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No. IV.

OCTOBER, 1831.


Part IV. Directions for Theological Students entering the University of Halle. Published by the Theological Faculty of that University.

Translated by the Editor.


It was at first the Editor's intention to have closed his remarks on the state of theological education in Germany, with the article in the third Number of this work. When that and the preceding article on this subject were written, he sought in vain among his papers for the pamphlet, the title of which is given in the note on the next page. He was obliged, therefore, to draw in a great measure from his own recollections; and thus, while it was his endeavour to state nothing for which he could not vouch from his own personal knowledge, he was perhaps led to pass over some points, on which it would have been desirable to have given information. The pamphlet alluded to has since been found among the papers of a friend; and as it was prepared and published by the theological faculty in Halle, for the express purpose of affording information to students of theology in regard to the general course of studies, the order and method in which those studies ought to be pursued, the aids and encouragements held out by the university, and the duties and obligaNo. IV.


tions imposed upon them during a residence there, the Editor has thought he could in no way so appropriately conclude the whole subject, as by laying this pamphlet in a translation before his readers. The object and contents of it are more fully specified in the Introduction. The pamphlet itself is understood to have come from the pen of the late Chancellor Niemeyer. EDITOR.



Experience has long taught, that very many persons commence the study of theology, without bringing to it any clear idea of its extent, of the mutual connexion of its parts, and of the best method of becoming acquainted with each of those parts. Very few, moreover, before their departure from the preparatory schools, have any opportunity of acquiring this important preliminary knowledge. Hence we find so much uncertainty and mistake in the choice of lectures; so many instances of wrong judgment in regard to what is more or less important; so much want of plan in regard to study, even in connexion with the greatest diligence. Hence too the frequent complaints of students at the end of their academical years, that they have seen too late, how very differently these years might have been employed!

Besides this, many students are also too little informed in regard to the external aids, societies, and other regulations, established by law or custom; or, in the prevailing carelessness respecting the special objects of a university life, they become acquainted with these only by accident; so that they first perceive all the advantages of them, and learn the obligations which devolve on themselves, when it is now too late to reap the benefit of the former, or to fulfil the latter.

All this induces us to place the following pages in the hands

* Anweisung für angehenden Theologen, zur Uebersicht ihres Studiums und zur Kenntniss der vorzüglich für sie bestimmten Bildungsanstalten und anderer academischen Einrichtungen auf der königl. Preussischen vereinigten Halle- und Wittembergischen Friederichs-Universität. Herausgegeben von der theologischen Facultät. Halle, 1827.

of every theological student, who joins this university. He will find therein information on the following topics.

I. A brief enumeration of the particular sciences which constitute the whole course of theological study; together with a short specification of the object and extent of each and of their relation to each other. In like manner, hints respecting the auxiliary sciences chiefly to be recommended to a theologian, in reference to his future destination. All this with constant adaptation to the usual arrangement of the theological lectures in this university.

II. An account of the existing Seminaries.

III. Suggestions in regard to the other existing aids and institutions, so far as they are particularly important for theological students.

IV. Information respecting several academical arrangements and regulations, and in regard to what is legally requisite in particular cases, especially on entering and leaving the university.


General View of Theological Study.


The study of theology, considered as a department of learning, presupposes, like the other great departments, a variety of preliminary knowledge and a certain general cultivation of the mind. These we may reasonably expect to have been already acquired at the higher schools, [and in this country, at the colleges,] which, so long as they adhere to their original destination, and are earnestly desirous of promoting a thorough mode of study, limit themselves to instruction in languages, history, and the mathematics. For the future theologian, the study of the Greek, Latin, and Hebrew languages, and of history in general, is a preparation so indispensable, that any neglect in regard to it forbids us to expect either a thorough or a liberal course of theological study.


These studies of the schools are continued at the university; but are regarded in a higher point of view, and are increased by others. However different all these studies may be in their nature, still they are all included, according to ancient academical usage, under the name of the philosophical sciences, taken

in the widest sense of this term; and the teachers of them constitute the philosophical faculty. Most of the sciences in this department, aside from the great interest which they must have for every student, are of the highest importance particularly for the theologian, partly as preparatory and partly as auxiliary to his theological course. This is true especially of philosophy in its stricter sense, of philology, and of history.


The great object of an academical course of the study of theology properly so called, is no other than this, viz. to elevate that popular religious knowledge, which, for the sake of its practical influence, ought to be found in a certain degree in every reflecting person, into a scientific department of knowledge. In this way teachers of religion are to be formed; who will indeed in future live and act in very different degrees of standing and influence, but from whom without exception, if they are to be held in any estimation, it may be expected, that either as members of the learned community, or as teachers, they will be distinguished by the thoroughness and scientific character of their theological knowledge, from those who are either destitute of all higher intellectual culture, or who have devoted themselves to other departments of learning.


But the science of theology, considered as a whole, is made up of various subsidiary sciences and branches of knowledge, which are all mutually connected with each other. A complete view of all these, with an explanation of the notion, character, extent, and object of each in particular, is given in the so called Theological Encyclopaedia ("Eɣxvxhonαidelα); with which, at the same time, it is usual to connect a course of Methodology, or advice in regard to the best method of studying the different branches. With these two subjects it is proper that every one should begin his theological course; and opportunity for this will hereafter be afforded at this university every semester. Meanwhile we give here a brief description of the field of theological learning, intended however only as a first glance at it; and the following may therefore be regarded as a brief outline of such a course of Encyclopaedia, so important in its bearing upon all the subsequent studies.


The whole range of theological science may be conveniently divided into four parts. Indeed theology itself, in accordance with this division, has received a fourfold appellation, viz. exegetical, systematical, historical, and practical theology.


Exegetical Theology embraces all those branches of knowledge, that are requisite for the correct understanding of the writings of the Old and New Testament, in which are contained the holy records of the Christian religion. This department is also called biblical philology (philologia sacra), in distinction from classical philology; with which, in other respects, it coincides as to object, character, and method. The following may be regarded as the principal subdivisions of exegetical theology.

I. The historico-critical Introduction to the books of the Old and New Testament. This occupies itself with the history and form, both of the whole collection of biblical writings, i. e. the canon, and also of the particular books; and contains investigations respecting their age, origin, contents, and character. Consequently, the most appropriate place for this branch of study also, is at the commencement of the theological course.

NOTE. The lectures on Introduction usually occupy half a year on each part of the Scriptures. And since, for the most part, only a small portion of the Old Testament can be explained in the exegetical lectures, it is so much the more necessary to become acquainted, through these introductory lectures at least, with the contents of all the books of the Old Testament; inasmuch as a familiarity with the contents of the whole Bible is presupposed in all the departments of theology.

II. Biblical Hermeneutics, Equnvevrian, or Theory of Interpretation. This applies the general principles of interpretation, which are common to all writers, to the biblical writings in particular; and derives also special rules from those circumstances and characteristics which are peculiar to the Bible and its particular parts. In close connexion with hermeneutics stands also biblical criticism (critica sacra); in which it is usual to distinguish verbal criticism, which occupies itself with the judgment and restoration of the biblical text; and the so called higher criticism, which consists in investigations relative to the authenticity of the several books of Scripture.

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