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rious myfteries of our holy religion: but be ever diligent in the paths of duty, and convince the world by our conduct, as well as our profeffion, that whatever others may do, we fear the Lord So fhall we be enabled thro' life to poffefs our fouls in patience, and pious refignation to the divine will; neither regretting the hours that are paffed, nor too confidently depending on thofe which are to come; but calmly waiting for that joyful period when we shall be admitted (thro' the mercies of our God, and the fufferings, and interceffions of our dear Redeemer) into thofe blissful regions where forrow and death fhall find no entrance,where paft, and future fhall be known no more; but where we fhall for ever join in afcribing praises to the triune God in one eternal NOW. Sandwich.



TEPPING into an Hackney-ftage in London one Satur

I perceived a decent

looking young woman had already taken her feat. In the courfe of a little converfation, it appeared that the was a Jewels, who had that day been at the fynagogue, and was returning to Hackney, where the refided. Being, at that time, an Hebrew student myself, I was pleafed with the opportunity of converfing with this young perfon on the fubject of the Hebrew language, which the feemed to underftand.

The pleasure of the converfation, however, was interrupted by the circumftance of her occafionally taking God's name in vain. This led me to obferve to her, that I was much furprifed, that the fhould thus take the Lord's name in vain, in English, fince I understood the Jews profeffed fuch a peculiar veneration for the Hebrew name, Jehovah, that they ufed another word in its place in reading their own Scriptures. The answer which the returned was, "The Chriftians do fo!"

I wish it had been in my power, on this occafion, to have vindicated the character of "the Chiftians," or rather of thofe who profefs the Chriftian name. What a pity it is, that the enemies of the gofpel fhould have any arguments against it, from the wickedness of thofe who profefs themfelves its friends! We may difpute, and preach, and write,


on the excellency of the chriftian religion-we may rail at Jews, Turks and Infidels-but, till men, who call themfelves Chriftians, exhibit more of the genuine influence of christianity in their lives and converfation, in vain do we aim at their converfion. Such "baptized infidels," (as many profeffed chriftians are,) lie as ftumbling-blocks in the way of fuch an event. Where is the fpirit of the gospel, when men neglect to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour? What an unhappiness, when the enemies of chriftianity can fo juftly fay to its profeffed advocates, "What do ye more than others?"What a ftab is given to the facred cause of Chrift, when a profane Jewefs pretends to vindicate the violation of the third commandment, by faying, "The Chrif tians do fo!" O, ye Chriftians! if you wish to prove the reality of your faith in Chrift, fhew it by your lives and converfation. Wipe away this, and every other reproach, of our chriftian Ifrael; and while fuch laudable attempts are now made to convert the Jews and Heathens to chriftianity, be careful that you "give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." Bafing fioke, June 6th, 1798.

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ISEASES are the pioneers of death, to break the way for his approach.

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The fouls of men expire not with their bodies: they refemble the lamps in Gideon's pitchers; the latter must be broken to render the former vifible.

Death is a judgment, that leaves a man no more land than his grave, no more clothes than his fhroud, no more houfe than his coffin.

It is the perfection of holiness to do what God loves, and love what God does.

To pretend juftification by the works of the law, is as unreafonable, as for a man to produce in court the bond which obliges him to his Creditor, as a teftimony that he owes him nothing.

The winds and thunder fet forth God's power, the firmnefs of the rocks, and the incorruptibility of the heavens, are an obfcure reprefentation of his unchangeablenefs; but holinefs is the most orient pearl in the crown of heaven, and only thines in reafonable creatures.




THE following letters, written by one of the Sailors in the Duff to his wife and daughter, though they give no information of a public nature in addition to Captain Wilfon's letter, prefent fo engaging a picture of perfonal piety, conjugal and paternal affection, as will make them, we doubt not, an acceptable treat to our readers.

Wampoo, near Canton, 19th Dec. 1797.

My dearly beloved and most affectionate little woman,

YESTERDAY your fheetful of glad tidings, dated the 25th of April ult. came fafely to hand, and filled my whole foul with emotions of gratitude and pleasure. I frankly confefs that my fpirits began to droop and to be in heavinefs at not hearing from you, by the first accounts that reached the Duff; (for we had feveral receivals the day of our arrival here, which was the 13th inft.) yet hope, in the midst of much doubting, fondly fuggefted that matters in general were well with yourself and our little girl. But when I called to mind former circumftances, I fcarce allowed myfelf to fuppofe that I was to have my heart gladdened with the accounts of a living fon, bearing my own likenefs, called by my own name, initiated publicly into the visible church, and under God's iparing mercy doing well. This fpecial piece of intelligence feems to infpire me with fresh and ärdent defires that God of his adorable goodness would be graciously pleas ed to prolong our joint lives; not only that we may be mutual helps and comforts to each other, but also that, as enabled, we may bring up the children, whom He in infinite wifdom may fee fit to fpare unto us, in the fear, nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Divine Providence, in marvellous kindness, hath fafely carried the Duff through an immenfe fpace without any material damage either to her hull, mhafts, fails, or rigging; and, what is more, to the present juncture, He hath not, by difeafe and death made any breach among us; all the fhip's company that belonged to her at our failing from Spithead being not barely alive on board this lay, but in good health and comfortable circumstances, except one feaman, who left the flip when paffing a finall island situated in 7. 10. N. and 146. 80. E.

What, oh! what fhall we render unto the Lord for his benefits to us as a collective body; or what poffible returns of gratitude fhall I, as an individual, make to the bountiful Author of the manifold blessings and privi leges I have fo richly and unmeritedly enjoyed!

When, my dearly beloved, I take a retrospective furvey of the gracious dealings of Providence towards me, in refpect of health, comfort, and protection, together with the valuable bleffing of good news from my abfent family, fo recently received, furely it becomes me to acknowledge and declare, that goodness and mercy have attended me through every part of our long voyage. To former bleffings, may our Divine Protector, in the continued exercife of this abundant kindnefs, yet add future favours, as our wants and exigencies may from time to time require; and in his own time and way bring us all, in peace and fafety, to the haven from whence we came, infomuch



infomuch that the mouths of the carnal and gainfaying part of our country, may be entirely stopped, the hearts of those who with well to the prosperity of the miflionery caute made exceedingly glad, and God, even our own God, he the.eby glorified.

I wrote yesterday to Mr. W. and Mr. B. and if those letters come to hand before this, Mr. W. will favour you with a fuller account of the landing, health, and profpects of the Miffionaries than I can here give you. (I must referve a comer for a few lines to my dear little girl.) I only in general remark, that the God who fent and conducted us to the diftant islands of the South Seas, fpeedily opened doors at the different groups of the Society, Friendly and Marquefian Iles, for their reception, the chiefs of which, under Providence, became their immediate protectors and supporters, and will, I doubt rot, in due time be constrained by divine grace to efteem them very highly for their work's fake.

When we fhall fail from hence, it is as yet quite impoffible for me to fay. It may perhaps be two, three, or four months. Therefore avoid anticipation, and fetting of bounds to the time of our arrival; but endeayour paffively to leave the matter in God's hand, to trust him firmly and he will bring it to país. And, by the bye, should He fee fit to permit me to be fnatched from the Duff, when we draw near our native fhore by an imperious prefs-mafter, and thereby have any abfence from you prolonged; even, in that case, endeavour to grieve not, but submissively bow the head, and fay, this alfo is of God-let him do as it feemeth good in his fight. For the places of our abode and the bounds of our habitation are most affuredly determined by him; and he will make every event of his wife government to work effectually for the fpecial benefit of his chofen people. Here however I juft intimate, that, in that cafe, my annual tax receipts, through proper application will procure a release.

I feel myself fingularly obliged by the notice and assistance you have received from our dear father and mother. Prefent my kindeft love unto them; and fail not to remember me to all wellwishers. And withal, my dearly beloved and chriftian partner, fondly accept of my genuine, unremitted and tendereft affection to your felf. And may the Almighty Jehovah, in whom you are mercifully enabled to confide, continue moft abundantly to bless and protect you and the children whom he hath graciously given us, and, agreeably to his faithful promife, evidently manifeft himself, to be a father to the fatherlefs, and a husband to the widow; for fuch, in a fenfe, at the prefent juncture, yourfelf, Mary, and Tommy, in reality


I re-commit and commend you all to the fovereign mercy and fpecial love of God in Chrift, which I must earnestly pray and entreat may be the subject of all our fongs in that world where feparations, anxieties, and troubles will never annoy.

I am,

My much beloved little woman,

Yours, in the affectionate bonds, of the most tender sympathy,

My dear little Girl,

I HAVE read and perufed your part of your mother's letter to me, with great pleasure, glad to hear you are fond of your brother, obedient to your mother, and fill mindful of me. I have, you fee, in return for your few affectionate lires, reserved a corner of my sheet to breathe out a few paternal fentences in bel alf of my now rifing eight-year-old little daughter.


Believe me, that I continue to love you dearly, and think frequently of "you, with a fond and fatherly affection; ever anxious that it may be your privilege, through grace, to advance in the paths of virtue, piety, and true godliness as you advance in age and ftature. Yes, it gladdens my ver foul, when encouraged to hope that the God who made and preferves you will mercifully enable you to come forward unto life, with fuch defires and purfuits as will accord with my early furrender of, and daily prayers for, you. You are, my fweet girl, only a loan from God to me, and your good mother, to train you up, I trust, for his own praise and glory. And to our united endeavours I hope it will feem good in his fight to add the gifts and graces of his good spirit, and reveal to the growing faculties of your tender foul, the invaluable bleflings of his precious gofpel, which alone can render you either happy in time, or bleffed through eternity. But fhould you be inclinable to, and prevailed upon, to purfue the customs and vanities of this world, you have only deliberately to read the little Bible which you told me your mother presented you with, to learn the fa al iffue. In that invaluable book you will find many precepts and promifs, befides a variety of examples excellently calculated to encourage children even of your age to feck the glory and enjoyment of the God that made them. Samuel, according to the records of the 1, 2, and 3d chapes of his first book, ministered before the Lord in the years of his childhood. Jeffe's youngest fon, when only a stripling fhepherd, behaved himself wifely in all his and hath left on record the molt ample teftimony that God was with him. See the acts of David's early life from the 16th of 1 Samuel and onwards. It is also recorded, to the honour of Obadiah, that he feared the Loid from his youth up. See Kings xvii. 3, 12. Jofiah, a brave and p ous pince, began to reign at eight years of age, and loon after became zealous for the glory of God and the good of his people. See Chron. xxxiv. and xxxv. Towards the clofe of Paul's fecond epistle to Timothy, it is mentioned of him, that from a child he had been acquainted with the Holy Scriptures, which, the Apostle adds, were able to make him wife unto falvation thro' faith in Christ Jefus.-Now all there were young perfons of like passions and infirmities to your own! for Adam, as your Catechim tells you, was the original father of all mankind. May it therefore pleafe God to in-line and enable you to go and do likewife. His commands and invitations, my dear little daughter, are mamietted plain and positive. See Eccl. xii, 1. Job xxii. 21. Prov. viii. 17. 1 Sam. ii. 30. 1 Chron. xxviii. 9. and innumerable parallel paffages.


to fay

It pleases me valtly to hear of your attending at your catechifm. I hope your deportment among your young affociates was humble and becoming, and your answers to Mr. W. ready and diftin&t. In hope of this, and or your continuing to be a good girl, I will try to procure you an Otaheitan drefs, and fome other little curiofities of the South Sea islands. Farewell for the prefent. I long much to fee you.


[FROM THE NEW YORK THEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE.] Account of a Revival of Religion at Norridgewock, (Province of Mine) on Kennebeck river, about 80 miles from the Sea, a few years fince the Habitation of Savages and wild Beafts,

ABOUT a year fince, a remarkable awakening hegan in this place, and the neighbouring fettlements, under the preaching of a young Calvinistic candidate. Many have hopefully been brought to embrace Jefus Chrift,

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