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ankered hath of longe tyme ben called the Englysh rode: y Scottes nowe taketh the same to be a prophesie of the thynge which is hapened. The nexte daye beyng the fourth daye of May, the sayde armye landed two myles bewest the towne of Lithe, at a place called Grantame Cragge, every ma beyng so prompt thereunto that the hole armye was landed in foure houres. And perceyvynge our landynge to be so quyet whiche we loked not for, havyinge our guides ready we put ourselfes in good ordre of warre, marchynge forwarde towardes the towne of Lythe in thre battaylles wherof my lorde Admy ral ledde the vant-guard, Therle of Shrewesbury thareregarde, and Therle of Hertford beinge lorde Lieutenant the battayll, havynge with us certen small pieces of artillary whiche were drawen by force of men whiche enterpryse wẻ thought necessarie to be attempted fyrste of all other for the commodyous lodgynge of our navy there and landynge of our artillerie and vittaylē. And in a valley upon y ryght hande nere unto the sayd towne the Scottes were assembled to the nombre of fyve or syx thousande horsemen, besydes a good nombre of fote men, to empeache the passage of our sayd armye, in which place they had layd theyr artyllarie at two strayghtes through the whiche we muste nedes passe yf we mynded to acheve our enterpryse. And semynge at the fyrste as though they wolde set


apo the vanwarde, when they perceyved our men so wyllynge to encounter with them, namely the Cardynall who was there present, perceyving our devotion to se his holynes to be suche as we' were redy to watte our feete for that purpose, and to passe a forde which was betwene us and them. After certen shotte of artyllary on both sydes they made a sodayne retrete and leavynge theyr artyllary behynde them fledde towards Edenborrowe. The fyrste man that fledde was the holy Cardynall lyke a valyaunt Champyon, and with hym the Governer, therles of Huntley, Murrey, and Bothewell, with dyvers other great men of the realme. At this passage was two Englishmen hurt with the shot of theyr artyllary, and two Scottyshmen slayne with our artillary.

The vanwarde hauynge thus put backe the Scottes, and VIII peices of theyr artyllary brought away by our hackebetters, who in this enterprise dyd very manfully employ themselves, we marched directly towardes the towne of Lythe,. whiche before we coulde come to it, muste of force passe an other passage, whiche also was defended a whyle with certen ensignes of fotemen and certen peices of artyllary, who, beyng sharpely assayled havynge thre of theyr gonners slayne with our archers, was fayne to gyve place, leauynge also theyr ordinaunce behynd them, with whiche ordinaunce they slewe onely one of our men and hurte an other."


The Tract is of duodecimo size, in black letter, and at the end is


Imprynted at London, in Powls Churchyarde, by Reynolde Wolfe, at the Sygne of y Brasen Serpent. Anno 1544.

Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum."

I am indebted for the use of this curious and rare work to Mr. Isaac Reed, who bought it, if I am not mistaken, for half-a-crown.




THIS curious little volume, translated by the famous Sir John Harrington, has, I believe, been somewhere slightly mentioned by Mr. Parke.

It is of great rarity, and deserves a conspicuous place here. It is printed in a very minute form, which perhaps may be denominated 32mo. B. L.

I copy the title page.


Anno dni.


It is thus inscribed:

"To the righte vertuose and my singuler good Lady Katharine Duches of Suffolke.

As my prisonment and adversitee moste honorable Lady was of their own nature joygned with greate and sundrie miseries, so was the sufferance of the same eased by the chaunce of dyverse and many Commoditees. For thereby founde I a great soule profite, a litle mynde knoulage, some holow hertes, and a few faithful freendes. Whereby I tried prisonmente of the body to bee the libertee of spirite: adversytee of fortune the touche stone of vanitees, and

in the ende quietnes of minde the occasion of study. And thus somewhat altered to avoyde my olde ídelnesse, to recompense my loste tyme, and to take profite of my calamitee, I gave my selfe amonge other thynges to studie and learne the Frenche tonge, havynge both skilful prysoners to enstruct me, and therto plentie of bookes to learne the language. Among whyche as there were dyverse notable and for their sun, dry mattier woorthy readynge, so none lyked me above this Tullius booke of freendshyp, nor for the argument any with it to be compared. The whole whereof whan I had perused and sawe the goodly rules, the naturall order, and civyle use of freendshyp, when before I but liked than was Į ravished, and in a certaine wonder with the heathen lerning which chiefly for it selfe I phantasied, and for my state I deemed good to bee embrased as a glasse to dyscerne my freendes in, and a civile rule to leade my life by.

These causes moved mee to thinke it mete for moe. Wherefrom I (as I coulde) translated it, and though not so lyvely, nor yet so aptlye as some wold loke for, and many could doe, yet I trust they will rather beare with my good will then rebuke my boldness, for that it proceded more of a good mynd then of anie presumption of knoulage: so my enterpryse is to bee interpreted rather by freends as a treatise of freend


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