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CATALOGUES of the Manuscripts and Books of Frederic, fifth Earl of Guilford. Folio. [8220.]

OFFICIUM Matutinum, Laudes, Horæque; Græce. Sec. xvij. Duodecimo. [8221.]

THEODORI METOCHITÆ Paraphrasis in Aristotelis Libros de Anima, Libros quatuor de Cœlo, necnon Parva Naturalia; Græce. Exscript. anno 1546. Folio. [8222.]

THEOPHILI CORYDALEI, Atheniensis, in Aristotelis libros de Anima Commentarii; Græce. Sec. xvij. Folio. [8223.]

NICODEMI cujusdam in Aristotelis libros de Cœlo Commentarii. Græcc. Sec. xvij. Quarto. [8224.]

THEOPHILI CORYDALEI et Johannis Caryophylli in Aristotelis Physica Commentarii Adnotationesque; Greece ;-Georgii Homeri Versio NeoGræca libelli Aristotelis de Physiognomia, etc. Sec. xvij. Duodecimo. [8225.]

GEORGII SACERDOTIS, filii Sugdoræ, et Dopuli Introductiones in Artem Logicam Aristotelis, etc.; Græce. Sec. xviij. Quarto. [8226.] THEODORI ZADIS Versus in laudem Gul. Hamilton, Eq. Aur., Thomæ, Comitis de Elgin, aliorumque;-Methodii Anthracitis Introductio in Artem Logicam, etc.; Græcc. Folio. [8227.]

PALLASII Peloponnesiaci Ars Logica; Græce. Sec. xviij. Duodecimo. [8228.]

ANONYMI Tractatus de Re Grammatica; Græce. Sec. xviij. Quarto. [8229.]

MICHAELIS PSELLI Versus et Tractatus de Re Grammatica;-Georgii Metropolita Corinthi, antea dicti Pardi, de Barbarismo et Solæcismo, necnon de Syntaxi Tractatus; etc.; Græce. Sec. xvi. Quarto. [8230.] ONOMASTICON in Dioscoridem de Medicina; Græce; mutil. Sec. xvij. Quarto. [8231.]

JOHANNIS CARYOPHYLLI Ephemerides, ab anno 1676 usque ad annum 1689, Neo-Græce;-Johannis Caryophylli Junioris Thesaurus Dictionum Græcarum; -Metrophanis Gregoræ Versus varii;-Azariæ Tzigalæ, Archimandritæ Ecclesiæ in Insula Santorina, Vita;-Ejusdem Grammatica;-Eugenii Joannulæ Miscellanea Philologica; etc.; Græce. Sec. xvij. Folio. [8232.]

LEXICON Græcum Manuale. Sec. xviij. Duodecimo. [8233.]

ANTONII BYZANTINI Chrestoëtheia ;-Ejusdem libri Paraphrasis, versibus Iambicis, per Danielem, Magistrum Scholæ in Patmo; etc.; Græce. Sec. xviij. Octavo. [8234.]

CARMINA, Odæque Anacreonticæ, Auctore incerto; Græce. Sec. xviij. Octavo. [8235.]

GREGORII CHRYSOGONI Trapezuntini Canon Iambicus;-Ejusdem Epigrammata in Gregorium Vaivodam; etc.; Græce. Sec. xviij. Duodecimo. [8236.]

CONSTANTINI DAPONTE, qui et Cæsarius, Hymni in laudem B. M. V.; &c.; Græce. Sec. xviij. Duodecimo. [8237.]

PAISII, Metropolita Rhodi, Historia Montis Sinai Poetica; Græce. Sec. xviij. Duodecimo. [8238.]

PALLADII IATRI, Peloponnesii, Tractatuli de Arte Grammatica, de Auscultatione Physica, de Anima, de Re Ethica et Economica, etc.;Nathanaëlis Hieromonachi, Atheniensis, qui et Chycus, Epigrammata quædam, et Oratio habita coram Theophane, Metropolita Philadelphiæ; etc. Græce. Sec. xviij. Octavo. [8239.]

PERDICCE, Protonotarii Ephesini, Expositio de Thematibus Dominicis, quæ Hierosolymis extant;-Monosticha Moralia ex variis poetis collecta;-Blachi Cretensis Manuale Artis Metricæ;-Matthæi, Metropolitæ Myrorum, Canones contra Latinos et Hæreticos;-Gregorii Nazianzeni in Julianum Invectiva prima;-Nicephori Constantinopolitani Oneiro-criticon; etc.; Græce. Sec. xviij. Duodecimo. [8240.] ANONYMI Poema de Florii et Platziafloræ amoribus, Barbaro-Græce ; etc.; mutil. Sec. xvi. Duodecimo. [8241.]

J. B. DE MOLIERE Comoedia dicta “l' Etourdi", Neo-Græce. Duodecimo. [8242.]

EJUSDEM Comœdia dicta "le Cocu Imaginaire" Neo-Græce. Duodecimo. [8243.]

DICTIONARIUM Latinum. Cod. Membr. Sec. xiv. Quarto. [8244.]

LIBER Precum, Sclavonice. Sec. xviij. Quarto. [8245.]

PONTIFICALE Ecclesiæ Antiochena, Syriace et Latine, traductore Andr. Scandar, Cyprio, 1723. Quarto. [8246.]

DOCTRINA Christiana, explicata per Ang. Fr. a S. Theresia, Episc. Limirensem, Christianis Malabaribus præprimis accommoda. Quarto. [8247.]

RISPOSTA a quattro Heretici, i quali per due anni continui hanno scritto diversi libri contra un trattato della Messa. Quarto. [8248.]

HISTORY of Arianism [by Maimbourg] Book iv. Ital. Quarto. [8249.] INSTITUTIONES Chronologica;-De Diis quorum mentio fit in Scripturis. Quarto. [8250.]

Jo. RWYKTER de Adamidarum Origine, ab Anonymo e lingua Germanica Latine redditum, 1690. Quarto. [8251.]

FIORETTI d' Istorie, dal primo anno del mondo sino all' anno 1660. Quarto. [8252.]

AN Universal Chronicle from the Creation to the year 1453; Ital. xv. Cent. Quarto. [8253.]

A COMPENDIUM of Universal History; French. Quarto. [8254.]

A COMPENDIUM of Universal History, in Italian. Vols. III. and iv. containing the Roman Empire. Quarto. [8255-6.]

LO SCONVOLGIMENTO dell' Europa doppo la morte di Carlo VI. Im

peratore; Ragguaglio Storico degli Fatti successi dall' anno 1741 fin all'anno 1748. In two Vols. Folio. [8257-8.]

TRATTATI della Triplice Lega, 1668. Folio. [8259.]

COMPENDIO della Vita e Costumi di tutti l' Imperadori e Pontefici Romani sino all' anno 1585. Quarto. [8260.]

AN HISTORICAL Description of Italy, about 1650; Ital. Quarto. [8261.] A LARGE Collection of Tracts, embracing the History of Europe, but more particularly relating to that of Italy, during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries; Lat. and Ital. In 20 Vols. Folio. [8262-81.] A COLLECTION of Miscellaneous Tracts, many of them relative to the History of Italy; Ital. and Lat. In 8 Vols. Folio. xvij. and xviij. Centuries. [8282-8289.]

A SIMILAR Collection; the greater part relating to Italian History; Ital. and Lat. In 64 Vols. Folio and Quarto. [8290-8353.]

COLLECTIONS relative to Italian History, being chiefly the Relations of Venetian Ambassadors; Ital. In 3 Vols. Folio and Quarto. [8354-6.] LIVES of Francesco Canonici (or Mascambruni), Marcantonio de Dominis, and Francesco Giuseppe Borri; Ital. Quarto. [8357.]

A VOLUME of Miscellaneous Tracts; Ital. Quarto. [8358.]

INSTRUCTIONS for Secretaries, with Forms of Letters; Ital. and Lat. Quarto. [8359.]

A COLLECTION of Fugitive Poetry, (some printed,) of the latter part of the Eighteenth Century, with a Drama on the Death of Bassville; Ital. Folio. [8360.]

CHRONICON Universale, præcipue de Romana Republica, Romanoque Imperio, necnon de Pontificibus Romanis usque ad Clementem VI. 1352; scriptum anno 1439. Quarto. [8361.]

VITA di D. Rodrigo Borgia, poi Pontefice Alessandro VI., e del Duca Valentino suo figlio. Small Folio. [8362.]

VITA del Duca Valentino, descritta da Tomaso Tomasi. Quarto. [8363.] THE Diary of Marcello Alberino, from the Sacking of Rome in 1527 to 1534; Ital. Quarto. [8364.]

LETTERS and Papers relative to Negotiations between the Court of Rome, Charles V. and Philip II.; 1540–1561; Ital. and Lat. Quarto. [8365.] REGISTRO di Lettere scritte a diversi da Giulio Papa III. e sua Segretaria di Stato; 1551-1554. Quarto. [8366.]

JULI (ANTONII SANCTORII) Cardinalis S. Severina Diaria Adnotatio Consistoriorum, 1570-1576. Quarto. [8367.]

ANNALI di Gregorio XIII.; 1572–1585. Quarto. [8368.]

INSTRUCTIONS to Cardinal Montalto, Nephew of Pope Sixtus V. for his conduct as Cardinal;-Life of Pope Sixtus V.; Ital. Quarto. [8369.] REGISTRO delle Cifre che si ricevono dalli Nuntii Apostolici; 1634-1637. Folio. [8370.]

LIVES of the Cardinals during the Pontificate of Innocent X.;-Various Bulls (printed) of Urban VIII.; Ital. and Lat. Quarto. [8371.] PROCEEDINGS Of Urban VIII. against the Duke of Parma, 1641–1643; Ital and Lat. Folio. [8372.]

CARDINAL AZZOLINI on the Character of Cardinal Bellarmino;-Various Papers relative to the Duchies of Parma and Piacenza, in the Pontificate of Clement XII. ;-to Cardinal Alberoni;-and to the Promotion of Vincenzo Bichi to the Cardinalate, at the instance of the Portuguese Court; Ital. Folio. [8373.]

REVOLUTIONE del Seminario Romano successa l'anno 1647. Quarto. [8374.]

VITE di tutti i Cardinali viventi nell'anno del Giubileo, 1750. Quarto. [8375.]

INSTRUCTIONS to Pietro Gaietano, Nuntio in Flanders ;-to


(P. E.) Sfondrato, for his conduct as nephew to the Pope (Gregory XIV.); Address of D. Scipio di Castro to the Duke of Terranuova, Governor of Milan; Ital. Folio. [8376.]

DISCORSO Sopra la Vita del Cardinale di Luca, da Giovanni Antonio Thomasi. Folio. [8377.]

PAPERS on the Disputes between Cardinal Altieri and the Ambassadors from various Courts of Europe; 1671-1676; Ital. Folio. [8378.]

A COLLECTION of the Pasquinades and Satires current at the Elections of the Popes, between 1676 and 1721, with the Lives of Cardinals Mazzarini and Alberoni; Ital. Quarto. [8379.]

VITA di Innocenzo XII. e degli Cardinali viventi in quel Pontificato, d' Orazio Dolci, 1699; Ital. Quarto. [8380.]

RACCOLTA di Lettere scritte da Roma, 1719–1727. Quarto [8381.] COLLECTION of Poems and Satirical Pieces circulated in Rome during the Pontificate of Clement XIII.; 1758-1769; Ital. Quarto. [8382.] COLLECTION of Papers relative to the Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Roman Court, 1767-1769; Ital. and Lat. Folio. [8383.]

NARRAZIONE Istorica del Viaggio fatto a Parigi da Pio VII., e del suo Ritorno a Roma; 1804; Ital. Folio. [8384.]

Pi Papæ VII Allocutiones ad Cardinales habitæ 16 Martii et 11 Julii 1808. Quarto. [8385.]

VARIOUS Papers relative to the Differences between Pius VII. and Napoleon, and the Pope's Return to Rome, 1808-1814; Ital. Folio. [8386.]

VARIOUS Relations and Papers relative to the Removal of Pius VII. into France, etc.; Ital. Folio. [8387.]

AN ACCOUNT of the Arrest and Removal of Cavalcanti, Governor of Rome, Cardinals Gabrielli, Antonelli, and others, by the French, in the time of Pius VII.; Ital. Folio. [8388.]

LETTERS and Documents relative to the Removal of Pius VII.; Ital. Lat. and French. Folio. [8389.]

ACCOUNT of the Captivity of Pius VI. and of the Removal of Pius VII. to Fontainebleau, and his forced Detention at Savona; Ital. Folio. [8390.]

A COLLECTION of various Papers and Documents relative to the History of Rome, from 1489 to 1799, chronologically arranged; Ital. and Lat.; 6 Vols. Folio. [8391-8396.]

A SIMILAR Collection, 1378-1715; Lat. and Ital. Folio. [8397.]

A COLLECTION of Relations made to the Venetian Senate by their Ambassadors at Rome, from 1535 to 1702; Ital. 2 Vols. Folio. [83988399.]

REGISTRO della Ambasciata di Roma di M. Bernardo Navager, Ambasciatore a Paolo IV.; 1555, 1556. Folio. [8400.]

DISCOURSE upon the Court of Rome by Cardinal Commendone;-Della Casa's Exhortation to the Venetians to join the Pope against Charles V., 1547;-Letter from the Pope (Paul IV.) to Cardinal Caraffa, on the Peace with Philip II.; Ital. Folio. [8401.]

RELATIONE di Roma, fatta nel Senato Veneto da Raniero Zeni, Ambasciatore, 1623, 1624; Ital. Quarto. [8402.]

RELATIONE della Corte di Roma, dal Cavaliere Contarini, Ambasciatore della Republica di Venetia, 16-18, etc. Quarto. [8403.]

RELATIONE di Giov. Pesaro, Ambasciatore al Papa Alessandro VII. Quarto. [8404.]

RELATIONE di Roma d'Antonio Grimani, Ambasciatore a Clemente IX. 1667-1670. Folio. [8405.]

THREE similar Relations, by Giustiniano, and Contarini, Venetian Ambassadors, and the Baly di Valenzé [Henri d'Estampes,] French Amb., to Innocent X., with a Letter from the Cardinal Cesi to Don Luigi d'Aro, respecting the last Relation; Ital. Quarto. [8406.] ACCOUNTS of the Mattei and Colonna Families ;-Elenchus Senatorum Roma; with several Miscellaneous Pieces; Lat. and Ital. Folio. [8407.] ACCOUNTS of remarkable Persons and Adventurers, connected with the Roman Court; Ital. 2 Vols. Folio. [8408-9.]

J. B. COCCINI de Electione Romani Pontificis Commentarii; 1623. Folio. [8410.]

DISCORSI del Conclave. Folio. [8411.]

A LARGE COLLECTION of Histories of the Papal Conclaves, between 1305 and 1775; Ital. In 17 Vols. of various sizes. [8412-8428.]

AFFORISMI Politici per li Cardinali del Conclave, 1667; fatti dal Card. Decio Azzolini. Quarto. [8429.]

A JOURNAL from the Death of Benedict XIV. to the Election of Clement XIII.;-Discourse of the Ambassador of the Ecclesiastical States to the Conclave held at the Death of Clement XIII.;-Character of Clement XIII.; Ital. Folio. [8430.]


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