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Whittier (John G.). - Continued.


"Barbara Freitchie." Original Manuscript Account of the famous War Incident, at Frederick, Md., in the handwriting of the Novelist, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth, 4 pages, 12mo. Dated Georgetown, D. C., July, 1863, sent by her to Mr. Whittier, and used by him as the basis for his celebrated poem. Accompanied by an A. L. S. of Mrs. Southworth, I page, 12mo, July 21, 1863, "I have a message to deliver to you"; and A. L. S. of Mary A. Quantrell, of Frederick, who claimed the honors involved in the incident, 3 pages, 4to. Washington, July 15, 1876, to Mr. Whittier. Also a typewritten copy of the letter written in 1885 to Francis F. Brown, editor of "Bugle-Echoes," making mention of Mrs. Quantrell as a claimant for the honors.


Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (11) $362.00
Original Autograph of Poem, "The Deity," 2 pages,
8vo. [1825.]
Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (227) $107.50







Original Autograph Manuscript, being the Unpublished Translation of Goethe's ballad "Erlkönig," 2 pages, folio. Accompanied by the first draft of the poem, 3 pages, 8vo, also in Mr. Whittier's handwriting; the original German text, with an English translation by another hand (A. Geoghegan), and a clipping giving Goethe's first suggestion for its writing.

Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (249) $70.00 Original Manuscript of his child-poem, "In School Days," 9 stanzas, on 4to sheet, with 2 additional stanzas, on 8vo sheet, composed afterward, on receipt of a printed proof sheet. With a number of corrections in the poet's handwriting. [Also] an A. L. S., I page, 4to, to Lucy Larcom, Editor of "Our Young Folks." Relating to the manuscript.

Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (244) $540.00

Original Manuscript of his Poem "The Golden Wedding of of Longwood," 22 stanzas, on 4 pages, folio. Containing many lines that were afterwards changed. A few stanzas pasted on at margin, and torn. Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (237) $115.00

Autograph Manuscript of the Poem "Margaret's Song to her Father at Nightfall," 2 stanzas, of 6 lines each, on I page, 12mo.

Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (251) $75.00
Original Manuscript Poem, "My Birthday," 16

stanzas, on 4 pages, 8vo.


Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (234) $290.00 Original Manuscript of a preface poem, intended for publication with "Old Portraits and Modern Sketches," [1850], but not used, I page, 16mo.




Whittier (John G.). - Continued.




Original Manuscript Poem "Prayer and Answer" (now entitled "The Answer"), 12 stanzas, on 3 pages, 4to.

Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (246) $200.00

Original Manuscript Poem, "The Pressed Gentian,” 4 stanzas, 2 pages, 8vo. [1872.] With review of some pamphlet, in Whittier's handwriting, on back of last sheet.

Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (235) $53.00 Original Manuscript of his Poem, "Roger Revived" (afterwards changed to "A Spiritual Manifestation"), 13 stanzas of 4 lines each, on 2 pages, folio. [1870.] Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (233) $75.00

Original Manuscript of the Poem, "Sumner," 9 pages, 4to. Signed with initials. With corrected proof slips. [Also] an A. L. S. and note, both signed with initials, to the printer, etc.

Whipple sale, Libbie's, April 7, 1903. (178) $78.00 Lines, composed by Mr. Whittier, in 1832, to accompany a presentation copy of "Moll Pitcher," to his friend, W. J. Allinson. A copy sent to Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, by Whittier, in 1840. Addressed on the back "Elisy," by Whittier, who also wrote on the margin: "These lines were originally written for W. J. A. once when I sent Mary Ewer (Moll Pitcher), as Mary Tom Earle calls it," I page, 8vo. (1840.)


Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (229) $167.50 Autograph Verses composed for an Album, I page, 12m0. Undated. With endorsement on back, in Whittier's handwriting, "Album Verses."

Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (248) $80.00


Original Manuscript of Poem on Robert Burns, written upon receipt of the sprig of heather in blossom. In ink and pencil. One stanza printed, I page, 8vo. Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (250) $42.50


Autograph Poem, beginning

"O Englishmen! In hope & creed,"

2 stanzas. Signed and dated 22d, 5 mo., 1861.
Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (1088) $20.00

10647 - Autograph Manuscript of Poem, beginning
"Not to the swift nor to the strong."
Dated Oak Knoll, Danvers (2 April), 1880. Six lines.
Gilsey sale, Anderson's, March 18, 1903. (3015) $15.00


Original Manuscript of Hymn sung at Christmas by the scholars of St. Helena's Island, S. C., I page, folio. Repaired and inlaid. With original draft of a letter to Fields on back, regarding a change to be made in the prelude to his Poems.


Whittier (John G.). Continued.

D. S., 3 pages, folio. February 2, 1881. Original Memorandum of Agreement between Whittier and Houghton, Mifflin & Co., for the publication of "The King's Missive."

Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (240) $26.00

10650 - D. S., 3 pages, 4to. August 27, 1883. Typewritten Memorandum of Agreement between Whittier and Houghton, Mifflin & Co., for the publication of "The Bay of Seven Islands."


Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (241) $20.00 D. S., 3 pages, folio. April 17, 1886. Original Manuscript Memorandum of Agreement between Houghton, Mifflin & Co. and Whittier, for the publication of "St. Gregory's Guest and Recent Poems." With indorsement by Whittier, in pencil, on back, "Copyright of St. Gregory's Guest," 1886.

Whittier sale, Anderson's, Feb. 6, 1903. (242) $20.00

10652 Wilkinson (James). A. L. S., 3 pages, folio. 1785, to Gen. Charles Scott.

Wilderness, Anderson's, April 15, 1903. (292) $5.25 10653 Willard (Rev. Samuel). A. D., 2 pages, 4to. Manuscript notes for a sermon. With portrait, engraved by Gerard vander Gucht.

Alexander sale, Libbie's, Dec. 4, 1902. (399) $12.50 10654 William III. D. S., I page, folio. Kensington, April 9, 1701. Military commission. With engraved portrait by Goldar, and curious Dutch prints of the coronation of William and Mary.

Alexander sale, Libbie's, Dec. 4, 1902. (313) $17.00 10655 William IV. A. L. S., I page, 4to. Admiralty, May 11, 1827, to Lady Lawrence. Appointing a time to be present at the Royal Academy. With engraved portraits of the King and Queen.

Alexander sale, Libbie's, Dec. 4, 1902. (322) $13.00 10656 Williams (William). A. L. S., 3 pages, 4to, and address. Lebanon, November 26, 1773, to Eliphalet Dyer. A very bitter personal letter. With engraved portrait, etched by Hall.

Alexander sale, Libbie's, Dec. 4, 1902. (1157) $11.50 10657 Williamson (Dr. Hugh). A. L. S., 3 pages, 4to. New York, 1789, to the Governor of North Carolina. In regard to reported death of the King of Spain.

Anderson's, April 15, 1903. (293) $5.00 10658 Wingate (Paine). A. L. S., 4 pages, 4to. New York, 1788, to a lady. Anderson's, April 15, 1903. (294) $5.00 10659 Winthrop (Fitz John). A. L. S., I page, 4to. New London, May 7, 1861, to his brother. Requesting the payment of money to Mr. Christopher Christophers. Guaranteed by Mr. R. C. Winthrop. With photograph from a painting which has been incorrectly engraved as Gov. John Haynes.

10660 Winthrop (John). A. D. S., 5 lines, on I page, folio. New London, September 5, 1698. Acknowledgment of a deed before him as Governor. With photograph from a painting.

Alexander sale, Libbie's, Dec. 4, 1902. (142) $8.50 10661 Witherspoon (John). A. D. S., I page, small 4to. December 22, 1776. An order for the payment of money, for work done for the College of New Jersey.

Peirce sale, Henkels', March 6, 1903. (836) $3.00 10662 Wood (Joseph). A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. Undated, to Lady William Lennox, afterwards his wife.

McKee sale, Anderson's, April 27, 1903. (6764) $8.00 10663 Wood (William B.). A. L. S., I page, 8vo. Undated, to William Dunlap. Referring to Geo. Frederick Cooke, and to his own theatrical engagements. With two pencil drawings on the back, by Mr. Dunlap.

McKee sale, Anderson's, April 27, 1903. (6771) $10.00

10664 Worden (John L.). A. L. S., 3 pages, 4to. Annapolis, July 8, 1874. Mentions the fight between the "Monitor" and the "Merrimack."

Peirce sale, Henkels', March 6, 1903. (820) $17.00 10665 Wordsworth (William). A. L. S., on the last page of an autograph letter of his wife's. Undated, to Edward Moxon. Suggesting that he add to the title-page of the next edition of his Poems, that he has been elected honorary member of the Royal Irish Academy.


Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (451) $10.00 Autograph Sentiment, signed, 3 lines, 4to. September 10, 1844.

Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (452) $14.00 10667 Yorktown. A. D., 3 pages, folio. Original Draft of the Articles of Capitulation at the Yorktown Surrender. Being Articles 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. Somewhat stained and torn in the folds. Peirce sale, Henkels', March 6, 1903. (796) $425.00 10668 Zola (Émile). A. L. S., 2 pages, 8vo, 1879. On literary Anderson's, April 15, 1903. (298) $3.25



A. L. S., I page, 12mo. Paris, March 8, 1888, to a friend. Forwarding a proof of the First Chapter of "Le Rêve," on the understanding that he allows no newspaper or person to see it.

Gilsey sale, Anderson's, March 18, 1903. (3061) $3.00 INDEX

NOTE.-American local history is entered first under the name of State, then
under the name of town or county.

Adams (John). Wood. Adminis-
tration of. 9567-9569.
Adams (Samuel). Wells. Life.


Africa. See also Egypt.

Mocquet. Travels. 5959.
Ogilby. Africa. 6410.
reame di Congo. 6762.


Taylor. Journey. 8397.
Agriculture. See Horticulture.
Alabama. Pickett. History. 6747.
Alaska. Abruzzi. Ascent of Mt.

St. Elias. 16.

Aldus. Book from Library. 3490.
Allan (John). Memorial. 1112.

Aquecheek. Universal Ameri-
can Almanack. 64, 65.
Birkett. Poor Will's Alman-

ack. 920.

Boston Almanac. 1024.
Cruikshank. Comic Almanacs.


Fleming. Register for New
England and Nova Scotia.

Jerman. Almanac. 4703.
Kate Greenaway's Alman-

acks. 3652.

Leeds. Almanacs. 5217-5221.
Longworth's American Al-
manack. 6335-6338.
Mein and Fleming. Almanack.

Mexican Almanacs. 5878-

New York Pocket Almanac.
6016, 6351.

Pocket Almanack. 3350, 3351.
Poor Richard's Almanack.
2754-2756, 3352-3372.
Punch's Almanack. 7037.
Rittenhouse. Virginia


manac. 7214.

Shaw. Josh Billing's All-
minax. 7735.
Taylor. Almanacs. 8406-8409.
Tobler. Town and Country-
man's Almanack. 8710.
Waring. Poor Will's Almanac.


Ascent of Mont Blanc. 5993.
Fitzgerald. Highest Andes.

America. See also Birds, Indians,
Insects, South America
Church in America, names
of countries, states, etc.
Anburey. Travels. 235, 236.

Fragments of

American History.


Appeal to Impartial World.


Bartlett. American Scenery.
661, 662.

Bossu. Travels. 1023.
British Dominions. 4255.
Brown. First Republic. 1221.
Bryce. American Common-
wealth. 1330-1335.
Burke. European Settle-
ments. 1422, 1423.

Callender. Sketches. 1600.
Carver. Travels. 1673-1677.
Chabert. Voyage. 1742.
Chastellux. Travels. 1787-



La Nouveau-

Monde. 1802.
Coggeshall. American Priva-

teers. 1955.

Cooper. History of North
America. 2119-2122.
Delafield. Antiquities. 2353,

Descalves. New Travels.

Douglass. British Settle-
ments. 2614, 2615.
Eddis. Letters from. 2788.
Ellis. Our Country. 2840.
Evans. Essays. 3088.
Fearon. Sketches. 3125.
Fiske. Discovery. 3245-3248.
Force. American Archives.


Gazzettiere Americano. 3493.
Grant. Memoirs of an Ameri-

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