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garden. But if we can make choice of a situation where a rocky bank or knoll already partially exists, or would be in keeping with the form of the ground and the character of the scene, then we may introduce such accompaniments with the best possible hope of success.

It often happens in a place of considerable extent, that somewhere in conducting the walks through the grounds, we meet with a ridge with a small rocky face, or perhaps with a large rugged single rock, or a bank where rocky summits just protrude themselves through the surface. The common feeling against such uncouth objects, would direct them to be cleared away at once out of sight. But let us take the case of the large rugged rock, and commence our picturesque operations upon it. We will begin by collecting from some rocky hill or valley in the neighbourhood of the estate, a sufficient quantity of rugged rocks, in size from a few pounds to half a ton or more, if necessary, preferring always such as are already coated with mosses and lichens. These we will assemble around the base of the large rock, in an irregular somewhat pyramidal group, bedding them sometimes partially, sometimes almost entirely in soil heaped in irregular piles around the rock. The rocks must be arranged in a natural manner, avoiding all regularity and appearance of formal art, but placing them sometimes in groups of half a dozen together, overhanging each other, and sometimes half bedded in the soil, and a little distance apart. There are no rules to be given for such operations, but the study of natural groups, of a character similar to that which we wish to produce, will afford sufficient hints if the artist is

"Prodigue de génie,"

and has a perception of the natural beauty which he desires to imitate.

The rockwork once formed, choice trailing, creeping and alpine plants, such as delight naturally in similar situations, may be planted in the soil which fills the interstices between the rocks when these grow to fill their proper places, partly concealing and adorning the rocks with their neat green foliage and pretty blossoms, the effect of the whole, if properly done, will be like some exquisite portion of a rocky bank in wild scenery, and will be found to give an air at once striking and picturesque to the little scene where it is situated.

In small places where the grounds are extremely limited, and the owner wishes to form a rockwork for the growth of alpine and other similar plants, if there are no natural indications of a rocky surface, a rockwork may sometimes be introduced without violating good taste by preparing natural indications artificially, if we may use such a term. If a few of the rocks to be employed in the rockwork are sunk half or three-fourths their depth in the soil near the site of the proposed rockwork, so as to have the appearance of a rocky ridge just cropping out, as the geologists say, then the rock work will, to the eye of a spectator, seem to be connected with, and growing out of this rocky spur or ridge below: or, in other words, there will be an obvious reason for its being situated there, instead of its presenting a wholly artificial appearance.

In a previous page, when treating of the banks of pieces of water formed by art, we endeavoured to show how the natural appearance of such banks would be improved by the judicious introduction of rocks partially imbedded into and holding them up. Such situations, in the case of a small lake or pond, or a brook, are admirable sites for rockwork, Where the materials of a suitable kind are abundant, and

tasteful ingenuity is not wanting, surprising effects may be produced in a small space. Caves and grottoes, where ferns and mosses would thrive admirably with the gentle drip from the roof, might be made of the overarching rocks arranged so as to appear like small natural caverns. Let the exterior be partially planted with low shrubs and climbing plants, as the wild Clematis, and the effect of such bits of landscape could not but be agreeable in secluded portions of the grounds.

In many parts of the country, the secondary blue limestone abounds, which, in the small masses found loose in the woods, covered with mosses and ferns, affords the very finest material for artificial rockwork.*

After all, much the safest way is never to introduce rockwork of any description, unless we feel certain that it will have a good effect. When a place is naturally picturesque, and abounds here and there with rocky banks, etc., little should be done but to heighten and aid the expressions of these, if they are wanting in spirit, by adding something more; or softening and giving elegance to the expression, if too wild, by planting the same with beautiful shrubs and climbers. On a tame sandy level, where rocks of any kind are unknown, their introduction in rockworks, nine times in ten, is more likely to give rise to emotions of the ridiculous, than those of the sublime or picturesque.

* Our readers may see an engraving and description of a superb extravaganza in rockwork in a late number of Loudon's Gardener's Magazine. Lady Broughton, of Hoole House, Chester, England, has succeeded in forming, round a natural valley, an imitation of the hills, glaciers, and scenery of a passage in Switzerland. The whole is done in rockwork, the snow-covered summits being represented in white spar. The appropriate plants, trees, and shrubs on a small scale, are introduced, and the illusion, to a spectator standing in the valley surrounded by these glaciers, is said to be wonderfully striking and complete.

Fountains are highly elegant garden decorations, rarely seen in this country; which is owing, not so much, we apprehend, to any great cost incurred in putting them up, or any want of appreciation of their sparkling and enlivening effect in garden scenery, as to the fact that there are few artizans here, as abroad, whose business it is to construct and fit up architectural, and other jets d'eau.

The first requisite, where a fountain is a desideratum, is a constant supply of water, either from a natural source, or an artificial reservoir, some distance higher than the level of the surface whence the jet or fountain is to rise. Where there is

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a pond, or other body of water, on a higher level than the proposed fountain, it is only necessary to lay pipes under the surface to conduct the supply of water to the required spot; but where there is no such head of water, the latter must be provided from a reservoir artificially prepared, and kept constantly full.

There are two very simple and cheap modes of effecting

this, which we shall lay before our readers, and one or the other of which may be adopted in almost every locality. The first is to provide a large flat cistern of sufficient size, which is to be placed under the roof in the upper story of one of the outbuildings, the carriage-house for example, and receive its supplies from the water collected on the roof of the building; the amount of water collected in this way from a roof of moderate size being much more than is generally supposed. The second is to sink a well of capacious size, (where such is not already at command,) in some part of the grounds where it will not be conspicuous, and over it to erect a small tower, the top of which shall contain a cistern and a small horizontal windmill; which being kept in motion by the wind more or less almost every day in summer, will raise a sufficient quantity of water to keep the reservoir supplied from the well below. In either of these cases, it is only necessary to carry leaden pipes from the cistern, (under the surface, below the reach of frost,) to the place where the jet is to issue; the supply in both these cases will, if properly arranged, be more than enough for the consumption of the fountain during the hours when it will be necessary for it to play; viz. from sunrise to evening.

The steam engine is often employed to force up water for the supply of fountains in many of the large public and royal gardens; but there are few cases in this country where private expenditures of this kind would be justifiable.

"In conducting the water from the cistern or reservoir to the jet or fountain, the following particulars require to be attended to-In the first place, all the pipes must be laid sufficiently deep in the earth, or otherwise placed and protected so as to prevent the possibility of their being reached by frost ; next, as a general rule, the diameter of the orifice from which

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