| England - 1823 - 782 pages
...vols. wjyal 12mo. James L. Drummond, MD has in the press a duodecimo volume, entitled " First Step* to 'Botany," intended as Popular Illustrations of...leading to its study as a branch of general education j illustrated with numerous Wood Cuts. Huntwood, a Tale of the year J815, is in the press. Miss Louisa... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1822 - 498 pages
...beautifully coloured Specimens. 2nd Edit. In a Vols. ISnio. Price H«. Bds. FIRST STEPS to HOTANY, intended as popular Illustrations of the Science, leading to its Study as a Branch of peneral Education. By JAMES 1,. DRUMMOND, MD Professor of Anatomy and Physiology intbe Belfast Academical... | |
| Sarah Lee - 1823 - 214 pages
...By WILLIAM FORSYTH, FASaudF.SA &c. FIRST STEPS to BOTANY; intended as Popular Illustrations of tbe Science, leading to its Study as a Branch of general...Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution. In I 'mo. with 100 Wood-Cuts, comprising JOO Figures. Price -.is. Bds. CONVERSATIONS on BOTANY, with Twenty... | |
| Science - 1823 - 506 pages
...amusing and instructive Experiments, &c. with a Description of a cheap and simple Apparatus. ISmo. 3s. First Steps to Botany, intended as popular Illustrations...Branch of general Education. By James L. Drummond, MD. 12mo. 100 cuts, 9*. Lectures on the general Structure of the Human Body, and on the Anatomy and Functions... | |
| 1823 - 584 pages
...Country, with Descriptions ofthe most celebrated Scenes and Subjects of local and historical Interest. First Steps to Botany, intended as popular Illustrations...Branch of general Education. By James L. Drummond, MD A new work from the pen of Miss Porter, Author of Thaddeus of Warsaw, Scottish Chiefs, &c. in 3 vols.... | |
| Agriculture - 1823 - 506 pages
...amusing and instructive Experiments, &c. with a Description of a. cheap and simple Apparatus. 18mo. 3*. First Steps to Botany, intended as popular Illustrations...Branch of general Education. By James L. Drummond, MD. 12mo. 100 cuts, 9*. Lectures on the general Structure of the Human Body, and on the Anatomy and Functions... | |
| Early English newspapers - 1823 - 732 pages
...Glasgow. A Geognostical Essay ou the Superposition of Rocks in both Hemispheres. By M. de HUMBOLDT. First Steps to Botany, intended as popular illustrations...its study as a branch of general education. By JAMES M. DRUMMOND, MD The Star in the East, with other Poems. By JOSIAH CONDEH. The Night before the Bridal,... | |
| 1823 - 588 pages
...and Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution, has in the press a duodecimo volume, entitled First Steps to Botany, intended as popular illustrations...leading to its study as a branch of general education. Illustrated with numerous wood-cuts. Hurstwood; u Tale of the Year ISla, in 3 vols. l'2mo. is in the... | |
| English literature - 1823 - 814 pages
...and Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution, has in the press a duodecimo volume, entitled, First Steps to Botany, intended as popular illustrations...leading to its study as a branch of general education, illustrated with numerous woodcuts. Hurstwood, a tale of the year 1815, i» in the press. 3Q EDINBURGH.... | |
| English literature - 1823 - 616 pages
...and Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution, has in the press a duodecimo volume, entitled, First Steps to Botany, intended as popular illustrations...leading to its study as a branch of general education, illustrated with num.-- rous wood-cuts. Tlie Second Edition (with correction* und addiiion-0 of MKs... | |
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