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habitual readiness to meet God either in the strokes of his providence, or in the diffolution of nature, which must hortly take place. The man who had publicly come, about seven years before this period, to oppofe my preaching, and had then taken a public-house in the vicinity, was there. As foon as he faw me he was difmayed, and immediately kulked into the midft of the crowd, fuppofing by that means to fecret himfelf, as he was chagrined at fee ing me, and filled with a fort of dread and confufion, at the fame time, determined to maintain hoftilities against the truth to the very laft, and never to fubmit fo long as he could oppofe. In order to this he got behind a partition, and put his fingers into his ears, in order to prevent the found of my voice from entering. In this pofition he was, in his own efteem, fecure; the word, however, reached not only his ears but his heart, and when he could now fecret himself no longer, he came as a penitent, confeffed his guilt, his former ignorance, and with all his perfecuting fpirit. The man alone was not the only trophy of victorious grace on that night, but the Lord was pleased to work upon his wife at the fame time, which was a circumftance as fingular in its nature as it was merciful in its defign. The Lord fent them both home mutually filled with forrow; they now bewailed their ftate of wretchednefs, and as grace is always operative, now fupplicated that God againft whom they had fo often trangreffed, to be merciful and forgive their numerous offences. The next Lord's day they both appeared at our place of worhip; the language which was ufed by all who knew them in their former ftate, was fimilar to that ufed concerning the first King in Ifrael," Is Saul alfo amongst the prophets?" The fituation of these poor creatures was now become very trying, (as they kept a public-houfe) as well as infnaring; but that power which preferved Jofeph at Pharaoh's court, was their ftay and defence. They were feverely tried for five years before Providence opened a door for their reception; now the Lord has proved himself a prayer-hearing God, having provided a comfortable place of refidence for them, where they can view the difplays of God's parental goodness in keeping them while in temptation, and can admire the wifdom as well as the faithfulness of Jehovah, in accomplishing his own purposes of grace and mercy towards them.






On the 30th of June, a letter was received from Capt. Wilfon, informing the Directors of the Miffionary Society, that the Duff had arrived at Cork, in Ireland, on the 24th, and that he and all on board were well, and in ardent expectation of foon mingling their prayers and praises with the people of God on their native fhores. This pleafing intelligence was inftantly fent to the Evangelical Magazine, to be communicated to the public; but being the last day of the month, all the Numbers were printed off, except about two thoufand, into which it was admitted, and the printer requeited to fend them to thofe parts of the country, where the news would be leaft likely to fpread in other channels.

A Special Meeting of the Directors was immediately convened, who, after expreffions of grateful acknowledgment to God for his goodness, agreed, that a Committee fhould fit daily to receive the Captain on his arrival, and to endeavour to procure the liberation of the feamen, should any of them happen to be preffed.

On the 7th of July, the vesel arrived in the Downs with the rest of the Indiamen; and the failor, whose letter to his wife and child, appeared in the last Number, was immediately sent on fhore with dispatches to the Duke of Portland and the India Houfe. From him the Committee learnt, with peculiar thankfulness, that though the Press-masters searched every other fhip in the fleet, while they lay in the Cove of Cork, and took from them what men they pleased, no one attempted to go on board the Duff; but she was entirely paffed by, as though God himtelf had concealed her in the hollow of his hand. This fignal mercy is much to be admired: For had the men been preffed, fo far from home, and difperfed among the fhips of Admiral Kingfmill's fleet, their recovery would have been difficult, if not impoffible, notwithstanding, the willingness expreffed by the Lords of the Admiralty to grant the realonable requests of the Society in favour of individuals.

On Tuesday the 10th, the fhip being at Long Reach, the Captain himfelt came to town, and received the warmest congratulations of feveral friends, and efpecially the Committee, to whom he prefented the journals and papers relative to the voyage, and briefly related the wonderful deal. ings of God towards him, and thofe committed to his care.

Never was an undertaking, perhaps, more completely accomplished. After a voyage of more than 51,000 miles, the fhip is returned without the least material lofs or damage. The crew in general are in better health than when they firft embarked. They have never known the least want. Plenty has crowned their board, and their water has not failed. Nor have they, even for a fingle day, fuffered the lack of any thing that was good. The winds have confpired to waft them fafely and fwiftly to their defired haven. Every where the natives received them with reverence and delight. The Miffionaries are all fettled, in the islands they preferred, apparently in the greateft fafety. Thofe who made choice of Tongataboo, are feparated in small parties, and gone to refide among different chiefs, who, being well acquainted with their intentions, have promifed them protection, encouragement, and fupport. Thofe who fixed on Otaheite,


are incorporated into one body; the moft fertile and beautiful diftrict in the island being given them to fupply their wants, and all its inhabitants, for their fubjects. Here they have already erected workshops, and inftituted fchools. Some of the natives fend their children for inftruction; and feveral flock around the places where the Smiths and Carpenters work, with admiration. Hence the Miffionaries have frequent opportunities to converse with them, on the most important fubjects; their difcourfes and example, it is hoped, will not be in vain. For the Captain and failors, on their return from the Friendly Iflands and the Marquefas, perceived an evident improvement in the morals of the people; and hope was entertained by the Miffionaries, that they should effectually prevail on them to abandon for ever the horrid cuftom of human ficrifices.

The return of the furgeon, is a circumftance much to be deplored. The population of Oraheite rapidly decreafes. This is chiefly owing to that infamous difeale imported among the natives by our countrymen, and other navigators. Totally ignorant of the laws of God refpecting marriage, and indulging in unrestrained promifcuous intercourfe, the peftilential evil has fo fpread that one fourth part of them are infected. Being unacquainted with a cure, the mortality is great, the manner of death awful. Had not God inclined the heart of his people to vifit them, this most beautiful fpot upon earth would, in all probability, be foon left without an inhabitant. Other iflands which Europeans have vifited are verging faft into the fame gulph. Humanity, therefore, as well as religion, pleads for the further exertions of the Society: and all who believe, either life or falvation a bleffing, are bound to give it their beft encouragement and fupport.

As to Mr. Crook, who fettled alone at the Marquefas, his profpects of ufefulnets alfo are great; and when the Journals are publifhed, many will rejoice to find what peculiar talents and zeal God hath endowed him with, for his arduous fervice.

The Committee feeling their hearts overflow with gratitude, at the brief recital made by the Captain, directed the Secretary to convene the whole body of Directors in town, to meet him on Thursday, that they allo might be partakers of their joy. Being all affembled, and Dr. Haweis being called to the chair, he rose and and addreffed the Captain, in the following words, as far as recollection will ferve on fo fudden an occafion. "CAPT. WILSON,

"It is with pleasure I attempt to fulfil the task enjoined me this moment by my brethren, to convey to you the fenfe of their high approbation of the fervice you have rendered, not merely to us, but to the caule of God and truth. I regret only, that the fubject fo far exceeds my power of expreffion, and that the fuddennefs of the call muft plead my excufe, if I am incapable of communicating all we feel on this aufpicious occafion. We welcome you from the long and perilous voyage, in which you have embarked; we admire the skill with which you have navigated the veffel through the great deep, the wifdom with which you have conducted the Miffion entrusted to your charge, and the temper and spirit you have displayed towards every individual under your care; but we look higher than men and means, and acknowledge in a peculiar manner His providential care and almighty guidance, who has lead you by a way you knew not, and crowned the arduous undertaking with fuccefs beyond our moft fanguine expectations. He had fitted and prepared you for the work, and we have now the fulleft evidence of the truth declared by the Muffelman,

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when you had fo miraculously paffed the Coleroon, "this is God's mah." He knew not what he spoke, yourself then was ignorant of the meaning, but time has explained the import of the words, and verified the truth of the declaration.

"We hear, with wonder and delight, the fteps of the Divine condut through the mighty waters, the dangers you have paffed, furrounded with thousands of the heathen, deep embayed among unknown shoals and islands, and hanging on the dreadful reef: we follow you with folicitude, whilft the thunder thakes the veffel as an earthquake, the stormy winds whifting in the fhrouds, and the billows like mountains following, deep after deep threatened to swallow you up; but you were safe under the fhadow of the Almighty. The voice of prayer from the many thousands of your brethren, was aicending to the skies; more potent than rivers of oil to fmooth the twelling furg s, they entered into the ears of the God of Sabbaoth, and he commanded from on high, "Peace, be ftill, touch not mine anginted, and do my prophets no harm.”

"Had you funk, Captain, in the mighty waters, or wrecked on fome unknown fhore, returned no more to gladden our hearts, and receive these effufions of tears of joy and warmest congratulations, our obligations to you had not been lefs: and in the book of remembrance, written by the great Captain of Salvation, your reward had not been diminished. But for his own glory, for his people's comfort, for the encouragement of our faith, and to claim our more vigorous exertions, he hath rettored you in fafery to our arms, as well as to filence the tongue of prejudice, and thame those who only judge of events by their fuccefs.


Bieffed, for ever, be His name, for such success as probably never before crowned any enterprize of a fimilar nature! During almost two years, all on hoard have been preferved in a voyage of fuch immente extent, not only without the lofs of a fingle life, but in firmer and stronger health than at their departure; not a hair of their head hath perifhed, during a length of run, uncommon in its rapidity, and without the fight of any land for near fifteen weeks, nothing to be called disease was known, not a symptom of fcorbutic tendency ever appeared, and the liberal provilion made was never once neceffary. Abundance of freth provifion and water fupplied every want; not a maft, not a yard, not an anchor was loft, nor a fail split. The voice of joy and praife was in the dwellings of the righteous, and every day the pillar and the cloud rested on the floating tabernacle.

"To you, Captain Wilfon, under God, we feel ourselves indebted for this fingular felicity, which fills our hearts with exultation. You know, as we do, the fource from whence all our blessings flow. It is not of man, nor by man. We are fully fenfible you were fingularly qualified for, and called to, the work. We should contradict the plaineft dictates of reafon and experience, if we did not acknowledge a Divine Almighty Hand hath guided all your ways. He knew, my dearest friend, the fenfations of your heart: your modeft diffidence is ready to disclaim our commendations. You know, for God has taught you, how much you have to lament, how much to condemn ; and however confcious of your own fimplicity and fidelity, have felt as a man the emotions of like paffions with your fellows; whilft they, with unanimous voice, convey to us their warm, affectionate teftimonies, of the fraternal, or rather parental tenderness you have fhewn them. Authority, with you, bo rowed the mild guife of paternal care; and fenfible that you were the companion of men, and not of angels, you have borne their burdens, and fulfilled the law of love. But you ftand before another judge, in his prefence you


bow into the duft, and cry to him to pity your infirmities, and pardon your iniquities. He hath heard your prayer, and granted it. He hath crowned you with mercies and loving kindnefs. He has fent you back to gladden our hearts, to humble us for our fears and unbelief, to animate us to renewed activity, to draw forth the exalted praises of all the Ifrael of God in this favoured land, and to give a public demonftration, which even infidels and enemies can scarcely gainfay or refift, that there is a God that heareth and anfwereth prayer."

To this the Captain replied, with his ufual modefty and humility; and having withdrawn for a while, at the request of the Chairman, the Directors refolved unanimoufly, "That it is expedient that the Society should prefent Captain Wilfon fome mark of the grateful fenfe they entertain of the eminent fervices which he has rendered to the important objects of the inititution, and which may ferve alfo as a memorial of the nature of the enterprize, which, by the Divine Bleffing on his fuperintendance of it, has terminated fo favourably." And a Committee was immediately formed to confider of the most proper method of executing this refolution.

The Journal of Mr. William Wilfon, the Captain's nephew and firft mate, was then prefented, together with various charts and beautiful drawings, which being examined and highly approved, it was refolved,

That the thanks of the Directors be prefented to him, for the fidelity and ability with which he has difcharged every branch of the duty of the fituation which he occupied on board the fhip Duff; more efpecially for the important fervices by which he has uniformly contributed to the fuccefs of the Million itlelf; for the additional geographical knowledge which will be derived by means of his charts, and alfo for his drawings and journals, which will enable the Directors to compile a more ufeful and ornamental publication relating to this peculiar and interesting enterprize." A Committee was likewife appointed to compare the journals and papers, and to incorporate and arrange all the materials, and prefent them, in one authentic narrative, to the public, with all convenient fpeed. It is hoped, therefore, that the public will be on their guard against any fabricated accounts which interefted perfons may endeavour to obtrude on them, and wait with patience for the Society's publication, which we truft will be worthy of their perufal.

Finally, the 6th day of Auguft, being the first Monday in the month, when the prayer meetings of the Society are commonly held throughout the kingdom, was appointed as a day of Thanksgiving, and two Sermons directed to be preached in London on the occafion; one in the morning, at Surry Chapel, by the Rev. J. Griffin, of Portlea; the other in the evening, at Sion Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Haweis. The former service to begin at half past ten, and the latter at half vaft fix. All the minifters and congregations in the country, who have fo earneftly prayed to God for his Bleffing on the Million, are requested to unite with their brethren in town, in praife and thanksgiving.

On the enfuing evening, at five o'clock, a general meeting of the Society will be held at Haberdafher's Hall, Staining Lane, to take into confideration the beft mode of maintaining communication with the Miffionaries in the South Seas, and to deliberate on other Miffions. By order of the Directors,

July 23, 1798.

JOHN EYRE, Secretary.


WE understand that the long wifhed for Society, was formed on the 27th of June last, for the benefit of deceafed Minifters' widows and chil


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