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1667 Carter (John). Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting Now Remaining in England, from the Earliest Period to the Reign of Henry VIII. 120 plates. don, 1887. Folio, half morocco.



LonBangs', Nov. 10, 1902. (951) $3.50

The same. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut.

The same.

Anderson's, Feb. 20, 1903. (83) $13.50 Folio, half morocco.

Bangs', March 30, 1903. (24) $5.25 1670 Cartwright (John). American Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain. Philadelphia, Bell, 1776. 8vo, sewed. With autograph of Josiah Bartlett. Bartlett sale, Libbie's, May 19, 1903. (1259) $3.00

1671 Cartwright (Thomas). Confutation of the Rhemists. Leyden, 1618. Small folio, half calf. Cover loose.

Bartlett sale, Libbie's, May 19, 1903. (293) $7.00 1672 Cartwright (William). Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems. Portrait by Lombart. London, 1651. 8vo, calf. With blank spaces on pages 301, 302, and 305.

Henkels', May 27, 1903. (44) $8.00 1673 Carver (Jonathan). Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America, 1766 to 1768. 2 maps and copper plates. London, 1778. 8vo, calf.


Conely sale, Libbie's, Oct 28, 1902. (218) $8.50 Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America, 1766 to 1768. London, 1781. 8vo, half cloth.

Bangs', Nov. 17, 1902. (64) $9.50 1675- Three Years' Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America. Philadelphia, Joseph Crukshank, 1789. 12m0, sheep. Bangs', Nov. 3, 1902. (178) $4.25



The same. 12mo, sheep.

Bangs', Jan. 27, 1903. (272) $3.25 Three Years' Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America. Philadelphia, 1796. 8vo, half leather. Anderson's, Ar April 16, 1903. (109) $3.25 1678 Cary (M.). Genealogies of the Families who Have Settled in the North Parish of Bridgewater. Boston, 1824. 8vo, half morocco.

Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (792) $26.00 1679 Casanova (J.). Memoires. Leipzig and Paris, 1826. 12 vols. in 6 vols., 12mo, half calf.



Bangs', Nov. 17, 1902. (65) $13.50 Memoires. Paris, n. d. 8 vols., 12mo, half morocco, gilt edges. Libbie's, Feb. 11, 1903. (260) $10.00 Memoirs. Now for the first time translated into English. London, privately printed, 1894. 12 vols., 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops.

Anderson's, April 27, 1903. (110) $69.00 1682 Casler (Abraham). Trial and Conviction for the Murder of His Wife, Catherine. Schoharie, 1817. 8vo, unbound. 1683 Cassin (John). Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. 50 colored plates. Philadelphia, 1862. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Wales sale, Libbie's, March 10, 1903. (141) $16.00 1684 Castelman (Richard). Voyage, Shipwreck, and Miraculous Escape, with a Description of Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia. Printed in the year 1726. 8vo, calf.

Proud sale, Henkels', May 8, 1903. (343) $22.00 1685 Catalogue of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen that Have Compounded for Their Estates. London, for Thomas Dring, 1655. 16m0, old calf.

Whitmore sale, Libbie's, Nov. 11, 1902. (1685) $4.00

1686 Catechism. Catechismus, that is to say a Shorte Instruction into Christian Religion for the Synguler Commoditie and Profyt of Children and Yong People. Set forth by Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Woodcuts. London, G. Lynne, 1548. [The 1829 reprint.] Small 4to, half morocco.

Appleton sale, Anderson's, April 13, 1903. (114) $17.00



Catechismus Ex decreto Concilii Tridentini Ad Parochos. First Edition. Rome, Aldus, 1566. Folio, levant Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (34) $18.00


Catechismus Ex decreto Concilli Tridentini Ad Parochos. Rome, Aldus, 1567. Small 8vo, levant morocco, gilt edges. Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (35) $9.00

1689 Catesby (Mark). Hortus Europæ Americanus; or, a Collection of 85 Curious Trees and Shrubs, the Produce of North America, adapted to the Climates and Soils of Great Britain, Ireland, and most parts of Europe. 63 colored figures on 17 plates. London, 1767. 4to, half calf. Anderson's, April 29, 1903. (174) $8.25


Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and Bahama Islands. 220 colored plates. London, 1771. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, gilt edges.

Anderson's, April 29, 1903. (175) $41.00 1691 Catharine (St.) of Siena. Epistole devotissime de Sancta Catharina da Siena. Venice, Aldus, 1500. Small folio, levant morocco, gilt edges.

Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (38) $29.00 Anderson's, April 16, 1903. (11) $26.00 1693 Catlin (G.). Eight Years' Travels and Adventures Among the American Indians. 400 engravings. London, 1842. 2 vols., royal 8vo, calf, marbled edges.

1692- The same. Folio, vellum.



Bangs', Oct. 20, 1902. (95) $6.50 The same. 2 vols., royal 8vo, calf, marbled edges. Bangs', March 2, 1903. (79) $8.25 Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. 360 colored engravings. London, 1876. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut.


Catlin (G.). Continued.



The same. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Bangs', Jan. 27, 1903. (285) $6.00 Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. [Reprint of 1841 edition.] 400 colored illustrations. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bangs', Dec. 16, 1902. (145) $6.20

The same. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth.


Anderson's, Jan. 7, 1903. (171) $5.20 North American Indian Portfolio. 25 colored plates. [London, 1844.] With 12 pages of descriptive text. Folio, in portfolio. Bangs', Jan. 29, 1903. (185) $58.00

1700 Cato. Cato's Moral Distichs. Englished in Couplets. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1735. Small 4to, half calf.

Proud sale, Henkels', May 8, 1903. (617) $410.00 1701 Catullus. Tibullus, Catullus et Propertius cum commento. Venice, Boneto Locatello Bergomensi, [1487]. Folio, old morocco. Anderson's, April 27, 1903. (165) $11.00



Catullus, Tibullus, Propetius. Venice, Aldus, 1502. Small 8vo, levant morocco, gilt edges, by Rivière. Manuscript notes said to be by Edmund Waller.

Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (39) $21.00 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius. Venice, Aldus, 1515. Small 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lewis.


Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (40) $10.50 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, cum Commentariis Cyllænii, Parthenii, Palladii, etc., nuper castigata. Venice, G. de Fontaneto, 1520. Small folio, vellum.


Conely sale, Libbie's, Oct. 28, 1902. (1727) $5.00 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius. Paris, J. Barbou, 1754. 12mo, old morocco, gilt edges, by Dérome.

Anderson's, March 23, 1903. (64) $6.50 1706 Caulfield (James). The High Court of Justice. Memoirs of the Principal Persons in the Trial of Charles I. 24 portraits. London, 1820. 4to, original boards, uncut, with label. Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (254) $5.00

1707- Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of Reign of George II. 155 portraits. London, 1819. 4 vols., 8vo, calf, marbled edges.

Bangs', Jan. 29, 1903. (186) $10.00 1708 Caulkins (Frances M.). History of New London, from the First Survey of the Coast in 1612 to 1852. New London, 1852. 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy.

Lockwood sale, Bangs', Oct. 6, 1902. (541) $4.50 1709 Cavallucci (J.) and Molinier (Emile). Les Della Robbia. Paris, 1884. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Wales sale, Libbie's, March 10, 1903. (216) $26.00 1710 Caverly (R. B.). Annals of the Boodeys in New England. Lowell, 1880. 12m0, cloth.



Joutel (M.)
Chicago, 1896.

1711 Caxton Club. Derby (George H.). Phœnixiana. Edited by John Vance Cheney. Chicago, 1897. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (164) $23.00 Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage. 8vo, boards, uncut. Bangs', March 16, 1903. (165) $16.75 Poe (E. A.). Letters to E. H. N. Patterson, of Oquawka, Illinois, with Comments by Eugene Field. Chicago, 1898. 4to, cloth, uncut.


Bangs', March 16, 1903. (163) $21.00 1714- La Salle (N. de). Relation of the Discovery of the Mississippi River. Translated by M. B. Anderson. Chicago, 1898. 8vo, half vellum, uncut.

Bangs', March 16, 1903. (166) $14.00 1715 Caylus (Comte de). Nouveaux Contes Orientaux. Amsterdam, 1780. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Libbie's, Feb. 25, 1903. (478) $23.00 1716 Celsus (Aurelius Cornelius). De Medicina libri VIII., etc. Venice, Aldus, 1528. 8vo, morocco. Bangs', Jan. 29, 1903. (2) $11.00 1717 Celtic Magazine (The). A Monthly Periodical. Vols. I to 10 (lacking Vols. 3 and 7). Edinburgh, 1877-85. 7 vols., 8vo, half roan. Libbie's, April 22, 1903. (128) $5.25 1718 Censorinus. De die Natali ab Aldo Manutio Pauli F. Aldi N Emendatus. Venice, Aldus, 1581. 12mo, levant morocco extra, gilt edges.

Bangs', Nov. 20, 1902. (36) $10.50 1719 Centlivre (Mrs. Susanna). Dramatic Works. First Edition. Portrait. London, 1760-61. 3 vols., 12mo, calf. Anderson's, Nov. 13, 1902. (58) $6.75


The same. 3 vols., 12mo, morocco, gilt edges.

Bangs', Dec. 10, 1902. (52) $7.80 1721 Central Law Journal (The). Vols. I to 46, with index for Vols. I to 41 (lacking Vol. 46, No. 15.) St. Louis, 1874-91. 45 vols., half sheep, 3 vols. in parts. Together 48 vols., royal 8vo. Some volumes broken.

Brooks sale, Libbie's, March 25, 1903. (926) $9.60 1722 Century Atlas of the World. Edited by B. E. Smith. 118 maps. New York, 1899. 4to, half morocco. Bangs', Feb. 24, 1903. (103) $9.25

1723- - The same. 4to, half morocco.

Marié sale, Am. Art Gall., April 3, 1903. (143) $5.50 1724 Century Dictionary (The). Edited by W. D. Whitney. New York, 1895. Io vols., 4to, half morocco.

Conely sale, Libbie's, Oct. 28, 1902. (1760) $42.50 1725 The same. 10 vols., 4to, half morocco, marbled edges. Henkels', June 16, 1903. (191) $42.00 1726 Cervantes (Miguel de). The History of the Valorous and Witty Knight Errant Don Quixote. Translated by Thomas Shelton. London, 1675. Folio, calf. Preface imperfect and binding broken.


Cervantes (Miguel de). -Continued.

Life and Exploits of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by Charles Jarvis. 68 engravings by Vandergucht. N. p., 1756. 2 vols., 4to, calf.

1728- The same. 2 vols., 4to, calf.




Bangs', Oct. 20, 1902. (98) $9.00 Bangs', March 2, 1903. (82) $10.50 Life and Exploits of Don Quixote. Translated by Charles Jarvis. Portrait and plates by T. Stothard and others. London, 1801. 4 vols., 8vo, calf.

Anderson's, Nov. 13, 1902. (59) $4.20

The same. 4 vols., 8vo, calf.

Anderson's, April 27, 1903. (122) $7.00

Adventures of Don Quixote. Translated by T. Smollett. Portrait and plates after Carnicero. Glasgow, 1803. 4 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco extra, gilt tops. A few pages spotted. Anderson's, April 16, 1903. (150) $6.40

1732- Life and Adventures of Don Quixote. Engravings from designs by R. Westall. London, 1820. 4 vols., small 8vo, calf, gilt tops.










Bangs', March 2, 1903. (83) $7.00

History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quix. ote. Translated by T. Smollett. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. London, 1833. 3 vols., 12mo, morocco, gilt top. Price sale, Henkels', Feb. 3, 1903. (30a) $15.75 Don Quixote. Translated by Charles Jarvis. Illustrations by Tony Johannot. London, 1837. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges.

Bangs', Dec. 16, 1902. (53) $6.00

Don Quixote. Large paper. Translated by P. Motteux. Edinburgh, 1879. India proofs of the etchings by Lalauze. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth.

Anderson's, April 8, 1903. (49) $12.40

Don Quixote of La Mancha. Edited by Henry Edward Watts. London, 1888. 5 vols., small 4to, half vellum, uncut. 250 printed.

Bangs', Dec. 10, 1902. (403) $5.00

Don Quixote. Translated by P. A. Motteux. 37 etchings by Lalauze. Edinburgh, 1902. 4 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Bangs', March 9, 1903. (792) $9.50

The same. 4 vols., royal 8vo, cloth.

Anderson's, April 24, 1903. (72) $8.50

The same. 4 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut.
Bartlett sale, Libbie's, May 19, 1903. (305) $4.50
Don Quixote. Translated by H. E. Watts. Boston,
for Bibliophilist's Library. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut.
Maier sale, Anderson's, Oct. 21, 1902. (35) $12.00
Don Quichotte de la Mancha. Translated by Louis
Viardot. 120 plates and illustrations by Gustave Doré.
Paris, 1863. 2 vols., folio, half levant morocco, gilt edges.

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