9551 Thornton (Matthew). D. S., I page, oblong folio. Exeter, Sept. 5, 1775. A military commission issued to Josiah Bartlett. With seal. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (612) $11.00 9552- D. S., I page, 4to. Feb. 17, 1780. 9553 Tilghman (Edward). A. James Holliday. Henkels', April 23, 1900. (272) $6.50 L. S., I page, folio. June 22, 1765, to Henkels', April 27, 1900. (469) $16.00 9554 Tilghman (Matthew). A. L. S., I page, folio. June 9, 1781. Henkels', April 27, 19.00 (470) $24.00 9555 Tilghman (Col. Tench). A. D. S., 3 pages, folio. Giving the facts and questions submitted by Gen. Washington to a Council of War on October 16, 1778, in relation to the advisability of making a detachment of the main army towards Boston. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (471) $16.00 9557 A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. 9560 9565 9566 life. 1798. to Hon. A. Spencer. A. L. S., 3 pages, 4to, 9564 Tyler (John). A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. Washington, June 5, 1842, Henkels', April 27, 1900. (476) $9.00 and address. Washington, 1845, to Bangs', Feb. 19, 1900. (309) $4.50 Feb. 9, 1853. Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (459) $3.25 A. L. S., 3 pages, 4to. Sherwood Forest, August 24, 1857, to his son Robert. Personal letter, regarding the slave trade. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (518) $10.50 9568 Tyler (Royall). A. D. S., I page, 4to. Middlebury, Jan. 26, 1810. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (477) $3.25 9567 9569 Upcott (William). Collection of 2078 autographs of distinguished characters in all classes of life, including sovereigns, statesmen, divines, lawyers, etc. With 1000 portraits, specially printed title-pages and an alphabetical index. The whole bound in 13 thick folio volumes, morocco, gilt edges. 9570 Upcott (William). - Continued. A Collection of 540 unpublished documents, being the original assignments of manuscripts between authors and publishers, for dramatic and other works, from 1703 to 1822. With an India proof portrait of Upcott, 3 engravings, and 47 other portraits. The whole mounted, inlaid to small folio, and bound in 3 vols., morocco, by C. Lewis. Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (4637) $390.00 9571 - Augustin Daly's additions to the above collection, including autograph letters of Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Bolingbroke. Franklin, Dr. Johnson, Daniel Boone, William Cowper, Bartolozzi, Lord and Lady Byron, etc. With a large number of portraits. The whole bound in I vol., folio, half morocco. Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (4636) $300.00 9572 Van Buren (Martin). A. L. S.. 2 pages, 4to. New York, August 3 1831, to Andrew Jackson. Letter of recommendation. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (478) $3.50 9573 Vane (Sir Henry). D. S., I page, folio. April 2, 1650. An order for payment. With portrait by Houbraken, margins trimmed off. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (255) $5.50 9574 D. S., I page. folio. Westminster, Aug. 11, 1647. A pay warrant. Signed also by the Earls of Salisbury and Pembroke, Cornelius Holland, and W. Ashhurst. With portraits. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (670) $5.00 9575 Van Rensselaer (Col. James). A. D. S., 2 pages, 4to. Montreal, November 13, 1775. General orders issued by General Montgomery to the troops under his command. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (480) $13.00 9576 Van Schaick (Brig. Gen. Gozen). A. L. S., I page, 4to. Albany, Aug. 7, 1779, to General Washington. War letter. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (481) $13.00 Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (1355) $4.00 9578 Viomenil (Antoine Charles, Baron de). A. L. S., r page, 4to. Paris, Feb. 13, 1792. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (482) $4.25 9579 Voltaire (François Marie Arouet de). L S., 2 pages, 4to. Ferney, Nov. 14, 1707, to M. Chardon. With portrait of Voltaire, crowned by Mlle. Clairon, engraved by Dupin. 9577 Vestris (Eliza Lucy). A. L. S., I page, 4to. Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (1356) $10.50 9580 Wadsworth (James S.). A. 1862, to General McDowell. Bangs', April 9, 1900. (305) $7.50 9581 Walker (Brig. Gen. J. A.). A. L. S., I page, 4to. Camp, Stonewall Brigade, Sept. 1, 1864, to A. R. Boteler. War letter. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (468) $3.75 9582 Walker (Brig. Gen. L. P.). A. L. S, 3 pages, 4to. Hdqrs., Tuscumbia, 1862, to Gen. Daniel Ruggles. War letter. Bangs', April 9, 1900. (17) $5.50 9583 Walpole (Horace). A. L. S., I page, 4to. Feb. 14, 1776. With 2 Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (672) $6.00 Berkeley Square, Feb. 14, 1787, to Henkels', April 27, 1900. (485) $8.50 Undated. portraits. 9584- A. L. S., I page, Samuel Lysons. 9585 A. L., I page, 4to. 4to. 9586 Walton (George). A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. Augusta, Dec. 15, 1779, to General Lincoln. On public affairs. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (613) $5.00 9587 Ward (Artemus). A. D. S., I page, 4to. Boston, April 24, 1776. A discharge from the Continental army. With portrait. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (674) $3.00 9588 Warren (James). A. L. S., 2 pages, folio. Plymouth, May 21, 1778. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (486) $3.75 9589 Washington (George). A. D. S., I page, folio. April 15, 1751. А survey, with his signature at the age of nineteen. Henkels', April 23, 1900. (622) $40.00 9590 9591 9592 9593 9594 L. S., I page, folio. Morristown, in Jersey, March 17, 1777. Philadelphia, Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (505) $33.00 A. L. S., I page, folio. Head Quarters, Middlebrook, 24 March, 1779, to Colonel Thomas Proctor. The postscript also signed "Go. W." With the front of the original envelope franked "G. Washington." Slightly torn in the folds. Libbie's, June 19, 1900. (1357) $25.00 A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to, and address. New Windsor, Jan. 25th, 1781, to Colonel Pickering. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (465) $39.00 D. S., I page, 4to. Head Quarters, June 7, 1783. Certificate of the discharge of Sergeant John Hilton. Signed also by Col. Jonathan Trumbull, Jun. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (488) $12.50 9595 D. S., I page, folio. Head Quarters, June 9, 1783. The discharge of Dudley Stearns, of the Fifth Massachusetts Regiment, from the Continental Army. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (467) $18.00 9596 D. S., 1 page, folio. Oct. 18, 1787. List of workmen employed at the Great Falls for the Potomack Company, under Richardson Stuart, from 20th December, 1786, to the 4th March, 1787. Signed also by all the overseers. 9597 9598 D. S., I page, 8vo. Henkels', April 23, 1900. (6222) $15.00 A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. Philadelphia, August 29, 1791, to Anthony Whiting. Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (4664) $70.00 9599 Signature on a portion of a Discharge from the Conti 9600 9601 nental army. Craddock sale, Henkels', Feb. 3, 1900. (828) $5.25 Franked address to Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia. 4to. Craddock sale, Henkels', Feb. 3, 1900 (826) $5.05 Manuscript Military Order Book, from June 22 to August 8, 1779. 87 pages, closely written. Said to have been in his own autograph, but doubtful. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. 9602 Wayne (Maj. Gen. Anthony). A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. ters, Ebenezer, May 9, 1782, to Colonel Jackson. (620) $275.00 Head QuarWar letter. 9603 Webster (Daniel). A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. Aug. 6, 1822. 9604-A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. Spencer. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (681) $4.00 Boston, Nov. 1, 1841, to Hon. John C. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (491) $4.50 9605 Webster (Noah). A. L. S., 3 pages, 4to. New York, May 15, 1797. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (492) $8.50 9606 Weems (Mason L.). A. L. S., 3 pages, 4to. Charleston, April 10, 1821, to Messrs. Test & Finn. Business letter. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (493) $9.50 9607 Wesley (John). A. L. S., I page, 4to. Dublin, April 12, 1787. Kaines sale, Henkels', Feb. 2, 1900. (303) $8.00 9608 West (John). A. L. S., 2 pages, folio. Jan. 2, 1682, to William Penn. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (529) $7.00 9609 Wheeler (Joseph). A. L. S., I page, 8vo. Hdqrs. Lavergne, 1862, to General Buckner. With portrait and clippings. Bangs', April 9, 1900. (123) $4.00 9610 Whipple (William). A. L. S., I page, 4to. Portsmouth, Oct. 12, 1774, to his brother. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (614) $18.00 9611 White (Henry Kirke). Original manuscript of the greater part of the Preface to his didactic poem on "Time." 2 pages, 8vo. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (497) $16.00 9612 Whitman (Walt). A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. Aug. 9, 1878, to Alfred Tennyson. Autograph draft, in pencil, signed in ink. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (565) $3.00 A. L., 5 pages, 8vo. April 27, 1872, to Alfred Tennyson. Autograph draft. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (566) $6.00 9614- Original Autograph Manuscript of an article, entitled "Pictures." About 23 pages, 4to. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (586) $12.00 9615 Original Autograph Manuscript of an article, entitled, "Carlyle, from American Points of View." 36 pages. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (573) $9.50 9616 Original Autograph Manuscript of an article on Abraham Lincoln. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (574) $11.00 9617- Original Autograph Manuscript of an Article on Aaron Burr. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (575) $6.50 Original Autograph Manuscript, being leaves from his war diary. 21 pages. 9613 9618 9620 Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (592) $9.00 9619 Original Autograph Manuscript of an Article on George Sand. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (576) $6.00 Original Autograph Manuscript, signed, of "Interpolation Folio. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (578) $550 Original Autograph Manuscript, entitled "Hancock and the Scout." 3 pages, 4to. 9621 9622 Sounds." Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (589) $5.00 Original Autograph Manuscript, signed, entitled, "After the Supper and Talk." Folio. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (579) $5.00 9623 Original Autograph Manuscript, entitled "The Soul's Proces 9624 sion." 12 pages, 8vo. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (588) $4.50 Original Autograph Manuscript, entitled "Recollections of Lafayette's Visit to America, in 1824." 9625 Whitman (Walt). - Continued. With Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (618) $36.00 9626- Autograph Poem, signed, "Bivouac on a Mountain Side." Illustrated, in water colors, by Julian Scott. 9628 Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (619) $36.00 9627 Whittier (John G.). A. L. S., 2 pages, folio, and address. Amesbury, 5th, 12 Mo., 1844. With an original poem on the second page. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (687) $17.00 Amesbury, 9th, 2d Mo. 1865. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (688) $16.00 Amesbury, 12th, 2d Month, 1869, to Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (690) $4.50 Danvers, Mass., Sept. 5, 1881, to A. L. S., 3 pages, 8vo. 9629-A. L. S., I page, 8vo. William Lloyd Garrison. 9630 A. L. S., 3 pages, 8vo. seller. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (472) $10.00 9631- A. L. S., I page, 8vo. Danvers, Dec. 5, 1886, to the bookLibbie's, May 18, 1900. (691) $4.00 9632 Autograph verse, signed, I page, 8vo. Amesbury, 10, 4th Mo. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (692) $3.50 9633 1882. Autograph Manuscript of a poem, entitled "The Battle Autumn of 1862." 2 pages, 4to, as written and corrected for the printer. With an A. L. S. with initials, I page, 12mo. 2 pieces. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (689) $13.00 9634 Wiggin (Gov. Thomas). A. D. S., I page, oblong 8vo. May, 1652. A deposition before Wiggin as Governor. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (259) $3.00 9635 Wightman (J. M.). A. L. S., I page, 4to. Jan. 25, 1862. Bangs', Feb. 19, 1900. (328) $3.20 9636 Wilcox (Maj.-Gen. Cadmus M.). A. L. S., 4 pages, 8vo. Near Petersburg, Va., July 6, 1864, to one of the Confederate Generals. War letter. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (499) $7.50 9637 Wilkinson (Brig-Gen. James). A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. April 24, Henkels', April 23, 1900. (621) $3.00 9638- A. L. S., 4 pages, 4to. Dec. 14, 1819, to Stephen Van Rensselaer. Henkels', April 27, 1900. (500) $8.00 9639 Willett (Marinus). A. L. S., 3 pages, folio. Poughkeepsie, Oct. 31, 1783, to General Washington. War letter. 1812. 9640 William I., of Germany. Berlin, Nov. 13, 1859. Donaldson sale, Henkels', April 27, 1900. (501) $14.00 9641 William III., of England. L. S., I page, folio, with 9642 William IV., of England. A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. Bushy House, to Lord Moira. With portrait. Libbie's, May 18, 1900. (698) $3.50 9643-A. L. S., 2 pages, 4to. St. James, Feb. 21, 1792. 9644 Williams (Rev. John). 1718, to his son, Rev. Henkels', April 23, 1900. (298) $3.50 A. L. S., I page, 4to. Deerfield, Sept. 12, Stephen Williams. |