffion to St. Paul's, by the Royal Family and the two houfes of parliament, took place. The Foot Guards were all on duty in the Strand foon after fix, A the Horfe-Guards lining the Park, Pall-mall, and Charing-crofs, aflifted by a detachment of the Queen's regiment of light horfe, and the fixth regiment of Dragoon-Guards. At feven, the feamen and marines,




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divifion of feamen, with their
lieutenants, &c.

Artillery Waggon, with the
Dutch Flags, taken from
Admirals De Winter,
Reintjes, and Lucas.

12 Seamen

12 Marines

The dates fignify the days on which the feveral memorable actions were fought.

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Maids of Honour to the Queen
9. Equeries to her Majesty.
Ladics of the Bedchamber to
the Queen.

Mafter of the Horfe to the

12. Gentlemen Ufhers of the Privy Chamber.

13. Deputy Lord Steward. 14. Lords of the Bedchamber. 15. Attendants.

The Earl of Aylesford, with Fran- 16. Mafter of the Horfe to the

cis Barker, Efq.

The Members of the Houfe of Commons; in the rear of whom came the Speaker, in his ftatecarriage.

Three Knights Marshalmen,
Clerk of the Crown,
Mafters in Chancery, and

The Twelve Judges. The Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in their robes, but not ranged (from accident perhaps) in the order of their rank or feniority.

Lord High Chancellor in his robes

of state.


Ift coach, Household Officers of the Duke of Gloucefter. 2. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Gloucester, and Princess Sophia of Gloucefter.

3. Household Officers of the Duke of Clarence.

4. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Clarence.

A Party of the Life-Guards. 5. Household Officers of the Duke of York.

6. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of York.




Marfhalmen, State Trumpeters, and a numerous body of Life-Guards. 19. Miftrefs of the Robes to the Queen, and the Lady in Waiting. 19. The Princeffes Augufta and Elizabeth.

20. The Princeles Sophia and
A ftrong Detachment of Life-

In this manner the proceffion paraded to Temple - Bar, where their Majefties were received by

The Lord Mayor, dreffed in a crimfon velvet gown, mounted on a fine grey horfe, clegantly caparifoned, and bearing the word of the city, which he delivered to the King, with his head uncovered. His Majefty accepted the civic compliment with the utmoft politenefs, and immediately returned the fword to his Lordship.

The two Sheriffs, and four of the Common Council, attended to the Cathedral, where the corporation received the King. . The fheriffs in their gowns of office, and the fword carried by the Lord Mayor immediately before his Ma



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