Page images

Libken-a house to lye in.


Lightmans-the day.

A Make a halfe penny.
Margery Prater-a henne.

To mill-to steale.

Mill a ken-rob a house.

Nosegent-a nunne.

Niggling-companying with a woman.

Pratt a buttock.



Prancer-a horse.


Patnico a priest.

Pad-a way.

Quarones-a body.


Roger or Tib of the buttry—a goose.

Rome vile-London.


Rome-mort-a queene.
Ruffmans-the woods or bushes.

Ruffian-the Divill.


Slate-a sheete.

Skew- a cup.


Salomon-the masse.

Stuling Ken-a house to receive stolen goods. Skipper-a barne.


Smelling Chete an orchard or garden.
To score the Cramp-ring-to weare boults.
Stalling-making an ordeyning.

To twore to see.

To these two books last described is annexed as a frontispiece, The London Watchman in his ancient dress. In the first he is represented as having a staff, with a pike at one end, and the other end represented as broken. But at this end was a hook, which made it a very formidable weapon, and which is seen in the Frontispiece to LANTHORNE and CANDLE LIGHT.


ENGLISH VILLANIES SEVEN SEVERALL TIMES PREST TO DEATH BY THE PRINTERS, but still reviving again, are now the eighth Time (as at the first) discovered by Lanthorne and Candle Light, and the helpe of a new Cryer, called


Whose loud voyce proclaimes to all that will heare him, another conspiracy of abuses lately


plotting together to hurt the peace of this kingdome which the Bell-man, because he then went stumbling ith the darke, could never see till now.

And because a company of rogues, cunning canting gypsies, and all the scumme of a nation fight heere under their tattered colours.

At the end is a Canting Dictionary to teach their language, with Canting Songs.

Gentlemen merry,

A booke to make Citizens warie,

Countrimen carefull.

Fit for all Justices to reade over, because it is a Pilot by whom they may make strange disco


London. Printed by M. Parsons, and are to be sold, &c. * B. Letter.



I find in the Museum another edition of this book, of so late a date as 1648. The title page differs from this, only, that instead of " English Villanies seven severall times prest to death," this copy has "eight severall times prest to death." It appears, in all other respects, to be the same Tract reprinted. According to Oldys, the Tract went through eight editions, which explains the term of " eight times prest to death." He (Decker) was in the King's Bench Prison from 1613 to 1616, and how much longer, says Oldys, I know not.

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At the end of which comes in THE CATCH POLES MASQUE.

And after that The Bankrouts Banquet.

Which done, the Divell falling sicke makes his last Will and Testament this present Yeare, 1613.

Aliquid latet quod non patet.

Written by Thomas Dekker." 4to. B. L. This is one of the scarcest of Dekker's pamphlets, and is in the collection of Mr. Douce.

In the fourteenth volume of Steevens's edition of Shakspeare, p. 109. Edition 1793, mention is made in the notes of "The Wyll of the Devill." But that cannot allude to this tract, for Steevens explains the expression of “wooden pricks," by "a bequest made by the Devill to the butchers of pricks enough to set up their thin meate, that it may appeare thicke and well fedde."

There is no such bequest in this Devills will. There are, however, two or three which are comicall enough to be transcribed.

"I give to all jailors and keepers of prisons, to every one of them, the soule of a beare (to bee ravenous) the body of a woolfe (to be cruell) the speech of a dog (to be churlish) the tallons of a vulture (to bee griping) and my countenance to beare them out in their office,


that they may looke like Devills upon poore prisoners."

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Lastly, I make and ordaine, by this my last Will and Testament, a Common Barretour to bee my executor, and two Knights, who are my sworne servants, and are of the post, (their names and service being naild upon pillars in Westminster Pallace) I make them, albeit they are pur blind, my overseers; and for their paines therein, I will bequeath to each of them, a great round pearle, to be worne in their eyes, because I may be still in their sight when I am gone from them."


"WORKE FOR ARMOROURS, or the Peace is broken. Open Warres likely to happen this Yeare, 1609.

God helpe the Poore, the Rich can shift.

Sævit toto Mars impius orbe.

Written by Thomas Dekker.

Printed for Nathaniel Butler, dwelling in.

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Paules Church Yard, at the Signe of the PideBull, neere S. Austins Gate.


This Tract is inscribed "To the worthy deserver of that antient and honorable title, SIR THOMAS HEVVET, Knight."


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