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3783 Hitchcock (Edward). REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, BOTANY, AND Zoology OF MASSACHUSETTS. Numerous woodcuts and volume of plates. Amherst, 1835. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (886) $6.00

3784 Hitchcock (Robert). HISTORICAL VIEW OF THE Irish STAGE. Dublin, 1788-94. 2 vols., 12m0, half calf.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1632) $5.00 3785 Hive (The): A Collection of the most Celebrated Songs. Third edition. Frontispiece. London, 1726. 4 vols., 12mo, calf. Bangs', Jan. 15, 1900. (104) $5.00 3786 Hoadley (C. J.). RECORDS OF THE COLONY AND PLANTATION OF NEW HAVEN, FROM 1638 το 1665. Hartford, 1857-58.

vols., 8vo, cloth.


Libbie's, Dec, 14, 1899. (1134) $7.00 3787 Hobler (Francis). RECORDS OF ROMAN HISTORY FROM CNÆUS POMPEIUS TO TIBERIUS CONSTANTIUS AS EXHIBITED ON THE ROMAN COINS. Westminster, 1860. 2 vols., royal 4to, cloth, Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. (415) $4.00


3788 Hodder (George). MEMORIES OF MY TIME, including personal reminiscences of eminent men. London, 1870. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. With 41 extra plates inserted. Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1634) $20.00 3789 Hodgkin (Thomas). ITALY AND HER INVADERS. Illustrations and maps. Oxford, 1880. 6 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout. Bangs', May 1, 1900. (145) $18.75 3790 Hoe (Robert). HISTORIC AND ARTISTIC BOOKBINDINGS from the 15th century to the present time, from originals in the Hoe Collection. JAPAN PAPER (200 printed). 176 illustrations. New York, 1895. 2 vols., large 4to, half levant morocco, uncut.

Bangs', March 19, 1900. (375) $36.00 3791 Hofdijk (W. J.). OUS VOORGESLACHT, in zijn dagelyksch leven geschilderd. Colored plates. Leyden, 1873. 6 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', April 30, 1900. (24) $6.75


3792 Hoffmann (E. T. W.). CONTES FANTASTIQUES. Paris, n. d. Royal 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, by Hardy. With 9 extra plates inserted.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1636) $16.00

3793 Hogarth (George). MEMOIRS OF THE MUSICAL DRAMA. Portraits. London, 1838. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1637) $10.00 MEMOIRS OF THE OPERA IN ITALY, FRANCE, GERMANY, AND ENGLAND. 2 portraits. London, 1851. 2 vols., small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Bangs', Dec. 1, 1899. (116) $8.50


3795 Hogarth (William). WORKS. A collection of 625 plates, including variations; that is, first, second, third, and fourth states, the very earliest impressions, a large portion being in proof condition. In 3 vols., large folio, levant morocco extra, gilt edges. Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1638) $1275.00 HOGARTH ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN IRELAND. Plates by Corbould and Dent. London, 1791-98. 3 vols., 8vo, old calf.



Bangs', May 16, 1900. (599) $4.95 - WORKS ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN IRELAND. Second edition, corrected. London, 1793. 2 vols., 8vo, old calf, rubbed. The two suppressed plates, "Before" and "After" somewhat stained. 3798




Hogarth (William). - Continued.
Supplement. Plates. London, 1804-06.
3 vols., 8vo, old calf
and old morocco. With autograph letter of John Ireland inserted.
Bangs', May 8, 1900. (610) $4.50
Hogarth Illustrated by JOHN IRELAND. London, Boy-
dell, 1812. 3 vols., 8vo, morocco, gilt edges.

Bangs', June 14, 1900. (368) $12.00 WORKS. 109 engravings. London, Boydell, [1795]. Folio, half calf, uncut. Bangs', Feb. 20, 1900. (482) $30.00 WORKS. Portrait and 109 plates, including the two "suppressed" plates. London, 1802. Folio, old half calf.

Henkels', May 16, 1900. (172) $15.00 3802-WORKS. Re-engraved by Thomas Cook.




Portrait and 111 engravings. London, 1806. Plates, I vol., folio, and text, I vol., 4to. Together 2 vols., half calf.

Bangs', Nov. 20, 1899. (448) $13.00

WORKS. Engraved by Himself. 153 plates, including the two "suppressed" plates. With descriptions by J. Nichols. London, 1822. Folio, half morocco extra, gilt edges.

Francis sale, Bangs', March 7, 1900. (159) $31.00 WORKS. From the original plates restored by James Heath. With descriptions by John Nichols. 116 plates and 3 suppressed plates. London, Baldwin & Cradock, n. d. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges. Bangs', Oct. 18, 1899. (257) $15.00

THE SAME. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges.

3806 THE SAME.


Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (550) $22.00

Folio, half morocco, gilt edges.

Bangs', March 5, 1900. (244) $25.00 WORKS. 158 plates. London, 1827. 2 vols., 4to, morocco. Francis sale, Bangs', March 7, 1900. (44) $6 50 WORKS. 90 engravings. London, 1837. 3 vols. in 2 vols., 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt tops, uncut.



Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1640) $20.00 HOGARTH MORALIZED. A Complete Edition of all the most Capital and Admired Works. With Explanations by John Trusler. Plates, proofs on India paper. London, 1831-33. 2 vols., 8vo, levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Rivière.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1642) $48.00 3810 Hohnel (Ludwig von). Discovery OF LAKES RUDOLF AND STEFANIE. 179 illustrations and 5 colored maps. London, 1894. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', Feb. 1, 1900. (163) $3.50

3811 Holbein (Hans). THE DANCE OF DEATH. 46 illustrations. Edinburgh, 1788. 4to, morocco extra, by J. Wright. Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1304) $15.00 3812 - THE DANCE OF DEATH. Portrait and 3t plates, including the folding plate "The Dance of the Macaber." London, 1804. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Henkels', May 31, 1900. (34) $3.10 London, 1811. 12mo,





Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1646) $6.50
THE DANCE OF DEATH. 33 plates, engraved by W. Hollar.
With Descriptions in English and French. London, 1816. 8vo,
half morocco, gilt top, uncut.


Holbein (Hans). - Continued.
With Introductory Note by Austin
Dobson. JAPAN PAPER (100 printed). London, 1892. 8vo,
paper, uncut.
Bangs', Oct. 10, 1899. (350) $3.50

3816 THE SAME. JAPAN PAPER. 8vo, paper, uncut.




Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (552) $8.00
THE SAME. JAPAN PAPER. 8vo, paper, uncut.
Bangs', June 14, 1900. (244) $4.00
ICONES VETERIS TESTAMENTI. London, Pickering, 1830.
Crown 8vo, levant morocco extra, gilt edges.
Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1645) $6.00

HENRY VIII. London, 1812. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. Bangs', May 28, 1900. (406) $17.50 3820 Holcroft (Thomas). THEATRICAL RECORDER. Portraits, mostly colored. London, 1805-06. 2 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1647) $16.00 AMERICAN FAUNA. Numerous illustrations, col

3821 Holder (J. B.).

lin, Galway, etc., by an
frontispiece and numerous
Bradbury & Evans, 1859.

ored by hand. New York, [1877]. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. Bangs', March 9, 1900. (190) $9.00 3822 Hole (Dean). A LITTLE TOUR IN IRELAND, being a visit to DubOxonian. First edition. Colored illustrations by John Leech. London, Square 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Bangs', March 26, 1900. (338) $3.75 3823 Holiday (Henry). STAINED GLASS AS AN ART. With colored frontispiece, plates, and 64 illustrations. London, 1896. 8vo, cloth. Bangs', April 30, 1900. (343) $3.87 3824 Holland (George). MEMOIR. New York, 1871. 2 vols., 4to, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. With 252 portraits, views, autographs, etc., inserted.

Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1650) $210.00

3825 Holland (Josiah G.). HISTORY OF WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS, the counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire. Map. Springfield, 1855. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth.

Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (633) $4.60 3826 Holland Society. YEAR BOOKS. From 1886 to 1897. New York, 1886-97. Together 9 vols., royal 8vo, half calf and cloth, uncut. Bangs', Oct. 26, 1899. (658) $9.45

3827 Hollingshead (John). MY LIFETIME. London, 1895. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1655) $5.00 3828 Hollister (G. H.). HISTORY OF CONNECTICUT. Hartford, 1858. 2 vols., 8vo, half roan, marbled edges. Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (637) $5.25 3829 Hollister (Hill). PAWLET, VERMONT, FOR ONE HUNDRED YEARS. Albany, 1867. 12mo, cloth. Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (1079) $3.00 3830 Holloway (Laura C.). LADIES OF THE WHITE HOUSE, OR IN THE HOME OF THE PRESIDENTS. 60 portraits and engravings. New York, 1886. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges.

3831 Holmes (Abiel).

Libbie's, Jan. 23, 1900. (547) $3.50 ANNALS OF AMERICA. Cambridge, 1805.


[blocks in formation]

2 vols., 8vo, sheep.






Poole sale, Libbie's, May 9, 1900.

ANNALS OF AMERICA. Cambridge, 1829.
Bangs', Feb. 16, 1900.

2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut.
Winsor sale, Libbie's, Feb. 20, 1900.

THE SAME. 2 vols., 8vo, half sheep.

Waterson sale, Libbie's, March 13, 1900. (961) $7.00

(504) $4.00 2 vols., 8vo, (150) $8.50

(1202) $9.00

[blocks in formation]


Bangs', April 16, 1900. (439) $10.00

[blocks in formation]

Boston, 1858. 12mo, cloth.

Bangs', Oct. 9, 1899. (196) $3.50

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (317) $4.00 12m0, cloth.

Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (489) $4.00 THE SAME. 12mo, levant morocco, inside border, gilt tops, uncut. With the original cloth covers bound in.



Bangs', May 28, 1900. (409) $9.00 3841- THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST TABLE. LARGE PAPER (250 printed). Cambridge, 1894. 2 vols., 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, Bangs', April 16, 1900. (442) $8.00 LARGE PAPER. 2 vols., 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, Anderson's, April 20, 1900. (110) $6.00 South. Poem of 5 verses printed on a First edition. N. p., n. d.

[blocks in formation]

Libbie's, April 17, 1900. (585) $5.75
First edition. Boston, 1861. 2 vols., 12mo,
Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (320) $3.25
THE SAME. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth.
Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (499) $4.00
FAIR PLAY. (A collection of charades in aid of a Fair at
Waltham.] First edition. Waltham, 1875. 16mo, paper.
Libbie's, April 17, 1900. (569) $5.75
16mo, paper.
Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (527) $5.50
GOD BLESS OUR YANKEE GIRLS. Music by T. Comer. First
edition. Boston, 1854. 6 pp., folio.

[blocks in formation]

Bangs', April 2, 1900.
3849- THE HARBINGER: a May Gift. First edition.
Crown 8vo, cloth, paper label.
Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900.

(143) $8.00 Boston, 1833.

(311) $12.00 3850- THE SAME. Crown 8vo, cloth. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1660) $12.00 3851 J. L. MOTLEY: a Memoir. Boston, 1879. Small 4to, morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. With 57 portraits, and an autograph letter of Holmes inserted.


Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2415) $43.00

OUR HUNDRED DAYS IN EUROPE. First edition. Boston, 1887. 12mo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author to Mrs. Bloomfield Moore, with inscription on fly-leaf, and also a note on 3853

Holmes (0. W.). - Continued.
POEMS. First edition.

Boston, 1836. 12mo, cloth, paper

label. Name on title.



Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (312) $12.50 12m0, cloth, foxed.


Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (469) $8.00
POEMS. New and enlarged edition. Boston, 1849. 12mo,
cloth, uncut.
Libbie's, April 17, 1900. (556) $4.00

[blocks in formation]



Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900.
12m0, cloth.

(329) $3.13

(191) $3.60

[blocks in formation]



Bangs', April 10, 1900.
URANIA. First edition. Boston, 1846. 8vo, original paper
Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (313) $3.00


AN UNPUBLISHED POEM. N. p., n. d. 8 pages, 16mo, original wrappers. With note on page 1: "These verses were read at a medical supper party about the year 1845."

Libbie's, April 17, 1900. (584) $12.00

WRITINGS. With Life and Letters, by J. T. Morse, Jr. LARGE PAPER. Cambridge, 1891-96. 16 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. 275 printed.


Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1659) $80.00 WORKS. Standard Library Edition. Boston, 1892. 13 vols., 12m0, cloth, uncut. Libbie's, April 17, 1900. (554) $19.50 3865- THE SAME. 13 vols., 12m0, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bangs', May 28, 1900. (408) $26.00 3866 Holmes (Richard R.). QUEEN VICTORIA. JAPAN PAPER. Plates in duplicate. London, 1897. 4to, uncut, in portfolio. Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (1082) $17.00


THE SAME. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1662) $19.00 3868 Holtzapfel (Charles). TURNING AND MECHANICAL MANIPULATION, intended as a Work of General Reference and Practical Instruction on the Lathe, 4 vols. [Also] Holtzapfel's General Catalogue. London, 1853-79. Together 5 vols., 8vo, half morocco and cloth. Bangs', Jan. 4, 1900. (143) $8.13

3869 Home Ballads by our Home Poets. Illustrations by F. O. C. Darley. New York, 1865. 12mo, paper, uncut.

Mackay sale, Libbie's, April 25, 1900. (709) $5.50 3870 Homer. THE ILIAD. A Burlesque Translation by the Rev. Thomas Brydges. Plates. London, 1797. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. Bangs', March 5, 1900. (249) $4.25 THE ILIAD. Translated into English blank verse, by William Cullen Bryant. Boston, 1870. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth.


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