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from St Miniato, about 25 miles from Florence. His father was one of the three nobles who represented the states of Corsica, anno 1770, when deputies were first sent to wait on the king of France, after the conquest of that island, on which occasion he acquitted himself with great ability. His son was born in 1767, and consequently, at this time, (April 1797), is about thirty years of age, short in stature, and rather thin or meagre, but with quick and penetrating eyes. He was educated at an Ecole Militaire in France, where he laid an admirable foundation for the acquisition of military knowledge; and ever since he has made the art of war his particular study. He has a peculiar mode of arranging his troops, apparently in confusion, so that the enemy cannot discover what his intentions are, how to attack him, or how to evade his attack; and hence, with inferior forces, he makes his opponents believe that they have superior numbers to fight with. He is abstemious in living, fond of, and active in business, which he carries on with the greatest regularity. He has four distinct secretaries for the following different departments, namely, the military branch of the army; its pay and expenditure, or internal economy; his political correspondence with the Directory, and with foreign states; and the police, or management of the conquered countries. He is ardent beyond every thing for military glory, and full of the most anxious zeal, to rival the heroes commemorated by Plutarch, whose works he is perpetually perusing.

The following circumstances are strongly in his favour, in regard to the success of this campaign.

In the first place, the country where the war is now carrying on is mountainous, which gives a great advantage to the active troops of France, over the slow and heavy battalions of Germany. Even the Croats, the Highlanders of the Continent, who would otherwise have been admirably calculated for such a warfare, are now formed into regular corps, and have lost their characteristic activity and spirit. But that is not all. Greatly as this General has distinguished himself in the

plains of Lombardy, a mountainous country affords peculiar advantage to a native of Corsica. Indeed, Bonaparte, from his birth, has not only been accustomed to such scenes, but was actually tracing the military history of his native country, and ascertaining by what means the Corsicans were enabled, from the advantages of a mountainous situation, to make a stand, with inferior forces, against the best troops in Europe, when he was unexpectedly called to the siege of Toulon. There he so much distinguished himself, that the Directory were induced to trust him with the command of the army of Italy, as the only chance of retrieving their affairs in that quarter, at that time in the most desperate state, and which perhaps no other man could have accomplished.

2. No general ever possessed greater resources of mind, in unexpected and critical cases. The intrepidity he shewed, (for I am told that singular anecdote is authentic), when, with only 1200 or 1500 men, he was on the eve of being attacked by 4000 Austrians, can hardly be paralleled in history. He asked the officer who summoned him to surrender," how he dared to bring such a message to the General of the French army?" and the Austrians, awed by the superiority of his genius, actually threw down their arms. Against a general possessed of the greatest activity, and such resources of mind, no enemy is safe even for a moment, and there is hardly any state to which he can possibly be reduced, from which his talents may not extricate him.

3. Instead of being detested, he is admired and beloved by the Italians, who, though they hate the French, yet consider him in the light of a countryman, by whom the ancient military glory of Italy will be revived. At first, considerable sums were certainly exacted from Lombardy, &c. but now, the contributions required from the countries in his possession, do not exceed those, which the inhabitants paid to their former sovereigns, in time of war; and so prevalent is the spirit of democracy, that it is with great difficulty the French can prevent all Italy from becoming republicans. The Jacobins were certainly

anxious to spread their doctrines every where, but the present government of France have adopted a different policy. It is well known that the Directory would rather have given up Milan to the Emperor, under its old form of government, than have established a republic there; and actually refused to erect a republic at Rome, when it was lately completely in their power, and anxiously wished for by a majority of the people.

4. Though the French are jealous of the glory acquired by this Italian hero, and though, if he were to return to France, he might perhaps be treated with that ingratitude which is too often the characteristic of republican government, yet his enemies do justice to his merit; he contrives to make his very rivals to second his views, and to assist him with all the zeal imaginable. Indeed, the Directory of France find it essential to their own interest, to give him every possible support, as there is none whom they could send to succeed him, with an equal prospect of success.

Lastly, he has excited an enthusiasm in his army, beyond all example. His troops place the most unlimited confidence in him, and think, under his command, they cannot be vanquished. In addition to that confidence, they have such a respect, and even terror for him, (for, with great affability, nó man preserves stricter discipline), that they dread his reproaches more than the swords of the enemy; and, should every thing else fail, such is the attachment they entertain for his person, that he has only to put himself at their head, at any critical moment of imminent danger and dismay, as he did at Lodi, and, if he does not perish in the combat, his troops, impelled by enthusiasm in the cause they fight for, confidence in the general who commands them, dread of his reproaches if defeated, and attachment to a leader whom they adore, can hardly fail to conquer.

The Result. From a consideration of these circumstances, any thing decisively favourable to the cause of Austria in Italy, cannot be expected. Indeed, if the French were un

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successful, which there is no reason to look for, they have only to retire to the fortresses of Mantua, Verona, and others in their possession, whence, in the course of at least this campaign, it will be impossible to dislodge them. The only chance of ultimate success which the Archduke Charles has, is that of retiring towards Vienna; in which case, should Buonaparte incautiously follow him, he may be surrounded, and his army may be destroyed. But if he is satisfied with the possession of Italy, and the countries in its neighbourhood, no force the Emperor can possibly send against him, under any general, however distinguished for ability, can be successful.

London, 3d April 1797.-N. B. The account of Buonaparte's victories did not reach London, or at least was not publicly known, till the Friday following, the 7th of April.


The reader will be enabled to form some idea, both of the resources of Buonaparte's mind, and the promptitude with which he acts, from the following anecdote.

It is well-known, that the Abbé Sieyes was one of the ablest men that France ever produced, and remarkable for his deep and successful intrigues. When the formation of a consulate was determined upon, it became a doubtful question, whether he or Buonaparte should be appointed First Consul. Sieyes's plan was, to be nominated to that situation, and to employ Buonaparte, as Second Consul, to carry his orders into execution. The superior cunning, ability, and promptitude of the Corsican, in one instant, baffled all the schemes which he had been so long meditating, and which he thought were on the eve of being happily accomplished.

The place where they assembled to elect the Consuls, was the Gallery of the Luxembourg, a very large hall, where the electors formed themselves into parties, with their leaders,

and though within sight, yet each of them at such a distance from the other, as not to be overheard. Sieyes lost no time in addressing his party, and descanted on the advantages of having a person, well acquainted with political questions, and civil affairs, at the head of the new government; and the danger of having a soldier intrusted with supreme power, who might, in the end, establish military despotism, in a country, which had conquered its liberties; (the event has proved, that this observation was perfectly well founded); and without pointing himself out to be the man, he plainly indicated the line he wished them to pursue. As soon as he had made this declaration, one of Buonaparte's emissaries, who had mixed himself with the Abbé's friends, quitted the place where they had assembled, joined the other party, and informed them of what had passed. Buonaparte instantly said, "I see what must be done,—and all I entreat of you is, as soon as you see me take Sieyes by the hand, that you will cry, Bravo, Buonaparte, as loud as you can, and will prevail on as many as possible to join in the exclamation." He immediately went to the place where Sieyes and his party were assembled, and going up to the Abbé, with a great appearance of cordiality, he said, "Let us not, my friend, have any difference of opinion who shall be the First Consul; for my part, I vote for the Abbé Sieyes,-whom do you vote for?" The Abbé, astonished at such an unexpected address, was led, from complaisance, and an affectation of gratitude and friendship, to say, "I vote for the General Buonaparte." On which Buonaparte gave his hand to Sieyes, as if to thank him for his vote. This being the signal agreed upon, for crying, Bravo, Buonaparte, it resounded from all quarters; Buonaparte's partisans having dispersed themselves throughout the hall, and mixed with those of the other candidates. Even some of the friends of Abbé Sieyes, who saw what had passed, could not help joining in the cry, without thinking of the consequences. Buonaparte was instantly declared First Consul. The Abbé was offered to be made Second Consul, but was so much chagrin

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