Wisconsin.. 1091 1106 Fire, safeguarding against, character of building, means of escape, and fire-fighting apparatus, con- ditions found as to, in factories visited, by States (Table III)... 530-561 Fire, safeguards against, laws relating to, and conditions found in States visited. 229-275 First aid to injured and sick, Massachusetts and Michigan.... 434 First aid to injured. (See also Medical and surgical supplies, etc.) Florida: Employment of women and children, text of laws relating to... 689,690 523 Hours of labor, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 523 Hours of labor, posting of time schedule, night work, meal period.. 213, 214 found 150-152 Posting of labor laws. 228 Posting of labor laws, register of children, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 529 Provisions for comfort of employees. 429-431 Provisions for comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited. 612, 613 Reporting of accidents. 378 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, in Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited Food products, inspection of establishments engaged in manufacture of, text of laws relating to: Fumes and dust in workrooms, conditions found as to, in factories visited, by States. 451-503 (Table VII)... 628-651 Fumes, dust, and vapors. (See Blowers, hoods, suction pipes, and fans, etc.) G. Gates or doors, cars, hoistways, etc., of elevators, dangers connected with, and protective measures. 320-324 Georgia: Employment of women and children, text of laws referring to.. Hours of labor, posting of time schedule, night work, meal period. 210-213 found. 145-150 Posting of labor laws. 228 Posting of labor laws, registers of children, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 529 Provisions for comfort of employees. 428, 429 Provisions for comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited. 612,613 Reporting of accidents. 378 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited Health, Massachusetts State Board of, as inspectors of factories and workshops, duties of.. 31,943,944,947 Hiring out children to support parents in idleness, text of laws relating to: Page. Hoistways, gates or doors, cars, etc., of elevators, dangers connected with, and protective measures. 320-324 Hoistways, hatchways. (See Accidents, etc.) Hoods, blowers, suction pipes, and fans. (See Blowers, hoods, etc.) Hours of labor for women and children, text of laws regulating: 844, 849, 850.1099 Hours of labor, lunch period, and overtime work, conditions found as to, in factories visited, by 507-523 Hours of labor, night work, posting of time schedule, meal period, laws relating to, and conditions 157-217 Hours of labor, posting of schedule of, and of labor law, and register of children employed, condi- 524-529 Humidifying apparatus in factories and workshops, text of Massachusetts law relating to...... 951-953 Illinois: Employment of women and children, text of laws relating to.. 695-702 516, 517 Factory inspection, text of laws relating to.. 882-901 Hours of labor, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited... 516, 517 Hours of labor, posting of time schedule, night work, meal period. 192-195 Inspection force, organization of, and statistical data of inspection. 65-67 ditions found. 123-128 Posting of labor laws. 225, 226 Posting of labor laws, registers of children, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited.... 527 Provisions for comfort of employees. 411-413 Provisions for comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited. 604, 605 Reporting of accidents. 368-371,892 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, in Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 547,548 Sanitary conditions, as found in factories visited. 622 Scope and enforcement of the laws.. 64,65 Ventilation and sanitation. 474-476 735,738 Employment of women and children, text of laws relating to.. 702-705 Factories visited, number of, and of employees, overtime work, etc., by industries. 517-519 Factory inspection, text of laws relating to.. 901-911 Hours of labor, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 517-519 Hours of labor, posting of time schedule, night work, meal period. 196-198 Inspection force, organization of, and statistical data of inspection 70, 71 Legal age, prohibited employments, and working papers, summary of laws and conditions found.. 128-131 Posting of labor laws. 226 Posting of labor laws, register of children, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 527 Provisions for comfort of employees.. 413-416 Provisions for comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited. 606,607 Reporting of accidents.. 371-373,902 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, in Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. Inspectors of factories, appointment and duties of. (See Bureaus of labor, etc., and departments of Labor law, posting of, and of hours of labor, and of register of children employed, conditions found Lavatories. (See Dressing rooms, lunch rooms, etc.) visited.. 89-155 Louisiana: Employment of women and children, text of laws relating to..... 713-719 Factories visited, number of, and of employees, overtime work, etc., by industries. Inspection force, organization of, and statistical data of inspection..... Louisiana Concluded. Page. Legal age, prohibited employments, and working papers, summary of laws and conditions found.. 152-155 Posting of labor laws... 228 529 Provisions for comfort of employees. 431-434 Provisions for comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited 614,615 Reporting of accidents. 379,718 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, in Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 560,561 Lunch period, hours of labor, and overtime work, conditions found as to, in factories visited, by 507-523 Lunch period, posting of time schedule, night work, hours of labor, laws relating to, and conditions found in States visited 157-217 Lunch rooms, dressing rooms, etc., conditions found as to provisions for, in factories visited, by States (Table V)... 590-615 Lunch rooms. (See also Dressing rooms, lunch rooms, etc.) M. Machinery and elevators, safeguarding against accidents from, conditions found as to, in factories visited, by States (Table IV)..... 562-589 Machinery, cleaning, oiling of, while in motion, text of laws relating to: Machinery, safeguarding of, summary of laws relating to, and conditions found, in States visited.. 277-315 285,286 Maine: Employment of women and children, text of laws relating to... 719-723 Factories visited, number of, and of employees, overtime work, etc., by industries. Legal age, prohibited employments, and working papers, summary of laws as to, and condi- tions found... 94-96 Posting of labor laws... 221 Posting of labor laws, registers of children, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 524 Provisions for the comfort of employees. 386-388 Provisions for the comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited. 590-591 Reporting of accidents.. 351 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. Maryland: Page. Employment of women and children, text of laws relating to. 723-729 Factories visited, number of, and of employees, overtime work, etc., by industries. 520, 521 Factory inspection, text of laws relating to.. 927,933 Hours of labor, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 520, 521 Hours of labor, posting of time schedule, night work, meal period. 204-207 Inspection force, organization of, and statistical data of inspection 81-83 Legal age, prohibited employments and working papers, summary of laws and conditions found.. 139-142 Posting of labor laws. 227 Posting of labor laws, registers of children, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 528 Provisions for the comfort of employees. 424-426 Provisions for the comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited 610,611 Reporting of accidents.. 378 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. Factories visited, number of, and of employees, overtime work, etc., by industries. Legal age, prohibited employments, and working papers, summary of laws and conditions found.. 97-102 Posting of labor laws. 222 Posting of labor laws, register of children, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. 524 Provisions for the comfort of employees... 389-392 Provisions for the comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited. 590-593 Reporting of accidents.... 351-353 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, in Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited. Meal period, posting of time schedule, night work, hours of labor, laws relating to, and conditions Medical examination. (See Physicians' certificate of physical fitness for employment, etc.) Employment of women and children, text of laws relating to.. 738-743 Factories visited, number of, and of employees, overtime work, etc., by industries. Inspection force, organization of, and statistical data of inspection. 73-75 found. 131-135 Posting of labor laws. 227 Posting of labor laws, registers of children, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited.... 527 Provisions for the comfort of employees. 416-420 Provisions for the comfort of employees, conditions found as to, in factories visited. 608, 609 Reporting of accidents. 373,374 Reporting of accidents and safeguarding of elevators and machinery, conditions found as to, Safeguards against fire, means of escape, etc., conditions found as to, in factories visited...... 552,553 |