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quity, to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speak right.

I know what Arminianism is: I have felt the bane, the leaven, the desperate rebellion, the cursed workings, and the horrid enmity of it against God, and his word too. If any leaders of the Arminian class had found me when I was burdened with sin, and filled with wrath; under the fears of death, and at the gates of hell; murmuring and fretting against God, and fighting against the doctrine of election; washing myself with nitre, making my heart clean, working out my own salvation, and bringing in my Maker debtor, to save me for my dead works sake; I should have been admitted into their society at the first word; and, if they could have seared my conscience, I should soon have become a leader of a class, if not a Boanerges in the pulpit.

Again, my dear friends, when you hear any bills or papers of Grub Street proclaimed, and sold about the streets, describing the triumphant death of such characters as my text describes; or any avowals, signed by never so many persons; or elegies, or funeral sermons, preached and published on such occasions; if you buy them, this do-sit down, and take your pen, and draw it through all the fair glosses, through all the varnish, that they have cast upon the narrative, and you will see what is left. Then compare that with the doctrines they have published, and both

with the scriptures of truth, and you will soon see how they stand together. If any of God's elect get into Arminianism, they must be converted therefrom, ere they go hence. Peter himself, notwithstanding his confession of faith, must be converted from his fleshly confidence, before he was fit to strengthen his brethren, much less to depart this life in peace. There will be some of God's elect even among the Papists; but God calls to them; and all shall partake of her plagues that are not called from out of her arms.

But my friends may say; 'If the testimony of God in your text, concerning every false teacher, be true, and that the Arminian is one of those false teachers; then how comes it to pass, that such characters, such unconverted men, who never were converted to God, who never could, who never did, publish their conversion; how is it that such come to be canonized at their death, justified in their falsehood and wickedness, and that by men falsely called orthodox, who must betray the simple into their hands, and be partakers themselves of their evil deeds? And how is it that pulpits, which once did ring with the truth, now hang in sackcloth, at the departure of the worst of liars; persons who have left upon record volumes of lies against their own souls?'

To which I answer, The merchants, traders, traffickers, and all that have ships, will cast dust upon their heads, weep, wail, and lament, as much

at the burning of Rome, as these do at the death of the head of the Arminian synagogue; when the heavens, the apostles, and prophets of the Lord, will be commanded to rejoice over her. Besides, they are not all converted men that are called gospel ministers, nor yet one in twenty: they may begin in the Spirit, when the Spirit never begun in them: the commandment may be delivered to them from the pulpit, or by the Presbytery, when it never was written on the fleshly tables of their hearts by the Spirit of the living God. If damnable blasphemy, lies, and villany, uttered and left upon record, against God; if swearing falsely that they are moved by the Holy Ghost, when the devil, and none but the devil, moved them; if subscribing to doctrinal articles, and then reprobating every one of them; if these are the things that complete the character of a man of God; if these are the things that accompany salvation, that bring men to a peaceable end, and to the crown of glory; the Arminian bids fair for the prize. Nor can the Jewish Pharisees, the murderers of our Lord: the synagogue of Satan, the Pope, Papists, Mahometans, infidels, or cannibals, have any thing to fear. For what is there in any popish writings, or in the Alcoran, comparable to what is to be found in Mr. Wesley's hymns, or in his Sermon of what he calls Free Grace, preached at Bristol? Can the devil himself, or did the devil ever utter any thing worse, or so

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bad, as to call the Sovereign disposer of all things A hellish God, Moloch, &c. &c. and to declare that the law of Moses is God's decree of predestination? The decree, he says, is this, "I set before thee life and death.”

Reader, these children of the flesh are not the children of God, but the children of the promise are accounted for the seed; and the salvation of these is faith, that it might be by grace, to the end that the promise might be sure to them all. Stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved; lest, being led away by the error of the wicked, ye fall from your own steadfastness. The man that dies in his errors, must be damned, if God be true: and he that errs from the truth, must be converted from the errors of his way, before his soul can be saved from death or the multitude of his sins can be covered.

In short, our present mongrel watchmen, who are partly Hebrew, and partly Ashdod; who were the followers of the orthodox Mr. Whitefield, &c. but are now the advocates of Mr. Wesley, &c. give their followers to understand, that the ancient enmity between the seed of the woman and the serpent has now subsided, and that peace is proclaimed; that the testimony of Mr. Whitefield, and all the orthodox, are now invalid; that the breach between lies and falsehood is now closed; and that they themselves have been all this time imposing on their numerous followers, by re

ceiving one hundred pounds per annum for their pretending to preach the doctrinal articles of the Church; when their audience might have been furnished with ministers, of the same hearts and sentiments with themselves, at twelve pounds a year.


T. Bensley, Printer,

Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London.

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