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HE American Law School Review began its existence in 1902, as a magazine for law school students and law teachers, and it has been distributed to students in law schools regularly since that time. An examination of the numbers published during the twenty years of life of the magazine indicates a gradual change in its content, until during the last few years the Review has been edited more in the interests of the law school professor than of the law student. We have decided, therefore, to complete this metamorphosis and beginning with this issue of the American Law School Review (No. 1, vol. V), the magazine will be edited exclusively in the interests of the law teacher and the circulation to law students will cease. Hereafter, we will mail our Docket to students of law, the Review being sent only to such students as request it. The American Law School Review will be sent to teachers of law, the members of the Board of Bar Examiners and others who may be interested.

This change in the plan of the Review makes it possible to devote the pages of the magazine henceforth entirely to those interested in legal education. As in the past, full reports of meetings on the subject of legal education and notes of the various law schools will be published, as well as other statistics regarding law schools not elsewhere available. It is planned to include, as formerly, articles by law school teachers and others, on subjects which will be of special interest to persons interested in legal education.



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