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integra Cresson. On flowers of Erigeron, Galactia, Glycina, Koellia, Phaseolus, and Strophostyles.

integrella Mitchell. On flowers of Hypericum and Oxydendrum.

*macneilli Mitchell. Calif. (Riverside Co.).

Megachile (Xeromegachile) macneilli Mitchell, 1957. Pan-Pacific Ent. 33:24. 6.

maurata Mitchell. On flowers of Encelia, Sphaeralcea.

mojavensis Mitchell. Ariz. On flowers of Aster.

mucorosa Cockerell. Ariz. On flowers of Helianthus.

nevadensis Cresson. La. (Winnfield).

palmensis Mitchell. Ariz.

*pararubi Mitchell. Ariz. (Roosevelt Lake).

Megachile (Xeromegachile) pararubi Mitchell, 1957. Pan-Pacific Ent. 33:21. 9.

*pseudolegalis Mitchell. Calif. (Riverside Co.).

Megachile (Xeromegachile) pseudolegalis Mitchell, 1957. Pan-Pacific Ent. 33: 22. 3.

rubi Mitchell. Fla. On flowers of Crataegus, Cuscuta, Ilex, Rubus, and Senecio.

*stoddardensis Mitchell. Calif. (San Bernardino Co.).

Megachile (Xeromegachile) stoddardensis Mitchell, 1957. Pan-Pacific Ent. 33: 25. ♂.

subnigra angelica Mitchell. Ariz. On flowers of Aster.

subnigra subnigra Cresson. Utah (Navajo Lake).

MEGACHILE subgenus ARGYROPILE Mitchell, p. 1179

parallela parallela Smith. On a number of flowers, principally Compositae, and Leguminosae.

townsendiana Cockerell. On flowers of Actinella, Chrysopsis, Helianthus, and Melanthera.

MEGACHILE subgenus XANTHOSARUS Robertson, pp. 1179-1180

armata Smith. Ariz., N. Mex., Mexico. Delete from synonymy of comata Cresson (Sup 1, p. 245); armata is a valid sp. (teste T. B. Mitchell, based on examination of type).

comata Cresson. Delete armata Smith, a valid sp., from synonomy (Sup. 1, p. 245).

latimanus Say. Visiting many flowers, particularly in Compositae, Leguminosae and Labiatae.

perihirta Cockerell. ? Mich. On flowers of Aster, Cirsium, Cleome, Epilobium, Eriogonum, Helianthus, Melilotus, and Trifolium. Biology: Hobbs, 1957 (1956). Canad. Ent. 88: 625-631.

MEGACHILE subgenus LEPTORACHIS Mitchell, p. 1180

petulans Cresson. Visits numerous flowers, especially Compositae, Leguminosae, and Labiatae.

MEGACHILE subgenus PSEUDOCENTRON Mitchell, p. 1180

pruina pruina Smith. On flowers of Asclepias, Crotalaria, Croton, Cuscuta, Dalbergia, Gaillardia, Galactia, Helianthus, Melanthera, Ocimum, Rhus, Strophostyles and Veronia.

MEGACHILE subgenus ACENTRON Mitchell, p. 1180

albitarsis Cresson. Mich., Ind. Visits a number of flowers, principally in Compositae and Leguminosae.

MEGACHILE subgenus MELANOSARUS Mitchell, p. 1180

*bahamensis Mitchell. Fla.; Bahamas. On flowers of Flaveria. Megachile bahamensis Mitchell, 1927. Psyche 34: 47.


Megachile (Melanosarus) floridensis Mitchell (syn. by Krombein, 1953. Amer. Mus. Novitates 1633: 21).

floridensis Mitchell. Syn. of bahamensis Mitchell.

xylocopoides Smith. On a number of flowers, particularly Compositae.

MEGACHILE subgenus SAYAPIS Titus, pp. 1181-1182

frugalis frugalis Cresson. N. J., Calif. On flowers of Croton, Erigeron, Eriogonum, Lotus, Opuntia, and Tephrosia.

inimica inimica Cresson. Fla. to Tex., south to Guatemala. On flowers of Achyranthes, Avicennia, Bidens, Borrichia, Coccoloba, Crotalaria, Laciniaria, Ocimum, Salvia, Vitex and Ximensia.

inimica sayi Cresson. Calif. Visiting many flowers, especially Compositae and Leguminosae.

policaris Say. Ga. On flowers of Amorpha, Brauneria, Coreopsis, Erigeron, Helianthus, Oenothera, Salvia, Senecio, Silphium, Verbena, and Verbesina.

pugnata pugnata Say. Nests in borings in sumac twigs. Visits many flowers, particularly Compositae.

Biology: Medler, 1964. Canad. Ent. 96: 918-921, 1 fig.

*Genus CHALICODOMA Lepeletier

Place after Megachile subgenus Sayapis Titus, p. 1182.
Chalicodoma Lepeletier, 1841. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym. 2: 309.
Type: Apis muraria Fabricius. Desig. by Girard, 1879.

The typical subgenus does not occur in North America.


(=Megachile subgenus Chelostomoides Robertson, pp. 1182-1183)

This subgenus with component species was transferred to Chalicodoma Lepeletier by Michener, 1962. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 70: 20.

browni (Mitchell).

Megachile (Chelostomoides) felipiana Mitchell (syn. by Timberlake, 1957. Pan-Pacific Ent. 33: 132).

campanulae campanulae (Robertson). Fla., Minn. Visits many flowers, especially Leguminosae, Campanulaceae and Labiatae.

campanulae wilmingtoni (Mitchell). Fla. to Va., coastal. On flowers of Galactia, Melilotus, Pontederia, Solidago and Strophostyles.

exilis parexilis (Mitchell). Fla., Ariz. Visits a number of flowers, especially Leguminosae.

felipiana (Mitchell). Syn. of browni (Mitchell).

georgica (Cresson). N. J. Visits flowers of several families, particularly


rugifrons (Smith). Tex. On flowers of Apocynum, Blephilia, Coreopsis, Erigeron, Hypericum, Lobelia, Nepeta, Pontederia, Psoralea, Tephrosia, Vaccinium, and Verbena.


(=Megachile subgenus Archimegachile Alfken, Sup. 1, p. 246)

This subgenus with component species was transferred to Chalicodoma Lepeletier by Michener, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 20.

Genus COELIOXYS Latreille, pp. 1183-1186

Change Liothryapis to Liothyrapis in generic synonymy.

alternata alternata Say, changed status. Mass. and Ont. to B. C., south to Fla. On flowers of Helianthus, Lepachys, Melilotus, Petalostemum, Pycnanthemum, Rhus, Rudbeckia, Verbena, and Verbesina. Host: Megachile (Sayapis) p. pugnata Say.

Coelioxys alternata Say. Reduced to subsp. rank (teste Mitchell, 1962. N. C. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 152: 195).

alternata wisconsinensis Cockerell. Mich., Ont., N. Y. south to N. C. Host: Megachile (Sayapis) p. pugnata Say.

Coelioxys wisconsinensis Cockerell. Reduced to subsp. rank (teste Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 196).

asteris Crawford. N. C. to Fla., west to Tex. On flowers of Afzelia, Bidens, Cephalanthus, Erigeron, Eryngium, Helenium, Heterotheca, Melilotus, Pycnanthemum, and Solidago.

*atlantica Mitchell. Que., Mass. and Ont., south to Fla., west to Man. and Nebr.

Coelioxys atlantica Mitchell, 1962. N. C. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 152: 198, fig. 65. 9, ô.

banksi Crawford. Syn. of moesta Cresson.

*boharti Mitchell. Fla. (Cocoa).

Coelioxys boharti Mitchell, 1962. N. C. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 152: 206 f.

deplanata Cresson.

Biology: Linsley, 1962. Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 55: 160-161, fig 7.

dolichos Fox. N. C. to Fla. On flowers of Bidens, Borrichia, Flaveria, Gailardia, Ilex, Itea, Rhus, Senecio, and Solidago. Host: Megachile (Melanosarus) xylocopoides Sm.

dubitata Smith. Syn. of rufitarsis rufitarsis Smith.

floridana Cresson. N. C. to Fla.

funerarea Smith. Yukon and B. C. east to N. S., south to Ill. and Pa., Ga. Hosts: Megachile (M.) inermis Prov., M. (M.) relativa Cr. and M. (Delomegachile) f. frigida Sm.

Coelioxys lateralis Cresson (syn. by Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 203).

Coelioxys lucrosa Cresson (syn. by Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 203).

*galactiae Mitchell. N. C., Fla., Ill. On flowers of Amorpha, Asclepias, Eriogonum, and Galactia.

Coelioxys galactiae Mitchell, 1962. N. C. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 152: 204, figs. 65, 66. o, ♂.

germana Cresson. Ill. to N. J., south to Fla. On flowers of Coreopsis, Flaveria, Helianthus, Heliopsis, Lespedeza, Lycopus, Petalostemum, Psoralea, Pycnanthemum, Silphium, Teucrium, and Verbena. hunteri Crawford. N. C. and Ind., south to Fla. and N. Mex. On flowers of Bidens, Helenium, and Mentha.

immaculata Cockerell. Ind. to New England States, south to Fla. On flowers of Asclepias, Baptisia, Rubus, and Tephrosia.

Coelioxys sculptifrons Crawford (syn. by Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 210).

lateralis Cresson. Syn. of funerarea Smith.

lucrosa Cresson. Syn. of funerarea Smith.

mendacina Cockerell. Syn. of sayi Robertson.

modesta Smith. Que. and New England States, west to Nebr., south to Fla. and Tex. On flowers of Aster, Campanula, Ceanothus, Chrysopsis, Helianthus, Lepachys, Lythrum, Melilotus, Psoralea, Pycnanthe

mum, Rhus, and Verbena. Hosts: ? Megachile (M.) centuncularis (L.) and Chalicodoma (Chelostomoides) campanulae wilmingtoni (Mitch.).

moesta Cresson. N. S. to Alaska, south to Va., Ind., Colo. On flowers of Solidago. Hosts: Megachile (M.) centuncularis (L.) and M. (M.) relativa Cr. Transfer tristis Provancher to syn. of sodalis CresCoelioxys banksi Crawford (syn. by Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 213).


novomexicana Cockerell. Host: Megachile gentilis Cr.

octodentata_Say. New England States and Que. to B. C., south to Fla. in the East, and to Calif. in West. Visits many flowers, particularly of Compositae and Leguminosae. Hosts: Megachile (M.) centuncularis (L.), M. (Litomegachile) b. brevis Say and M. (L.) mendica Cr.

piercei Crawford. N. C. to Fla., west to Tex. On flowers of Oenothera. Host: ? Megachile (Megachiloides) oenotherae (Mitch.).

porterae Cockerell. N. S. to N. C., west to Alta. and Wis. On flowers_of Baptisia, Coreopsis, Galax, Geranium, Houstonia, Hydrangea, Polygala, Pyncnanthemum, Rubus, and Vaccinium. Host: Megachile (M.) relativa Cr.

ribis Cockerell. Syn. of sodalis Cresson.

rufitarsis rufitarsis Smith. N. S. south to Ga., west to B. C. and Calif. On flowers of Asclepias, Aster, Baptisia, Blephilia, Helianthus, Lobelia, Melilotus, Monarda, Petalostemum, Rudbeckia, Solidago, Spiraea, Verbesina, and Vicia. Hosts: Megachile (Delomegachile) melanophaea Sm., M. (Xanthosarus) latimanus Say and M. (X.) perihirta Ckll.

Coelioxys dubitata Smith (syn. by Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 229). salinaria Cockerell. Host: Megachile (Litomegachile) brevis Say.

sayi Robertson. Ont. south to Fla. and Tex., west to B. C. Visits many flowers, specially Compositae and Leguminosae. Host: Megachile (Litomegachile) mendica Cr.

Coelioxys mendacina Cockerell (syn. by Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 222).

sculptifrons Crawford. Syn. of immaculata Cockerell.

slossoni arenicola Crawford. Tex. to Ga. and N. C. On flowers of Helianthus, Phaseolus, and Strophostyles.

slossoni slossoni Viereck. On flowers of Bidens.

sodalis Cresson. N. S. to N. W. T. and B. C., south to N. Y. and Wis. On flowers of Rhodora and Rubus. Host: Megachile (Delomegachile) melanophaea wootoni Ckll.

Coelioxys tristis Provancher. Transf. from syn, of moesta Cresson (teste Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 226).

Coelioxys ribis Cockerell (syn. by Mitchell, 1962, loc. cit. supra, p. 226). texana texana Cresson. Fla. and Minn. to Tex., Ariz.; Mexico. On a number of flowers, predominantly Compositae and Leguminosae.

wisconsinensis Cockerell. A subsp. of alternata Say.


Mitchell (1962. N. C. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 152) raises the three subfamilies of the Catalog (Anthophorinae, Xylocopinae, and Apinae) to family rank.


Taxonomy: Michener and Moure, 1957. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bul. 112: 395-452, 91 figs. (gen. reclass.).

EXOMALOPSIS subgenus EXOMALOPSIS Spinola, p. 1187

*pulchella Cresson. Southern Fla.; Cuba.

Exomalopsis pulchella Cresson, 1865. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 4: 191. 9, 6. *similis Cresson. Southern Fla.; Cuba, Costa Rica.

Exomalopsis similis Cresson, 1865. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 4: 191. 9. snowi Cockerell. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Phanomalopsis. solani Cockerell. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Phanomalopsis solidaginis Cockerell. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Phanomalopsis.

*EXOMALOPSIS subgenus PHANOMALOPSIS Michener and Moure

Exomalopsis subg. Phanomalopsis Michener and Moure, 1957. Amer. Mus.
Nat. Hist. Bul. 112: 430.

Type: Exomalopsis jenseni Friese. Orig. desig.

Place before Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorula, p. 1187.

snowi Cockerell. Transf. from Exomalopsis subg. Exomalopsis, p. 1187 (teste Michener and Moure, 1957, loc. cit. supra, p. 430).

solani Cockerell. Transf. from Exomalopsis subg. Exomalopsis, p. 1187 (teste Michener and Moure, 1957, loc. cit. supra, p. 430).

solidaginis Cockerell. Transf. from Exomalopsis subg. Exomalopsis, p. 1187 (teste Michener and Moure, 1957, loc. cit. supra, p. 430.

EXOMALOPSIS subgenus ANTHOPHORULA Cockerell, pp. 1187-1188

albicans (Provancher). Oreg.

chionura Cockerell. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca.
chlorina Cockerell. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca.
micheneri Timberlake. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca.
morgani (Cockerell). Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca.
nitens Cockerell. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca.
pygmaea (Cresson). Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca.
sidae Cockerell. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca.
texana Friese. Transf. to Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca.

*EXOMALOPSIS subgenus ANTHOPHORISCA Michener and Moure Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorisca Michener and Moure, 1957. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bul. 112: 433.

Type: Melissodes pygmaea Cresson. Orig. desig.

Place after Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorula,p. 1188.

*asteris Mitchell. Tex., Ind. On flowers of Aster.

Exomalopsis (Anthophorisca) asteris Mitchell, 1962. N. C. Agr. Expt.
Sta. Tech. Bull. 152: 236, fig. 68. 2, ô.

chionura Cockerell. Transf. from Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorula, p. 1187 (teste Michener and Moure, 1957, loc. cit. supra, p. 434).

Taxonomy: Rozen, 1957. Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 50: 469-475 (larva). Biology: Rozen and MacNeill, 1957. Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 50: 522-529. chlorina Cockerell. Transf. from Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorula, p. 1187 (teste Michener and Moure, 1957, loc. cit. supra, p. 434).

micheneri Timberlake. Transf. from Exomalopsis subg. Anthophorula, p. 1188 (teste Michener and Moure, 1957, loc. cit. supra, p. 434).

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