IN THE TWELVE SYNODS OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, IN TH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Appointed in May, 1821, to contract for the publishing of the Confession of Faith, to examine the proof sheets of the same, and to certify to the authenticity of the editions which they may publish, in their respective bounds. 12. SYNOD OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AND GEORGIA. Rev. John Joyce. Rev. Anthony W. Ross. attainable in this life, may be shaken, diminished, and intermitted, 92 91 subjects of not essential to salvation, its efficacy not confined to the time of ad- to be but once administered how to be improved, of the administration of, Believers, can not finally fall from grace, from Christ, benefits they receive fi Bishops or Pastors, of, Blindness, judicial, election and ordination of, 137 |