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[VOL. LXIII.-WHOLE No. 1,614.


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CONGRESS. The two houses of congress brought their late long and arduous session to a close on Wednesday last at two o'clock.

The tariff bill passed the senate with amendments on Saturday; on Monday it come into the house; an effort was made to have it laid on the table, which was defeated by a vote of 120 nays, to 65 yeas, and the amendments were concurred in. On the 30th ult. it received the signature of the president.

The bill for repealing that provision of the distri bution act which suspends its operation whenever duties are laid upon imports at a higher rate than 20 per cent. on the value thereof, passed by both houses, has been retained by the president without signa


The bill to regulate the taking of evidence in cases of contested elections passed by both houses, has likewise been retained without signature by the presi


The bill to reorganize the navy department by abolishing the board of navy commissioners and establishing a series of bureaus in lieu thereot, has be

come a law.

The treasury note bill reported by the committee of way and means has also become a law.

SENATOR KERR. The National Intelligencer of the 1st inst. says: "We learn from a friend of Mr. Senator Kerr, of Maryland, whose absence from his seat in the senate for a few days past has been noticed, that his absence was unavoidably necessary, but did not take place until he had an opportunity of pairing off with a senator of opposite politics; so that neither the state which he represents nor the side of the senate to which he belongs sustained any loss in votes by his absence."

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1. .Intimations, through many channels, received at general head quarters, lead to more than a suspicion that blows, kicks, cuffs and lashes, against law, the good of the service and the faith of government, have, in many instances, down to a late period, been inflicted upon private soldiers of the ariny by their officers and non-commissioned officers.

2. It is due to the line, generally, to add, that those imitations refer almost exclusively to the 2d dragoons and 3d infantry.

3. Inquiries into the reported abuses are in progress, with instructions, if probable evidence of guilt be found, to bring the offenders to trial.

4. It is well known to every vigilant officer that discipline can be maintained (and it shall be so maintained-) by legal means. Other resorts are, in the end, always destructive of good order and subordi


5. Insolence, disobedience, mutiny, are the usual provocations to unlawful violence. But these several offences are denounced by the 6th, 7th and 9th of the rules and articles of war, and made punishable by the sentence of courts martial. Instead, however, of waiting for such judgement, according to the nature and degree of guilt, deliberately foundthe hasty and conceited-losing all self-control and dignity of command-assume that their individual importance is more outraged than the majesty of law, and act, at once, as legislators, judges and executioners. Such gross usurpation is not to be tolerated in any well governed army.

for law and gentlemanly conduct on all occasions. A failure under either of those heads ought always to be followed by the loss of a commission.

10. At a time when, notwithstanding the smallness of the establishment, thousands of the most promising youths are desirous of military commissions, the country has a right to demand-not merely the usual exact observance of laws, regulations and orders, but yet more-that every officer shall give himself up entirely to the cultivation and practice of all the virtues and accomplishments which can elevate an honorable profession. There is in the army of the United States, neither room. nor associates, for the idle, the ignorant, the vicious. the disobedient. To the very few such, thinly scattered over the service whether in the line or the staff, these admonitions are mainly addressed, and let the vigilant eye of all commanders be fixed upon them. No bad or indifferent officer should receive from a senior any favor or indulgenee whatsoever.

11. The attention of commanders of departments, regiments, companies and garrisons is directed to the 101st of the rules and articles of war, which requires that the whole series shall be read to the troops at least once in every six months. WINFIELD SCOTT.

NAVAL. The law reorganizing the naval departiment has been followed by the following appointments by the president-by and with the advice and consent of the senate.

Lewis Warrington, to be chief of the bureau of navy yards and ducks.

Wi. M. Crane, to be chief of the bureau of ordnance and hydrography.

Win. P. C. Barton, to be chief of the bureau of medicine and surgery.

David Connor, to be chief of the bureau of construction, equipment and repairs.

Charles W. Goldsborough, to be chief of the bureau of provisions and clothing.

6. For insolent words, addressed to a superior, let the
soldier be ordered into confinement. This, of itself,
if followed by prompt repentance and apology, may
often be found a sufficient punishment. If not, a
court can readily authorise the final remedy. A de-
liberate, or unequivocal breach of orders, is treated
of mutiny, the sentence would, in all probability, ex-
with yet greater judicial rigor. and, in a clear case
tend to life. It is evident, then, that there is not
Passed midshipman Hunn Ginsevoort to be lieu-
even a pretext for punishments decreed on indivi-tenant, from the 27th February, 1842, vice Clinton, de-
dual assumption, and at the dictate of pride and re-

7. But it may be said, in the case of mutiny, or con-
duct tending to this great crime-that it is necessary
First order him to be seized.
to cut down, on the spot, the exciter or ring-leader.
If his companions put
him into irons or confinement, it is plain there is no
spread of the dangerous example. But, should they
hesitate;;-or should it be necessary in any case of
disobedience, desertion or running away-the object
being to secure the person for trial;—as always to re-
pel a personal assault, or to stop an affray-in every
one of these cases any superior may strike and
wound; but only to the extent clearly necessary to
such lawful end. Any excess, wantonly committed
beyond such measured violence, would, itself, be
punishable in the superior. No other case can pos-
sibly justify any superior in committing violence
upon the body of any inferior, without the judgment
of a court-except that it may sometimes be neces-
sary, by force, to iron prisoners for security, or to
gag them for quiet.

Promotions. Commander John Gwinn to be captain,
April. 1842, vice Ginn, promoted.
from the 17th April 1812, vice Clack, dismissed.
Lieut James T. Gerry to be commander, from the 17th

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NATIONAL DEBTS. President Tyler, in his late message, speaks of the United States as 'having paid off her whole debt since the last peace, while all the other great powers have been increasing theirs! We are sorry to see a remark in an important public document, betraying such a want of information upon the history and condition of foreign countries, as is implied in the passage above quoted. How could the president have gotten the idea that all the great powers of the world, except the United States, have been since the peace, increasing their respective public debts? There is no one of the great powers of Europe, which has not been reducing its debt, during the same period in which the U. States has paid off hers. There are five governments which are usually denominated the great powers, all of which have been since the peace, successfully enAcam Gordon, collector of the custoins, at Key West, gaged in reducing the enormous debts contracted by (Fa.) re-appointed. 8. Harsh and abusive words, passionately or wanton- them during the long war which preceded. Great Patrick O. Lee, register of the land office at Natchito-ly applied to unoffending inferiors, is but little less Britain, which is burdened with the greatest debt, ches, (La.) re-appointed. reprehensible. Such language is, at once, unjust, has reduced that burden fifty millions sterling since vulgar and unmanly; and, in this connection, it may the peace, and what is more, has by changes of ingulations for the army: be useful to recall a passage from the old general revestment with the consent of the public creditors, reduced to the amount of annual interest five mil

NATIONAL AFFAIRS. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. By and with the advice and consent of the senate. George F. Usher, of Rhode Island, to the commercial agent at Cape layuen, in the Island of St. Domingo, in the place of Benj. E. Viali, resigned.

Peter Laidlaw, register of the land office at New Orleans, vice Joseph Genois, resigned.

Jolin P. Brown, Dragoman to the legation of the U.
S. at the Sublime Porte
A. D. Mann, of Ohio, at Bremen, in the
place of F. J. Grund.
Edward Gamage, of S. C., at Florence.
Essex R. Livingston, of N. Y., at Nantes, in the place
ot N. Haly, deceased.

J. Marks, of N. Y., at La Rochelle, in the place of HI.
P. Vanbibber, resigned.

"The general deportment of officers towards ju- lions. The public debt of Russia, according to the niors or inferiors will be carefully watched and re- latest authentic accounts, was reduced to 934,000,000 gulated. If this be cold or harsh, on the one hand, paper roubles, having been in 1830 as high as 1,500,or grossly familiar on the other, the harmony or dis-000,000. The state of the finances of the Austrian emcipline of the corps cannot be maintained. The ex- pire is not very satisfactorily known, but according amples are numerous and brilliant, in which the most to the best information, the debt has been reduced conciliatory manners have been found perfectly com- since the peace more than 100,000,000 of American Ph lip A. de Creny, of Maine, for the Island of Mar-patible with the exercise of the strictest command; dollars. The debt of Prussia, which amounted in tinique, in the place of John E Wood, deceased. Levi Bixby, of Vermont, at Paramaribo, in the place of Thomas Trask, resigned. W. W. J. Smith of Virginia, at Matagorda, in the place of CS Wallack, resigned. John F. M. Great, at Campechy, in the place of C. S. Pebies, s ed.

John A. Robinson, of N. Y at Guaymas, in California, in the place of E. S. Glasgow, resigned.

P. Pou at Barcelona, in the place of J. A. B. Leonard

Vol. XIII-SIG. 1.

and the officer who does not unite a high degree of 1820. to 206,603,000 rix dollars, had been reduced moral vigor with the civility that springs from the on the 1st of January, 1835, to 163,626,000, and it heart, cannot too soon choose another profession in has been undergoing a regular reduction since, and which oecility would be less conspicuous, and probably does not now much exceed $100,000,000. harshness less wounding and oppressive." (Edt. 1835). The funded debt of France has been greatly insas 9. Government not only reposes special trust and since the peace, by the assumption of obligations confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and abm-to foreign countries, and the payment of a thousand ties of" army officers, as is expressed on the face of millions of francs to her own subjects who were commissions; but also in their self-control, respect robbed of their property in the revolution, but the

amount of debt was in process of rapid reduction, owned by the state at par, to which no importance
until a period subsequent to the liquidation of our need be attached. The state creditors are to re-
debt. It has recently been increased from extraor-ceive six per cent. certificates for their interests as it
dinary causes, but not to an amount equal to the pre- falls due.
vious reduction; so that the great powers, instead of
all increasing their debt, while the United States
was paying hers, were also all paying, and have to-
gether, reduced their aggregate debt, in an amount
equal probably to five times the whole debt of the
United States at the close of the war.
[Boston Daily Advertiser.

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That state, after having borrowed as much as she could, in the old fashioned way, from banks and brokers, and domestic and foreign capitalists, resolved to extort a loan of a dollar a head from every washIt is, we presume, unnecessary for us to say that erwoman and woodsawyer, and every body else withwe regard this as very inadequate and in some of its in her limits, that had a dollar to lend. But as washBut for the erwomen and woodsawyers, and other dollar people, respects very pernicious legislation. imposition of new taxes to double the amount alrea- cannot long dispense with the use of their funds, it ready imposed, and in the new acknowledgment of was necessary to give these certificates of loan in a the liability of the state for the accruing though post-circulating form, so that the burden might be shifted poned interest, we in common with every good citi- from one to another, day by day, or, if necessary, zen are bound to be grateful. We are grateful that two or three times a day. These certificates of loan, neither the spirit nor the form of repudiation is yet or "relief notes," as they were called, could not be amongst us." reclaimed except when presented in amounts of one hundred dollars, and then they were redeemable, not FINANCIAL CONDITION. Pennsylvania is indebted in gold or silver, but in state stocks, purporting to RHODE ISLAND. The govenor has issued a proclamaItion postponing indefinitely the act placing the state un- $40,000.000. A few years ago, her bonds sold at bear five per cent. interest, which stocks were, at par. They are now at a discount of more than fifty the time the act was passed, about 20 per cent. beElection. The election in Rhode Island took place per cent., the holders in the meanwhile having lost low par. The notes were, however, made receivaon Tuesday 30th ult. Newport elected six whig repre- something like $20,000,000. But a few years back ble in payment of debts due to the state. The plan sentatives to the legislature without opposition. Also also, the stock of the United States bank was sold at was completed by employing the banks to issue four delegates to the convention for forming a state constitution, viz: H. Y. Cranston, K. K. Randolph, E. Wpar, and was worth $35,000,000. It is now selling them, and as a reward to those institutions for aiding $3 and $4 a share. The depreciation, therefore, is upwards of $30,000,000. Almost every other de


der martial law.


scription of stock has depreciated, and hundreds who provisions of the United States constitution, the privilege was granted them of suspending specie payThe New York American of the 27th ult. says-five years ago, could boast of being worth from ments for a terin of years: that is to say, the privilege Governor Hubbard of New Hampshire, having been $100,000 to $500,000, are now little better than bankwas granted to such of the banks as would engage in guilty of the indecorum of sending a letter through rupt. We know of two most melancholy instances. the issue of these "relief notes," and receive them in the post office to Governor King of Rhode Island, One gentleman, and an old and worthy merchant, addressed to "his excellency Samuel Ward King, retied from business with a fortune of $500,000. I payment of bank debts. acting as governor of Rhode Island," and bearing was invested chiefly in United States bank stock, the on the envelope that it was from Governor Hubbard Lehigh and the Schuylkill Navigation companies: of New Hampshire, the letter was immediately and He is now believed to be worth nothing, having without breaking the seal, returned to Gov. Hub- been compelled day and week after week, to make sacrifices which involved him so deeply, that he at last abandoned the effort to escape from ruin and


For a time the Pennsylvania relief system worked admirably. As the banks that declined issuing the notes, consented, from mistaken motives of policy, to receive them in payment of bank debts, they were uniform as it was rational to expect it to be, in a every where at bank par; and the currency was as state having between fifty and sixty banks, three or

HIGH TREASON. The grand jury of landholders have returned to the supreme court, now sitting at despair, and gave all he was worth into the hands of four distinct centres of trade, and as many, perhaps,

Newport, bills of indictment for high treason against
Thomas W. Dorr, Dutee J. Pearce, Joseph Joslin,
Daniel Brown, Seth Luther, Nathaniel N. Carpenter,

John Paine and Geo. Frisseil.

On Friday, Luther, Carpenter, Paine and Frisseil, were brought into court, for the purpose of being arraigned. On motion of their counsel, they were allowed till Wednesday next to plead.

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The number of persons arrested during the late riots in Philadelphia is thirty-eight. One of these, identified as an active participant in the disturbances, had a hearing on Thursday before the mayor, on a writ of habeas corpus for a reduction of bail, which had been fixed at $5,000. The mayor, after hearing the arguments of connsel, refused to reduce the amount of bail, and the prisoner was recommitted.

STATE CREDIT. The provisions of the act which passed the legislature of Pennsylvania, on the last day of its recent session, having for its object the maintenance of the faith of the state, are this summarily stated in the Philadelphia Gazette:

"Its provisions, so far as we can understand them, are these: The money now in the treasury, consisting wholly of relief notes, and whatever may be in the treasury in February, is to be applied to the payment of those known as the domestic creditors, contractors and laborers on the public works (now we believe entirely suspended). The balance of this domestic debt is to be funded. The existing state tax on real estate and real estate securities, is to be doubled. This increase of taxation is applicable in the first place for the payment of the interest accruing on the funded balance of the domestic debt, and then with the existing taxes to the general interest fund. A new revision of the assessment laws has also been enacted. There are other portions of the law, such for instance as the payment of interest on amounts of the public debt not exceeding six hundred dollars, and the authority to the governor to negotiate a six per cent. loan, and to sell the stocks!

his creditors. In the other case, the individual was


the others.


as thirty different legal tenders; for, it is to be obserworth about $300,000, and had also retired from ved that the relief notes issued by the Moyamensing mercantile pursuits, but was tempted to mingle in bank, though a legal tender to it, were not a legal the stock speculations of the day, bought Vicksburg, tender to the Bank of Penn Township, and so of all Stonington, United States bank stock, &c. and is now, not only worth nothing, but about $100,000 The effect, at first, was such as a fresh issue of in debt. In a single instance, to show the progress, paper money generally produces-a rise of prices, the downward progress of affairs, he borrowed and an appearance of prosperty, or, at least, a dimin$100,000 on securities which stood him in $180,000,ution of the adversity which had been caused by prebut which, if sold now, would not bring $50,000.— vious operations of the paper money system. While Thus, on this single transaction, he has lost $130,000, New York, with her "convertible paper," erected besides the interest on the money borrowed. 900 new houses, Philadelphia, with her "relief Who may tell the notes," are sad changes for the worse. ," erected 1,400, including some seven or eight pain and anxiety that they have brought into fami-churches, and some very elegant private edifices. lies! Who may picture the anguish and despair of Thus things went on till the meeting of the leislature. the domestic circle! Who may sketch the agony of As a mere circulating medium, the relief humbled pride! The last five years have been eventnotes answered as good a purpose as bank notes. As ful in the history of many of our citizens. We measure of value, the sme objection applied to them sympathise deeply and sincerely with the sufferers.that applies to all paper money. The grief which is secret, and which preys upon the The Girard bank broke, and so also did the Pennheart within, is indeed of the most poignant and ago-sylvania, not from any especial connection with the nising character. [Phil. Ing. relief note system, but from causes which had long been silently in operation. Just in this moment of panic, a member of the house of representatives brought forward a resolution to compel the banks to resume specie payments, coupled with a proviso that the relief notes should no longer be a tender to the banks, but only to the state, in payment of debts.The effect was electric. The holders of the notes, principally persons in the laboring ranks of life, took the alarm, and hastened in crowds to the brokers' offices. Some of the notes fell immediately 50 per cent. in value, and others 25 per cent. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were paid in the way of disVery different now is the condition of things. But counts. The objectionable proviso was afterwards few of the states have either capital or credit left, withdrawn; but it was too late. Paper credit is ofand the struggles of the government to get rid of their tentimes like female reputation. Breathe a suspiembarrassments, will necessarily increase the dis-cion against it, and it is gone. tresses of the people.

COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS. By Gouge. In the great bank revulsion of 1819, individuals gave way, and corporations gave way, but the credit of all the states remained good and that of the United States government was so excellent that it could borrow any amount of money it wanted, at a low rate of interest. There was something then for the people to fall back upon; and many of the states, by establishing commonwealth banks, and by other contrivances, employed their capital and their credit for the relief, or the apparent relief, of the debtor part of the community."

The notes did, in

deed, afterwards receive part of their value; but they ceased to be a general circulating medium. Their currency is now confined to particular districts.

Taxation never becomes great without being oppressive to some classes of society, and the extent The relief note system of Pennsylvania had a of evil it inflicts is not to be estimated solely by the number of dollars and cents it takes out of tho pock- healthy existence for about six months and three ets of the extra tax payers. Excessive taxation is days. Then it fell by the very hands that had brought always unequal in its operation, and by interfer- in into being. They did not design this. But they ing with the natural laws of supply and demand, were so utterly ignorant of the principles of currenand by breaking up some productive establishments cy, that they took measures which produced effects and rendering others unprofitable, it generally di- directly opposite to what they intended. minishes the wealth of the people in two or three Through this, and other proceedings in relation to times the extent that it increases the revenue of go-the currency, by the legislature of 1841 and 1842, vernment. the people of Pennsylvania has sustained losses which An increase of taxation, just at this moment, when cannot be estimated at less than ten millions of dolthe people are least able to bear it, seems inevitable lars-equal to about one fourth of the state debt.ou the part of the United States government, as well Currency was first made plentiful by "act of assemas many of the state governments. But fair open tax-bly," prices rose accordingly, and new enterprises ation, oppressive though it might be, would pro- were undertaken with a prospect of success. duce but little injury, compared with what will rency was then as suddenly made scarce by "act of be caused by the legislative legerdemain which will assembly." Prices fell, many productive establishprobably be resorted to in most of the embarassed ments were broken up, multitudes of men were destates. prived of employment, and the distress which now pervades Pennsylvania, is more severe than has been felt in any period since the memorable epoch of [N. Y. Morning Post.

As to the kind of legislation we may expect, recent proceedings in Pennsylvania may afford us an example.




nating duties on timber, coffee, sugar, &c. &c. But, excluding these, our people are seven times as heavily taxed as the Danes, nearly twice as heavily taxGREAT BRITAIN. REVENUES OF THE ROYAL ed as the French, and one time and a quarter more FAMILY OF ENGLAND. In the early feudal times down heavily taxed than the heaviest taxed peeple in Euto the death of George II. in 1760, there were large rope. But as we have indicated, the comparison is estates attached and belonging to the crown of Eng- not accurate; for many of our local taxes are excludland. These, however, having been much misman-ed, and theirs are included. Thus England we re

[London Sun.

AMERICAN AND BRITISH RECIPROCITY. The London Shipping and Mercantile Gazette has the following article:


Disclaiming any intention to approve certain charges made by claimants under the convention with Mexico, of the 11th April, 1839, against the umpire between the commissioners under said convention.

aged, it was proposed, at the period above stated, peat, is by far the heaviest taxed country in Europe, To the senate of the United States: that they should be taken into the hand of parlia with a government which does the least. ment for the people, who, in consideration thereof, In the communication made to the senate on the were to provide in suitable manner for the future 13th of June, in answer to its resolution of the 2d of maintenance of the royal family. This proposition March last, there appears to have heen, among other papers, sundry letters, addressed to the department was adopted; the estates were transferred to the people; the management of them entrusted to a set of state by certain claimants or their agents, conof officers called commissioners of woods and forests, taining reflections upon the character of the umpire and a handsome allowance made for the royal fami We cannot but think that America has not been convention between the United States and the Mexiappointed by his Prussian majesty, pursuant to the ly. The result has proved beneficial to both parties; fairly treated in the corn law tariff, and that the slican republic of the 11th of April, 1839. As the call to the crown, by giving it a larger and steadier in-ding scale of duties, however applicable to the ports was for all communications which had been addrescome than it had ever been able to realize, whilst of the Baltic, do not give a fair chance to the trade sed to the department of state by any of the claimthe property was in its own hands; and to the peo- of America, whose vessels have to make a voyage ants under that convention, relative to the proceedple, by enabling them to improve, and thereby in- across the Atlantic. America, we say, has every ings and progress of the mixed commission, the cocrease the rents and profits of the said land. The claim to be more favorably considered than those pies were prepared and submitted without attracting following (taken from the parliamentary returns) is countries which have erected themselves into a hos- the attention either of the head of the department or an account, in round numbers, of the moneys receiv- tile attitude against cur commerce. America has ed and paid during a period of seventy-seven years: been, and is still inclined to be, largely our customer mission to the senate, if transmitted at all, would myself. If those letters had been noticed, their trans. Amount of hereditary revenues from for the labor of our looms and our forges. She sends have been accompanied by a disclaimer on the part £116,000,000 home to us her raw material, and receives it back of the executive of any intention to approve such from us in a manufactured state, giving employment charges. The executive has no complaint to make 65,000,000 to thousands of our artisans. Surely, then, she has a natural claim upon us for a more favorable consi- against the conduct or decisions of the highly re *£51,000,000 deration than those countries which undisguisedly between the American and Mexican commissioners. spectable person appointed by his sovereign umpire JOHN TYLER.

1760 down to 1837,

Sums voted to the royal family during the same period,

Money saved to the people,

*Being upwards of £662,000 a year.

tell us that they will do all in their power to exclude
us from their markets. Reciprocity is to give and
take; and reciprocity demands that we shall take
largely from America in return for her custom.

EUROPE. A return of the total amount of taxes
It is unfair to place the United States in the same
levied in some of the different states of Europe, &c. position with the states of the German league,
just published by the house of commons, enables us France and Russia, whose evident intention it is to
to lay before our readers a comparison of the taxes exclude our manufactures from their dominions.
levied in England, and in one or two other countries. We should, therefore, wish to see, instead of the
In Denmark the whole amount of taxation, gene-sliding scale, a moderate fixed duty, sufficient to pro-
ral and local, is 18,160,000 rix dollars, paid by
2,020,000 people, and taxing the rix dollars at 2s. 2d.
it gives about 19s. per head.

The whole taxation of Sweden is £1,335,587, its population, with Norway, is about 4,406,000, giving. at the rate of taxation, 6s. 6d. per head. This sum mirabile dictu, includes all the payments for the churches and for the clergy.

The taxes in the Netherlands, the most heavily taxed country in Europe, exclusive of the municipal taxes of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, amount to £5,386,847, the population being 2,660,000. The rate per head is £1 16s.

The whole taxation of France is £46,425,725,

which, on a population of 33,548,000 gives a rate of £1 7s. per head.

The amount of taxation in Russia is not given in the returns, but it appears to be very small, and Prussia is not mentioned. We pass by the smaller states, as not affording any ground for comparison with this great empire, and come to England.

Washington, Aug. 8, 1942.

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The committee on foreign relations, to whom was referred the memorial of John Baldwin, W. S. Parrott, G. L. Thompson, and others, in relation to the claims of themtect our home growth, or corn imported from Ame- selves, and others, citizens of the United States, against rica. Such a measure need give no alarm to our the government of Mexico; and also the memorial of agriculturists, for we have no apprehension that Aaron Leggett, another claimant, representing the gricsource, or that, in fact, the supply would ever be our markets would ever be inundated from such a vances sustained by him from the authorities of Mexico, and appealing to congress for redress; together with in our home produce. Such a measure would, in more than commensurate to the average deficiency numerous documents from the department of state relating to the subjects of these memorials, have had the our opinion, more than any other, produce an imme. same under their consideration, and beg leave to report: diate amelioration in the condition of the working In reviewing the history of the relations which classes; but it would do more than this-it would have existed between the United States and Mexico, induce a steady and progressive demand for our ma- it is painful to observe in how many instances the nufactures; it would completely identify the inte- property, liberty, and personal security of our citirests of the two great trading nations of the world; zens, as well as the national rights and dignity, have the prosperity of the United States would be the been violated and outraged by a neighboring power, prosperity of Great Britain; and it would give a with which it has ever been our policy to maintain powerful stimulus to the emigration of our redun- the most friendly intercourse. The government of dant population, which appears to be now so much a the United States, in seeking the redress for these indesideratum. How stands the case at present? Cornjuries which respect for its own character, no less from Canada is admitted into the market at a low than the protection due to its citizens, urgently derate of duty, because it is the production of our own manded, has at all times exhibited a moderation and colony; and can we not make the whole of the U. forbearance in pressing its just claims, which nothStates of America equivalent to a colony for every ing but the most anxious desire for the cultivation of The general ordinary taxation of England, accord- purpose of commercial prosperity? harmony and good neighborhood with a youthful reing to the financial accounts for the year, including Of the thousands who annually emigrate to North public, just rising into an independent national existhe cost of collection, amounted, for the last year to America, a considerable portion settle in the United tence on the same continent with itself, could have 53,596,2501. The local taxation, county rates, poor States; but, whether these people locate themselves prompted or excused. At length, after various aborrates, &c., amounted last year to 6,351,8281. (See on the one side of the St. Lawrence or the other, tive experiments, assuming, in one instance, the parliamentary return, No. 235, May, 1842,) making they are equally inclined to resort to the mother shape of a formal arrangement agreed upon with its a total of 59,913,078. This is exclusive of the country for her cottons and her woollens, her silks, minister here, but which the government of Mexico enormous tax we pay for the support of the church, and her hardware. Where, then, is the difference? failed to ratify, and through a patient and persever(the expense of the church in France is included in By promoting the prosperity of the emigrant in the ing adherence by the United States to every honorathe taxation,) it is also melusive of the sewer rates, United States, we promote our own. By opening to ble means of pacific adjustment, a convention was (the expense of keeping up the dikes is included in him a market for the produce he has raised from the concluded and ratified by both powers for the settlethe Netherland taxation,) water rates, church rates, soil, we ensure in him a customer for the produce of ment of these unpleasant subjects of controversy. London tax on coals, borough rates, and several oth- our own industry. Let but Great Britain and AmeUnder this convention a mixed commission, consister municipal vexatious imports; it is exclusive of the rica unite themselves firmly in the bonds of commering of two members, being its own citizens, appointpoor rate and police in Ireland, and exclusive of the cial reciprocity, and we need no longer care for ed by the government of Mexico, and of two others, sum devoted to the poor in Scotland, all of which, or German leagues or French ordinances. Nothing citizens of the United States, appointed by the gocorresponding items, are, we believe, included in the could be more opportune for such an arrangement vernment of the Union, was organized in the city of taxes of the foreign countries we have referred to. than the present. It is evident that Sir Robert Peel Washington on the 25th of August, 1810. By the But, excluding all these heavy drains on our indus- is by no means confident of the effect of his new terms of the convention, all claims of citizens of the try, and taking only the public and the local taxes at corn law scale, or of his power of maintaining it. United States upon the Mexican government-state57.948,0784, and assuming that the population is, in In a recent debate in the house of commons, he says, ments of which, soliciting the interposition of the round numbers, 28,000,000, and that will give 21. 2s. The new corn laws had not had a fair trial, and the government of the United States, had been presented 5d. per head as the annual rate of taxation in Eng-time would soon arrive when they must again be revis- to the department of state, or to the diplomatic agent land. Of course, we do not include sir Robert Peel's ed."” of the United States at Mexico, prior to the signanew taxation, which will add pretty nearly 3s ahead What may be the proposed revision hinted at by ture of the convention--were to be referred to these As the matter now stands, therefore, the the right honorable baronet, it is impossible to say; commissioners, who were to be sworn impartially to English are by far the heaviest taxed people in Eu- but for ourselves, we should be quite willing to allow examine and decide upon the said claims, according Hope They pay the most, if government be good matters to remain as they are, so far as the corn to such evidence as should be laid before them on the for anything, for the least efficient administration of growing countries of Europe are concerned, provided part of the United States and the Mexican republic their affairs. lair terins of reciprocity were given to America. respectively; the Mexican government engaging to furnish all such documents and explanations as might be in their possession touching the said claims, whenever a demand should be made upon them accom panied with a specification of the documents requi red. The said board of commissioners was to ter minate its duties within 18 months from the time of


But to these enormous burdens, and most enor-No time could be more propitious for such an at-
mous they are, which are all borne by industry,-for tempt, when the tariff of the United States is under
every farthing of the annual income of the country revision, and when there is an evident disposition on
is annually consumed, and it is all created by indus-
try-must be added the taxes on corn and provisions,
and other protecting duties, as well as the discrimi

the part of the governments of both countries to ar-
range other diferences, and to knit more closely the
bonds of amity between Great Britain and America.

its meeting in the city of Washington; and it was provided, in the event of the commissioners disagreeing in relation to any of the aforesaid claims, that the points on which they differed, and the grounds on which their respective opinions were found, should be submitted to the decision of an arbiter or umpire, to be appointed by his majesty the king of Prussia, and that the decisions of the said umpire should be final and conclusive on all the matters so referred. Finally, the amount which should be found due to the claimants, either by the decision of the board of commissioners or that of the umpire, was to be paid by the Mexican government, with a stipulation that, if it should not be covenient for the Mexican government to pay at once the amount so found due, it should be at liberty, immediately after the decisions in the several cases, to issue therefor treasury-notes, of the description, and under the limitations set forth in the convention, bearing an interest of eight per centum per annum from the date of the award on the claim, in payment of which the said treasurynotes shall have been issued; and the United States agreed to exonerate the Mexican government for ever from any further accountability for claims, which shall either be rejected by the board or the arbiter aforesaid, or which, being allowed by either, shall be provided for by the said government in the

manner before mentioned.

Such, the committee have reason to believe, are thank you cordially for it. It fits me exactly, and the views which have been already expressed by the coming, as it does, from faithful, long tried and highexecutive department of the government, the desig-ly esteemed friends, it is a most acceptable present. nated organ of the nation to conduct its intercourse May the head of that man, who would not desire the with foreign powers. To that branch of the govern- protection of his own brethren and fellow citizens ment properly belongs, in the present stage of their against the productions of foreign industry, never be discussion, the treatment of all the questions pre- covered with such a hat? sented by the memorials referred to them; and leav ing, therefore, to the deliberate and better informed action of the executive the prosecution of the rights of the memorialists, according to the demands of justice and the dictates of national honor, the committee recommend that the senate discharge them, for the present, from the further consideration of the memorials and documents referred to them.


Wishing you, gentlemen, good success in your business, and health, prosperity and happiness, am your neighbor and faithful friend, H. CLAY.

LETTER FROM MR. CLAY. An extra from the Red River Whig, published in the town of Alexandria, Louisiana, contains the following letter from Mr. Clay, in answer to a note presented to him at Ashland by a committee from the Clay Club of the parish of Rapides, Louisiana. The letter will be read with interest, as it reiterates the views of that exalted statesman and pure patriot in regard to some of the leading topics at present under conside| ration in and out of congress.

Ashland, 23d July, 1842. GENTLEMEN: I have received, with very great satisfaction, the letter which you addressed to me last month. You inform me of the establishment of a club to which the honor has been done me of attaching my name, in the parish of Rapides; and, in virtue of a resolution of the club, yon have communicated very friendly and flattering sentiments of regard, attachment and confidence towards ine. thank you, cordially, gentlemen, for these gratifying proofs of esteem. They are received with feelings of lively gratitude, and will be cherished with unfading recollection in my memory.


POLITICS OF THE DAY. LETTER FROM PRESIDENT TYLER. Washington, Aug. 22d, 1842. Gentlemen: I should sooner have acknowledged the receipt of your letter of the 16th inst., covering resolutions adopted by a large number of my fellow citizens assembled in the Park, on the 14th inst., but for the severe and constant pressure upon me of important public duties. I will not hesitate to express the pleasure I experienced at the decided tone of approbation manifested by my fellow citizens in their several resolutions. Next to the consciousness of having done my duty, the approval of my constituents, the people of the United States, would undoubtedly afford me the highest satisfaction. If for the maintenance of those republican principles, which I have advanced from my earliest manhood, I am destined to be in future-as for all the time I I concur with you in the principles of public pohave been in the discharge of the duties of the pre-licy which ought to prevail in the administration of sidential office has been the case-the object of vitu- the general government. Whilst it does not surperation and gross abuse, I must even bear it with prise me, it affords me great pleasure to learn, that in all the fortitude and composure I can call to my aid. the fine cotton growing country in which you reside, I encounter but the fate which the great high priest surpassed by none in the United States, opinions in of republicanism encountered in 1799 and 1800. The favor of the protection of the productions of our disciple has no reason to anticipate a different or a own country against the competition, within our milder fate than that encountered by his instructor. own limits, of the rival productions of foreign counI shall follow in the footsteps of that illustrious man, tries are making rapid progress. I have always beand act upon his principles, believing as was said by lieved that "the interests of each division of the unmy immediate predecessor, in his celebrated Day-ion, as well as the interests of every class and conditon speech, that "if the Augean Stable is to be tion of society, are identical; and that the prospericleansed, it can only be done by recurring to the ty or adversity of any one of them would be, in a principles of Thomas Jefferson." To the support of greater or less degree, felt by all." And I have those principles my life has heretofore been devoted, looked forward, with confidence, to the arrival of the and shall continue to be to the end. I tender to you, period when this great truth would become generalgentlemen, assurances of my high respect, ly impressed upon the American mind.

The committee do not deem it necessary or proper, at this time, to enter into a detailed review of the proceedings of the commission, in execution of the provisions of this convention. It is sufficient to observe that very serious complaints are alleged by the memorialists against the course of the Mexican commissioners, in both the interpretation and execution of the high trust devolved upon them by the convention. In the very outset of their joint labors, they differed radically from the American commissioners, as to the character of their functions under the convention, and as to the rules proper to be establishad for the government of their proceedings, and to facilitate and methodize the prosecution of the claims before the board. These differences, which, by the tenacity with which the Mexican commissioners adhered to their peculiar views, terminated in denying all direct access to the board by the claimants or their agents, for the conduct and management of their causes, consumed so much of the time of the commission, that they did not enter upon the consideration of any of the claims presented for their decision, until several months, from the period of their organization, had elapsed. It has thus happened that the eighteen months, to which the duration of the commission was limited by the convention, have expired, leaving many important claims against the Mexican government undisposed of, either because they were not definitively acted upon by the board, or having been acted upon by the COL. R. M. JOHNSON. The Danville Intelliboard, and presented to the umpire for his decision gencer says, "Col. Johnson will be at Washington, upon the disagreeing opinions of the commissioners, Washington county, Pa., about the 25th of Septemthey were returned by him undecided, in conse. ber, on his way to Danville, to be present at the quence of his not having time to examine them grand celebration of the glorious anniversary of the before the expiration of the commission, when he victory of the Thames. considered his own authority and functions as also "On his route to Harrisburg, he will pass through terminating. However much the results of this the city of Pittsburg: Greensburg, Westmoreland opinion of the umpire may be to be regretted, the county; Blairsville, Indiana co.; Hollidaysburg and committee deem it due to the high character of that Huntingdon, Huntingdon co.; Lewistown, Mitlin distinguished functionary, to say that his perfect con- Co.; Millintown, Juniata, co., and from thence to scientiousness in forming it, as well as in pronounc-the capital of the state, which he will reach on ing all his other decisions, is above the reach of im- Monday the 3d of October, where he will be joined putation or suspicion. by his excellency Gov Porter, heads of departments, his excellency's aids, and the state central committee, who will accompany him to Danville, where he will arrive on the morning of the 5th of October."


To Daniel Jackson, esq., president; and David Bryson,
Joseph O'Conner, and others, vice presidents, N. Y.

which the senate is understood to have given its ad-
vice and consent a few days ago.

Of the terms of that treaty, I am entirely igno-
rant, except through contradictory rumors; I have
neither the influence nor the desire to interfere with
the action of the senate upon it-always contenting
myself with saying that I preferred an honorable
peace, even to a successful war.

In regard to the claims thus undisposed of at the expiration of the mixed commission, the committee are of opinion, notwithstanding the intimation to the contrary contained in two letters of the Mexican commissioners, addressed to the secretary of state, War office, Aug. 23, 1842. on the 25th and 26th of February last, that they are To the editor of the Madisonian: to be regarded as still subsisting claims against the SIR: I perceive, in the Madisonian of this morning, government of Mexico, in no manner whatever bar-that I am charged with being opposed to the treaty red by the convention or the proceedings under it, between the United States and Great Britain, to and entitled, according to their intrinsic merits, to the faithful countenance and support of the government of the United States in prosecuting them to a final adjustment. Such of the claims as have been allowed, and their amount ascertained, by the decision of the board of commissioners, or of the umpire, will, of course, be the subject of immediate demand for payment and satisfaction. That satisfaction, to fulfil the requisitions of good faith, the plain intention of the convention, and the only rational end and purpose of the whole transaction between the two governments, must, in every contingency, be rendered in substantial value; and if not convenient to be THE CLAY BEAVER. A very superb white paid "at once" (to use the language of the conven- beaver hat was recently presented to Mr. Clay, on tion) in money, must be rendered by substituting the reception of which, his acknowledgements were such evidences of debt as, while they serve the pur- made in the following note: pose of giving to the Mexican government further time for the performance of its obligations, shall en- Messrs. N. & H. SHAW. title the holder, at his option, to ultimate and effectual payment in money.

Hoping that you will take pleasure in correcting the injustice you have done me, I remain, sir, your obedient servant, WINFIELD SCOTT.

Ashland, 16th July, 1842.

Gentlemen: I have received the white beaver hat which you have done me the favor to send me. I

In acting upon this policy, our experience has shown how important, stability is, to its successful operation. This will be best secured by moderation and firmness. The tariff of 1828, forced through congress by a combination between pretended friends and undisguised enemies, against the wishes of those who sincerely desired to foster and build up American manufactures, was the principal cause of the unsettled and agitated state of the public mind,

which ensued.

With a sound currency of uniform value throughout the union, emanating from and guarantied by federal authority; with a tariff so adjusted as to afford an adequate revenue, and efficient protection to agriculture, commerce and manufactures; and with the withdrawal of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands from the common treasury, where, in consequence of the fluctuating amount, the policy of the government is liable to sudden and frequent disturbance, we may confidently anticipate the restoration of prosperity.

You do me the honor, gentlemen, to express a wish for my election as president of the U. States. On this subject, I have recently expressed myself so fully in a speech delivered at a barbecue near Lexington, (of which I transmit a copy) that I now have nothing further to add. Whether I shall be a candidate or not, or if a candidate, whether elected or not, I pray you and my friends in the parish of Rapides, whom you represent, to accept my thanks for the friendly feelings towards me by which they are animated.

And I beg that portion of you, who have taken the trouble to come, from so great a distance, to present, in person, to me your note, to accept assurances of my profound acknowledgements, and my last ing gratitude.

I am, gentlemen, with great respect, your friend and obedient servant, H. CLAY.

PROTEST BY THE PRESIDENT. To the house of representatives:

By the constitution of the United States it is provi ded, that "every bill which shall have passed the house of representatives and the senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the president of the United States; if he approve, he skatt sign it; but if

ar; and the currency was a
ional to expect it to be, in a
ifty and sixty banks, three of
trade, and as many, perhaps,
tenders; for, it is to be obser
› issued by the Moyamensing
nder to it, were not a lega
enn Township, and so of all

as such as a fresh issue of
produces—a rise of prices,
sperty, or, at least, a dimin
ich had been caused by pre-
paper money system. While
convertible paper," erected
ladelphia, with her "relief
ncluding some seven or eight
y elegant private edifices.
till the meeting of the leis
'culating medium, the relief
a purpose as bank notes. A
me objection applied to them
r money.

oke, and so also did the Penn-
especial connection with the
from causes which had log
ion. Just in this moment of
he house of representatives
lution to compel the banks to
s, coupled with a proviso that
no longer be a tender to the
state, in payment of debts.-

The holders of the notes he laboring ranks of life, tock din crowds to the brokers' otes fell immediately 50 per rs 25 per cent. Hundreds of ere paid in the way of dis able proviso was afterwards oo late. Paper credit is ol Dutation. Breathe a suspi The notes did, i gone. part of their value; but they irculating medium. The to particular districts.

n of Pennsylvania had a bout six months and three very hands that had brought not design this. But they of the principles of currer res which produced effect they intended.


*Being upwards of £662,000 a year.

EUROPE. A return of the total amount of taxes

tell us that they will do all in th us from their markets. Recip take; and reciprocity demands largely from America in return It is unfair to place the Unite position with the states of th France and Russia, whose evide exclude our manufactures from We should, therefore, wish to

levied in some of the different states of Europe, &c.
just published by the house of commons, enables us
to lay before our readers a comparison of the taxes
levied in England, and in one or two other countries.
In Denmark the whole amount of taxation, gene-sliding scale, a moderate fixed d
ral and local, is 18,160,000 rix dollars, paid by tect our home growth, or corn
rica. Such a measure need gi
2,020,000 people, and taxing the rix dollars at 2s. 2d.
it gives about 19s. per head.
agriculturists, for we have n
our markets would ever be in
source, or that, in fact, the su
more than commensurate to th
in our home produce. Such
our opinion, more than any othe

The whole taxation of Sweden is £1,335,587, its
population, with Norway, is about 4,406,000, giving.
at the rate of taxation, 6s. 6d. per head. This sum
mirabile dictu, includes all the payments for the
churches and for the clergy.

The taxes in the Netherlands, the most heavily taxed country in Europe, exclusive of the municipal taxes of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, amount to £5,386,847, the population being 2,660,000. The rate per head is £1 16s.

The whole taxation of France is £46,425,725, which, on a population of 33,548,000 gives a rate of £1 7s. per head.

diate amelioration in the cond

classes; but it would do more induce a steady and progressive nufactures; it would complete rests of the two great trading prosperity of Great Britain; a the prosperity of the United powerful stimulus to the emi dant population, which appears desideratum. How stands the from Canada is admitted into rate of duty, because it is the p colony; and can we not make States of America equivalent

Of the thousands who annual America, a considerable portion States; but, whether these peo on the one side of the St. L they are equally inclined to r country for her cottons and he and her hardware. Where, th By promoting the prosperity o United States, we promote our him a market for the produce h soil, we ensure in him a custom our own industry. Let but Gr rica unite themselves firmly in cial reciprocity, and we nee German leagues or French could be more opportune for : than the present. It is evident is by no means confident of corn law scale, or of his powe In a recent debate in the house The new corn laws had not h

The amount of taxation in Russia is not given in the returns, but it appears to be very small, and Prussia is not mentioned. We pass by the smaller states, as not affording any ground for comparison with this great empire, and come to England. The general ordinary taxation of England, accord-purpose of commercial prosperi ing to the financial accounts for the year, including the cost of collection, amounted, for the last year to 53,596,2501. The local taxation, county rates, poor rates, &c., amounted last year to 6,351,8281. (See parliamentary return, No. 235, May, 1842,) making a total of 59,943,0781. This is exclusive of the enormous tax we pay for the support of the church, (the expense of the church in France is included in the taxation,) it is also inclusive of the sewer rates, (the expense of keeping up the dikes is included in the Netherland taxation,) water rates, church rates, London tax on coals, borough rates, and several other municipal vexatious imports; it is exclusive of the poor rate and police in Ireland, and exclusive of the sum devoted to the poor in Scotland, all of which, or corresponding items, are, we believe, included in the taxes of the foreign countries we have referred to. But, excluding all these heavy drains on our industry, and taking only the public and the local taxes at 57,948,0781, and assuming that the population is, in round numbers, 28,000,000, and that will give 21. 2s. 5d. per head as the annual rate of taxation in Eng-time would soon arrive when the Jand. Of course, we do not include sir Robert Peel's new taxation, which will add pretty nearly 3s ahead As the matter now stands, therefore, the English are by far the heaviest taxed people in Europe They pay the most, if government be good for anything, for the least efficient administration of their affairs.


r proceedings in relation t islature of 1841 and 1842 a has sustained losses which s than ten millions of del. fourth of the state debtlentiful by "act of assem gly, and new enterprises rospect of success. y made scarce by “act of any productive establish altitudes of men were de the distress which now more severe than has been he memorable epoch of [N. Y. Morning Post

But to these enormous burdens, and most enormous they are, which are all borne by industry,-for every farthing of the annual income of the country is annually consumed, and it is all created by industry-must be added the taxes on corn and provisions, and other protecting duties, as well as the discrimi


What may be the proposed the right honorable baronet, i but for ourselves, we should be matters to remain as they a growing countries of Europe a jair terins of reciprocity were No time could be more pro tempt, when the tariff of the revision, and when there is ar the part of the governments o range other differences, and t bonds of amity between Grea

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