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Bible in English. Continued.

The New Testament. Large paper (250 printed). London, Longmans, 1864. 4to, half morocco, uncut.

Marié sale, Am. Art Gall., April 3, 1903. (873) $7.00 The same. Large paper. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Anderson's, May 11, 1903. (220) $5.50 858 Bible in French. Nouveau Testament traduit en François. Mons, [Amsterdam, Elzevir] 1667. 2 vols., 12mo, old morocco, gilt over marbled edges, by Padeloup.

Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (345) $12.00

859- The same. 2 vols., 12mo, old morocco, gilt edges.



Bangs', Jan. 29, 1903. (422) $6.00
The same. 2 vols. in I, 12mo, levant morocco, gilt
Anderson's, April 27, 1903. (179) $15.50

La Sainte Bible, selon la vulgare. Plates by Gustave Doré. Tours, 1866. 2 vols., folio, cloth. Conely sale, Libbie's, Oct. 28, 1902. (401) $10.50 862 Bible in German. Biblia, das ist die ganze Heilige Schrifft, Deutsch. D. Mart. Luth. Wittenberg, Hans Lufft, 1539. Folio, original wooden boards, covered with stamped pigskin, brass clasps.






Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (24) $85.00 Biblia, das ist, die ganze Heilige Schrifft. Wittenberg, 1549. Folio, old calf.

Henkels', May 27, 1903. (365) $11.00

Biblia, das ist, alle Bücher, Altes und Neues Testament, verdeutscht und mit vielen heilsamen Annotaten erleucht, durch D. Johan Dietenberger. Cologne, 1582. Folio. Stamped pigskin. Bangs', Feb. 19, 1903. (93) $4.00

Biblia, das ist, Die Heilige Schrifft, Altes und Neues

Testament. Germantown, Christopher Saur, 1743. 4to, wooden boards covered with leather, brass corners and bosses, leather and brass clasps.

Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (35) $80.00 Biblia, das ist, Die Heilige Schrift, Altes und Neues Testament. Germantown, Ch. Sauer, 1763. 4to, old calf. Binding broken and several leaves loose.

Henkels', May 27, 1903. (352) $6.50 Biblia, das ist: Die ganze Göttliche Heilige Schrifft. Somerset (Pa.), 1813. 4to, sheep. Henkels', May 27, 1903. (367) $10.50 868 Bible in Greek. Biblia Græca. Sacræ Scripturæ veteris novaque omnia. (Græca juxta Septuaginta excusa, cura Aldi Manutii Romani et Andreæ Asulani.) Venice, Aldus, 1518. Levant morocco, tooled, by De Coverly.

Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (26) $115.00

869- Testamentum Græcum. Amsterdam, Bleau, 1633. 12m0, old morocco, sides covered with tooling. Edmund Bible in Greek. - Continued.

870- Novum Testamentum Græcum. Editio prima Americana. Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1800. Small 8vo, original sheep.

Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (42) $11.00 871 Bible in Hawaiian. Ka Palapala Hemolele a Iehova Ko Kakou Akua O Ke Kauoha Kahiko a Me Ke Kauoha. Honolulu, Oahu, 1843. 4to, sheep.

Proud sale, Henkels', May 8, 1903. (555) $3.25

872 Bible in Indian. [Eliot's New Testament.] Wusku Wuttestamentum Nul-Lordumun Jesus Christ. Nuppoquohwuffuaeneumun. Cambridge, Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1661. Small 4to, original calf, gilt edges. George Livermore's copy, with his autograph. Title believed to be in facsimile.

Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (34) $590.00 873 Bible in Latin. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koburger, 1482. Folio, wooden boards covered with pigskin.




Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (23) $50.00 Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, F. Peypus, 1523. Small folio, oak boards covered with leather, with clasps. Slightly water-stained.

Anderson's, May 21, 1903. (15) $5.50

Biblia Sacra ex Santis Pagnini tralatione sed ad Hebrai, etc. Leyden, 1542. Folio, calf. Title mounted.

Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (211) $19.00

Biblia Sacrosancta Veteris ac Novi Testamenti iuxta volgatam editionem, etc. Venice, Juntas, 1557. Folio, old French morocco, gilt edges, by Duseuil. Some leaves mended. Anderson's, March 23, 1903. (73) $10.00

877 Bibliographica: Papers on Books, their History and Art. Colored plates. London, 1894-97. 12 parts, 8vo, paper. Bangs', March 30, 1903. (50) $24.00

878 Bibliographical Society. Publications. Complete set, from the commencement in 1893 to January, 1900. London, 1893-1900. 21 parts and 40 numbers, original paper covers. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (96) $5.50

879 Bibliophilists' Library. Comprising: Heptameron, Rousseau's Confessions, Decameron, Don Quixote, Gil Blas, Voltaire's Prose Romances, Rabelais, and Persian Letters. Japan paper. Philadelphia, Barrie, n. d. 20 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (98) $38.00


The same. Japan paper. 20 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut.
Levy sale, Anderson's, March 31, 1903. (17) $166.00

881 Bibliotheca Arcana seu Catalogus Librorum Penetralium.
London, Redway, 1885. Square 8vo, roxburghe binding,
gilt top, uncut.
Bangs', March 16, 1903. (III) $5.00

882 Bickell (L.). Bookbindings from the Hessian Historical Exhibition. 42 plates. Leipzig, 1893. Folio, cloth, roan 883 Bickham (George). The Musical Entertainer. 1738, etc. 2 vols. in 1, folio, morocco.


Marié sale, Am. Art Gall., April 3, 1903. (80) $40.00 884 Bickham (John). Fables and Other Short Poems, collected from the most celebrated English authors. London, 1731. 4 vols. in 1, 8vo, calf, gilt edges, by Rivière.

Bangs', Dec. 10, 1902. (21) $5.00 885 Bierstadt (O. A.). Library of Robert Hoe. New York, 1895. 8vo, cloth, 350 printed.


Maier sale, Anderson's, Oct. 21, 1902. (12) $5.25 The same. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Conely sale, Libbie's, Oct. 28, 1902. (102) $8.00 887- The same. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (72) $6.00 888 Bigelow (J. A.). American Rejected Addresses. First edition. New York, [1855]. 12mo, cloth. Anderson's, Nov. 25, 1902. (53) $3.00 889 Bigmore (E. C.) and Wyman (C. W.). Bibliography of Printing. London, 1880-86. 3 vols., small 4to, roxburghe binding, uncut. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (559) $13.13

890 Bigot (J.). Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans la Mission Abnaquise, 1684. New York, 1857. 8vo, half morocco, by Bradstreet. Anderson's, April 16, 1903. (292) $3.00 Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans la Mission Abnaquise, 1685. New York, 1858. 8vo, half morocco, by BradAnderson's, April 16, 1903. (293) $3.00



892 Bill (L.) History of the Bill Family. New York, 1897. 8vo, half morocco.

Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (89) $3.25 893 Billings (Robert). Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. 240 plates. London, 1901. 4 vols., 4to, cloth. Bangs', Oct. 1, 1902. (78) $8.00 894 Billings (William). The Continental Harmony. Boston, 1794. Oblong 12mo, boards. Bangs', March 25, 1903. (265) $3.40





The same. With the Northampton Collection of Sacred Harmony, in three parts, by Elias Mann, Northampton, Andrew Wright, 1802. 2 vols. in I, oblong 12mo, half sheep. Bangs', Jan. 27, 1903. (359) $4.25

New England Psalm-Singer, or American Chorister. Frontispiece and music engraved on copper by Paul Revere. Boston, Edes and Gill, [1770]. Oblong 8vo, old calf. Bartlett sale, Libbie's, May 19, 1903. (1244) $226.00

The same. Oblong 8vo, cloth. Lacking several leaves at end.

Whipple sale, Libbie's, April 7, 1903. (1250) $105.00 The Psalm-Singer's Amusement. Title and 104 pages of music, engraved by J. Norman. Boston, 1781. Oblong 12mo, sewed.

Whipple sale, Libbie's, April 7, 1903. (811) $13.00

899- The same. Oblong 12mo, sewed.


Billings (William). Continued.


Singing-Master's Assistant. Fourth edition. 104 pages of music, engraved by Benjamin Pierpont. [Boston, 1778]. Oblong 8vo, sewed.

Whipple sale, Libbie's, April 7, 1903. (1251) $9.00 The Suffolk Harmony, consisting of psalm-tunes. 80 pages of music engraved by J. Norman. Boston, 1786. Oblong 8vo, sewed. Bottom of title trimmed off.

902 Billon (Frederic L.). Days, 1804 to 1821.

Whipple sale, Libbie's, April 7, 1903. (1253) $51.00 Annals of St. Louis in its Territorial St. Louis, 1888. 8vo, cloth. Bangs', March 23, 1903. (36) $3.20 The Marriages of the Bourbons. Lon8vo, polished calf extra, gilt tops, unplates inserted. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (101) $36.00 904 Bingham (Joseph). Origines Ecclesiasticæ; or, The Antiquities of the Christian Church, etc. With Life. London, 1840. 9 vols., 8vo, half calf.

903 Bingham (Hon. D.). don, 1890. 2 vols., cut. With 65 extra

905 Bingham. States.

Bangs', Jan. 19, 1903. (52) $4.95
Genealogy of the Bingham Family in the United
Harrisburg, 1890. 8vo, cloth, uncut.
Proud sale, Henkels', May 8, 1903. (451) $8.00

906 Binion (S. A.). Ancient Egypt or Mizraïm. Edition de
luxe. 72 colored plates. New York, n. d. 12 parts, folio,
in 4 portfolios.
Anderson's, Jan. 8, 1903. (117) $27.60

907 Binney (C. J. F.). History and Genealogy of the Prentice or Prentiss Family in New England, from 1631 to 1852. Boston, 1852. 8vo, cloth. With A. L. S. of the author inserted.


Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (902) $5.00 History and Genealogy of the Prentice, or Prentiss Family in New England, 163 to 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo, cloth. Conely sale, Libbie's, Oct. 28, 1902. (1252) $4.50

909 Binney (Horace). An Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Marshall. Philadelphia, 1835. 8vo, original covers. Portrait and A. L.'s S. of John Marshall and Horace Binney laid in. Bangs', Nov. 17, 1902. (30) $4.00

910 Binns (R. W.). A Century of Potting in the City of Worcester. London, 1865. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Brown sale, Anderson's, April 20, 1903. (1002) $3.20 911 - Century of Potting in the City of Worcester. Illustrations. London, 1877. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Marquand sale, Am. Art Gall., Jan. 24, 1903. (1555) $9.00 912 Binyon (Laurence). Poems. Oxford, Daniel Press, 1895. Small 4to, original paper cover, uncut. 200 printed.

Peirce sale, Henkels', March 27, 1903. (129) $4.50 913 Biographical Magazine. London, 1819. 2 vols., 8vo, half 914 Biographie Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne. Redigé par une Société de Gens de Lettres et de Savants. Paris, 1811-28. 52 vols., 8vo, mottled calf.

Bangs', Jan. 19, 1903. (53) $10.40

915 Birch (Thomas). Court and Times of Charles the First. London, 1849. 2 vols., 8vo, levant morocco, uncut, by Taffin. With 45 extra portraits inserted.

Marié sale, Am. Art Gall., April 3, 1903. (83) $48.00 916- Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain. Engraved by Houbraken and Vertue. With their Lives and Characters, by Thomas Birch. 108 portraits. London, 1813. Folio, half morocco, gilt top.


Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (444) $21.00

Heads of Illustrious Persons. 108 portraits. London, 1833. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges.

Anderson's, May 11, 1903. (149) $16.00 918 Bird (Isaac). Genealogical Sketch of the Bird Family, having its origin in Hartford, Conn. Hartford, 1855. 8vo, half calf. Presentation copy from the author, with notes and corrections in ink.

Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (92) $11.00

919 Bird (M. B.). The Victorious. A Small Poem on the Assassination of President Lincoln. Kingston, Jamaica, privately printed, 1866. 16mo, cloth.

Gilsey sale, Anderson's, Feb. 24, 1903. (1748) $5.00


920 Birkett (William). Poor Will's Almanack for 1748. delphia, Cornelia Bradford, [1747]. Small 8vo, uncut. Proud sale, Henkels', May 8, 1903. (243) $20.00

sewed, sewed,

921 Bishop (A.). Georgia Speculation Unveiled. In two numbers. Hartford, 1797. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Anderson's, April 16, 1903. (80) $4.25

922 Bishop (George). New England Judged, 1661; an Appendix to the book entitled New England Judged, 1661; New England Judged, the second part, 1667. London, 1661-67. 3 parts in 2 vols., small 4to, levant morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. Anderson's, April 16, 1903. (63) $80.00



The same. 8vo, old calf.

New England Judged. London, 1702-03. 8vo, old calf. Henkels', Nov. 26, 1902. (273) $10.00 Bangs', Jan. 27, 1903. (369) $8.75 925 Black (William). A Daughter of Heth. A Novel. First edition. London, 1871. 3 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. With autograph note by the author on fly-leaf.


Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (34) $7.20 Macleod of Dare. London, 1879. 3 vols., post 8vo, calf, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Anderson's, Feb. 20, 1903. (52) $3.00 927 Black Bird's Nest (The). A Tale. Copperplates. Philadelphia, 1812. 16mo, boards.

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