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6874 St. Louis. THE ST. Louis DIRECTORY AND REGISTER. descriptive Notes by John A. Paxton. St. Louis, 1821. boards, uncut.



Anderson's, March 9, 1900. (102) $5.25 6875 St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. Vols. I to 18. New York, 1874-91. 18 vols., 8vo, half morocco.


Libbie's, Jan. 23, 1900. (1025) $24.75 THE SAME. Vols. I to 7. 6 vols. half sheep, and I vol. in parts, uncut. Together 7 vols., 8vo.

Libbie's, May 28, 1900. (1193) $14.00 6877 St. Pierre (B. de). PAUL ET VIRGINIE. JAPAN PAPER (50 printed). Illustrations by Maurice Leloir. Paris, 1887. Imperial 8vo, silk covers.

Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2893) $27.00

6878- PAUL AND VIRGINIA. London, 1839. Royal 8vo, russia. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2892) $7.00 6879 THE SAME. Royal 8vo, half calf.





Bangs', April 10, 1900. (342) $5.00
London, 1888. Imperial 8vo, cloth,
Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. (801) $3.00

THE SAME. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Bangs', May 28, 1900. (662) $5.00 6882 Saintsbury (George). ESSAYS ON FRENCH NOVELISTS. London, 1891. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. With nearly 50 portraits inserted. Clive sale, Henkels', Jan. 30, 1900. (13A) $6.75 6883 Saint Simon (Duke). MEMOIRS OF THE REIGN OF LOUIS XIV. AND THE REGENCY. London, 1857. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (940) $9.00

6884 Sala (George Augustus). CHARLES DICKENS. London, n. d.

12mo, morocco.

With the original covers bound in.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (921) $3.50
GASLIGHT AND DAYLIGHT. First edition. London, 1859.
Post 8vo, half morocco.


Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. 6886 - THE GREAT EXHIBITION "WOT IS TO BE."


Oblong 12m0, original boards.

(1580) $4.00 London, 1850.

Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2897) $3.50 THE HOUSE THAT PAXTON BUILT. London, 1851. 12mo, original boards. Bangs', Feb. 20, 1900. (801) $6.75 6888 Sallust. C. Crispi Sallusti de Conjuratione Catilinæ. Venetiis, Aldus, 1521. Small 8vo, old calf, gilt stamp on sides.

Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1038) $17.00 6889 Salter (E.) and Beekman (G. C.). HISTORICAL REMINISCENCES OF OLD MONMOUTH CO., NEW JERSEY. Freehold, 1887. 8vo, cloth. 100 printed. Bangs', May 14, 1900. (687) $6.00 6890 Salwey (Charlotte M.). FANS OF JAPAN. IO colored plates. London, Bangs', March 5, 1900. (502) $525


1894. 4to, cloth.

THE SAME. 4to, cloth.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2901) $10.00 6892 THE SAME. 4to, cloth.

6893 Samuels (Edward A.).

Anderson's, April 17, 1900. (184) $3.25

Colored plates. New York, 1883. Royal 8vo, cloth.

6894 Sanborn (Edwin D.). HISTORY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, from its first discovery to 1830. Manchester, 1875. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. With 40 extra plates inserted.

Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (1315) $5.00 6895 Sanchez (Thomas). DISPUTATIONUM DE SANCTO MATRIMONII SACRAMENTO. Antverpiæ, 1626. 3 vols. in 1, folio, oak boards, covered with stamped pigskin, red edges.

Bangs', Oct. 18, 1899. (477) $6.00 6896- DE SANCTO MATRIMONII SACRAMENTO. Lugduni, 1669. Bangs', June 7, 1900. (459) $6.00

3 vols. in 1, folio, calf. 6897 Sand (George). THE HAUNTED POOL. 14 etchings by Rudaux.


New York, 1890. 4to, cloth, uncut.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2905) $5.50 WORKS, comprising: Consuelo; Countess Rudolstadt; Gallant Lords of Bois-Doré. LARGE PAPER. New York, 1889-91. 8 vols., 8vo, half roan, gilt tops, uncut.

Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (944) $8.00

6899 THE SAME. 8 vols., 8vo, half roan, gilt tops, uncut.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2902) $18.00 6900 Sandby (P.). VIRTUOSI'S MUSEUM. Select Views in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 108 plates. London, 1778. 2 vols., oblong 4to, half calf.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2908) $5.00

6901 Sanders (Daniel Clark). A HISTORY OF THE INDIAN WARS WITH THE FIRST SETTLERS OF THE UNITED STATES, particularly in New England. Montpelier, Vt., 1812. 18mo, morocco. Corner of page 176 torn, some of the text wanting, and a few leaves closely trimmed.



Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (1316) $31.00 THE SAME. 18mo, half morocco. Title imperfect. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (1107) $21.00 THE SAME. 18mo, sheep. Title and portions of first and last leaf in facsimile. Libbie's, June 19, 1900. (630) $8.00 6904 Sanderson (J.). BIOGRAPHY OF THE SIGNERS TO THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Portraits. Philadelphia, 1820-27. 9 vols., 8vo, old calf. Bangs', Oct. 10, 1899. (48) $1485 THE SAME. 9 vols., 8vo, half sheep. Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 26, 1899. (6452) $18.00 THE SAME. 9 vols., 8vo, half morocco.




Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (600) $12.60 BIOGRAPHY OF THE SIGNERS TO THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Revised and edited by Robert T. Conrad. Also an historical account of their residences, etc., by Wm. Brotherhead. Philadelphia, 1863. I vol. in 3 vols., folio, morocco, inside linings of silk, gilt edges, by Stikeman. With 600 portraits, views, autograph letters, etc., inserted.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2909) $4650.00 6908 Sands (Comfort). DESCENT OF COMFORT SANDS AND OF HIS CHILDREN. With Notes. New York, 1886. 8vo, boards, uncut. Portrait of Comfort Sands laid in.

Bangs', Oct 26, 1899. (755) $5.00 6909 Sandys (George). PARAPHRASE UPON THE DIVINE POEMS. London, 1638. Folio, old calf. Libbie's, June 19, 1900. 6910 - A PARAPHRASE UPON THE DIVINE POEMS.

(1193) $16.00 London, 1648. 6911 Sargent (Charles S.). REPORT OF THE FORESTS OF NORTH AMERICA. With atlas of 16 maps. Washington, 1884. 2 vols., 4to and folio, cloth and boards.

Mackay sale, Libbie's, May 2, 1900. (1125) $3.10

6912 Sargent (Winthrop). DIARY OF COLONEL WINTHROP SARGENT, Adjutant in the United States Army during the Campaign of MDCCXCI (under Major-General St. Clair against the Western Indians) now first Printed. Wormsloe (Philadelphia), 1851. 4to, cloth, uncut. 46 printed.

Henkels', April 5, 1900. (777) $110.00 Menzies' copy sold in 1876 for $107.50. We know of no other auction record.


6913 JOURNAL OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE CINCINNATI IN 1784. Now first printed. Philadelphia, 1857. 8vo, sewed, Libbie's, Dec. 5, 1899. (1198) $5.25 6914 - ГАPERS IN RELATION TO THE OFFICIAL CONDUCT OF GovERNOR WINTHROP SARGENT PUBLISHED BY PARTICULAR DESIRE OF HIS FRIENDS. Boston, 1801. 8vo, paper, uncut.

Bangs', April 16, 1900. (725) $5.00 6915 Sargent (Winthrop). HISTORY OF AN EXPEDITION AGAINST FORT DU QUESNE IN 1755 UNDER MAJ.-GEN. EDWARD BRADDOCк. Maps and plate. Philadelphia, 1856. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Libbie's, March 28, 1900. (170) $3.00


LIFE AND CAREER OF MAJOR JOHN ANDRÉ. Portrait and map. Boston, 1861. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Waterson sale, Libbie's, March 13, 1900. (39) $5.25 6917 THE SAME. I vol. in 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. With 107 plates inserted. Bangs', May 28, 1900. (35) $20.00 6918- THE SAME. LARGE PAPER (75 printed). 8vo, cloth, uncut. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (775) $33.00 6919 Sartain (John). ANNALS OF THE SARTAIN TRIBE FROM 1557 TO 1886. Portraits and other illustrations. N. p., n. d. 8vo, paper. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (58) $4.50 SARTAIN'S UNION MAGAZINE. Vols. 4 to 9. Engravings. Philadelphia, 1849-51. 6 vols., 8vo, half roan.


Libbie's, April 17, 1900. (1047) $13.50 6921 Savage (James). GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE FIRST SETTLERS OF NEW ENGLAND. Boston, 1860. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Libbie's, Dec. 5, 1899. (1200) $62.00 6922 Savage (Richard). MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF THEOPHILUS KEENE, London, 1718. 8vo, half calf.

with Elegies, etc.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1861) $13.00 6923 Savage Club Papers. First edition. Illustrations. London, 1867. Small 8vo, original cloth. Bangs', March 22, 1900. (607) $5.25


6924 Savonarola (Jeremy). FACTS AND FIGURES FROM ITALY. don, 1847. Crown 8vo, levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (866) $8.00

6925 Savoy (The): An Illustrated Periodical. Numbers 1 to 8 (all. published). London, 1896. Numbers 1 and 2 in half morocco, uncut, the others in parts as published.

Anderson's, April 20, 1900. (202) $4.40 6926 Sawyer (Franklin). A MILITARY HISTORY OF THE EIGHTH OHIO REGIMENT. Portrait. Cleveland, 1881. 8vo, cloth.

6927 Saxe (J. G.). CLEVER STORIES OF MANY NATIONS. First edition. Boston, 1865. 12mo, half morocco.

Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (928) $4.25 6928 THE PROUD MISS MACBRIDE, a Legend of Gotham. First edition. Boston, 1874. 12m0, cloth. Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (930) $3.50 6929 Say (Thomas). AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGY. Edited by J. L. Le Conte. New York, 1849. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', March 1, 1900. (383) $4.50 6930 - СоMPLETE WRITINGS ON THE ENTOMOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA. 36 plates. Boston, 1883. 2 vols., 8vo, sheets, folded, Libbie's, May 28, 1900. (1200) $6.00 6931 Sayre (James). A CANDID NARRATIVE OF CERTAIN MATTERS RELATING TO TRINITY CHURCH IN NEWPORT, R. I. Fairfield, 1788. 12mo, sewed. Bangs', April 2, 1900. (298) $3.60 6932 Scarron (Paul). LE ROMAN COMIQUE. Paris, 1880. 2 vols., 16mo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by David.






Bangs', May 28, 1900. (668) $6.25

WHOLE COMICAL WORKS. Plates. London, 1700. 8vo, calf extra.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2921) $6.50 WHOLE COMICAL WORKS. London, 1712. 8vo, levant morocco, gilt edges, by Affolta. With 28 extra plates inserted.

Bangs', Dec. 1, 1899. (202) $17.00 6935 - СоMICAL WORKS. 16 plates. London, 1892. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Clive sale, Henkels', Jan. 30, 1900. (245) $4.00 THE SAME. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (949) $3.00 THE SAME. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', May 14, 1900. (613) $4.75 6938 Schaff (Philip). HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. New York, 1886. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', June 11, 1900. (445) $6.50 6939- NICENE AND POST-NICENE FATHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Buffalo, 1886. 14 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', April 30, 1900. (271) $17.50 6940 Scharf (J. Thomas). HISTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY AND COUNTY FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT DAY. Philadelphia, 1881. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges.



Henkels', April 5, 1900. (785) $3.25
HISTORY OF DELAWARE, 1609 to 1888. Philadelphia, 1888.
2 vols., royal 8vo, half roan.
Henkels', April 5, 1900. (786) $15.00

HISTORY OF ST. LOUIS CITY AND COUNTY FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT DAY. Philadelphia, 1883. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half roan, gilt edges.

Libbie's, Dec. 14, 1899. (589) $3.00 6943- THE SAME. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half russia, marbled edges. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (788) $5.50 HISTORY OF WESTERN MARYLAND. Philadelphia, 1882. 2 vols., royal 8vo, morocco.


6945 Scharf (J. T.) and Westcott (T.). HISTORY OF PHILADELPHIA, 1609 to 1884. Philadelphia, 1884. 3 vols., imperial 8vo, cloth. Bangs', Oct. 26, 1899. (728) $5.62

6947- THE SAME.



3 vols., imperial 8vo, half russia, gilt tops. Clive sale, Henkels', Jan. 30, 1900. (246) $9.00 3 vols., imperial 8vo, cloth. Anderson's, Feb. 13, 1900. (477) $4.89 3 vols., imperial 8vo, half russia, gilt tops. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (787) $7.50 6949 Schedel (Hartman). CHRONICON NUREMBERGENSE. Nuremberg, 1493. Folio, boards. With the six unnumbered leaves and the three blank leaves, which are sometimes wanting, and portrait of Pope Joan unmutilated. Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. (640) $80.00

6950 THE SAME. Folio, old parchment. With the three blank leaves and the portrait of Pope Joan unmutilated.


Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1517) $72.50
Nuremberg, Koberger, 1493. Folio, vellum on wooden boards.
A few leaves mended in the margin and the portrait of Pope Joan
Bangs', May 8, 1900. (402) $39.00
With biographical introduction by
Philadelphia, 1883. 4 vols., imperial 8vo, mo-
Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. (1186) $10.00

6952 Schiller (F. von). H. H. Boyesen. rocco, gilt edges.

6953- THE SAME.


4 vols., imperial 8vo, half morocco.

Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. (816) $9.00 6954 Schlosser (F. C.). HISTORY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AND OF THE NINETEENTH TILL THE OVERTHROW OF THE FRENCH EMPIRE. London, 1843. 8 vols., 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. Clive sale, Henkels', Jan. 30, 1900. (247) $8.80 6955 Schmoranz (Gustav). OLD ORIENTAL GILT AND ENAMELLED GLASS VESSELS EXTANT IN PUBLIC MUSEUMS AND PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. 34 plates, some colored. Vienna and London, 1899. Folio, half levant morocco.

Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1587) $17.00 6956 Schælcher (Victor). LIFE OF HANDEL. London, 1857. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut. With 30 plates inserted.

Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2926) $9.00 6957 Schomburgk (Robert H.). TWELVE VIEWS IN THE INTERIOR OF GUIANA. London, 1841. Folio, half morocco.

Slee sale, Henkels', Feb. 1, 1900. (286) $5.25 6958 Schoolcraft (Henry R.). INFORMATION RESPECTING THE HISTORY, CONDITION, AND PROSPECTS OF THE INDIAN TRIBES OF THE UNITED STATES. Vols. I to 5. Philadelphia, 1853. 5 vols., imperial 8vo, half russia.



Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 23, 1899. (872) $8.00
Vols. I to 4. 4 vols., imperial 8vo, cloth.



Libbie's, Dec. 14, 1899. (598) $6.00

Vol. 6. Imperial 8vo, cloth.

Donaldson sale, Henkels', Oct. 23, 1899. (871) $4.00 6961 Schreiber (Lady Charlotte). PLAYING CARDS OF VARIOUS AGES AND COUNTRIES. 293 plates. London, 1892. 2 vols, folio, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut.

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