786 Berkshire Jubilee. Celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., August 22 and 23, 1844. First edition. [Containing "Come back to your mother ye children, for shame," by O. W. Holmes]. Albany, 1845. 8vo, cloth. Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (773) $3.25 787 Berlin Gallery. Die Gemälde-Galerie der Königlichen Museen zu Berlin. Text by J. Meyer and W. Bode. India proof plates. Berlin, n. d. Folio, half morocco. Marquand sale, Am. Art Gall., Jan. 24, 1903. (1550) $22.00 788 Bernard (David). Light on Masonry. Portrait and plates. Utica, 1829. 12mo, calf. Anderson's, April 2, 1903. (260) $4.25 789 Bernard (John). Retrospections of the Stage. London, 1830. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. With 27 extra portraits inserted. Henkels', May 27, 1903. (134) $11.50 790 Bernard (P. J.). Works. Large paper (150 printed). Engravings after Prud'hon. Paris, 1797. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Marié sale, Am. Art Gall., April 3, 1903. (73) $11.00 791 Beroalde de Verville. Le Moyen de Parvenir, œuvre contenant la raison de ce qui à este, est et sera, avec demonstrations certaines selon la recontre des effects de vertu. Paris, 1870. 2 vols., 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, Libbie's, Feb. 11, 1903. (106) $6.20 uncut. 792 Berry (Miss). Journals and Correspondence from the year 1783 to 1852. Edited by Lady Theresa Lewis. Portraits. London, 1866. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. 793 Reid sale, Anderson's, Dec. 3, 1902. (401) $3.90 The same. 3 vols., 8vo, calf. Anderson's, May 11, 1903. (19) $6.37 794 Besant (Walter). South London. London, 1899. 8vo, levant morocco. Marié sale, Am. Art Gall., April 3, 1903. (75) $17.00 795 Besant (Walter) and Rice (James). Works. New York, n. d. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Libbie's, June 2, 1903. (95) $5.40 796 Bessarion (Nicolaus). In calumniatorem Platonis libri quatuor, etc. Venice, Aldus, 1516. 2 vols. in 1, folio, morocco. Slightly water-stained. Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (25) $16.50 797 Betham (William). Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World, from the earliest to the present period. London, 1795. 2 vols., folio, half morocco. Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (83) $5.25 798 Betterton (Thomas). The History of the English Stage, from the Restauration to the Present Time. Portraits. London, 1741. Small 8vo, half calf. Anderson's, April 29, 1903. (53) $4.25 Small 8vo, half calf. 800 Betterton (Thomas). Continued. The History of the English Stage. Boston, 1814. 8vo, half levant morocco. Bangs', Nov. 19, 1902. (270) $3.25 801 Bevan (Samuel). Sand and Canvas. [Containing "The Three Sailors," by Thackeray.] London, 1849. 8vo, calf, gilt top. Bangs', Oct. 20, 1902. (596) $3.75 Price sale, Henkels', Feb. 3, 1903. (142a) $4.25 803 Beveridge (Henry). A Comprehensive History of India, from the First Landing of the English to the Suppression of the Sepoy Revolt. London, 1862. 3 vols., royal 8vo, morocco, marbled edges. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (377) $4.50 804 Beveridge (John). Epistolæ Familiares et Alia Quædam Miscellania. Familiar Epistles and other Miscellaneous Pieces, wrote originally in Latin verse. Philadelphia, Bradford, 1765. 8vo, original cover. Henkels', Nov. 26, 1902. (272) $9.00 805 Beverley (Robert). History and Present State of Virginia. First edition. Map, engraved frontispiece, and plates. London, for R. Parker, 1705. 8vo, levant morocco, gilt edges, by Rivière. 806 807 808 809 810 Peirce sale, Henkels', March 6, 1903. (78) $40.00 The same. 8vo, original calf. Sir George Townshend Walker's copy, with book-plate. Peirce sale, Henkels', March 6, 1903. (79) $35.00 History of Virginia. Second edition, revised and enlarged by the author. Frontispiece and 14 plates. London, 1722. 8vo, calf. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (8) $18.00 Histoire de la Virginie. Amsterdam, Thomas Lombrail, 1707. Small 8vo, original calf. The same. Small 8vo, old calf. Bangs', Jan. 29, 1903. (17a) $5.00 Anderson's, April 16, 1903. (78) $5.00 Histoire de la Virginie. Amsterdam, Claude Jordan, 1712. Small 8vo, original calf. Bangs', Jan. 29, 1903. (17b) $5.50 811 Bewick (John). Choice Emblems for the Improvement and Pastime of Youth. Frontispiece by Wale, and 50 engravings by J. Bewick. London, 1772. 12m0, calf extra, red edges. Slightly discolored. Anderson's, March 23, 1903. (71) $3.00 812 Bewick (Thomas). Works, comprising: History of British Birds, 2 vols., 1804; General History of Quadrupeds. Fourth edition, 1800. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1800-04. Τοgether 3 vols., 8vo, levant morocco, gilt edges. Broken. Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (574) $39.00 813 Beyle (Henri). E. P. Robins. Beyle (Henri). Continued. 814 815 816 The same. Japan paper (50 printed). 3 vols., 12m0, morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (92) $6.00 The same. Japan paper. 3 vols., 12m0, half vellum. Levy sale, Anderson's, March 31, 1903. (153) $4.50 Œuvres Complètes. Paris, 1854. 17 vols., 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Wales sale, Libbie's, March 10, 1903. (220) $15.30 817 Bibelot (The). Vols. I to 6. Portland, Me., 1895-1900. 5 vols. boards, and I vol. in parts. Together 6 vols., 12mo. Maier sale, Anderson's, Oct. 21, 1902. (9) $9.30 The same. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. 16mo, boards, uncut. With the original paper covers bound in. 818 Bangs', Dec. 10, 1902. (255) $4.05 819 Bible in Polyglot. Biblia Sacra Hebraice, Chaldaice, Græce, Latine, Germanice, Italice (Slavonice). Studio et Labore Eliæ Hutteri Germani. Pentateuch only. Nuremberg, 1599. Folio, original boards, leather back. Bangs', Feb. 19, 1903. (96) $7.00 820 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Edited by Samuel Lee. London, Bagster, n. d. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bangs', Jan. 19, 1903. (48) $5.25 821 Bible in Dutch. Biblia Sacra Belgica. Das Oude Testament. Vol. II. Delf, J. Jacobson and M. Yemantz, 1477. Folio, boards covered with leather, with clasps. Binding broken, some leaves supplied from a shorter copy and 2 or 3 in manuscript. 822 Conely sale, Libbie's, Oct. 28, 1902. (447) $20.50 Biblia, dat is, de gantsche H. Schriften, etc. Copperplate engravings and maps, after Romeyn de Hooge, some colored. Amsterdam, Lindenberg, 1702. Folio, old calf, metal corners and clasps. Gilsey sale, Anderson's, Jan. 20, 1903. (197) $10.00 823 Bible in English. New Testament dylygently corrected and compared with the Greke by William Tyndale. The first edition of any part of the Bible in English. Antwerp, Marten Emperour, 1534. 8vo, contemporary calf. 824 825 Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (15) $510.00 Biblia the Bible, that is, the Holy Scripture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully and truly translated out of Douche and Latyn in to Englishe. [By Miles Coverdale.] The first Bible in English. (Antwerp], 1535. Small folio, morocco. Some leaves mended and others supplied in facsimile. Measuring 12×7 inches. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (14) $3,000.00 New Testament both Latine and Englyshe each correspondent to the other after the vulgare text communely called S. Jerome. Faythfully translated by Myles Coverdale. Southwarke, James Nicolson, 1538. Small 4to, levant morocco, by Rivière. Beginning with folio 2 and some leaves imperfect. Bible in English. - Continued. 826 Byble in Englysh. Cranmer version. The "Great Bible," fifth edition. [London] Edward Whitechurch, 1541. Folio, calf, joints strengthened with leather. Title mended and a portion of the table missing. 827 828 829 830 831 Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (16) $170.00 Bible and Holy Scriptures Conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. First edition of the Genevan version. With 5 maps and other illustrations. Geneva, Rowland Hall, 1560. 4to, morocco, gilt edges. Title inlaid. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (22) $190.00 The Holy Bible. The Bishop's Version. London, Richard Jugge, 1572. Folio, calf. Lacking title-page and genealogical tables. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (18) $50.00 The Holy Bible. The Bishop's Version. London, by the Assignement of Christopher Barker, 1578. Folio, half calf. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (17) $150.00 The New Testament of Jesus Christ. Translated faithfully into English out of the authentical Latin. First edition of the Roman Catholic Testament in English. Rhemes, John Fogny, 1582. Small 4to, levant morocco, by Bedford. Title inlaid, part of border being in facsimile. Anderson's, April 2, 1903. (724) $27.50 The same. Small 4to, old calf. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (26) $75.00 832- The Holy Bible. The Genevan Version. London, C. 833 834 835 836 837 838 The Holy Bible. The Genevan Version. London, 1607. Small 4to, old calf. Rebacked. Henkels', May 27, 1903. (338) $11.50 The Holy Bible. Genevan Version. London, Robert Barker, 1610-11. With the Book of Common Prayer and Psalms. 3 in 1 vol., 4to, morocco. With the arms of James I. in gold on the covers. Ashburnham copy. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (48) $70.00 The Holy Bible. King James Version. London, Robert Barker, 1611. Folio, calf, joints strengthened, gilt edges. George Livermore's copy, with his autograph. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (19) $200.00 The Holy Bible. King James Version. London, Robert Barker, 1613. Folio, calf, red edges. Title mounted. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (20) $25.00 The Holy Bible. King James Version, London, Robert Barker, 1613. 4to, calf. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (21) $24.00 The Holy Bible. Oxford, J. Baskett, 1732. 2 vols., 4to, old morocco, gilt edges. With Sturt's series of cop 839 Bible in English. - Continued. The Holy Bible. Birmingham, John Baskerville, 1763. Folio, old calf. Bangs', Oct. 1, 1902. (69) $4.00 840 The Holy Bible. Birmingham, John Baskerville, 1769. Folio, morocco extra. Bangs', Jan. 19, 1903. (47) $4.00 841- The New Testament. Philadelphia, Hall and Sellers, 1780. 12mo, half morocco. 842 843 844 845 Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (30) $17.00 The New Testament. Philadelphia, R. Aitken, Bookseller, Three Doors above the Coffee-House, in Market Street, 1781. 12mo, original sheep. 2 Peirce sale, Henkels', May 5, 1903. (576) $100.00 The Holy Bible. Philadelphia, R. Aiken, 1782-81. vols. in 1, small 8vo, original calf. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (36) $540.00 The same. 2 vols. in I, small 8vo, old calf. Lacking title-page and leaves at beginning and end, title-page to New Testament torn and small portion missing. May sale, Libbie's, Jan. 27, 1903. (186) $21.00 The same. 2 vols. in I, small 8vo, half levant morocco. Title and last leaf in facsimile. Proud sale, Henkels', May 8, 1903. (274) $45.00 846- The Holy Bible. Trenton, Isaac Collins, 1791. 4to, original calf, with leather and brass clasps. Title mended. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (37) $25.00 The same. 4to, old calf. 847 Proud sale, Henkels', May 8, 1903. (362) $4.00 The Holy Bible. New York, Hugh Gaine, 1792. Small 8vo, original sheep. The McKee copy, with bookplate. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (27) $10.00 Macklin's edition. With the ApосLondon, 1800-16. 8 vols., folio, Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (212) $24.00 Bristol, John Fenley, 1803. 16mo, 848 849- The Holy Bible. rypha. Engravings. morocco, gilt edges. The Holy Bible. 850 morocco, uncut. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (29) $5.00 851 The Holy Bible. Translated by Charles Thomson. Philadelphia, Jane Aitken, 1808. 4 vols., 8vo, calf. Bangs', Jan. 27, 1903. (61) $12.00 853 852- The same. 4 vols., 8vo, morocco, sprinkled edges. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (39) $32.00 The Holy Bible. Douay Version. Philadelphia, Eugene Cummiskey, 1825. 4to, original sheep. Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (38) $10.00 The Holy Bible. Edited by the Rev. Josiah Forshall and Sir Frederic Madden. Oxford, University Press, 1850. 4 vols., 4to, vellum, red edges. 854 855 Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (28) $20.00 The New Testament. Atlanta, Ga., 1862. 16mo, original boards. |