Records of the Geological Survey of India, Volume 77, Issue 2Geological Survey of India, 1942 - Earthquakes |
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A. L. Coulson Achhaun Achhaun-Byas Tunnel aggregate ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENT approximate Bakan boulder beds boulder Slate Byas Calcutta cement CHAKRATA Dadahu DADAHU-MAJRI TUNNEL Dagshai Damogh Damogh-Khojar tunnel Dehra Dun DHAIRA Discussion of Tunnels DOLERITE E. L. G. Clegg feet GEOLOGICAL MAP geological structure Geological Survey Giri and Tons Giri river Giri Tunnel GRAVEL TERRACES Gross Pressure Head isoseismal J. A. Dunn J. B. Auden Jumna River Kalatha Kangra Earthquake Khojar Kotri Krol thrust lakelets landslip limestone LXXVII M. S. Krishnan Majri Mandhali series Memoirs Mile FIG mile map Mussoorie Nahan rocks Nahan series Nahan thrust nala overbreak Palæozoic Phagar ka Khala pipe line Plate Power House Price Professional Paper proposed alignment proposed tunnel pyritic quartzite ridge sandstones shales shatter zone Siwalik south side Subathu Subathu-Dagshai formation sulphate Survey of India syncline thick thrust plane Tons rivers tunnel alignment tunnel exit tunnel intake tunnel outlet Widge's levelling yards