928 Black List. A list of those Tories who took part with Great Britain in the Revolutionary War, and were attainted of High Treason, commonly called the Black List. Philadelphia, 1802. 8vo, paper. half morocco. Bangs', Dec. 16, 1902. (2) $4.00 929- The same. New York, privately printed, 1865. 4to, Bangs', Dec. 16, 1902. (3) $5.00 930 Blackburn (Henry). Breton Folk: An Artistic Tour in Brittany. 170 illustrations by R. Caldecott. London, 1880. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Marquand sale, Am. Art Gall., Jan. 24, 1903. (1556) $10.00 931 Blackmore (R. D.). The Georgics of Virgil. Translated by R. D. Blackmore. First edition. London, 1871. 12mo, cloth. Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (35) $3.25 932- Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor. Philadelphia, n. d. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 933 Peirce sale, Henkels', March 27, 1903. (648) $6.75 Perlycross: A Tale of the Western Hills. First edition. London, 1894. 3 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (36) $3.90 934 Blackstone (Sir William). A Discourse on the Study of the Law; being an Introductory Lecture Read in the Public Schools, October 25, 1758. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1758. 4to, uncut. Bangs', Nov. 17, 1902. (32) $5.50 Commentaries on the Laws of England. London, 1793. 4 vols., 8vo, calf. Bangs', Dec. 4, 1902. (66) $5.00 Commentaries on the Laws of England. London, 1813. 4 vols., 12mo, boards, uncut. 935 936 937 Cooley sale, Libbie's, Oct. 7, 1902. (1278) $4.40 The same. 4 vols., 12mo, calf. Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (1354) $4.00 938 Blackstone. Blackstone Family, being sketches of William Blackstone and his Descendants. Norwich, 1857. 8vo, half morocco. Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (96) $6.00 939 Blackwell (Thomas). Memoirs of Court of Augustus. Continued and Completed by John Mills. Illustrations. London, 1760-63. 3 vols., 4to, morocco. Anderson's, April 29, 1903. 940 Blades (William). The Enemies of Books. London, 1880. Crown 8vo, paper, uncut. copy, with author's signature. (66) $6.38 First edition. Presentation (104) $13.00 Bangs', March 16, 1903. 941 Blaine (James G.). Twenty Years in Congress. Norwich, 1884. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Peirce sale, Henkels', March 6, 1903. (81) $3.20 942 Blair (Robert). The Grave, a Poem. 12 etchings from designs by Blake. London, 1808. 4to, original boards, uncut. Gilsey sale, Anderson's, Jan. 20, 1903. (211) $8.00 943 The same. 4to, original boards, uncut, with paper label. Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (38) $16.00 944 Blake. Records of the Blakes of Somersetshire, especially in the line of William Blake of Dorchester, Mass. From the notes of H. G. Somerby. Boston, privately printed, 1881. 4to, cloth. Libbie's, Feb. 25, 1903. (157) $5.00 945 Blakey (Robert). Old Faces in New Masks. First edition. Frontispiece and engraved title by G. Cruikshank. London, 1859. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Bangs', Jan. 29, 1903. (199) $4.25 946 Blakston, Swaysland, and Wiener. Illustrated Book of Canaries and Cage Birds. Colored plates and woodcuts. London, n. d. 4to, cloth. Bangs', Jan. 19, 1903. (54) $3.00 947- The same. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. Marié sale, Am. Art Gall., April 3, 1903. (84) $4.00 948 Blanc (Charles). L'Œuvre Complèt de Rembrandt. Large and thick paper (6 printed). Plates. Paris, 1859. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Wales sale, Libbie's, March 10, 1903. (624) $33.00 949- L'Œuvre de Rembrandt. Paris, 1880. 4 vols., folio, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Marquand sale, Am. Art Gall., Jan. 24, 1903. (2013) $52.00 950 Blanc (Madam). Jacqueline. Plates. Paris, 1893. 4to, levant morocco, tooled, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Marié sale, Am. Art Gall., April 3, 1903. (68) $20.00 951 Blanco (Manuel). Flora del Filipinas. Adicionada con el Manuscrito Inedito del P. Fr. Ignacio Mercado, etc. Manila, 1877-83. 4 vols. text and 2 vols. of colored plates. Together 6 vols., folio, in cloth portfolios. Henkels', Jan. 15, 1903. (88) $132.00 952 Bleeker (Leonard). Order Book, in the early part of the Expedition under Gen. James Clinton, against the Indian Settlements of Western New York, in the Campaign of 1779. Large paper. New York, 1865. Royal 4to, paper, uncut. Wales sale, Libbie's, March 10, 1903. (67) $4.00 953 Bliss (Leonard, Jr.). History of Rehoboth, Mass. Boston, 1836. 8vo, cloth. Libbie's, Feb. 25, 1903. (1069) $3.12 954 Blome (Richard). A Description of the Island of Jamaica; with the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related. Maps. London, 1672. Small 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt edges. Henkels', May 27, 1903. (289) $22.00 955-- L'Amerique Angloise, ou Description des Isles et Terres du Roi D'Angleterre, dans l'Amerique. Maps. Amsterdam, 1688. Small 8vo, calf. Henkels', May 27, 1903. (293) $7.00 956 Blondus Flavius. Historiarum ab inclinatione Romanorum Imperii Decades tres. Venice, Scotum, 1483. Small folio, morocco, tooled, brass centre and side pieces, leather 957 Boaden (J.). Inquiry into the authenticity of various pictures and prints which have been offered to the public as portraits of Shakespeare. Portraits. London, 1824. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Anderson's, March 23, 1903. (584) $5.00 958- Life of Mrs. Jordan. London, 1831. 2 vols., 8vo, levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. With over 200 extra plates inserted. Henkels', May 27, 1903. (132) $110.00 959 Boatswain's Whistle. Parts 1 to 10 (all issued). [Containing Holmes, R. W. Emerson, and others.] 10 parts, 4to, paper, uncut. Anderson's, Feb. 20, 1903. (169) $5.00 poems by O. W. 960 Boccaccio (G.). Il Decamerone, di nuovo riformato da M. Luigi Groto. Venice, 1588. 4to, limp vellum. 961 962 Anderson's, April 16, 1903. (66) $11.00 Il Decamerone. Large paper. Florence, Phillipo di Il Decamerone. London, 1757. 5 vols., 8vo, half calf. 963- Le Decameron, tradvict d'Italien en Francoys par maistre Antoine le Macon. Lyon, 1558. 16mo, levant morocco extra, tooled, gilt edges. Name on title. 964 965 Anderson's, March 23, 1903. (135) $8.50 Le Décaméron. Translations and notes by Francisque Reynard. Illustrations by Jacques Wagrez. Paris, 1890. 3 vols., 4to, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by David. Marquand sale, Am. Art Gall., Jan. 24, 1903. (1557) $49.50 966 The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conversation. First part only. Engraved title and illustrations. London, 1634. 12mo, calf, gilt edges, by Bedford. Corner of title and a few margins mended. McKee copy. Maier sale, Anderson's, Oct. 21, 1902. (14) $16.00 The Decameron. London, 1804. 2 vols., 8vo, mottled calf. Rebacked, 2 portraits inserted. May sale, Libbie's, Jan. 27, 1903. (204) $3.40 967- The Decameron. Translated into English. Edition de luxe. II etchings by Flameng. Philadelphia, Barrie, 1881. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 968 Bangs', Feb. 24, 1903. (53) $4.25 The Decameron, now first completely done into English Prose and Verse by John Payne. Holland paper. Etchings by Flameng. London, Villon Society, 1886. 3 vols., 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Wales sale, Libbie's, March 10, 1903. (832) $15.00 969- The same. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. 970 Hopkins sale, Henkels', May 20, 1903. (155) $11.70 The Decameron. Illustrations. London, 1898. 4 vols., 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. 971 972 Boccaccio (G.). - Continued. 973 974 The Decameron. Completely done into English by John Payne. Japan paper. Boston, n. d. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Maier sale, Anderson's, Oct. 21, 1902. (15) $5.00 The Decameron. Translated. Edition de luxe (500 printed). Etchings by Flameng. London, privately printed, n. d. 2 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Levy sale, Anderson's, March 31, 1903. (18) $13.50 Floris et Biancafiore chiamato Philocolo opera Elegantissima. Milan, 1520. Small 4to, half bound. Anderson's, March 23, 1903. (134) $9.00 Genealogie Johannis Boccacii, cum micantissimis arborum effigiacionibus cuiusque gentilis dei, etc. Plates. Paris, Dionisii roee Lodovici hornken and sociorum, 1511. Folio, half morocco. Rubbed. See also Grolier Club. Bangs', Feb. 19, 1903. (144) $6.50 975 Boccalini (Trajan). News from Pernassus. The Politicall Touchstone, taken from Mount Pernassus. Printed at Helicon, 1622. Small 4to, half calf. Henkels', May 27, 1903. (329) $9.50 976 Bodge (George M.). Soldiers in King Philip's War. Boston, 1891. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (1356) $4.00 The same. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. 977 978 Peirce sale, Henkels', March 6, 1903. (86) $5.25 Soldiers in King Philip's War. Leominster, for the author, 1896. 8vo, half morocco. Bangs', Jan. 5, 1903. (67) $3.00 979 The same. 8vo, cloth, uncut. May sale, Libbie's, Jan. 27, 1903. (1770) $5.12 980- The same. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Libbie's, June 2, 1903. (112) $5.75 981 Boetius. De Sonsolatione, et de Disciplina scholarium (cum commentario Thomæ de Aquino). Venice, 1497. Folio, Bangs', Feb. 19, 1903. (145) $5.50 982 half roan. Consolation of Philosophy. Translated by George Colville. Edited by E. B. Bax. Large paper (30 printed). London, 1897. Imperial 8vo, boards, uncut. Marquand sale, Am. Art Gall., Jan. 24, 1903. (1558) $5.50 983- Hec sunt opera Boetii, que in hoc volumine continentur. Venice, 1499. Folio, vellum. Bangs', Feb. 19, 1903. (146) $4.50 984 Boileau. Œuvres Politiques. Bodoni, Parme, 1814. 2 vols., folio, half vellum, uncut. Wales sale, Libbie's, March 10, 1903. (75) $7.00 985 Boito (Camillo). The Basilica of S. Mark in Venice. Translated by W. Scott. Venice, 1888. 4to, morocco. *986 Boker (George H.). Anne Boleyn: a tragedy. First edition. Philadelphia, 1850. 16mo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author. 987 988 Whipple sale, Libbie's, April 7, 1903. (221) $6.50 The Podesta's Daughter, and other miscellaneous poems. First edition. Philadelphia, 1852. 12mo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author. Whipple sale, Libbie's, April 7, 1903. (222) $8.00 Plays and Poems. First edition. Boston, 1856. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. Bangs', Nov. 24, 1902. (51) $4.50 989 Bolles (A. S.). Pennsylvania, Province and State, 1609 to 1790. Philadelphia, 1899. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', Dec. 9, 1902. (149) $4.00 990 Bolles (J. A.). Genealogy of the Bolles Family in America. Boston, 1865. 4to, half roan. Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (103) $12.50 991 Bolling (R.). Memoir of a Portion of the Bolling Family in England and Virginia. Portraits. Richmond, 1868. Small 4to, half morocco. Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (104) $16.00 992 Bolton (Robert). History of the County of Westchester. New York, 1848. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Waterstained. Bangs', Feb. 24, 1903. (55) $4.75 993 The History of the Several Towns, Manors and Patents of the County of Westchester. Edited by C. W. Bolton. New York, 1881. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Bangs', Feb. 24, 1903. (54) $10.00 994 Bolton (Solomon). Extinct Peerage of England. London, 1769. 8vo, half sheep. Name cut from title. Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (498) $4.50 995 Boltwood (Lucius M.). History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble, of Westfield, Mass. Hartford, 1878. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Conely sale, Libbie's, Oct. 28, 1902. (1126) $4.25 996- The same. 8vo, cloth. Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (790) $6.50 997 Bonaparte (Charles Lucian). American Ornithology; or, The Natural History of Birds Inhabiting the United States not given by Wilson. Vols. 1, 2, and 3 only (lacking Vol. 4). Philadelphia, 1825. 4to, half roan. 998 Henkels', Jan. 15, 1903. (39) $15.00 The same. Vols. I to 3. 3 vols., 4to, half roan, uncut. 999 Bond (Henry). Genealogies of the Families 1000 1001 and DescendBoston, 1855. (2588) $8.00 Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. 5 |