William Blake, His Philosophy and SymbolsPeter Smith, 1958 - 487 pages |
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Ahania Angel appears become Beulah Bible Blake body Book Book of Los Book of Urizen Bromion Christ Church clouds Commentary copy Daughters of Albion death decoration Divine doctrine earth Emanation engraved Enion Enitharmon error Eternity evil eyes Fall false Felpham Female fire flames flesh Four Zoas Gate Hayley Heaven and Hell human illustration Imagination Inspiration Jakob Böhme Jerusalem Jesus Last Judgment Leutha Line Loins Luvah Marriage of Heaven material Milton Moon mystical Nature never Night nude Oothoon Palamabron Paradise passage Passion philosophy Plate poem Poet Poetic Poetry Proverb Rahab Reason Religion repeated represents Revolution Rintrah Satan Selfhood sense serpent Shadow Songs of Experience Songs of Innocence sons soul Space Spectre spirit stanza stars symbol Tharmas Thel Theotormon things thou thought Tiriel Tree truth Ulro Urizen Urthona Vala verse VIII vision William Blake woman wrath wrote