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The melody of articulate found fo powerfully inchants the mind, as to draw a vail over very grofs faults and imperfections. Of this power a ftronger example cannot be given, than the episode of Ariftæus, which clofes the fourth book of the Georgics. To renew a stock of bees when the former is loft, Virgil afferts, that they will be produced in the intrails of a bullock, flain and managed in a certain manner. This leads him to fay, how this ftrange receipt was invented; which is as follows. Ariftæus having loft his bees by disease and famine, never dreams of employing the ordinary means for obtaining a new stock; but, like a froward child, complains heavily of his misfortune to his mother Cyrene, a waternymph. She advifes him to confult Proteus, a fea-god, not how he was to obtain a new stock, but only by what fatality he had loft his former stock; adding, that violence was neceffary, because Proteus would fay nothing voluntarily. Ariftæus, fatisfied with this advice, though it. him no profpect of repairing his lofs, proceeds to execution. Proteus is catched fleeping, 3 M




bound with cords, and compelled to speak, He declares, that Aristæus was punished with the lofs of his bees, for attempting the chastity of Euridice, the wife of Orpheus; she having got her death by the sting of a ferpent in flying his embraces. Proteus, whofe fullenness ought to have been converted into wrath by the rough treatment he met with, becomes on a fudden courteous and communicative. He gives the whole history of Orpheus's expedition to hell in order to recover his fpoufe; a very entertaining ftory indeed, but without the leaft relation to the affair on hand. Aristæus returning to his mother, is advised to deprecate by facrifices the wrath of Orpheus, who was now dead. A bullock is facrificed, and out of the intrails fpring miraculously a fwarm of bees. How fhould this have led any mortal to think, that, without a miracle, the fame might be obtained naturally, as is fuppofed in the receipt?


A lift of the different FEET, and of their NAMES.

1. PYRRHICHIUS, confifts of two short fyllables. Examples: Deus, given, cannot, billock, running.

2. SPONDEUS, confifts of two long fyllables. Ex. omnes, poffefs, forewarn, mankind, fometime.

3. IAMBUS, compofed of a fhort and a long. Ex. pios, intent, degree, appear, confent, repent, demand, report, fufpect, affront, event.

4. TROCHAUS, or CHOREUS, a long and à fhort. Ex. fervat, whereby, af

ter, legal, measure, burden, holy, lofty.

5. TRIBRACHYs, three fhort. Ex. melius, property.

6. MOLOSSUS, three long. Ex. dele


3 M 2

7. ANA

7. ANAPÆSTUS, two fhort and a long. Ex. animos, condefcend, apprebend, overheard, acquiefce, immature, overcharge, ferenade, opportune.

8. DACTYLUS, a long and two short. Ex. carmina, evident, excellence, eftimate, wonderful, altitude, burdened, minifter, tenement,

9. BACCHIUS, a fhort and two long. Ex. dolores.

to. HYPPOBACCHIUS, or ANTIBACCHIUS, two long and a fhort. Ex. pelluntur.


11. CRETICUS, or AMPHIMACER, fhort fyllable betwixt two long, Ex. infito, afternoon.

12. AMPHIBRACHYS, a long fyllable betwixt two short. Ex. honore, confider, imprudent, procedure, attended, propofed, refpondent, concurrence, aja prentice, refpective, revenue.

13. PRO

13. PROCELEUSMATICUS, four fhort fyllables. Ex. hominibus, necessary.

14. DISPONDEUS, four long fyllables. Ex. infinitis,

15. DIIAMBUS, compofed of two Iambi, Ex. feveritas.

16. DITROCHÆUS, of two Trochai. Ex. permanere, procurator.

17. IONICUS, two fhort fyllables and two long. Ex. properabant.

18. Another foot paffes under the fame name, composed of two long fyllables and two short. Ex. calcaribus, •poffeffory.

19. CHORIAMBUS, two fhort fyllables betwixt two long. Ex. Nobilitas.

20. ANTISPASTUS, two long fyllables betwixt two fhort. Ex. Alexander.

21. PÆON ift, one long fyllable and three fhort. Ex. temporibus, ordinary, in

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ventory, temperament.

22. PEON

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