'And Truth fevere by Fairy Fiction drest. 'In Buskin'd measures move $ 'Pale Grief, and pleasing Pain, 'With Horror, tyrant of the throbbing breaft. A voice, as of the cherub-choir, * 'Gales from blooming Eden bear; And distant warblings leffen on my car, † 'That loft in long futurity expire. 'Fond impious man, think'st thou, yon fanguine cloud, 'And warms the nations with redoubled ray. 'The different doom our fates affign. 'Be thine Despair, and fceptred Care; He spoke, and headlong, from the mountain's height, ADVERTISEMENT. THE author once had thoughts, in concert with a friend, of giving A HISTORY OF ENGLISH POETRY: in the introduction to it he meant to have produced fome fpecimens of the file, that reigned in antient times among the neighbouring nations, or those who had fubdued the greater part of this island, and were our progenitors. The following three imitations made a part of them. He has long fince drop'd his defign; especially after he heard, that it was already in the hands of a perfon well qualified to do it justice both by his taste, and his researches into antiquity. A FATAL SISTERS, * FROM THE NORSE TONGUE. IN the eleventh century, Sigurd Earl of the Orkney islands went, with a fleet of ships, and a confiderable body of troops, into Ireland, to the affiftance of Sigtryg with the filken beard, who was making war on his father-in-law Brian King of Dublin. The Earl and all his forces were cut to pieces, and Sigtryg was in danger of a total defeat; but the enemy had a greater lofs by the death of Brian their King, who fell in the action. On Christmas-day (the day of the battle) a native of Caithness in Scotland faw, at a distance, a number of perfons, on horfeback, riding full speed towards a hill, and feeming to enter into it. Curiosity led him to follow them; till, looking through an opening in the rocks, he faw twelve gigantic figures refembling women: they were all employed about a loom, and as they wove, they fung the following dreadful fong; which when they had finifhed, they tore the web into twelve pieces, and each taking her portion, galloped fix to the north, and as many to the fouth. * The VALKYRIUR were female divinities, fervants of Odin, or Woden, in the Gothic mythology: their name fignifies Chufers of the flain.' They were mounted on fwift horfes, with drawn fwords in their hands; and in the throng of battle selected fuch as were deftin'd to flaughter, and conducted them to Valhalla (the hall of Odin, or paradife of the brave) where they attended VITT ER ORPIT FYRIR VALFALLI I. NOW the ftorm begins to lower: II. Glittering lances are the loom, III. See the grifly texture grow! Each a gafping warrior's head. IV. Shafts, for fhuttels, dip'd in gore, Shoot the trembling cords along! Sword, that once a Monarch bore, Keep the tiffue clofe and frong! the banquet, and ferved the departed heroes with horns of mead and ale. *From the Orcades of Thormodus Torfaeus. How quick they wheel'd, and flying behind them thot Sharp fleet of arrowy fhower- Milton's Par. Re. The noife of battle hurtled in the air. Shakespear's Julius Caefar. Pikes must shiver, jav'lins fing, VII. (Weave the crimson web of war) Let us go, and let us fly, Where our friends the conflict share, Where they triumph, where they die. VIII. As the paths of fate we tread, Wading through th'enfanguin'd field, Gondula, and Geira, spread O'er the youthful King your shield. IX. We the reins to flaughter give, (Weave the crimson web of war.) X. They, whom once the defart-beech Pent, within its bleak domain, Soon their ample fway fhall ftretch O'er the plenty of the plain. XI. Low the dauntlefs Earl is laid, Gored with many a gaping wound. |