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there, so that I may preach the gospel to save their souls."

6313. ZEAL, missionary, Cost of. I am about to die for the Ba-ganda (the people of U-ganda), and have purchased the road to them with my life. -Bishop Hannington.

was complaining that the British-especially Highland regiments-did not know when they w beaten, the Duke gave his last and longed-fea "Up, Guards, and at them!" and the cheer 2rolled along the lines of our army like a pai thunder awoke Napoleon for the first time to master tactics of his foe, and the terrible certai

of his own defeat.-Dr. Cumming.

6318. ZEAL, Results of. When Baxter an Kidderminster there was about one family : street which worshipped God at home. Wha went away there were some streets in which was not more than one family on a side that de. do it; and this was the case even with inns public-houses. While some divines were what. ling about the divine right of Episcopacy rh bytery, or splitting hairs about reprobation free-will, Baxter was always visiting from kra house, and beseeching men, for Christ's sake, to * reconciled to God and flee from the wrath to cz


6314. ZEAL, Misunderstood. A man who declared he thought I was doing more harm than good by speaking to everybody about Christ told me I had seriously offended one of his friends by speaking to him in the street about his soul. Well, it happened in this way. I had not spoken to any one that day, and on my way home I was on the lookout, and saw a man leaning against a lamp-post, looking very lonesome. Thinking he might be a stranger, I just stepped up to him and said, "My friend, are you a Christian?" on which he turned round, and looking at me with a scowl, he cursed me, and said it was not my business. And that was why his friend told me he thought I was doing-Rev. J. C. Ryle, A.B. more harm than good, and setting men against religion instead of making them converts. My answer was, that I was sorry if it was so; but the fault was from the head, and not from the heart. "Well," said my friend, "I believe you are in earnest; but you have too much zeal. What is zeal without knowledge?" Well," I replied, "I would rather have zeal without knowledge than knowledge without zeal." Well, months rolled away, and one Sunday morning, about daybreak, a bitter cold winter's morning, I heard a rap at my door. "Who's there?" I said. "It's a stranger," answered a voice which I did not recognise. "What do you want?" "I want you to talk to me about my soul." I got up and let in the stranger, wan and pale. "Do you remember, sir,” he said, “meeting a man under a lamp-post three months ago, at ten o'clock at night? "Yes," said I, "I do." "Well," said he, "I am that man. I have had no peace since that night. I could not sleep at all, and I thought I would come to you and ask you what I must do ;" and so I talked to him, and showed him the way to Jesus, and he found peace with God.-Moody.

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6315. ZEAL, misunderstood. In the course of conversation my uncle said, "I pray God these Methodists may never get the upper hand; if they do we shall have dreadful work." One present replied, "Why, what do you think they will do?" "Do!" said he; "why, they will murder us all."John Pawson.

6316. ZEAL, Perseverance in. Mungo Park's dispatch to Lord Camden with regard to discovering the further course and outlet of the Niger, closes with these heroic words-"Though all the Europeans who are with me should die, and though I were myself half dead, I would still persevere." He perished in the attempt.

6317. ZEAL, restrained for wise purposes. Some of our soldiers (at Waterloo), chafed at being so held in, fancied at times there was fear or hesitation in the breast of their great commander. There was none. But there was a cool and wellweighed estimate of the issue and the only way to reach it. He not only allowed but encouraged the French to expend their enthusiasm and exhaust their strength; and while the outwitted Emperor

6319. ZEAL, Source of. Somebody has said Arnold of Rugby that "the central fact of his perience was his close, conscious, and ever-rele union and friendship with the Lord Jesus Chris and that in the overflowing fulness of his br every expression of affection which might pass is tween earthly friends passed between him and Divine Man, whom, as a Friend, he had in heara to whom with an exhaustless enjoyment he d And it was this which was the inspiration of t life, the source of his remarkable courage and za 6320. ZEAL, stimulated by adversity. brother and I were once ploughing corne Kentucky farm. I was driving the horse, and in was holding the plough. The horse was lazy, b one occasion rushed across the field, so that I, wit my long legs, could scarcely keep pace with h I found an enormous chin-fly fastened on him, i knocked it off. My brother asked me what I oi that for. I told him I didn't want the old has bitten in that way. 'Why," said my brothe "that's all that made him go.”—President Linous (condensed).


6321. ZEAL, Stimulating effects of, illustrated As a remarkable effect of the opening of the New Outfall (Nene Outfall, constructed by Telford), a few hours the lowering of the waters was fe throughout the whole of the Fen-level. The sluggs and stagnant drains, cuts, and leams in far dista places began actually to flow; and the sensatin created was such that at Thorney, near Peter borough, some fifteen miles from the sea, the i telligence penetrated even to the congregation the sitting in church-for it was Sunday morning-th "the waters were running!" when immediately th whole flocked out, parson and all, to see the grat sight and acknowledge the blessings of scienceSmiles.

6322. ZEAL, The Christian's. When one desired to know what kind of a man Basil was, there was presented to him in a dream, saith the history, a pillar of fire with this motto, "Talis est Basilia “ -"He is all on fire, a-light for God."-Brooks.

6323. ZEAL, to be concentrated in one direction. Fowell Buxton was accustomed to say that he triej

to be "a whole man to one thing at a time;" hence his success in life.-Leisure Hour.

6324. ZEAL, without knowledge. John Pawson had charge of City Road Chapel after Wesley's death, and occupied the adjacent parsonage, Wesley's London home. He expurgated its library with iconoclastic zeal. Wesley's intimate friend and executor, the Rev. Henry Moore, says that "among and destroyed was a fine quarto edition of Shakespeare's Plays, presented to Mr. Wesley by a gentleman in Dublin, the margin of which was filled with critical notes by Mr. Wesley himself. The good man judged them, and the work itself, as among the things which tended not to edification !'”– Steven's History of Methodism.

the books which Mr. Pawson laid violent hands on

6325. ZEAL, Worldly, and its results. Had some of those who are pleased to call themselves my friends been at any pains to deserve the character, and told me ingenuously what I had to expect in the capacity of an author, I should, in all probability, have spared myself the incredible labour and chagrin I have since undergone.-Smollett.

6326. ZEAL, Worldly and missionary, contrasted. A young Brahman put this question to the Rev. E. Lewis, of Bellary-"Do the Christian people of England really believe that it would be a good thing for the people of India to become Christians?" "Why, yes, to be sure they do," he replied. "What I mean is," continued the Brahman, "do they in their hearts believe that the Hindoos would be better and happier if they were converted to Christianity?" Certainly they do," said Mr. Lewis. "Why, then, do they act in such a strange way? Why do they send so few to preach their religion? When there are vacancies in the Civil Service there are numerous applicants at once; when there is a military expedition a hundred officers volunteer for it; in commercial enterprises, also, you are full of activity, and always have a strong staff. But it is different with your religion. I see one missionary with his wife here, and 150 miles away is another, and 100 miles in another direction is a third. How can the Christians of England expect to convert the people of India from their hoary faith with so little effort on their part?" -Chronicle of London Missionary Society.

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6327. ZEAL, Worldly, needs to be stimulated. The villager, to overcome his rivals in a contest for leaping, retires back some steps, collects all his exertion into his mind and clears the eventful bound. One of our admirals in the reign of Eliza

beth, held as a maxim, that a height of passion, amounting to frenzy, was necessary to qualify a man for the command of a fleet; and Nelson, day of battle, at the sight of those emblems of glory, decorated by all his honours about him, on the emulates himself. This euthusiasm was necessary for his genius and made it effective.—I. D'Israeli.

6328. ZEALOT, Excuse of. We are told that when Catherine de Médici desired to overcome the hesitation of her son, Charles IX., and to draw from the wretched King his consent to the massacre, afterwards known as that of St. Bartholomew, she urged on him with effect a proverb which she had brought with her from her own land, and assuredly one of the most convenient maxims for tyrants that was ever framed-"Sometimes clemency is cruelty and cruelty clemency."-Trench.

morning on the brow of Olivet, and looked down 6329. ZION, Beauty of. When I stood that on the city crowning those battlemented heights, encircled by those deep and dark ravines, I involuntarily exclaimed, "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion. And as I gazed, the red rays of the rising sun shed a halo round the top of the castle of David; then they tipped with gold each tapering minaret, and gilded each dome of mosque and church, and at length bathed in one flood of ruddy light the terraced roofs of the city, and the grass and foliage, the cupolas, pavements, and colossal walls of the Haram. No human being could be disappointed who first saw Jerusalem from Olivet."-Porter.

6330. ZION, Love of. From that high point one gets, when coming up by the Bethhoron road, that view of Jerusalem on the distant sky-line which Richard the Lion-hearted refused to gaze upon, saying, as he covered his eyes, "O Lord God, I pray I may never see Thy Holy City if so be that I may not rescue it from the hands of Thine enemies!" That hill of Mizpeh is truly, as old Sir John Maundeville calls it, "a very fair and delicious place;" and he adds, "It is called Mount Joy because it gives joy to pilgrims' hearts, for from that place men first see Jerusalem."-Henry Harper.


ABASEMENT, Self-, a source of hon-
our, 2918, 2933

Self-, Christian, 2916, 2924,

should be thorough, 2914
Ability and industry, 3057
Absolution, desire of, in death,

Acceptance of Christ urged, 856,
887, 892, 954, 955
Accepted in another, 2298

in Christ illustrated, 944, 961
Accident and natural laws, 2820-2,

in men's birth, 610
Accidents, God overrules, 723, 2162
Adversity and God's purposes, 2822
teaches the value of pros-
perity, 4482

knowledge gained by, 3274

zeal stimulated by, 6300, 6320
Advocate, Jesus an, 316, 944, 948,

success of an, 4941
Affection, avarice overcomes, 380
Affliction, a refuge in, 5689

a revealer of character, 5268
and Christ, 5533-6, 5687,

Bible a stay in, 491

God a refuge in, 5272, 5695
praise in, 4205-6

sent of God, 2820, 5273
Afflictions, God's purpose in,

use of, 2782, 5702
Age, the, and Ritualism, 4817
Ambition and zeal, 6276
Appearances, deceptive, 3257
Application of knowledge, 3286
Art and children, 786

and nature, 3911-13
and solitude, 5263
God and man's, 2392
Assurance and good works, 4903
and the witness of the Spirit,

Christian, 28, 4874
Christian, and modesty, 3828
Christian, and zeal, 6299
grounds of, 1193-5

in death, 1546

with fearlessness, 6278
want of, 6029

Atonement and sin, 5197, 2500,

in Christ, 5399, 5402-5, 5408,
5427, 5439

reconciliation by, 900, 4575
results of, 4580

Atonement, the sinner's need of, | Blessings of grace, 2588-93, 2603

3661-5, 4580, 4586
Avarice, sin of, 3833

Awe in listening to the gospel, 2201

BAPTISM and regeneration, 4608
Baptismal regeneration, 4609
Battles, cost of, 5891-2
Beauty and God, 2400, 3915

and nature, 3911-3, 3932-5
and science, 3918
of benevolence, 450

of naturalness, 3942
Behaviour a sign of character, 736
Belief, a child's, 2052-3

and the Bible, 481-603, 4962-

and the decrees, 1572
blessedness of, 2061-2063
in Christ, 830-6, 841-2, 870,
889-900, 911

in death, 855, 885, 931, 1466-
72, 1479, 1504, 1531
in God, 2401-3, 4625
in God's Word, 4634
in the promises, 4465, 4473
Beneficence, delicacy in, 754
self-denial in, 761
Benevolence and deception, 748
and fashion, 2155, 4782
and selfishness, 762

- Christian, 750-1, 757
Bereavement, comfort in, 5270
and fruit-bearing, 118
resignation in, 140
Bereavements, influence of, 138
140, 5268, 5271

universality of, 143
use of, 144-5, 5274
Bible, acquaintance with, 4977,

Calvinism and the, 705
contentment and the, 1286
difficulties in, 4962-3, 4779-81
ignorance of, 4964, 4973, 4977,

necessity for, 4765
not self-contradictory, 4986
power of, 4970-1

wisdom of, 4972, 4992-3, 4995
Bigotry and ignorance, 2997-9
heaven no place for, 2760
motives for, 2967, 2999
secret of, 3006
Elessedness of giving, 2359
Blessing, bankruptcy sometimes a,

independence a, 3042
Blessings and afflictions
trasted, 137


of holiness, 2832-4

of religion, 4657

of the Spirit, 2838-42
Books and solitude, 5264
Bounteousness of Christ, 901, 945,

of God, 2458, 2468

of grace, 2593, 2598
of nature, 3915-9, 3922
Bravery and honour, 1377
and victory, 5889-94
and warfare, 5964

CANT and religion, 6050
Carefulness and benevolence, 467
Centre, God the, 2476
Ceremonies and sacraments, 4858
Certainties and doubts, 1709
Chance and utility, 5856
Character and solitude, 5268
caution a sign of, 714
nobility of, 1672
obedience a test of, 3393
Charity and baptism, 405

and zeal, 6277

Cheerfulness and humility, 2919
Child, reproof from a, 4688
Children and drunkard, 1738
and heaven, 2732
and the Sabbath, 4347
Christ and the, 848
trust of, 5715

Choice, a final, 1564-5, 1569
Christ a foundation, 2285, 4430

and afflictions, 117, 5273-5,
5424, 5428, 5436-7

and aged, 154

and assurance, 307, 4430
and charity, 147, 3794
and God, 2427

and good deeds, 2517, 2523

and humanity, 2905, 4934
and humility, 2935

and judgment, 3194, 4753
and justification, 3234, 5399,

and kindness, 3239
and preaching, 2681
and revolutionists, 4774
and riches, 4783

and sinners, 5220, 5227,

and soul, 5280, 5304, 5307
and substitution, 5399-5401
and troubles, 5693

and truth, 5724

and works, 6100

call of, 696-7, 3815, 4931
child trained for, 780


Christ, communion with, 3164-7
confession outward for, 1184
confidence in, 1198
cross-bearing for, 1414
death of, 1425, 5400-4
earnestness for, 1813-4, 6279,
6294-6, 6305-6
forgiveness in, 2265-7
free grace in, 2293
impressions for, 3025
kingdom of, interest in, 3259
loyalty to, 3570, 6225, 6279,

manhood in, 3636
mission of, 4934-6
missions for, 3794, 6311-13
name of, 49371
outcast received by, 4049
rest in, 4724

salvation in, 4885, 4937, 5399
self-denial for, 5028-9
self-given to, 5016
source of life, 3072

speaking for, 5329

strength in, 5378

sufferings for, 4433,


suffering of, 5276, 5439


union in, 5784-5, 5807
witnessing for, 6039-40
world for, 6146, 6150, 6157
zeal for, 6294-7

zeal in preaching, 6305
Christian and eternity, 1939

and moralist contrasted, 3848
birth does not make the, 613
death of a, 1467-8

envy in, 1921

Church, Christ and the, 849, | Death and passion, 4075


divisions drive men from,
1687, 1710-11

equality in, 1926

union in the, 5788-9

unity of the, 5812
Comfort from God's Word, 414
Commemoration, Lord's Supper a,

Commencement, life only a, 3410
Companionship and wine, 17, 6009
Company, Bible a test of, 494
Compassion and bravery, 661
Compensation, heaven a, 2727
Confession and conversion, 1324
and reconciliation, 4571
Confidence and zeal, 6278
Conscience and liberty, 3334
Conscientiousness and benevolence,
442, 452

Consciousness of forgiveness, 2260,

Consecration and asceticism, 300
and Christian zeal, 6279
secret of, 3376, 6279 ⚫
want of, in believers, 437
Controversy and Christ, 844
and truth, 5725

Conversation and Christ, 845
Conversion and aged, 156

and substitution, 4584, 5145,
5231, 5400

and terror, 5534

fear a means of, 1501
necessity of, 613, 616-7, 4650
Convert, praise for a, 4203
Conviction and argument, 278

failure, compromise the secret Conqueror, Christ a, 829

of, 1170

- forgiveness of, 2248

labour, fruit of, 2309

liberty, 3332

life and bigotry, 604
life and new birth, 3958

life, appropriateness in, 273
work, 2130, 3353, 2309, 3293
Christianity and drunkenness, 1739
and infidelity contrasted,
3072, 4657
and poor, 4161
and science, 4951

and sinner, 5218, 5232-5
broad and narrow, 674
Christian's ambition, a, 175
choice, a, $22

duty, the private, 1790
humility, a, 2976
self-control, a, 5022
victory, a, 5887
- zeal, the, 6322

Christians and light, 3464
courage of, 1365

death of, 1529-37, 1545-6
inconsistency of, 3036
recognition of, 4569
separation of, 5079
world without, 6170
Church and baptism, 402-3
and controversy, 1303, 5725-6,

and doctrine of atonement,
353, 5406-8

and humility, 2922
and martyrs, 3644

and the sepulchre, 5080
apparatus in the, 240
children in the, 801

Corruption claims the beautiful,


Country, heaven our, 2765
Courage and fear, 2193
Creation and man, 3592
Creature, man a fallen, 3593, 5133,

Creed, desire shapes the, 1627,

Creeds and prayer, 4232, 4284

and truth, 1600, 1708-9, 5726,
5736, 5773-5

and the Trinity, 56, 84-8
Crisis moment in life, 3377, 4891,
4896, 5603, 5607
Critics and the Bible, 497
Cross, peace made on the, 3307,
4105, 4575, 4582-4, 4887
Cruelty and lust, 3576
Culture and benevolence, 468
Cure of falsehood, 2136

DANGER and heroism, 2184
and love, 3556

and prayer, 4293
confidence in, 1194
Dangers, argument and its, 279
Darkness, light in, 3457
Day, evil sufficient for, 1977
Days, influence seen after many,
3097, 4476

Dead, praise amid the, 4198
Death and Atheism, 318

and Christ, 885, 5054-7, 5423
and confidence, 1188
and idleness, 2974

- and illness, 3007

and life, 3355, 3359, 4901
and meditation, 3666

and pleasure, 4155
and sect, 4997

and the gospel, 2530

and uncharitableness, 5765
and youth, 794-6, 1804, 2759,
6247, 6257

Bible a comfort in, 484-5
bravado in, 655

Christ in, 913, 931, 1859-9)
2742-3, 3167, 3176, 3194, 480
Christianity in, 1062

comfort in, 1140-2, 4809, 542
-dauntlessness in, 1454, 206


desired by aged, 157
enlarges our knowledge,
hopes in, 2882-3

life recalled in, 3421, 4943
light in, 3458
minister of, 3731

not to be bribed, 3844
of child, 774

preparation for, 2761, 4415,
4616, 4665, 4743

ready for, 4559, 4724, 42

reconciliation through, 4775
self-consciousness in, 5021
stoicism in, 5372

triumph in, 5708
trust in, 5708-9
unity in, 5807
victory of, 5896

young should be prepared for,

Decision, necessity for, 15814

Defects, envy magnifies, 1924
Deliverer, God the, 2477
Despair and love, 3517
Determination and duty, 1730
Devil, deceit of, 4916-8, 4921
service of, 4919-20
Devotions and duty, 1751, 5710-8
Difficulties and the Sabbath, 48

cheerfulness under, 770, 52
courage amid, 1366

[blocks in formation]

worship under, 6199
Disappointment, man's, in life

Discipline and self-denial, 503
Divine care, minuteness of, 707
mind and beauty, 417
regard, afflictions a token
142, 5696-7

things, no appetite for, 253
will and prayer, 4244, 570
will, submission to, 53

Divinity and Christ, 934
Doctrine and Trinity, 3684
Doctrines, teaching and livi

Doers and hearers, 2679
Doing good and greatness,
Doubt, life spent in, 3429
Drink and sin, 5193

and the Bible, 19, 571, 6011

Duties and doctrines, 1401, 1
5685, 5726

knowledge of, 3280

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