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Encyclopædia Britannica. - Continued.

ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA. Ninth edition. New York, Scribner, 1878-89. 25 vols., 4to, half calf.

Bangs', Nov. 16, 1899. (120) $62.50



[blocks in formation]


Bangs', Oct. 12, 1899. (109) $28.12

THE SAME. 25 vols., royal 8vo, cloth.

Henkels', March 6, 1900. (147) $12.50
Chicago, R.

S. Peale, 1894. 25 vols., 4to, cloth.

Clive sale, Henkels', Jan. 30, 1900. (87) $15.00 2558- SUPPLEMENT TO ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA, AMERICANA, AND LATEST DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE, etc. New York, 1894. 5 vols., 4to, cloth. Bangs', Oct. 25, 1899. (3) $7.50

2559 Encyclopædia of Pleading and Practice, under the Codes and Practice Acts. Vols. I to 15. Northport, 1895-99. 15 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. Field sale, Libbie's, May 15, 1900. (191) $22.50 2560 Encyclopædic Dictionary. Colored plates. Philadelphia, 1896. 4 Libbie's, March 28, 1900. (619) $3.50 2561 England (John). WORKS. Collected and Arranged under the Advice of Rev. I. A. Reynolds. Baltimore, 1849. 5 vols., 8vo, Henkels', March 6, 1900. (81) $10.00

vols., 4to, cloth.


2562 English Art in the Public Galleries in London. Text by T. H. Ward, Austin Dobson, and others. JAPAN PAPER (50 printed). London, 1888. Folio, levant morocco extra, watered silk fly-leaves, by Zaehnsdorf. Bangs', March 19, 1900. (195) $25.50

2563 English Catalogue, comprising the London and British Catalogues of Books published in Great Britain. Vols. 3 and 4, 1872 to 1889. London, 1873-91. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco.




Bangs', Jan. 15, 1900. (137) $5.50

THE SAME. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco.

Bangs', Jan. 22, 1900. (183) $5.60 THE SAME. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Bangs', June 14, 1900. (289) $4.40 THE SAME. With Index 1872 to 1889. Together 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (295) $4.50 2567 English Classics. Comprising: The Arabian Nights, Vathek and Rasselas, Robinson Crusoe, Tristram Shandy, Gulliver's Travels, Sentimental Journey and Tale of a Tub, Old English Baron and Castle of Otranto. LARGE PAPER (40 printed). Together 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Bangs', May 28, 1900. (326) $21.00

2568 English Common Law Reports. Vols. I to 118 and Index, 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1871-79. Together 121 vols., 8vo, sheep. Field sale, Libbie's, May 15, 1900. (199) $90.75 2569 English Historical Review. Edited by Rev. Mandell Creighton. Vols. 2 to 12. London, 1877-98. Together II vols., royal 8vo, in parts, uncut. Winsor sale, Libbie's, Feb. 20, 1900. (314) $26.40 2570 English Rogue (The), described in the Life of Meriton Latroon. Portraits. London, 1672. 4 vols. in 2 vols., 8vo, morocco.

English Rogue (The). - Continued.

2571 - THE ENGLISH ROGUE, described in the Life of Meriton Latroon. Reprint of 1665 edition. London, n. d. 4 vols., 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut.

Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (368) $11.00 2572 Entick (John). GENERAL HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR, containing its rise, progress, and event in Europe, Asia, Atrica, and America. Portraits and maps. London, 1779. 5 vols., 8vo, sheep. Libbie's, Dec. 5, 1899. (306) $5.50


THE SAME. 5 vols., 8vo, calf.

Bangs', May 14, 1900. (313) $6.00 2574 Epictetus. London, Humphreys, 1897. 2 vols., 4to, original covers, uncut.

Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1198) $9.00 2575 Epitome of Electricity and Galvanism, by two Gentlemen of Philadelphia. Frontispiece. Philadelphia, Jane Aitken, 1809. 8νο, boards, uncut. Bangs', May 28, 1900. (314) $3.75

2576 Erasmus (D.). LES APOPHTHEGMES. Translatez de Latin en Françoys, par l'eslu Macault. Paris, 1551. 12mo, calf, scroll and arabesque decoration, restored. Edelheim sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 7, 1900. (1199) $8.00 PRAISE OF FOLIE Englished by Sir T. Chaloner. London, Berthelet, 1549. Small 4to, old calf.



Bangs', March 19, 1900. (291) $20.50
DAS LOB DER NARRHEIT. Copperplates by Chodowecki.
Berlin, 1781. 12mo, half vellum.
Bangs', May 8, 1900. (487) $8.50

2579 Esquemeling (A. O.). BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. First edition. London, 1684.



title-page inlaid.

With the fourth part. Copperplate illustrations. 4to, morocco. Second Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1158) $40.00 THE HISTORY OF THE BUCANIERS OF AMERICA. Fourth edition. London, 1741. 2 vols., 8vo, calf.

Arnold sale, Bangs', April 23, 1900. (152) $3.50 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Facsimiles. London, 1893. 8vo, cloth. Slee sale, Henkels', Feb. 1, 1900. (100) $3.10 2582 Essay (An) on the Manufacture of Straw Bonnets. Providence, 1825. 18mo, boards.

Mackay sale, Libbie's, May 2, 1900. (1000) $3.25 2583 Essex County. ATLAS OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. From actual surveys and official records. Compiled and published by D. G. Beers & Co. Philadelphia, 1872. Folio, half roan.

Libbie's, April 17, 1900. (52) $3.50 2584 Essex Institute. BULLETINS. Vols. I to 30. Salem, 1870-97. 26 vols., bound in 13 vols., cloth, and 4 vols. in parts. Together 17 vols., 8vo.


Winsor sale, Libbie's, Feb. 20, 1900. (1153) $21.25 HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS. Vols. I to 34 (lacking Vol. 33). Salem, 1859-98. 18 vols. cloth and 16 vols. bound in 12 vols., half morocco. Together 30 vols., 8vo.

Winsor sale, Libbie's, Feb. 20, 1900. (1154) $63.75

2586- THE SAME. Vols. I to 28. 28 vols., 8vo, in parts.

2587 Etheredge (Sir George). WORKS. Edited by A. Wilson Verity. London, 1888. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (370) $3.25 2588 Eunuchism Display'd. Describing all the different sorts of Eunuchs also a Comparison between Signor Nicolini and the three Celebrated Eunuchs now at Rome, etc. London, 1718. 16mo, old calf. Arnold sale, Bangs', April 23, 1900. (556) $3.25 2589 Euripides. Venice, Aldus, 1503. 2 vols., 8vo, morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Bangs', April 16, 1900. (12) $22.00 2590 Euterpeiad (The). An Album of Music, Poetry, and Prose. Vol. I. New York, 1830. 4to, boards. Bangs', Feb. 16, 1900. (1172) $11.50 2591 Évangiles (des) des Dimanches et Fêtes de l'Année. With the Appendix. Printed in colors and gold. Paris, L. Curmer, 1864. 3 vols., 4to, levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit. Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2083) $120.00 THE SAME. 3 vols. in 2 vols., 4to, half levant morocco, gilt Henkels', May 16, 1900. (163) $38.00 2593 Evans (Estwick). A PEDESTRIOUS TOUR OF FOUR THOUSAND MILES THROUGH THE WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES DURING THE WINTER AND SPRING OF 1818. Portrait. Concord, 1819. 12mo, boards, uncut.



Winsor sale, Libbie's, Feb. 20, 1900. (1155) $5.00 2594 Evans (Lewis). ANALYSIS OF A GENERAL MAP OF THE MIDDLE BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA, AND OF THE COUNTRY OF THE CONFEDERATE INDIANS. Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755. 4to, half morocco. Lacking the map, but with one of later date inserted. Bangs', March 19, 1900. (292) $47.00 THE SAME. 4to, boards, uncut. No map. Bangs', March 19, 1900. (293) $12.50 2596 Evans (Oliver). THE YOUNG STEAM ENGINEER'S GUIDE. Philadelphia, 1805. 8vo, boards, uncut. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (357) $4.75


2597 Eve (G. W.). DECORATIVE HERALDRY: a Practical Handbook of its Artistic Treatment. JAPAN PAPER (130 printed). London, 1897. 8vo, paper, uncut. Bangs', Nov. 10, 1899. (85) $3.75 2598 Evelyn (John). DIARY. Edited by William Bray. A new edition, with a life of the author by H. B. Wheatley. Portraits. London, 1879. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut.



Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (371) $8.00
THE SAME. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut.
Bangs', May 1, 1900. (94) $6.50
DIARY. Edited by W. Bray. With Life, by H. B. Wheatley.
ÉDITION DE LUXE (60 printed). London, 1882. 4 vols., im-
perial 8vo, half morocco, uncut.

Clive sale, Henkels', Jan. 30, 1900. (4-a) $29.00 2601 Everard (Edward Cape). MEMOIRS, Edinburgh, 1818. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1163) $4.00 2602 Everett (Edward). ORATIONS AND SPEECHES ON VARIOUS OcCASIONS. Boston, 1859-68. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Libbie's, Jan. 23, 1900. (374) $4.00 2603 Evergreen (The): a Monthly Magazine of New and Popular Tales and Poetry. Vol. 1, January to December, 1840. New York, 1840. Royal 8vo, half calf.

2604 Ewald (Heinrich). THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL. Translated from the German. Second edition, revised. London, 1869-74. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bangs', May 16, 1900. (475) $7.25 2605 Exact and most Impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial and Judgment of twenty-nine Regicides, the Murtherers of his late Sacred Majesty. London, 1660. Small 4to, morocco, gilt edges. Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (1268) $5.00

2606 Ex-Libris Society. JOURNAL OF THE EX-LIBRIS SOCIETY, LONDON. Vol. I to Vol. 9, Number 10 (2 parts missing). London, 1891-99. 9 vols., 4to, in parts, uncut.

Libbie's, Feb. 8, 1900. (372) $11.25 2607- THE SAME. Vols. I to 7. 7 vols. 4to, in parts, uncut. Bangs', April 2, 1900. (45) $10.50 2608 Eyries (Gustave). CHÂTEAUX HISTORIQUES DE LA FRANCE. Illustrations. Paris, 1877. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1167) $20.00 2609 Eytinge (Rose) and Fisher (S. A.). IT HAPPENED THIS WAY. New York, 1890. 12mo, cloth. Presentation copy from Rose Eytinge.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1168) $6.00 2610 Faber (G. Stanley). ORIGIN OF PAGAN IDOLATRY. Map and plates. London, 1816. 2 vols., 4to, calf.

Clive sale, Henkels', Jan. 30, 1900. (90) $15.00 2611 Fagan (Louis). LIFE OF SIR ANTHONY PANIZZI, late principal Librarian of the British Museum. London, 1880. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Winsor sale, Libbie's, Feb. 20, 1900. (701) $4.40 2612 Fairbairn (James). BOOK OF CRESTS OF THE FAMILIES of Great BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Revised by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies. 229 plates. Edinburgh, 1892. 2 vols., 4to, half roan, uncut.

Bangs', Oct. 26, 1899. (364) $6.25

2613 Family Magazine. Vol. 1, 1833, to Vol. 6, 1839.

Plates. New

York, 1833-39. 6 vols. in 5 vols., royal 8vo, half bound. Bangs', Dec. 8, 1899. (200) $7.50 2614 Fanning (Col. David). NARRATIVE OF COL. DAVID FANNING, giving an account of his Adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783. New York, 1865. Royal 8vo, sheets. Outer sheets Poole sale, Libbie's, May 9, 1900. (414) $3.50


2615 Farjeon (B. L.). NOVELS. London, v. d. 42 vols., post 8vo, half morocco and cloth. All presentation copies with inscription in

each volume.

Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1177-1194) $42.00 2616 Farmer (Jacob) and Moore (B.). COLLECTIONs, typographical, historical, and biographical, relating principally to New Hampshire. Concord, 1822. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. S. G. Drake's copy, with 37 portraits, 3 maps and 2 pedigrees inserted.


Clogston sale, Libbie's, Nov. 14, 1899. (484) $16.12 2617 Farmer (John) GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF THE FIRST SETTLERS OF NEW ENGLAND. Lancaster, 1829. 8vo, boards, uncut. Libbie's, Dec. 5, 1899. (315) $7.25 THE SAME. 8vo, boards. Winsor sale, Libbie's, Feb. 20, 1900. (1156) $7.00 2619- THE SAME. 8vo, boards. Libbie's, April 17, 1900. (390) $6.50 8vo, boards. Waterstained.



2621 Farmer (John S.). AMERICANISMS OLD AND NEW. London, 1889. 4to, boards, uncut.


Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1195) $4.00
MUSA PEDESTRIS: Three Centuries of Canting Songs and
Slang Rhymes, 1536-1896. London, privately printed, 1896.
Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Bangs', Feb. 20, 1900. (662) $3.25
THE SAME. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut.


2623 Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (2434) $5.00 2624- THE SAME. LARGE PAPER (150 printed). Small 4to, boards, Bangs', April 16, 1900. (624) $3.25 2625- NATIONAL BALLAD AND SONG: Merry Songs and Ballads Prior to the Year 1800. London, 1897. 4to, boards, uncut. Anderson's, April 20, 1900. (84) $4.00 SLANG AND ITS ANALOGUES, Past and Present. Vols. I to 4. A to Myz. London, 1890-96. 4 vols., small 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bangs', Feb. 20, 1900. (349) $10.50




THE SAME. 4 vols., small 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1196) $20.00 2628 Farquhar (George). THE INCONSTANT. Arranged by Augustin Daly. LARGE PAPER. New York, privately printed, 1889. Inlaid to folio, half levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. With nearly 150 plates, play-bills, etc., including the original text of 1702, inserted.


Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (740) $50.00
LOVE AND BUSINESS, in a collection of Occasionary Verse
and Epistolary Prose. London, n. d. 8vo, levant morocco, gilt
top, by Stikeman.
Bangs', Feb. 20, 1900. (350) $20.50


THE RECRUITING OFFICER. Arranged by Augustin Daly. LARGE PAPER. New York, privately printed, 1885. Inlaid to folio, half levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. With 60 portraits, play-bills, etc., inserted.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (749) $50.00 2631 - DRAMATIC WORKS. Edited, with Life, by A. C. Ewald. London, 1892. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Henkels', May 16, 1900. (97) $3.80

2632 Farren (Miss). MEMOIRS OF THE COUNTESS OF DERBY. Miss Farren rescued by truth from the assassinating pen of Petronius Arbiter. London, 1797. 8vo, half calf, gilt top.

Daly sale, American Art Galleries, March 19, 1900. (1202) $6.00

2633 Farrier (G. H.). MEMORIAL OF THE CENTENNIAL CelebratioN OF THE BATTLE OF PAULUS Hook, Aug. 19, 1779, with a History of Jersey City. New York, 1879. 8vo, cloth.

vised and enlarged, with
royal 8vo, half russia.

Bangs', May 14, 1900. (1089) $3.50 2634 Farrow (E. S.). MILITARY ENCYCLOPEDIA. Second edition, reSupplement. New York, 1895. 3 vols., Bangs', March 15, 1900. (411) $3.90 royal 8vo, half russia. Henkels', April 5, 1900. (1087) $3.30 royal 8vo, half russia.


THE SAME. 3 vols., 2636- THE SAME. 3 vols.,

2637 Fasciculus Temporum. old calf.

2638 Fasciculus Temporum.

Bangs', April 10, 1900. (180) $3.75

Cologne, C. de Hoemborch, 1476.

Bangs', March 19, 1900. (529) $10.50

Vtrecht, 1480. Folio, old calf.

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