Ford (Thomas). - Continued. THE SAME. 2821 2822 THE SAME. 12mo, cloth. Libbie's, Dec. 14, 1899. (237) $3.10 12m0, cloth. Poole sale, Libbie's, May 9, 1900. (428) $4.00 2823 Foreign Review (The) and Continental Miscellany. Vols. 1 to 5 (all published). London, 1828-30. 5 vols., 8vo, half roan. Poole sale, Libbie's, May 9, 1900. (432) $4.00 2824 Forest and Stream and Rod and Gun: The American Sportsman's Journal. Vols. 10 to 16, 1878 to 1881. Together 7 vols., 4to, half roan and half cloth. Bangs', June 4, 1900. (82) $7.70 2825 Forman (H. Buxton). THE BOOKS OF WILLIAM MORRIS DESCRIBED. JAPAN PAPER (70 printed). London, 1897. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2826 Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1500) $13.00 ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING AND HER SCARCER BOOKS. London, privately printed, 1896. 8vo, boards, uncut. 30 printed. Bangs', Feb. 20, 1900. (163) $3.13 2827 THE SAME. 8vo, boards, uncut. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (169) $4.25 2828 Forsey (Thomas) and Cunningham (Waddel). THE REPORT OF AN ACTION OF ASSAULT, BATTERY, AND WOUNDING. Tried in the Supreme Court of Judicature for the Province of New York, in the Term of October, 1764. New York, John Holt, 1764. Small 4to, unbound. Arnold sale, Bangs', April 23, 1900. (1540) $10.50 2829 Forster (John). LIFE OF CHARLES DICKENS. London, 1872-743 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Waterson sale, Libbie's, March 13, 1900. (553) $5.40 THE SAME. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, binding shaken. Bangs', April 11, 1900. (142) $3.60 THE SAME. 3 vols., 8vo, calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. With 134 portraits and views inserted. 2830 2831 Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1320) $57.00 2832- THE SAME. 3 vols., 8vo, inlaid and extended to 9 vols., folio, half levant morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. With over 1,600 autograph letters, portraits, views, etc., inserted. Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (964) $1080.00 LIFE OF CHARLES DICKENS, 1872-74, 3 vols. With Letters of Charles Dickens, edited by his sister-in-law and eldest daughter, 1880-82, 3 vols. London, 1872-82. Together 6 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', Jan. 24, 1900. (104) $12.75 2833 2834 2835 2836 THE SAME. 6 vols., 8vo, levant morocco extra, gilt tops, un- Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1319) $10.00 London, 1871. Libbie's, June 19, 1900. (1476) $4.00 2837 Fortescue (Thomas). THE FORESTE OR COLLECTION OF HISTORIES, NO LESSE PROFITABLE, THEN PLEASANT AND NECESSARIE, DOOEN OUT OF FRENCH INTO ENGLISHE. London, Iohn Kyngston, 1571. Small 4to, calf, cracked. II 2838 Forum (The). Vols. I to 20. morocco, and I vol. in parts. New York, 1886-95. 19 vols., half 2839 Foster (F. P.). AN ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPÆDIC MEDICAL DICTIONARY. New York, 1888. 4 vols., 4to, sheep. Bangs', Oct. 16, 1899. (256) $5.60 2840 Foster (George G.). NEW YORK NAKED. New York, [1854]. 8vo, paper, uncut. Bangs', May 4, 1900. (203) $3.50 2841 Foster (John). A DISCOURSE, DELIVERED DEC. 29, 1799, ОсCASIONED BY THE MELANCHOLY DEATH OF GEORGE WASHINGΤΟΝ. Boston, 1800. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Slee sale, Henkels', Feb. 1, 1900. (377) $5.00 2842 Foster (Joseph). THE PEERAGE, BARONETAGE, AND KNIGHTAGE OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE, FOR 1882. London, 1882. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, cloth. Bangs', Jan. 12, 1900. (67) $4.50 2843 Fouqué (La Motte). PETER SCHLEMIHL. Plates by Cruikshank. London, 1824. Post 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1216) $13.00 2844 Fournier (Édouard). VARIÉTÉS HISTORIQUES ET LITTÉRAIRES. Recueil de pièces volantes rares et curieuses en prose et en vers. Paris, 1855-63. 10 vols., 16mo, cloth, uncut. Libbie's, Nov. 1, 1899. (327) $7.50 2845 Fowler (Samuel P.). SALEM WITCHCRAFT; comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World, collected by Robert Calef; and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather. LARGE PAPER (100 printed). Boston, 1865. 4to, cloth, uncut. Arnold sale, Bangs', April 23, 1900. (2173) $3.00 2846 Fowler (William C.). HISTORY OF DURHAM, CONN., 1662 to 1866. Hartford, 1866. 8vo, cloth. Libbie's, Dec. 5, 1899. (285) $3.50 2847 Fox (John). ACTS AND MONUMENTS OF JOHN FOXE. With Life, etc., by G. Townsend. London, 1843. 8 vols., 8vo, half calf, red edges. Bangs', March 5, 1900. (3) $10.00 2848 Fox (Samuel). MONKS AND MONASTERIES, being an Account of English Monachism. London, 1845. 12mo, cloth. Bangs', April 30, 1900. (240) $4.50 2849 Fox-Davies (A. C.). ARMORIAL FAMILIES: a Complete Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage. Edinburgh, 1895. 4to, cloth, uncut. Bangs', Oct. 26, 1899. (22) $4.25 2850 - THE SAME. 4to, cloth, uncut. Bangs', Jan. 17, 1900. (672) $3.00 2851 Franck (Sebastien). CHRONICA ZEIT-BUCH UND GESCHICHTBIBELL. Ulm, Johann Varnier, 1536. Small folio, boards. Bangs', Sept. 18, 1899. (195) $5.50 2852 Franklin (Benjamin). COOL THOUGHTS ON THE PRESENT SITUATION OF OUR PUBLIC AFFAIRS, in a letter to a Friend in the Country. Philadelphia, W. Dunlap, 1764. 8vo, paper.. 2853 2854 Henkels', April 27, 1900. (619) $20.00 THE EXAMINATION OF DOCTOR BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, BEFORE AN AUGUST ASSEMBLY, RELATING TO THE REPEAL OF THE STAMP ACT. N. p., n. d. [1767]. 23 pages, 8vo, paper, uncut. Mackay sale, Libbie's, May 2, 1900. (459) $3.50 AN HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION AND GOvERNMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA. London, 1759. 8vo, calf. 2855 2856 2857 2858 Franklin (Benjamin). - Continued. LETTERS TO BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FROM HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS, 1751-1790. New York, 1859. Royal 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. 250 printed. Slee sale, Henkels', Feb. 1, 1900. (109) $4.50 A NARRATIVE OF THE LATE MASSACRES IN LANCASTER COUNTY OF A NUMBER OF INDIANS, FRIENDS OF THE PROVINCE, BY PERSONS UNKNOWN. Philadelphia, [1764]. 8vo, paper, uncut. Somewhat foxed. THE SAME. 8vo, paper. Henkels', Dec. 19, 1899. (745) $21.00 Henkels', April 27, 1900. (617) $1300 NEW EXPERIMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS ON ELECTRICITY MADE AT PHILADELPHIA, and communicated in several letters to Peter Collinson, Esq., of London. London, 1760-62-54. parts in I vol., small 4to, boards. - 3 Libbie's, Jan. 23, 1900. (422) $5.50 2859- THE PREFACES, PROVERBS, AND POEMS, originally printed in Poor Richard's Almanacs for 1733-1758. Collected and edited by Paul Leicester Ford. Brooklyn, privately printed, 1890. 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. 2860 2861 100 printed. Bangs', Nov. 10, 1899. (109) $4.00 2862 2863 2864 2865 Henkels', April 5, 1900. (383) $9.00 THE SAME. 10 vols., 8vo, half calf. With 2 extra portraits of Franklin laid in. Winsor sale, Libbie's, Feb. 20, 1900. (357) $6.25 WORKS. Edited by Jared Sparks. London, 1882. imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. 2866 2867 See also Broadsides and Duodecimo Club. street. Poole sale, Libbie's, May 9, 1900. (434) $16.00 2869 Franklin (James). THE PHILOSOPHICAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. London, 1784. Small 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, by BradSlee sale, Henkels', Feb. 1, 1900. (113) $18.00 2870 Franklin Gazette. Vols. I to 6. For 1818, 1819, and 1820. Philadelphia, 1818-20. In 3 vols., folio, half bound. Lacking a few numbers. Henkels', Dec. 19, 1899. (1034) $4.50 JoURNAL. Vols. I to 131 (not consecutive, some duplicates). Philadelphia, v. d. Together 263 numbers. 2871 Franklin Institute. 2872 Franklin Institute. - Continued. THE SAME. Vols. 120 to 141. (Lacking last number.) 15 vols., half sheep and 7 vols. in parts. Together 22 vols. Libbie's, March 28, 1900. (494) $11.00 2873 Freeman (Edward A.). WORKS, comprising: The History of the Norman Conquest of England, 6 vols.; The Reign of William Rufus, 2 vols. London, 1875-82. Together 8 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bangs', Dec. 14, 1899. (345) $32.80 2874 Freeman (Frederick). HISTORY OF CAPE COD, MASS. 15 portraits (some missing). Boston, 1869. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (265) $9.50 2875 Freeman (William). TRIAL FOR MURDER OF JOHN G. VAN NEST, including Evidence, Arguments, and Decision granting a new trial. Auburn, 1848. 8vo, half calf. Arnold sale, Bangs', April 23, 1900. (1200) $3.50 2876 Freeman Genealogy. In three parts. I. Memorial of Edmund Freeman, of Sandwich. II. Memorial of Samuel Freeman, of Watertown. III. Notes, Historical and Genealogical. Boston, 1875. 3 parts, 8vo, paper, uncut. Libbie's, Dec. 5, 1899. (338*) $4.20 2877- THE SAME. 3 parts, 8vo, paper, uncut. Libbie's, Dec. 14, 1899. (941) $3.30 2878- THE SAME. 3 parts, 8vo, paper, uncut. Libbie's, Jan. 9, 1900. (278) $3.75 2879 Freeman's Journal (The); or, The North American Intelligencer. From January 3 to December 26, 1787 (not consecutive). Philadelphia, 1787. Together 50 numbers, folio. 2880 Henkels', Dec. 19, 1899. (1014) $13.75 THE SAME. From January 2 to December 31, 1788. 51 numbers, folio. Henkels', Dec. 19, 1899. (1015) $10.20 2881 Freeman's Journal (The) and Philadelphia Mercantile Advertiser. Vols. 6, 7, and 8. From December 1, 1808, to December 1, 1811. (Lacking a few numbers.) Philadelphia, 1808-11. Folio, half bound. Henkels', Dec. 19, 1899. (1016) $6.00 THE SAME. From December 1, 1809, to December 1, 1810. (Lacking a few numbers.) Folio, half bound. 2882 Henkels', Dec. 19, 1899. (1017) $5.50 2883 Freer (M. W.). HENRY III., HIS COURT AND TIMES. New York, 1888. 3 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Anderson's, May 24, 1900. (72) $3.30 2884 Freischütz (Der): Travestie by Septimus Globus. First edition. 12 colored plates by Georg George Cruikshank. London, 1824. Royal 8vo, levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (703) $22.00 2885 Fremont (J. C.). THE Exploring EXPEDITION TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, etc., 1842-1844. Buffalo, 1846. Royal 8vo, calf. 2886 French (Edwin D.). A LIST COPPER. Cleveland, 1899. Bangs', Nov. 20, 1899. (50) $3.87 OF BOOK-PLATES ENGRAVED ON 8vo, cloth, uncut. 120 printed. Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (414) $4.50 2887 Freneau (Philip). POEMS. Written chiefly during the Late War. First edition. Philadelphia, Francis Bailey, 1786. 12mo, original sheep. Name cut from title-page, and a few pages slightly 2888 Freneau (Philip). - Continued. 2889 2890 Bangs', May 14, 1900. (350) $3.00 WORKS. First edition. 12mo, boards, uncut. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (389) $26.00 2891 Frere (B.). ADVENTURES OF A DRAMATIST ON A JOURNEY TO THE LONDON MANAGERS. London, 1813. 2 vols., 12mo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1335) $3.00 2892 Friend (The): A Religious and Literary Journal. Edited by Robert Smith. Vol. 1, No. 1, to Vol. 3, No. 52. Philadelphia, 182930. 3 vols., 4to, boards, uncut. Bangs', Dec. 8, 1899. (112) $4.50 2893 Friendship's Offering. For 1831, 1833, 1834, 1837, 1838, 1839, and 1840. 72 engravings. London, 1831-40. 7 vols., 12mo, original stamped roan, gilt edges. 3 volumes loose in binding. Bangs', Feb. 5, 1900. (228) $8.40 2894 Frink (Thomas). SERMON AT STAFFORD WHEN MR. JOHN WILLARD WAS ORDAINED. Boston, 1757. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Bangs', April 2, 1900. (95) $3.12 2895 Frith (William P.). JOHN LEECH: His Life and Work. Second edition. London, 1891. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bangs', Jan. 5, 1900. (68) $3.70 2896 Bangs', Jan. 12, 1900. (128) $3.75 2897 Frobisher (Martin). DE MARTINI Forbisseri ANGLI NAVIGATIONE IN REGIONES OCCIDENTIS ET SEPTENTRIONIS, NARRATIO HISTORICA, ex Gallico sermone in Latinum translata per D. Joan T. Freigium. Folding plate. Norimbergæ, 1580. 18mo, calf. Bangs', March 19, 1900. (312) $12.00 2898 Froissart (John). CHRONIQUE. Revue et corrigée sus divers Exemplaires. Lyon, 1559. 4 vols. in I vol., folio, old calf. Libbie's, Jan. 10, 1900. (219) $7.00 2899 THE SAME. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Chronicles of ENGLAND, FRANCE, SPAIN, AND THE ADJOINING COUNTRIES. Translated by Thomas Johnes. London, 1839. 2 vols., royal 8vo, uncut. [Also] Illuminated Illustrations of Froissart from the MSS. in the British Museum and the Bibliothèque Royale, Paris. By H. Noel Humphreys. 72 colored plates. London, 1844. Imperial 8vo, in the 24 original numbers, with covers, uncut. Roos sale, Bangs', March 12, 1900. (222) $40.50 2900 - CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, SPAIN, AND THE ADJOINING COUNTRIES. Translated by Thomas Johnes. London, 1868. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bangs', May 1, 1900. (108) $4.75 2901 Froissart (J.) and Monstrelet (E. de). CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, AND SPAIN. Translated by Thomas Johnes. London, 1840-44. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. |