Long (Stephen H.). - Continued. 5118 THE SAME. 2 vols., 8vo, boards. Foxed. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (540) $4.50 5119- NARRATIVE OF AN EXPEDITION TO THE Source OF ST. PETER'S RIVER, etc., performed in the year 1823. Illustrations. London, 1825. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Slee sale, Henkels', Feb. 1, 1900. (188) $7.00 5120 Long Island. LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MEMOIRS. Vols. I and 2. Containing: Journal of a Voyage to New York in 1679-80; The Battle of Long Island. Brooklyn, 1867-69. Together 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Bangs', Oct. 26, 1899. (464) $4.00 5121 - THE SAME. Vols. I and 2. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, unSlee sale, Henkels', Feb. 1, 1900. (187) $3.60 5122 cut. REPORT UPON THE WILD LANDS OF LONG ISLAND, SEPTEMBER, 1860. New York, 1860. 8vo, half cloth. With map, engraved for Thompson's History of Long Island, 1843, inserted. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (145) $4.00 5123 Longacre (J. B.) and Herring (J.). NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS. First edition. 240 portraits. Philadelphia, 1834-39. 4 vols., royal 8vo, roan, gilt edges. Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. (625) $12.00 THE SAME. 4 vols., royal 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Foxed. Bangs', May 28, 1900. (53) $6.00 5125- NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS. 146 engravings. Philadelphia, 1865. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, yellow edges. 5124 5126- THE SAME. 5127 Longfellow (H. W.). Cambridge, 1842. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (525) $8.00 4 vols., 8vo, half calf, yellow edges. Anderson's, May 24, 1900. (3) $7.40 BALLADS, AND OTHER POEMS. First edition. 16mo, original boards, back broken. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (408) $25.00 5128 THE SAME. 16mo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2161) $6.00 5129- BALLADS AND OTHER POEMS. Third edition. LARGE PAPER. Cambridge, 1842. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (578) $4.00 5130- THE BELFRY OF BRUGES, and other Poems. Cambridge, 1846. 16mo, original paper cover. 5131 Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. THE SAME. 16mo, original paper cover, uncut. Libbie's, April 17, 1900. 5132 - THE SAME. 16mo, original paper cover, uncut. 5133 First edition. (415) $9.00 (736) $7.50 Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (691) $9.00 CHRISTUS: A MYSTERY. First edition. Boston, 1872. 3 vols., 12mo, original cloth. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (432) $8.25 5134- COPLAS DE DON JORGE MANRIQUE. Translated from the Spanish. First edition. Boston, 1833. 16mo, half morocco. Portrait inserted. Bangs', Dec. 14, 1899. (502) $3.25 THE SAME. 5135 5136- THE SAME. 16mo, cloth. Clive sale, Henkels', Jan. 30, 1900. (369) $4.00 16mo, cloth. 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 Longfellow (H. W.). - Continued. THE SAME. 16mo, levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Portrait inserted. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (577) $20.00 THE COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH. First edition. Bos- Bangs', April 2, 1900. (179) $19.00 ELEMENTS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR. By M. L'Homond. Translated by an Instructor [H. W. Longfellow]. First edition. Brunswick, 1830. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Title and few leaves stained. Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (676) $25.00 THE SAME. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Bangs', May 4, 1900. (168) $5.75 16mo, boards. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (416) $7.00 THE SAME. 16mo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2165) $6.00 5144 EVANGELINE, a tale of Acadie. First edition. Boston, 1847. 12m0, half calf. Presentation copy from the author, with inscription. Waterson sale, Libbie's, March 13, 1900. (1239) $31.00 EVANGELINE. First English edition. London, 1848. 18mo, original wrappers. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (580) $3.50 5146- FROM MY ARM-CHAIR. To the children of Cambridge, who presented to me, on my Seventy-second Birthday, Feb. 27, 1879, this Chair, made from the Wood of the Village Blacksmith's Chestnut Tree. First edition. Cambridge, 1879. 4 pages, 8vo, sheets, folded. Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (741) $5.25 5145 5147 5148 HYPERION. First edition. New York, 1839. 2 vols., 12mo, original boards, with label, uncut. A few pages of Vol. I slightly water-stained. Bangs', March 12, 1900. (406) $5.50 HYPERION. 24 photographs. London. 1865. Small 4to, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (427) $4.25 morocco. KERAMOS, and other Poems. First edition. Boston, 1878. 12mo, boards, uncut. LARGE PAPER. First edition. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (435) $5.00 MANUEL DE PROVERBES DRAMATIQUES. 12m0, half calf. 5149 Bangs', Dec. 14, 1899. (499) $3.00 5151 THE SAME. 12m0, original cloth, uncut. 5152 Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (399) $11.00 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS, selected from the United States Literary Gazette. [Containing 14 poems by Longfellow]. First edition. Boston, 1826. 16mo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2156) $17.00 16mo, boards, paper label, uncut. Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (673) $22.50 [Translated by John E. Norcross, the French and English on opposite pages. Philadelphia, 1867]. Small 4to, paper, uncut. 50 printed. Presentation copy, with inscription, "Dr. O. W. Holmes with the respects of John E. Norcross." 5155 5156 557 5158 5159 Longfellow (H. W.). - Continued. THE SAME. The preceding lot, resold. NOVELAS ESPAÑOLAS. 12m0, half cloth. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (398) $9.50 OUTRE MER. A Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. 2 (all published in serial form). First edition. Number I unbound, Number 2 in half cloth. 8vo. Numbers i and Boston, 1833-34. Together 2 vols., Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (404) $30.00 OUTRE MER. New York, 1835. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth. Bangs', Dec. 14, 1899. (503) $9.00 - THE SAME. 2 vols., 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2158) $12.00 5160 - THE SAME. 2 vols., 12mo, original boards. 5161 POEMS. 5162 top, uncut. With original cover bound in. THE SAME. 8vo, paper, uncut. Bangs', March 19, 1900. (425) $5.50 5166 5167 5168 5169 5170 5171 5172 5173 5174 Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (686) $35.00 POETS AND POETRY OF EUROPE. First edition. Portrait of Schiller and engraved title. Philadelphia, 1845. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, by Blackwell. in. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (579) $8.00 THE SAME. 8vo, cloth. With a portrait of Longfellow laid Bangs', March 12, 1900. (413) $5.13 SAGGI DE NOVELLIERI ITALIANI. First edition. Boston, 1832. 12mo, original cloth. THE SAME. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (402) $3.00 THE SPANISH STUDENT. First edition. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (410) $26.00 THE SAME. 12m0, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1832. 12mo, original cloth. THE SAME. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (401) $5.00 12m0, half levant morocco, gilt top. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2157) $6.00 5175 5176 Longfellow (H. W.). - Continued. 12m0, original cloth. Bangs', May 28, 1900. (493) $9.00 TALES OF A WAYSIDE INN. First edition. Frontispiece. Boston, 1863. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreets. With the original cloth cover bound in. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (584) $6.12 5177 THE SAME. 12m0, cloth. 5178 THREE BOOKS OF SONG. uncut. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (583) $3.13 5179- - VOICES OF THE NIGHT. 16mo, original boards, uncut. 5180 5181 Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, I900. (407) $12.00 Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (681) $10.50 5182- THE WAIF: a Collection of Poems. First edition. bridge, 1845. 16mo, original boards, uncut. Foxed. Cam Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (412) $7.50 5183- THE SAME. 16mo, half levant morocco, gilt edges. 5184 Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2163) $6.00 POETICAL WORKS. Illustrations. Boston, 1879. 2 vols., Libbie's, Dec. 14, 1899. (1067) $3.50 Bangs', Jan. 17, 1900. (37) $4.00 POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS. Illustrations. Boston, 188083. 3 vols., 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. 5187 POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS. Illustrations. 1886. 3 vols., royal 4to, tree calf extra, gilt edges. 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. 5185 THE SAME. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. 5186 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 THE SAME. 3 vols., royal 4to, cloth. (517) $7.50 Cambridge, Libbie's, Jan. 23, 1900. (688) $15.75 Henkels', May 16, 1900. (156) $3.60 COMPLETE WORKS. Riverside edition. LARGE PAPER (500 printed). Cambridge, 1886. 11 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco extra, gilt edges. Francis sale, Bangs', March 7, 1900. (72) $30.25 - THE SAME. LARGE PAPER. II vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2154) $41.25 THE SAME. LARGE PAPER. 11 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Henkels', May 16, 1900. (100 A) $30.80 THE SAME. LARGE PAPER. With the Life and Final Memorial. LARGE PAPER. Together 14 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (576) $52.50 5193 WORKS. With Life, by Samuel Longfellow. Standard Library Edition. Boston, 1886. 14 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. (516) $32.20 5194- THE SAME. 14 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. 5195 Longfellow (Samuel W.). LIFE OF H. W. LONGFELLOW. With extracts from his Journals and Correspondence. Boston, 1886. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt tops. 5196- THE SAME. uncut. Francis sale, Bangs', March 7, 1900. (27) $4.10 LARGE PAPER (300 printed). 2 vols., 8vo, boards, Bangs', May 8, 1900. (749) $12.00 5197- THE SAME. LARGE PAPER. With "Final Memorials," LARGE PAPER, 1887. Together 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (742) $5.25 5198- THE SAME. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. 5199 Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2155) $10.50 THE SAME. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. With three autograph letters of Samuel Longfellow and portrait of H. W. Longfellow laid in. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (441) $6.00 5200 Longfellow (W. P. P.). CYCLOPÆDIA OF WORKS OF ARCHITECTURE IN ITALY, GREECE, AND THE LEVANT. Illustrations. New York, 1895. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bangs', Feb. 20, 1900. (63) $13.00 5201 Longmeadow, Mass. PROCEEDINGS AT THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF LONGMEADOW, OCTOBER 17, 1883. Portraits and illustrations. Longmeadow, 1884. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (826) $5.00 5202 Longus. LES AMOURS PASTORALES DE DAPHNIS ET CHLOÉ. Plates by Philippe d'Orléans. Paris, 1796. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. 5203 5204 5205 Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1463) $5.00 THE SAME. JAPAN PAPER (100 printed). Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. DAPHNIS AND CHLOE. Translated by Angel Day. LARGE PAPER (60 printed). London, 1890. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1464) $3.50 5206- DAPHNIS AND CHLOE. Done into English by George Thornley. Illustrations. London and Edinburgh, 1893. 4to, cloth, uncut. 210 printed. Anderson's, April 20, 1900. (138) $10.00 DAPHNIS AND CHLOE. Literally and Completely Translated, with introduction and notes. Athens, for the Athenian Society, 1896. Large 8vo, original boards, uncut. 250 printed. 5207 Bangs', April 11, 1900. (333) $7.00 5208 Longworth. LONGWORTH'S AMERICAN ALMANAC, NEW YORK REGISTER AND CITY DIRECTORY FOR 1802. 12mo, half morocco, Bangs', Jan. 22, 1900. (421) $10.50 5209 Lopez (Moses). A LUNAR CALENDAR OF THE Festivals, and other Days in the Year, observed by the Israelites. Newport, 1806. 12mo, sheep, uncut. Bangs', Sept. 18, 1899. (35) $3.50 THE SAME. 12m0, sheep, uncut. 5210 Portrait. New Bangs', Jan. 4, 1900. (25) $6.75 5211 Lord (John). BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY. York, 1885. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. |