to be but once administered 138 its efficacy not confined to the time of ad- how to be improved, of the administration of, Believers, can not finally fall from grace, benefits they receive from Christ, Bishops or Pastors, of, Blindness, judicial, election and ordination of, ship, Conscience, God alone the Lord of, and has left it 499 PAGE. 227 231, 358, 370 292, 365 424 128, 200, 213 5 77 428 101 20, 30 Covenant of works, 40, 170 41, 175 42, 177, 178 41 Creation, 26, 166, 352 Creed, the, 372 D. Divinity, Candidates must study two years before Discipline, general principles of, Divorce, of, Duty required of man, 452 406 426 123 222, 357 of special grace alone, of electing and ordaining, 400 60 Justification, the Instrument of, PAGE. 62, 200, 208, 356 the Fruit of Christ's obedience, State of, can not be fallen from, taments, 63, 203 64, 201 65 65 66 License, Form of, Licensing, Manner of, Limitation of time, all men, 96 97, 223 99 28, 170 407 406 Light of nature insufficient, Lord's Day, of the Sanctification of the, 5, 194 457 459 138, 315, 367 Lord's Supper, the duty of Christians at, of the Administration of the, Benefits received from the who may not be admitted to the, cases respecting the, stated, and after the, not a sacrifice for sin, 142, 316 143 317, 367 319 321 322 469 140 |