Arboretum Et Fruticetum Britannicum, Volume 8author, 1838 - Botany |
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Page 257
... Taxodium distichum ( the Deciduous Cypress ) } IV . p . 2481. ( 295a . ) IV . p . 2242. ( 327. ) T. d . , full - grown tree - - ( 295. ) P. Strobus ( the Wey- mouth Pine ) } IV . p . 2280. ( 329. ) Yew ) Taxus baccata ( thel IV . p ...
... Taxodium distichum ( the Deciduous Cypress ) } IV . p . 2481. ( 295a . ) IV . p . 2242. ( 327. ) T. d . , full - grown tree - - ( 295. ) P. Strobus ( the Wey- mouth Pine ) } IV . p . 2280. ( 329. ) Yew ) Taxus baccata ( thel IV . p ...
John Claudius Loudon. f Cupréssus lusitánica . The Portugal Cypress , or the Cedar of Goa . 12 ft . high , 31⁄2 in . diam . Taxòdium distichum . The two rowed - leaved Taxodium ,. mag . LXXIX . c . 308.
John Claudius Loudon. f Cupréssus lusitánica . The Portugal Cypress , or the Cedar of Goa . 12 ft . high , 31⁄2 in . diam . Taxòdium distichum . The two rowed - leaved Taxodium ,. mag . LXXIX . c . 308.
John Claudius Loudon. Taxòdium distichum . The two rowed - leaved Taxodium , or deciduous Cypress .ル mimaßn + 9 ft . high , 11⁄2 in . diam . Taxòdium distichum . The two - rowed leaved Taxodium ,. + d f mag . LXXVI . A. 295 a , full-grown ...
John Claudius Loudon. Taxòdium distichum . The two rowed - leaved Taxodium , or deciduous Cypress .ル mimaßn + 9 ft . high , 11⁄2 in . diam . Taxòdium distichum . The two - rowed leaved Taxodium ,. + d f mag . LXXVI . A. 295 a , full-grown ...
John Claudius Loudon. Taxòdium distichum . The two - rowed leaved Taxodium , or deciduous Cypress . Full grown tree at Syon , 68 ft . high ; diam . of the trunk , 30 ft . Juniperus phœnícea . The Phoenician Juniper . ច 11 ft. and of the ...
John Claudius Loudon. Taxòdium distichum . The two - rowed leaved Taxodium , or deciduous Cypress . Full grown tree at Syon , 68 ft . high ; diam . of the trunk , 30 ft . Juniperus phœnícea . The Phoenician Juniper . ច 11 ft. and of the ...
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1½ ft 67 ft high 9 ft Abies álba Abies canadensis Abies excélsa Abies pícea Aleppo Pine American Arbor vitæ American Pitch berried Canadian Cedar of Lebanon Cedrus Cedrus Libani Church Yard common Scotch common white-wooded common Yew Corsican deciduous Cypress diaım diam Douglas's Fir European Larch f Cupréssus lusitánica Fagus sylvática Full-grown tree fx 17 ft Gingko tree grown tree head Hornbeam Juniperus phœnícea Juniperus virginiana Larch Pine Larix europæa Làrix microcarpa Liquidámbar styraciflua m.mag mag Thuja orientalis maiden-hair-leaved Salisburia maple-leaved Muswell Hill Oriental Plane Pain's Hill Phoenician Juniper Pinaster Pinus halepensis Pinus Larício Pinus Pináster Pinus Pínea Pinus rígida Pinus Stròbus Pinus sylvéstris pitch-bearing Plátanus orientalis Pond Pine Red Cedar Red-wooded sweet-gum-flowing Liquidambar Taxòdium distichum Thuja occidentalis Tree at Dropmore tree at Kenwood tree at Kew tree at Muswell tree at Pain's tree at Studley tree at Syon trunk Uvedale Price Virginian Juniper white Spruce wood